
Comments by Thick-5-Incher (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    ABA to drop LSAT requirement for law schools
    "So what sorta baseline standard is there gonna be?" There won't be a baseline standard, except for college grades which is highly subjective when comparing different schools and majors. Law schools and med schools are going back to the "old days" when you got in because you had connections and greased the right people. It's mainly being done to help more minorities become doctors and lawyers, but it also means more dumb white kids of wealthy parents now have a pathway in. Sadly, this means silver spooned nitwits like Trump and his kids will be cracking your grandkids' skulls open in 60 years and pretending they know brain surgery after get all D's in science and math.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    ABA to drop LSAT requirement for law schools
    "Apparently US residency, and ultimately citizenship, is now the "right" of anyone who wants it, regardless of their qualifications or ability to contribute anything" Your white ancestors from Europe didn't do anything special to get into this country, asswipe. They just came over at the right time when we needed young bodies to work in factories and chop down trees. Stealing land from Native Indians and owning African slaves does not meet any special qualification to be an American citizen. It just means you believe in a fake book of lies called the Holy Bible which brainwashes you into thinking your Sky Daddy gives you "manifest destiny" to take anything you want from brown skinned people by force like a band of thieves. The United States of America was founded by white nationalist Christian fundamentalist terrorists. Yes, I'm white so I can say these things with credence.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    ABA to drop LSAT requirement for law schools
    "Ben Carson actually invented the procedures used when doing heart surgery on children in the womb" Carson thinks evolution and the Big Bang are fabricated hoaxes by the Chinese Communists. So much for his "science background" being legit. He's also a house Negro for a pathological liar like Beijing Don. He came in from the fields and toe'd the line for massa!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Would you kill yourself or go to prison?
    "The older we get, the less life in prison is a deterrent" I'm convinced that's why China Donnie does all the crooked shit he does. The world of business is too confusing for him, and so is politics. He'd rather sit in a cushy cell with a TV and internet access and know the only thing he has to worry about that day is what kind of racist drivel he can send out in a Tweet and what kind of processed meat is being served in the cafeteria. Make life simple, and Ole Bone Spurs is happy.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    ABA to drop LSAT requirement for law schools
    "IF you wanna gave you bypass surgery done by a doctor with a 2,7 GPA who was only admitted to med school because of diversity requirements than more more power to you" I can understand your point, but people like Ben Carson and Mehmet Oz scored well on their board exams in med school and looked how fucked up they turned out to be.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    ABA to drop LSAT requirement for law schools
    They are doing similar things in med school, such as making Step 1 of the national boards into a PASS/FAIL exam. The reason they did it is because med students have been spending inordinate amounts of time studying board review books from day one in med school instead of being focused on their classes, much to the chagrin of professors and administrators. In other words, med students for the past 30 or so years have been brainwashed into thinking the only thing that makes a good doctor is board scores, when actual doctors know it's intangibles like work ethic, bedside manner, empathy, and "think outside the box" innovative mental skills that can't be taught in a review book.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Would you kill yourself or go to prison?
    "In countries like Saudi Arabia where they chop the hands off for stealing, shopkeepers can leave their businesses unlocked while going to prayer etc. you wont see many george floyds there" Just remember all this when China Don gets a harsh sentence for stealing top secret documents that compromised national security. I keep tabs on all you hypocrite rightie pieces of shit, so we'll see what kind of response you post after the hammer drops on Stealin' Donnie. Gut feeling tells me you'll be crying about how "unfair" his sentence is, and it'll just prove my point about right-wing hypocrisy yet again.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Would you kill yourself or go to prison?
    "Prisons make for repeat offenders and add to the homelessness epidemic" I hope we someday have laws that prohibit employers from NOT hiring people because of felony convictions, except for heinous crimes like murder and child molestation. Why does a person have to be denied a job just because they sold some weed or fudged their taxes? Let them get some gainful employment so they don't have to fall back into crime just to be able to get some food so they don't starve to death.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Bringing cash to TJ
    Take at least $500 cash but not more than a $1000. Always remember you are in a foreign country and subject to their laws and corrupted public officials. If you get robbed by a Mexican taxi driver, then your chances of getting your money back or getting justice are pretty much nada. Always ask yourself if losing $1000 in cash is worth easy pussy right across the border.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Would you kill yourself or go to prison?
    "I think a big decision is to join a gang or not join a gang. One video I saw said don’t join, keep your head down and you’ll be ok" It all depends on your crime and whether you get sent to a minimum or maximum security prison. I read Michael Cohen's recent book "Revenge" and he was sent to a min. security facility in Otisville, NY. His biggest concerns were dealing with the lack of AC on hot days and lack of heat on cold days. Also dealing with flies and wasps coming into his cell through an open window. It was basically a place where 99% of the population is boring white guys convicted of white collar crimes. Just do the time and get out. No worries about joining gangs and getting shanked in the shower.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OT: Elon and Twitter
    "Musk buying twitter and trying to shake up the employees and culture reminds me of Trump saying he wanted to drain the swamp. It’s easier said than done" Ole Musky bought into the China Donnie propaganda about "I alone can fix it". Dumbo Donnie didn't do anything alone except tank his companies and destroy all faith in American government as we've known it for the past 40 years. Twitter has been a swirling cesspool for years and nobody can save it. The main problem with social media sites in general is that anyone with enough money can start a competing site that will quickly poach all your customers and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. Remember when MySpace was king of the hill in the late 2000's and they thought they would last forever? A few years later, it was a ghost town because Zuckerberg swooped in with Facebook and nuked them into oblivion.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Barron Trump
    "It’s laughable to vote for Biden because of a promise to fix the roads, and it’s laughable to point to that as what you like about Biden" Do you even know about the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act? It's the greatest public works legislation since the New Deal, dumbo. China Donnie was trying hard to pass something similar but he was too inept at leadership to make it happen even when he had a Republican Congress on his side. Stop being jealous of Scranton Joe and just admit he's a great President who gets shit done, even with all those racist Repukes on the other side of the aisle. Democrat Presidents like Clinton, Obama, and Biden are always getting landmark legislation passed. The only thing Repub Presidents do is start wars, start scandals, and tank the economy.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Would you kill yourself or go to prison?
