
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 31)

  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Biggest Simp stories in the Strip Club
    I would pay $1200 for an hour with a select few famous pornstars or insta girls or only fans girls. Even then it would need to be someone well reviewed or the activities were guaranteed to some extent. Its got to suck being scammed by a stripper. With an online girl at least you can leave reviews, blacklist their phone number etc.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Biggest Simp stories in the Strip Club
    Readytomonger to be fair that story is more a lesson of how you should never pay up front and never pay a large amount for vip. There’s nothing stopping the dancer from doing the same thing to anyone who pays $1200 for a vip. Even if she promises you something beforehand, she can just scam you and do nothing in the vip room. If you try to force her to provide service, you can get thrown out of the club or even accused of sexual assault. If he can and if opportunity presents itself he should steal back what she stole from him
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    what do younger customers want?
    The younger guys could be racist… they could be into darker or lighter skin.. they could be into larger or skinnier women… they could be into longer straighter hair, or buzzcuts… they could be into larger eyes/lips.. or smaller eyes/lips
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    what do younger customers want?
    Readytomonger, there shouldnt be more yeast in the folds of fat unless they arent showering. That sounds gross. Now another thing.. one time i was with a girl who wasnt that fat… i sucked her nipple, and it had such a salty yeasty taste to it… and she had empty dominos pizza boxes stacked up on the desk of her hotel room. I was so disgusted. How can someone develop such a yeasty taste on the nipple itself unless theyre not washing that area with soap or something? Or even worse, what if some guy came right on the nipple and thats what i was tasting?
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Biden isn't going anywhere - July 12, 2024
    Like biden himself admitted weeks back, he might not be able to walk like he used to… he might not be able to talk and debate like he used to… but he speaks the damn truth. And thats what matters
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    New York
    Trump Shot at Rally in Pennsylvania
    Puddy Tat, the dems are funding iran and hamas where and when? I havent seen any of them say or do anything pro hamas unless you consider pro palestine statements as being pro hamas. Regardless, its crazy that hamas is even being discussed when israel is by all counts, more evil, killed far more people, has a history of even attacking/sabotaging the US itself etc. Also its been proven that right wingers don’t actually support freedom of speech either. Like ive been saying for years, when it comes down to it the left wing has favored groups whom they want to restrict speech in favor of, and it’s basically a couple minority races and maybe lgbtq. Now, the right has the same thing. You merely need to examine the anti semitism bill from months ago and see how many right wingers proudly and fully supported insane free speech restrictions when it came to israel or judaism.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Stage and security
    Good point friend…
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    New York
    Trump Shot at Rally in Pennsylvania
    In all fairness, republicans say similar or worse stuff about biden, obama, hillary etc. look at the things being said about hillary, they said she was a child killer and worse. Even with racist violence, whether black on white or white on black, there is often some fuel source behind the scenes. Racist friends or family or online posts social media.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Stage and security
    How cheap is OTC at EI? $100?
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Stage and security
    The beard guy was chill with us.. i believe he didnt do any patdown, just ran the metal detector all over and asked for phones. The metal detector would have caught the phones though The sneaking in phones would be a wimp guy routine since I would be trying to sneak it.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Stage and security
    Ok cool. We did go at night but I believe before 10pm. We still had to go through him before we coild enter. Entrance fee was paid right at the main entrance, then go inside, another door, then hes there. He checks you with the metal detector, asks if you have a phone, then bags the phone… i was thinking of lying about the phone.. but metal detector probably would have caught it.. also if i remember right i think some people had their phones inside there..
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Stage and security
    Im wondering if i saw that ebony inn guy I remember the pretty tall bearded older man
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    I'd live this way again
    Words I Understand + Another ROB
    Why was the one dancer not able to straddle you? Boyfriend or something? What is a DO joke?
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Man sues Las Vegas dancer for over $38M
    Will he possibly be able to get anything back? They werent married and he gave her the stuff as gifts seemingly
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many clubs in your rotation?
