
Mr Persianality is Icee

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 7:20 PM
Founder, you know what to do. Ban this dumbass troll.


  • MyPoorLifeChoices
    a month ago
    You're calling me someone else and want me banned because I called you a weirdo using a strip club forum as a soap box for right wing extremism 😂

    Talk about being a snowflake ❄️❄️❄️😅
  • Puddy Tat
    a month ago
    Same insults, same emojis as ever.
    Like Big-Mac, are you going to come in and defend yourself as this alias?
  • MyPoorLifeChoices
    a month ago
    You're delusional is showing.
  • Puddy Tat
    a month ago
    Same lack of grammar, too.
    Guess the pimping business is slow.
  • MyPoorLifeChoices
    a month ago
    If you think being called a bigot is an insult then don't be one
  • skibum609
    a month ago
    Just because he sucks Palestinian terrorist cock doesn't making him a complete and utter useless douche bag like Icee. Seems more like your average progressive than anything else.
  • Puddy Tat
    a month ago
    Trust me, skibum, it's him.
    I'm not the only one to notice it.
    Obviously the same lame brain progressive fuckstick.
    I'm just waiting for "stripper hoes."
  • twentyfive
    a month ago
    Hi Icee, bye Icee
    LULZ 😂
  • TheeOSU
    a month ago
    By jove good catch ol chap, Lulz

    Puddy you are absolutely right, it's the return of iceydougee!
    I suppose it's the slow season for fentanyl sales and stripper ho whispering.
  • drewcareypnw
    a month ago
    I don't buy it. ICEE used clown emojis and had worse grammar. Partisan name calling is hardly the exclusive domain of ICEE or any particular member on TUSCL.
  • skibum609
    a month ago
    ^Icee aged badly. This version will as well.
  • jaybud999
    a month ago
    Who the fuck cares what anyone REALLY says here? We all pop off on our political positions (some more extreme than others), and kick each other in the balls for it. Then we hit the "log out" button and move on with life.

    I don't give a fuck what any of you really think outside of this miniworld (nor should you) enough to ban/mute/whatever. If anything, I actually "enjoy" listening to the different levels of conservatism and liberalism here....as well as the different levels/types of logic used to defend ones position.....even if I think you're fucking stupid.

    And where else do I get to "tell someone to their face" that they're a god damn dummy for their worldview?
  • Puddy Tat
    a month ago
    ^ He's a shithead beyond politics. I'd rather this place not be cluttered with his nonsense. Unfortunately when you mute someone you totally lose the flow of the conversation.

    You can tell me to my face if we're in the same club. I only met one TUSCLer, seemed like a good dude but we were too busy getting $10 dances at Vivide in Atlanta (back when they were good) to talk politics. They had some beach themed party so I started volleyball-serving beach balls into crowds of girls who were either stuck in their phones or chatting in groups. Yeah minor league jackass but he and I (and my clubbing buddy down there) found it hilarious.

    If you're up in the northeast, let me know. I've got a couple screws loose and love arguing politics to a fault. It's not personal, there are plenty of libs here I can have a decent conversation with.

    Just not Icee. He's a shitbrain.
  • MyPoorLifeChoices
    a month ago
    You're cluttering threads with transphobic rants and going on paranoid tirades about weird assumptions about me. You need help.

    Do you ask strippers if they're trans? Do you do this irl convos? Or are you just a weird troll?
  • MyPoorLifeChoices
    a month ago
    You're the only one on here obsessing about trans women in every thread.
  • Puddy Tat
    a month ago
    Can't say what I'd say to you in real life other than "I'll take a spicy chicken sandwich and a medium frosty please."

    I hate Vegas so I doubt our paths will cross.

