
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 30)

  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    Heels up harris
    No… they physically may be able to print more money.. that doesn’t mean its a good, moral, or even legal or economically sound thing to do… Money belongs to whoever earned it.. if someone takes your money that is in fact theft. It doesn’t matter whether the money mentions the federal reserve on it. . It is also theft and welfare leeching if another country is given billions of dollars for free.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Biggest Simp stories in the Strip Club
    RTM the only part unfortunately missing from your story is that you couldn’t deliver a good old fashioned KO after taking back your property. You had every right to do even much more than what you did.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Admission fee for the lady when she's part of a couple?
    Well said misterorange and RTM… id gladly let my girl suck you guys off if we were in the same club.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Admission fee for the lady when she's part of a couple?
    Now regarding lapdances- it doesnt make sense to charge more for lapdances. Lapdances are sold in time increments. If a solo guy gets a 10 minute dance- the dancer is dancing on him and hes grabbing her boobs. If two people get the same dancer for 10 minutes- she can still only dance on one person at a time and have two hands on her boobs at one time. So the price of a dance shouldn’t be any different - if a club charges more for a couple to get a lapdance they are basically scamming the customer.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Admission fee for the lady when she's part of a couple?
    Agreed with the points made on why regular clubs have incentives to let girls in free while strip clubs dont. I dont agree that the female customers of a strip club are “horny civilians”. Maybe if theyre hoes posing as customers. If they’re going as a couple, it could be that the girl is genuinely bi, but it could also be that the girl wants to keep watch on her man.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    Heels up harris
    Part of the reason trump can do so well is unfortunately the amount of dumb/violent/racist people in the country. He says certain things, intentionally, in order to appeal to people with certain viewpoints and beliefs. There are still people who believe in a racial hierarchy or religious hierarchy or a nationalist hierarchy… and Trump knows exactly what to say or not say to pull them. Unfortunately that crowd makes other trump voters look bad…hopefully the America first wing of the republican base can put a stop to this nonsense… one guy on another thread was trying to convince me that its not theft or welfare if taxpayer dollars are given to israel… but the same guy had major issue with racial reparations within the US or redistributing taxpayer dollars to homeless or poor people within the US… imagine the level of brainwashed you have to be.. to think it’s perfectly good and fine to send taxpayer dollars to foreign countries,, but be unwilling to help your fellow citizens with the same money
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New York
    Trump Shot at Rally in Pennsylvania
    Now that is all besides the fact someone stealing 40 billion in a year is in no way shape or form honest. Your basically arguing that israel was hiding weapons in/under their music festival therefore it was okay for palestine to attack people at the music festival
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New York
    Trump Shot at Rally in Pennsylvania
    Again if youre claiming attacking civilians is okay if you suspect they could be hiding weapons/suspect they could be hiding weapons in their houses/schools, you are basically justifying every terrorist attack in human history. Thats not how morality or rules of war work. You can go after confirmed murderers. If you dont have the ability or capability to target the confirmed murderers, no that doesnt mean you can just nuke their whole country or indiscriminately bomb everything in human sight. Again your logic can be used to literally justify every terrorist attack in human history. At the end of the day you’re basically arguing for why school shootings are morally acceptable. Its nonsensical. You cant attack random people in a school just because some students at that school did something to you.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Biden isn't going anywhere - July 12, 2024
    Biden stepped down… i hope anyone claiming he would never stop down, admit they judged wrong and were incorrect
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Which is worse?
