
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 29)

  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    NY/NJ bound
    The Block
    @fun well that’s unfortunate… i may still go with a friend just to watch the stage at some point then… ill just stick to the ritz, showcase, bodyshop, maybe ebony inn again…
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Transgender Dancers?
    To me if i hear of smith taking his cheating wife back, it doesnt affect me, and he isnt harming anyone else, so it doesnt matter. People can have open relationships, cuck relationships if they want. But smith attacking chris rock, is a much bigger issue than him letting his kid be trans or letting his wife sleep with other men.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Transgender Dancers?
    Manuella there are guys who operate under a twisted idea that if they personally wouldnt do something, they have to hate that thing they wouldnt do or that person they wouldnt want to be, even if they arent doing anything immoral. It stems from some sort of insecurity. Theyre worried that if they Dont absolutely hate that person, that theres a chance they could become like them in some way. To give you an example, a guy I knew, had a major issue with Walter White in breaking bad, when he took his wife back even though she cheated with ted. Now, you could make an argument that its cuck behavior, weak behavior, desperate behavior, that walter didnt forever divorce and leave her after the cheating. But at the end of the day, did that scenario involve Walter harming or screwing someone else over? No, not at all, unless you make some far reaching argument that Walter taking his cheating wife back somehow harmed his son or something. Now, the same guy hated Will smith for what he thought was “cuck” behavior. Its once again notable, that he didnt hate will smith for slapping chris rock, on the contrary, his big issue with will smith was that he stayed with his wife even though she cheated. Once again its a personal decision that harm’s nobody besides potentially will smith himself. To a normal person, will smith slapping chris rock is a valid reason to hate on him. But to an insecure, twisted guy, the biggest issue with smith becomes why he took his cheating wife back. I wonder if the bullying of nerdy guys or gay guys or trans people has some sort of similar element. Maybe its an insecure guy who feels he needs to prove how much he isnt a nerdy guy, how much he isnt gay, how much he isnt trans. And in their mind- what better way to prove you arent nerdy or arent trans- than beating up nerds and trans people. Surely if youre beating them up, then you cant be anything like them, and are automatically superior.
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    2 months ago
    Waterpark/Amusement Park Reccomendations
    They have a six flags in maryland but it’s considered ghetto gangsta territory. In seattle, they had this family fun center theme park which always had tatted gangstas hanging around. Whats up with that?
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    NY/NJ bound
    The Block
    How cheap are the rates in the block though?
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    2 months ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Biden isn't going anywhere - July 12, 2024
    @rickdugan and others some people online are saying Biden has already passed away? The phone call he had with Kamala was actually an AI Joe Biden? Additionally supposedly there was a microsoft outage last week and that caused an issue with their AI Joe Biden. So they wont be able to keep using AI with him and thats why they need to have someone else become president soon.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Male Enhancement Solutions
    Regarding the pizzas, the new york style pizza from Dominos is probably safer. Since they really cut down on the bread on it, maybe the cheese to some extent too. If your getting the handmade pan stuff, that looks and tastes like it’s fried, so it uses a lot more oil, probably soybean I would think. Most places that use cooking oils use the cheaper ones which are dangerous. But the good thing is most of the time beef products dont have added oils. Sometimes bread doesnt have much oil in jt either. But if you get rice at say chipotle or cava you can tell its soaked in grease. It tastes way too good, has an oily texture… i think cava said they use sunflower oil on their rice. Im not sure what chipotle uses . The Chinese restaurants seem to use plain rice with no oil
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    2 months ago
    Male Enhancement Solutions
    You can get high quality milk, skyr or greek yogurt, and also whey protein for fast living. Usually minimal cleanup and minimal preparation. The whey can be mixed with fruit juice. Also you can get organic oatmeal or some organic cereals. Sausage if its pork will still have too much omega 6 fat unless you get some special , grass fed or milk fed pork. Which is hard to find. Fish will have too much fat too unless its a leaner kind
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Male Enhancement Solutions
