
How is Baltimore / DMV so bad

Avatar for Grjax

Don’t feel like writing any more reviews..

One of the largest concentrations of wealth in a 50mile radius. And not one decent club.

The block is dead. Circus is the only play.

Showcase has the best milage for LDs in DMV.

Mcdoogles is the best overall right now(imo)byob, a lot of girls, but can be a bust cause weekends are super busy. Super uncomfortable, not a lot of seating.

All the “higher end” clubs lack talent and any kind of milage.

Done with clubs in dmv 🫡. Maybe will try again in 6 months.


last comment
Avatar for funonthaside

Showcase has the best mileage for LDs? That's so untrue.

Other than Hustler, did the area ever have any high-end clubs? And, have high-end clubs even been known for significant action (and if available, certainly not at reasonable prices).

We know the club scene is in its final days if The Circus, once seen as the club where dancers end their careers, is the high point of The Block.

At least DMV/Baltimore still has many clubs, even if not as good as they once were.

Avatar for wallanon

So you're going to get two basic kinds of replies on this, guys who'll show up and try to help you and dudes who'll ridicule you and challenge you to level up. Maybe you'll even find some people agreeing with you, but I wouldn't be one of them.

I just got done writing today about how there's too much "you're an idiot" happening on the boards, so instead I'll ask what your comps are what do you think is wrong? It sounds like the problem is you can't just walk into a club now and fall into a pussy if you trip. What do you consider to be high mileage?

Avatar for funonthaside

The DMV/Baltimore is still superior to the options in NYC Metro, and maybe even LA. I'll take it.

Avatar for Manuellabore

Haven't been there much post-pandemic. Are there any clubs other than on the Block where FS is even an option? scanning the reviews, it doesn't look promising.

Avatar for wallanon

"Don’t feel like writing any more reviews.."

I'm kinda there, too, but it's because the things I notice about clubs aren't that helpful to noobs and if I talk about what actually happened then I'm basically telling clubs who I am unless I sit on a review a while. Even then if it's a club I frequent I'm basically telling them who I am, so yeah. And in between is all the other stuff I don't care about like how much it cost to get in, whatever it is I paid for a drink to nurse so they'd stop asking me, what color the carpet was and whatever the diehards think I need to remember to prove I was there.

Most times all I remember clearly anymore is which dancers I'm most likely to bang, and that's not going in a review because noobs lol.

Avatar for shailynn

There are lots of cities across the US where the strip club scene sucks and it’s never made sense to me as why?

I’ve always felt (at least in the past) DMV once had a thriving escort scene probably because the strip club scene was so weak.

Avatar for wallanon

"The DMV/Baltimore is still superior to the options in NYC Metro, and maybe even LA."

Maybe NYC, even though Long Island is a little underrated. On LA I'm gonna hafta disagree with you there, sir. There's a lot of clubs in LA and from the high-end to the dives there was fun to be had my last time through...but then again I haven't been there since the pandemic so maybe it is all balls now. But pre-pandemic LA stomped pre-pandemic Baltimore Metro for the strip club scene so I'd be surprised if it flipped. And I like the Baltimore/DMV clubs, but they're a shadow of what they were 10 to 20 years ago. Most major cities are like that now.

Avatar for funonthaside

On thing I have certainly noticed about The Block's decline is that in its heyday, I would jump from club to club looking for the best quantity and quality....then it changed to looking for best quality, then to which has girl(s) that weren't repulsive; to the current state of looking for a club which has A girl.

Avatar for steve3000

Regarding Baltimore - Night Shift, Hustler and Gold Club were all decent "higher end" clubs, but all peaked a decade ago. Maybe 15 for Night Shift. I stopped going to them all about 5 years ago after too many subpar visits.

I've heard good things about Penthouse (formerly Scores) but haven't been there for years.

I was never a fan of the Block. Too much sadness, desperation, and craziness for me.

Avatar for funonthaside

I would say Penthouse is likely the leader in the higher end clubs in DMV/Baltimore when considering all factors. DC city clubs are outrageously expensive.

Avatar for PinkSugarDoll

I lived in DC, it was a long time ago but it sucked there bc of the laws. Imo laws for strip clubs never get looser, only more strict if anything, so I’d imagine it’s the same.