    By the way, transgenderism is a mental disorder, no different than apotemnophilia or anorexia. Deal with it.
  • MyPoorLifeChoices
    a month ago
    No one comes here to talk about trans women . No one cares about you turning every thread you comment on into a weird tirade about them. Just go fuck one if you're this obsessed
  • Puddy Tat
    a month ago
    Trans hormones and surgery are medical abuse. Deal with it, Icee.
  • MyPoorLifeChoices
    a month ago
    They're legal and heavily regulated. Deal with it. No one on a strip club forum cares about your transphobic obsession
  • Puddy Tat
    a month ago
    Lol, except you, sugar tits ;)
    Go back to pimping your sister.
  • jaybud999
    a month ago


    I've not been farther east than New Orleans for clubbing. I've been salivating over Atlanta for years.....but I just can't find the opening to get it done between the work schedule, and the mother fucking wife (whom I love!) wondering why the fuck I'm going out to Atlanta without her. The only thing she knows I'll travel solo for is the UFC and Raiders away games (no, I'm not a Raiders fan.....but I am when I need to be!).

    You never know Puddy, you never know! You bring the coke.

  • TheeOSU
    a month ago
    iceydougee, even though you're not a chicano anymore i was wondering, do you still have fuzzy dice hanging from the rear view mirror of your car?
    do you even have a car? lulz
  • rickmacrodong
    a month ago
    Drew it’s definitely him or someone who shares the same beliefs. Hes trying to convince people pimped hoes are the same as other hoes… that all hoes are desperate.. that you should remain friends with your ATF after she retires. He uses icees signature line of saying its the clients fault if he doesn’t receive service from a hoe
  • MyPoorLifeChoices
    a month ago
    There is medication that can help you.
  • TheeOSU
    a month ago
    Most normal people don't consider taking street fentanyl as medication dougee.
  • TheeOSU
    a month ago
    So how many accounts have you had here over the years?
    Let's see, davids, dougster, txtittyfag, 3 or 4 icey variations, you had another account i don't recall the name in the middle of your icey accounts and a couple others i just plain forgot.
    Now you're mr percyanality or whatever. Seriously it's fun laughing at you but even though you're online don't you have any self esteem, don't you think that you could find a more constructive use of your time and abilities?
    Like maybe stepping in front of a speeding truck or swimming in shark infested waters. lulz
  • twentyfive
    a month ago

    an hour ago
    There is medication that can help you.

    Here’s a link for you Icee

  • Puddy Tat
    a month ago
    @25 - Icee might need stronger than that for the next time his bottom bitch leaves him and he threatens suicide, blubbering about how he treated her like a Disney princess and she leaves him for some low-level weed dealer.
  • rickmacrodong
    a month ago
    What medication Mr.P? Any medication you suggest will probably be something that makes people drowsy so a stripper hoe swoops in and robs them, then youll celebrate and say how it was the clients fault for getting robbed
  • rickmacrodong
    a month ago
    “ All it comes down to is how you make her feel and make her think it's all her idea ...”

    Thats the exact same thing Icee junkie used to say.. lol
  • MyPoorLifeChoices
    a month ago
    You're all nucking futs and delusional. Just the sites trolls. Paranoid autistic acting fucks thinking anyone not a troll or bigot like you is someone who obviously lives rent free in your heads.
  • Puddy Tat
    a month ago
    ^ At least no one here has almost killed themselves over losing a girl to a low level weed dealer, you little penis. Or pimped out his sister.
  • Icey
    a month ago
  • Puddy Tat
    a month ago
    ^ Now logging in under multiple aliases! Way to go jagoff troll!
  • Icey
    a month ago
    Tetradon and cacaplop are besties now. There's only one I've on here cacadon
  • Puddy Tat
    a month ago
    ^ Can you please translate that babble to English?
  • Icey
    a month ago
    Tetradon you and your bestie cacaplop think you're so anonymous lulz there's only one Icey here. But apparently y'all are in love with me. Obsessed bitches
  • Puddy Tat
    a month ago
    ^ HAHAHA just a coincidence that when IceyLoco gets called out under other aliases, he shows up under this one.

    Yep, I'm Tetradon, thanks for the compliment. Was in a previous life, anyways. Took an extended break. I see you're the same tard bait as ever. Now I'm Puddy Tat and you're my personal litter box ;)
  • Icey
    a month ago
    Nah you're on here posting retarded shit you'd get fired for at work. You don't want anyone knowing who you are. Now you're besties with cacaplop. I've had this one profile since 2018. You're sick in the head.
  • Icey
    a month ago
    You're making yourself look crazy
  • Puddy Tat
    a month ago
    ^ Don't want anyone knowing who I am? Which is why I just said it, told half the board over PM anyways, rather than pretending under a bunch of aliases that I'm not.