    Ggofv. On paper, the mcdonalds beef doesnt appeae that bad. They claim it is 100% beef. It should at least be the same as cheap ground beef youd get at any grocery store. The cheaper stuff isnt grass fed or organic, but should be similar. But the biggest problems with mcdonalds, is the fries, the fried fish/chicken, and then the mayonnaise, the big mac sauce, and the buns. If you look it up, their sauces like mayo/mac sauce use soybean oil. Additional, the buns also use soybean oil, but in a much smaller amount. The buns you could probably get away with if you eat at most 1 bun per day. So youd need to throw away the buns jf you get multiple sandwiches. I think they should allow you to purchase additional beef patties at $1 each or something. Anyway mcdonalds isnt ideal but the beef patties can be useful if your on the road. Even the pickles on their sandwiches contain “alum” and a bunch of chemicals. The lettuce isnt organic. So your better off just not getting any toppings besides a small slice cheese, ketchup mustard. And their diced onions should be okay, they are just onion nothing added.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Male Enhancement Solutions
    Testosterone can be risky, cause hair loss or even gyno. Problem with testosterone is it can convert to estrogen easily especially if you already have high cortisol or estrogen. And serotonin can cause issues down there too, hence the anti depressants causing issues. Dietary cholesterol, saturated fat, even carbs to some extent, actually help with boners. Red meat, dairy fat, butter, etc. Its the omega 3/omega 6 oils that can hurt, and omega 6 more so than omega 3. So that basically includes all fried foods, chips, rice, fish, most nuts and most seeds and most oils… even most desserts unless theyre made using butter or olive/avocado/coconut oil or creme. Pork fat and chicken fat is a nono because they usually have way too much omega 6 also. What is your diet like? What supplements/drugs/medicines do you use? Most of the time those things have side effects. Its about blood flow, but also hormones, and also muscle. The dick is a muscle, so generally things that improve muscle growth or blood flow, should also improve it. That means to some extent, you need carbs/protein in the diet. So if youre doing a keto diet where protein/carbs are too low that could easily hurt things.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Transgender Dancers?
    @georgmicrodong I believe Skibums post was addressed to you
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Transgender Dancers?
    ^even if it is about birth junk alone, that should prove even more so that there are other genders. When you have trans people who can take hormones and change their junk from one form to another,
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New York
    Salma Hayek
    You could get OTC from a look alike of her for $200 to $300.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Transgender Dancers?
    Lol so producing eggs vs producing sperm means youre the same gender? Absolute nonsense. You dont need science to tell you that someone who grew a vagina using chemicals clearly isn’t biologically the same as someone who didnt use those chemicals. So a hermaphrodite has both but because they aren’t functioning its a male or female? Nonsense. The fact it has those features, functioning or not, by definition means its not male nor female.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Transgender Dancers?
    No there are not 4. At a bare minimum theres 5 genders. And if you really get down to it, there could probably be 199. One person could be 98% male 2% female… one person could be 90% male 10% female.. 50% female 50% male… etc. everyone has been influenced by different diets, chemicals, environments, etc which changes your biology. But if you want to ignore those specific categories like whether someones 90% male vs 95% male, theres still a minimum of 5 if not 6 genders. Which are male, female, mostly male some female, mostly female some male, and hermaphrodite which can in itself be divided into mostly male or mostly female or perfect split if there is such a thing. The fact is that taking certain hormones can literally do things like grow or shrink breasts, grow or shrink penises, grow vaginas or half a vagina.. etc. you cannot genuinely and honestly say, with a straight face, that an average or muscular male, with no breasts and an average or bigger penis, is the same as someone who grew breasts, shrunk their penis into below average or more, or started growing a vagina, lost their facial hair and body hair, etc. Im not sure why the subject is even debated to begin with, it seems like some weird argument some conservatives want to start with the liberal lgbtq side where they can proudly say “hah! Theres only 2 genders, trans people dont exist”. Its very strange and oddly enough it’s similar to conservatives who start claiming Palestine doesnt exist in some sort of odd attempt to excuse Israel killing them… You can debate abortion… gun laws.. immigration.. but the trans subject isn’t something up to date. It basically comes across as if theyre denying that these chemicals exist or that modern chemicals have the power to have insane effects. Now you combine that with the fact some conservatives are anti vaxxers and it becomes even stranger. If there’s chemicals that can cause cancer, cause deformities, and potentially kill people, it shouldn’t be tough to understand that chemicals can to some extent, alter your gender and biology.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Transgender Dancers?