    Puddy tat you got owned by 25 my friend… he might be older .. but he can still whoop any younger guy any day
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    Heels up harris
    No doubt, voted for trump but it’s something i keep To myself. Extremists like this puddy tat guy, make it absolutely embarrassing to vote for trump. Lol “only friend in that part of the world” weve got turkey, saudi arabia, india, UAE… countries who also arent stealing money from us. Laughable. It absolutely is welfare mooching and theft. Welfare doesn’t magically not become welfare because your giving it to one religion vs another or one race vs another. Youve got to drop the racial hierarchy and religious hierarchy nonsense… its utter insanity. People like you are why trump voters get accused of being racist or anti immigrant.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New York
    Trump Shot at Rally in Pennsylvania
    This is a lot more simple than you or any israel apologists make it out to be. If a group of people kills 1,200 people, does that mean that now, it’s acceptable to murder anyone who shares the same gender/race/religion of those original murderers? Or that you can attack the entire country of those murderers? The answer would be no across the board, period. 9/11 was wrong because a group of people decided to attack random civilians. killing civilians intentionally = terrorism no matter who does it. and lol, nobody in humam history has or ever can kill 50,000 civilians accidentally. israel doesnt only target mosques and hospitals either. not to mention the laughable logic behind attempting to argue killing civilians is okay if you suspect they could be hiding weapons or sheltering murderers. so as long as Hamas merely suspected the 1200 civilians they killed, were hiding weapons or sheltering violent IDF soldiers in their house, it would make it okay to attack? or if they "suspected" a music festival could have weapons or infrastructure hidden they can attack? nonsense. its funny you talk about "white hood" when you literally claim, repeatedly, that an Israeli person is hundreds of times more valuable than a Palestinian person. to better clarify your belief system, I asked you how you believe a white, black, asian or latino person stacks up in your racial hierarchy system and you refused to answer. if you watch even basic news reports and follow basic rules of war.. concepts of morality… you would understand that it isnt actually acceptable to attack an entire neighborhood, city, country, religion, race, just because someone from one of those groups did something violent. in order to support israel you are basically attempting to argue that its fine to attack an entire country or race of people as punishment for something a handful of them did. there is no rule of war or law anywhere that allows for something like this, other than Jewish extremist religious texts. have you not read about a school shooting in the news at any point? kid at a school gets bullied by some people, then later on starts shooting at random people in that school. its concerning to me that you think that sort of behavior is normal. its like your mind is twisted- similar to these violent criminals. to a rational law abiding person, we understand school shootings are bad and immoral because yourr attacking random classmates for something one or two particular classmates did. in your deluded mind this is somehow normal behavior…
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    New York
    Trump Shot at Rally in Pennsylvania
    You werent even willing to condemn the uss liberty or king david hotel attacks, or the lavon affair or the yinon plan. How crazy is that?
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    Heels up harris
    Welfare is welfare whether its given to people who enter the country, or sent overseas to a so called ally. Its interesting (and good) that the America first conservatives are continuing to gain more and more ground than the rinos and neoconservatives. Nobody wants a candidate whos allegiance is to another country
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    Heels up harris
    The right wing will still provide racial reparations and restrict free speech, theyll just do it for Israelis instead of native american or black people. The key things to focus on really are immigration, abortion, gun rights, tax rates, forced vaccinations. Iran/Hamas get almost 0 funding, whereas trashy Israel gets more than every other country combined, is a country that isnt an ally in any way shape or form, and is basically attempting to start WW3 and forcing other countries to get involved.
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    3 months ago
    New York
    Trump Shot at Rally in Pennsylvania
    Laughably, i like how you chose to focus on the “conspiracies” even though i already debunked you beforehand and explicitly told you if thats too conspiracy for you, theres several confirmed events like the king david hotel bombing. See you dont get it. Poor upbringing, subhuman character, lack of morality. If X group refuses to release hostages, doesnt mean you can go on a rampage killing whoever you want. Im not sure where you got that idea. Hah, good one. Im thinking a jewish guy screwed your girl and you happily let him, and even offered to screw him. I mean you’re literally attempting to argue that its morally acceptable for Israelis to go around killing anyone and everyone they please. I would assume youre also on some watchlists somewhere considering you basically are operating under a terrorist mindset. You believe if someone from a particular country kidnaps your family or attacks your family members, you can go and attack random people from that country. Its a tribal mindset to have.. its subhuman.. and its also the same sort of logic terrorists and gang members use to attempt to justify their killings.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    New York