    You'd get fired for--oh wait, you don't have a job, your sister was a stripper, you claim to be this pussy magnet yet you almost committed suicide over losing your girl to a low level drug dealer.

    If I were you I would have kept plausible deniability. You may have fooled a couple people ;)
  • rickmacrodong
    a month ago
    Icey- you remind me of the guys who are critical of guys into p4p, convince themselves they got their women purely off looks or personality or “game”or something, but are paying the girls rent, phone bill, all other general expenses, food, buying gifts, etc…

    Its simply more socially acceptable to pick one girl and pay all her bills, than it is to pay a girl for each sexual encounter (which is also illegal most places). It doesnt mean the girl is into you any more than another girl who you pay per encounter

    You use that social acceptableness as a veil to hide behind- you can convince yourself the girl just wants your company and not money

    You took it a step further and bragged about paying the girls college bills, parents living and other expenses lol. You took the p2p far beyond typical people. All the while telling yourself… shes with me for my crazy good looks! Not the money
  • Jascoi
    25 days ago
    now a name change... and multiple accounts?
  • Jascoi
    25 days ago
    Mr.Persianality. MyPoorLifeChoices. added to the list...
    personally i like your interactions. different point of view. definitely stirs the pot.
  • skibum609
    25 days ago
    I had thought Icey had killed herself. Sux being wrong, but there is still time.
  • gammanu95
    25 days ago
    You guys need to learn to mute the trolls. Icee, 25, rmd, sjg are all the same. They post because we react. They are useless little shits with no life, but our interaction with them is their validation. They will stop posting if we stop reading them.
  • twentyfive
    25 days ago
    ^You should take your own advice, it’s obvious you’re always trolling for reactions, giving you an opportunity to fight with someone.
  • gammanu95
    25 days ago
    Of all our worst trolls, ^ he's the only one demented enough to take himself seriously.
    1) you're a hypocrit
    2) learn to disagree without being disagreeable
    3) you must know you're a troll because I clearly struck a nerve [triggered 25]
    4) if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything
    5) your small penis syndrome is showing
  • twentyfive
    25 days ago
    ^ Weirdo, claims to have me on ignore then he responds exactly as I stated looking for a fight. Proves my point perfectly
  • gammanu95
    25 days ago
    I never said you were on ignore, dumbass.
  • twentyfive
    25 days ago
    ^ Go back to the Jerry Springer show, asswipe, you and Icee would fit in perfectly with that crowd.
  • rickmacrodong
    25 days ago
    Gammanu you did claim to have him on ignore, but it seems like you want to disagree with anything 25 says for the sake of disagreeing, lol. It is to some extent trollish if you intentionally disagree with everything someone says

    As far as the small penis, anyone regularly engaging in otc or itc extras is likely to be packing average or more
  • gammanu95
    25 days ago
    ^See? Small penis troll feeds off the opportunity to spew insults and bile because he is too stupid to use facts and logic. And he takes himself seriously, he has to believe he is something because he knows he is nothing.
  • twentyfive
    25 days ago
    ^ You and Icee would make one hell of an act 🎭
    Two of a kind neither plays with a full deck.
  • MyPoorLifeChoices
    25 days ago
    From what I hear 25 has a penchant for alcohol fueled meltdowns on tuscl. But that's just a rumor
  • MyPoorLifeChoices
    25 days ago
    Rumor also has it he's been promising to leave the site for years
  • MyPoorLifeChoices
    25 days ago
    They say he hasn't been the same since his wife and kids left him. He drowns himself in cheap whiskey trannie hookers and hunts iguanas
  • gammanu95
    24 days ago
    Now the trolls are spamming the last comment sort function with years old threads as well as "teen girl last word" comments. 25, Icey, Persianality and all his others aliases need to be booted already so the board can be usable.
  • motorhead
    24 days ago
    davids = Dougster
    that’s been proposed before and seems very plausible.

    But interested in the logic why Dougster = icee

    I never noticed much similarities
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