    ^Puddy you might be partially correct but theres no doubt these hormones absolutely can change you significantly into moving towards the other gender. Female to male transgenders have started growing dicks. Male to female ones have shrunken their dicks or even started turning them into pussies. So to some extent they do biologically change your gender. Now, theres no way you can argue someone who has done all that, and grown new sex organs, is still just a male or just a female simply because thats what they originally were. They are trans which is its own separate gender, or a mix of the two genders.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Biden isn't going anywhere - July 12, 2024
    Yeah whether Trump or someone else, im hoping they don’t restrict Cubans or Colombians from coming in- or at least let the women come through. Even from the middle eastern countries- at least let the women come through. Legalize prostitution on top of it so the government can tax their income and make a ton of money. Imagine how many customers these immigrant women would have with fully legalized prostitution to the point you can solicit anyone in public places
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    2 months ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    Heels up harris
    What makes Shapiro a good candidate? The buffoon would literally hand the country over to israel. We definitely dont need someone giving even more money or control to israel. Shapiro can stay down where he belongs and let his superiors handle the presidency. Newsom would be a better choice. Even Michelle Obama
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Transgender Dancers?
    Its sexist and racist to insult trans people or use emojis like 🤢 🤮 smh. They are people and deserve respect
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Transgender Dancers?
    I got fooled a few times. There was a phillipino dancer who looked so boyish, and her voice had a tone to it that made me think she could be trans. A different time there was a latina dancer who came up started massaging me, and had me speechless as I thought it was a trans guy flirting with me. That was the first time i ever went to a club and wasnt aware the dancers walk around with clothes on to talk to customers.
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    2 months ago
    How is Baltimore / DMV so bad
    Hank, this doesn’t make sense “ Even though the laws didn’t change, stopping enforcement of them did”
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    2 months ago
    The American women (of any race) dont like them because they often look better, offer better service and for lower cost. Even on the escort sites youll often find horribly gross american women asking ridiculous rates like $500 Or even $1000 an hour. Cubans, and many different latina immigrants, offer much cheaper service.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Biggest Simp stories in the Strip Club
    Extras strippers.. escorts.. like drug dealers are in an illegal or semi legal industry so there’s probably a higher % of scammers in those industries unfortunately
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Biggest Simp stories in the Strip Club
    Wallanon, you say there are dancers who would try to have a guy killed over something like that. I believe you, but those sound like some ghetto, criminal dancers. Anyway in this case its not theft unless you count the extra $200 he stole on top of what the dancer stole from him. Theft is still theft even if the law doesnt recognize it… if someone steals your illegal drugs, the law doesnt consider it theft, but it technically still is theft, and anyone who is doing that, regardless of their gender, deserves a good old KO. The good news is you could probably even get away with KOing some of those scammers because theyll be too afraid to go to the cops or, have some sort of wannabe gangster mentality where they hate cops and would never call upon them for help.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    Heels up harris
    No… they physically may be able to print more money.. that doesn’t mean its a good, moral, or even legal or economically sound thing to do… Money belongs to whoever earned it.. if someone takes your money that is in fact theft. It doesn’t matter whether the money mentions the federal reserve on it. . It is also theft and welfare leeching if another country is given billions of dollars for free.