    Trump Shot at Rally in Pennsylvania
    “Righteousness” is a separate concept. This isnt tough to understand. You know why and how terrorism is immoral, correct? If someone kills yoir family, it doesnt give you the right to blow up their whole neighborhood. This is like, a basic, humanistic concept you learn at maybe 5 years old and which most if not all major religions also teach. Israel, literally does the equivalent of blowing up an entire country, because less than 1% of their population was killed. That is literally the definition of terrorism. What you fail to understand is that terrorism is terrorism no matter the religious of the person doing it, or the religion of the person its being done to. Attacking civilians, is terrorism, whether Hamas does it to Israel, or Israel does it to someone else. Israel doesnt verify whether people are affiliated with Hamas before killing them. It literally, intentionally kills civilians which equals terrorism. Since israel has killed like, 100x as many people as hamas, that means israel is an even bigger terrorist. Now, israel is no ally to America, hell, even people who support israel for religious reasons dont do it because of some sort of goodness jn israel. The people who support israel for religious reasons do so because they believe tbe sooner israel is established the sooner Jesus can return and then kill off israel. So its kind of a laughable situation when even the majority of israel supporters themselves, are essentially praying for the death of israel long term. Israels certainly no ally, considering JFK and Nixon were both anti israel and israel is the primary suspect for what happened to them. If thats “conspiracy” then we can stick to confirmed facts and look up the uss liberty attack, the king david hotel bombing, the yinyon plan, the irgun, and numerous other cases of israel being involved in shady stuff. Israel also certainly isnt the only place in the middle east where lgbtq have rights… they have the same rights everywhere else. The iron dome technology is something they wouldnt even have had they not stolen american taxpayer dollars. And yes no matter who approves giving money to israel, it still is israel thieving and mooching those dollars. Queers for palestine doesnt equate to chickens for kfc because palestinian civilians dont have an issue with lgbtq. If Palestine= hamas then israel = the idf/government. And once again israel has killed more, stolen more, mooched and leeched more… morality is measured in numbers. A group that kills more people, is more evil. Thats why you have to bend over backwards and attempt to “explain” why a certain religions followers are 50x as valuable as another race/religion. It’s essentially the only way you can back israel in any way and attempt to stay logically consistent.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Biggest Simp stories in the Strip Club
    Readytomonger that sounds amazing mate. How much extra money did you take beyond what sbe took from you? She did owe you a small amount extra for wasting your time with the thieving behavior and at the same time maybe you didnt have time to count all her cash while she was gone. That’s fortunate you were able to do that. Did you ever go back to that club/run into her again? What happened then
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    What happened to Vee? Hello Leah
    Hank are you saying you ask dancers to do that at clubs where they do tax you for changing bills?
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    New York
    Trump Shot at Rally in Pennsylvania
    “Surpassing neighbors” i would imagine they surpassed their neighbors because theyre leeching 40 billion+ US taxpayer dollars a year while their neighbors are getting like 500 million a year lol. Once again its a numbers game. Israel kills more, steals more, mooches and leeches more, and their long term agenda of “greater israel” doesnt just include palestine but literally the entire middle east. They cant even fight their own wars without stealing money from other countries. Nothing intelligent or entrepreneurial about any of it
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    I didnt realize shes an actual pornstar. She can probably charge $800-$1000 an hour and get a lot of bookings. Are yall finding girls like this for under $400 an hour? I havent seen anyone looking like this charging less
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Which is worse?
    Im not sure middle class benefits from democratic policies. They seem to help primarily the wealthy and the poor. So its perfect for the tech and finance bros, and also people making under 50k a year. People have to understand some of the dumb or questionable stuff trump says, can at times be a tactic to attract a certain group of voters. Either religious extremists or racial extremists.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    New York
    Trump Shot at Rally in Pennsylvania
    Lol every death is on hamas even when israel does the killing? I still dont get what it is with right wingers bending over backwards to defend a corrupt, inferior, subpar nation desperately trying to kill and steal 24/7. Anyway, your argument defeats itself. You cant possibly defend or believe in the constitution because by your own admission you believe an israeli citizens life is more valuable than an arabs, and believe people have different values dependent on their race or religion.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    Isnt that one of dan bilzerians former girls or models? Also I would think she could easily get $500 an hour with her looks? I would probably pay that too for the first time…
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Milf lover and newbie nerd
    Pros and cons of the Cuban invasion?
    Its an excellent thing. Whether its russian or cuban or any immigrant dancers coming in, is always a good thing. Without them youre stuck with the garbage pimped out, low mileage dancers.