    None in the rotation for now, but it depends. I seriously lost interest in clubbing since getting more into escorts. Particularly the escorts in the $300-$500 hourly range which at many clubs, may only get you half an hour VIP where you can get scammed or just dont have extras available. But I am getting back into it now especially as I was told by a few people extras and OTC are available for good rates these days. I am into eating the pussy, fingering, bbbj, tongue kissing, more than a grind lapdance and grabbing the ass and boobs.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Good VIP lap dances but the quality of the girls just too low
    But there are levels to civi girls. I hope to find girls with the bbl, thicc, pornstar type look at clubs. Its not that common with civi girls, but even if it is there, most likely youll have to pay for it in some way with civvie girls. One big difference is $30 or $50 can get you a guaranteed lapdance at a club while with a civvie spending that on a date can get you nothing, a kiss on the cheek, etc… anyone i know into civvie dating or married doesnt appear any happier… in fact the guys into escorts appear happier… i think a lot of guys married or not, enjoy seeing multiple different women
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Stage and security
    Regarding ebony inn the guy who takes your phones and bags them in a briefcase.. i believe was just in the black t shirt with security written. But i do think ebony inn may have had a woman in a police looking uniform as well. She was standing nearby the entrance in the bar area. Not sure. Showcase also had an official cop car parked very closeby. Not in the clubs own parking lot but it was at the next door business around the corner. They also had a random guy in a white t shirt and jeans open carrying a gun on his jeans. And, they had a guy wearing black sweats, with black t shirt and the word security printed on the t shirt. I don’t think the security t shirt guy was armed.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Stage and security
    I went to ebony inn a month back and those guys just had the black security t shirts didnt they. And nobody was checking in the VIP couch area. There was a police car parked right nearby the club as well. Nobody sitting inside, not in the clubs own parking but nearby. Yeah the cops had the standard blue outfit with the decorative stitched shoulder patches… i didnt read what the patches said. Their vest possibly said police on the back… cant remember. Ill try to go again soon and see who is there next time. The cops stayed at the entrance the whole night. When you entered you paid $30 entrance fee to someone behind a window. Then step into the next door where one cop takes your receipt and the other marks your hand with highlighter. Cops stood at that spot all night, but at the end maybe around 2:45am one of the cops went back into the lapdance area just very briefly maybe 30 seconds. Yeah you are right as far as who is better at protecting you. Its just a bit weird having the cops there. And what if you’re getting extras or even just playing with her pussy and they see.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    But not too old!
    Advice to Strippers
    Ilbbaicnl, strippers and escorts are not the only women who supposedly tolerate sleeping with older or unattractive men. Most men are unattractive and for most of human history, women have been sleeping with unattractive men. Plenty of people enter into relationships for financial purposes especially with the modern laws around divorce, child support, etc. the highest chance a woman is genuinely attracted to a guy is for a one night stand but even thats not really the case because they do it plenty of times for rich famous or high status guys who are unattractive. But rest assured, this phenomenon of attractive women painfully sleeping with men they aren’t physically attracted to, isn’t something unique to strippers and escorts. attraction with women isnt physical like it is for men, anyway…
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Weekend Vibe Way different than Weekday Vibe
    It wasnt just security guards at the entrance standing guard in the main floor area.. they were straight up armed police in blue uniform…
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Boobie sucking...Is it an extra?
    Certain pimped girls, or girls with a boyfriend or husband pimp, can have that no nipple touching rule. Theres been threads posted throughout the years on the stripper forums about how some think it crosses a line because its too intimate to do it with a client Or because they can easily orgasm from it and dont think they should be reaching O’s with clients. The important thing to note is its not just strippers but even some hoes who have that rule. Imagine paying for an hour appointment and you cant do something as basic as playing with the nipples. Basically getting scammed
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Biden isn't going anywhere - July 12, 2024
    The superior man will win the presidency- Trumps the superior man so it’s his time
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Biden isn't going anywhere - July 12, 2024
    Florida is a red state- everyone should vote with their state and not be the odd one out. Michigan will probably go to Trump thanks to Bidens horrible treatment of the Palestinians whereas Trumps daughter married a Lebanese guy…
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    First Presidential Debate?
    Trump is the top dog, and least corrupt president we have had in decades if not centuries.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    First Presidential Debate?
    Trump was more willing to be critical of israel and netanyahu, and i believe received less donations from AIPAC, so he appears to be less corrupt than Biden. Of course Biden probably isnt corrupt himself, even if he was when he was younger, hes not in his senses enough currently, to genuinely be corrupt. He obviously has people behind the scenes controlling and directing him. He gave a hilarious speech saying he might not walk like he used to.. might not talk like he used to.. but he speaks the truth! And the crowd erupted in cheers.