It’s also a time of year when the club is slow so not as many girls may be working. When I was full time dancing I took off from after the first weekend in December until the last weekend in January—but my house fee was very high too, so it didn’t make sense to go in for pocket change after paying the club. Not sure what it costs to work in DC but these are two possible answers to your question.

Avatar for stripperlover777

The Penthouse Club Worked Well For Me. Very Professional & The Girls Hot!!! The Food Is Wonderful. I Went When It Was Scores (Before Penthouse). Falls Way St. Right Off The Hwy.
✔️ 💲 👽

Avatar for ATACdawg

I will also give Penthouse a recommendation - $300 rooms are definitely the best bang for the buck with the right dancer (1/2 hour).

I also like Fantasies Nightclub on Pennington Ave.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

@psd “ Imo laws for strip clubs never get looser, only more strict if anything, so I’d imagine it’s the same.”

DC is the exception to the rule. Things are still below average but a lot of DC clubs offer lap dances and VIP rooms now. Super expensive and not comparable to decent strip club cities, but dances and VIPs weren’t available 5-10 years ago.

Avatar for ancientlurker

I gotta ask ... "DMV"? Maybe DC/Maryland/Virginia? I lived outside Baltimore in the late 80s and don't recall this acronym, but you all seem to recognize it.

Avatar for Jascoi

The only DMV I know is the California department of motor vehicles. usually super slow and super boring and frustrating.

Avatar for Jascoi

and not to mention 'expensive' for older cars.

Avatar for funonthaside

DMV = Washington DC / Maryland / Virginia

Avatar for motorhead

“How is Baltimore so bad?”

Watch “The Wire”

Avatar for PinkSugarDoll

If they are offering dances and rooms, it doesn’t mean the laws changed. 🫤

Avatar for chiefwiggum

LA sucks, I was there recently. I was in Maryland/DC two years ago and DC was definitely worse than LA. I think DC is a close second to Chicago proper as worst strip club city. Virginia was ok. I didn't have a lot of time so I didn't go to the block. I keep forgetting about DC as I don't think of it as a real city.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

“If they are offering dances and rooms, it doesn’t mean the laws changed”

Fair point. Even though the laws didn’t change, stopping enforcement of them did. Just as good as a change in the law. Still much more expensive than decent strip club towns.

Avatar for galabad

Not sure what your criteria are, but if you are looking for just a wild time with the potential of very high mileage-- Ebony Inn in Maryland, not hard to find a hot girl and a good time there if you have an open mind. It's a whole vibe.

Avatar for WiseToo

Some of the above comments provide more valuable information than what is written in a lot of reviews!

Avatar for HedonistBG

Think you may not appreciate what you have here. In places like the Gold Club (my favorite in the area) you get fully nude dancers, full contact lap dances with mutual touching (might be restrictions depending on the dancer), and a full bar in an upscale club. There are very few places in the country where you can get all of those things in a single club! Much of California, Texas, Michigan, Florida, and other states with big club scenes you can't serve alcohol in a nude club.

But I think everywhere is still struggling to get back to pre-pandemic levels. Plus I think in winter, some hotter dancers migrate south to places like Florida, where the weather is nicer and there are also lots of tourists with $ to spend. Finally, I expect OnlyFans now sucks in some entertainers who would otherwise be stripping.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

Yeah, there was a first amendment case back in the early 90’s that said stripping was speech and constitutionally protected. There were stories on the Block the day the opinion came out of all the dancers enjoying being able to go nude.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Hank, this doesn’t make sense
“ Even though the laws didn’t change, stopping enforcement of them did”

Avatar for blahblahblahs

Reviews of Ritz Cabaret seem pretty good. What am I missing?

Avatar for funonthaside

Ritz is okay....but it's super small for a nighttime club. Stage is very narrow, with not much room to watch stage.

Avatar for Grjax


That club sucks too low key. None of the girls approach and same talent for 2 yrs. No extras at all

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Grjax no extras what about otc? I know at least one girl there who offered $500 otc. Could no extras simply be because of the cameras and lack of privacy in dance areas?

Its hard to believe that any club can have no otc available at all.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

Department of Motor Vehicles wtf ...

Avatar for Manuellabore

My take on Ritz is you can get good close up nude stage action with mostly nice looking girls, you’ve got to be aggressive to get private dances, and no extras. But it’s not depressing like a Block club

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