    "Writing and lifting is already a good day to me" That's probably one of the few things we can agree on, Tetra-Fagg. If a born loser like Small Hands Donnie can go into prison as an obese numbskull and come out 10 years later 50 lbs. lighter and claim he knows things about quantum physics and modern CPU design, then it's a win-win for him and society at large. My hopes for that are rapidly dwindling after seeing his recent rally speeches. The early signs of Alzheimer's are quite apparent, and it affected his Daddy right around the same age he is now.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    You know what, we don’t need the fake voice thing.
    "careful with the dirty Boston talk! If Gawker reads this he’s gonna blow a load all over his computer!" Now I can see why a right-wing twat like Ski-Fagg is always so angry. He tries to date women in his hometown and they all sound like retarded chowda heads LOL
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Examples of stripper TMI
    I always get bothered when a stripper starts talking about her personal life, like how much she is struggling to pay rent or take her kids to the doctor's office for overdue appointments. Your Spidey senses start tingling and you assume she's just using the empathy trick to squeeze more 20's out your pocket, but then your softie side convinces you she's telling the truth and you can't stand the idea that her kids are going to get used toys for Christmas, and so you hand her $200 for a lame VIP dance that didnt involve her lips touching your bare dick even once. Trust me, I've lost thousands of dollars over the years to girls who see the softie in me and they go in for the KILL.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    You know what, we don’t need the fake voice thing.
    I only fucked one escort in Boston, but she had that heavy drawl and I nearly busted out laughing when she started dirty talking during the blowjob. Once you hear a girl say "Oooy gawd, this cawwwk tastes geyood, errr-ahhh" you just know you've seen it all LOL
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    made to be enjoyed
    Inviting men over to my place. Is a twin bed really that bad?
    "What is: Name something that no dancer I've ever met said honestly" It's amazing how many right-wing idiots in here actually think this is a female dancer who is the OP, and not a greasy male loser like we know it is Any man who spent years in the strip clubs knows that any cute dancer who takes customers back to her place for some suckey and some fuckey can get those men to buy her anything she wants. Suck a man's balls dry like a porn star, and he'll be driving you to Mattress World that same night to help you pick out a king-size pillowtop that retails for over $3000.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Locals flock to Ukrainian strip clubs as they shun horrors of Putin's invasion
    I would imagine extras are easy to come by in a war zone like Ukraine? I can't see local laws being that restrictive. Just think about it, some weary Ukraine freedom fighters come into a strip club, and you are going to deny them a BBBJ even though they might die the next day fighting the fuckin' Commie Russkie invaders? Wow, talk about cold hearted shit. American soldiers got all the pussy they could handle over in Vietnam. War zones are where normally stupid laws about sex are suspended to help boost morale of the soldiers and local populace. That being said, if Russia ever invaded Czech Republic then I would volunteer as a foreign fighter in a heartbeat. I've seen the great lookin' women come out of that country like Monica Sweetheart and Eva Herzigova and the chance to bareback fuck women like that inside a strip club would be worth dying for!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Is Follies in Atlanta re-opening ??
    "Tampa sounds kinda like Vegas. Lots of clubs where you can´t get just one song with a dancer you´re not familiar with. You have to pay (and potentially waste) $100+ to see if you click with her" I've been to the touristy Tampa clubs like Mons Venus and 2001 Odyssey and it's pretty much like Vegas. Lots of ass rubbing in the back rooms but not much else. Once in awhile, you will find a Cuban who will let you suck on her nipples to your heart's content but it's not a common thing like at Baby Dolls in Dallas or Gold Rush in Miami. Overall, the Tampa scene is lame and I would go to the Miami clubs if you want real ITC action, but you better have the cash for it because it aint cheap.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Would you kill yourself or go to prison?
    China Donnie will have to face this exact question in the next couple years! Judging by an array of legal experts weighing in for the past few months, it appears he will get at least 7-8 years in a federal pen for violating the Espionage Act alone for stealing top secret documents. Plus, it's highly likely he'll get charged with obstruction as well, which is another 4-5 years at minimum. We haven't even discussed the high likelihood of a guilty verdict in the Georgia election interference case, which could be another 3-5 years for that, but who knows if can run concurrent with his federal sentence? I ain't no lawyer so I can't discuss it competently. Given that Scumbag Don is already 76, and his parents lived until their late 80's, then it appears Ole Dumpy will likely die in prison. At the very least, he will have full blown Alzheimer's and be functionally useless once he's eligible for paroled release. So you have to ask yourself, is it worth it to spend your last remaining years inside a concrete cell, or just make peace with God and go out on your own terms? The sad part is that China Don will be sent to a minimum security prison, and likely have certain privileges like TV, phone, and maybe even internet! So it might not be as tough as many would like, and I certainly would love to see him thrown into general population and see if he can handle real tough guys for once in his life instead of all the fake tough guys like Roger Stone and Steve Bannon who are just obese, pathetic beta cucks with loud mouths and small dicks.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    How did they miss this one?
    Shoulda had the World Cup in Thailand --- sending 30 girls to your opponents' hotel night before a big match for some suckey-fuckey is a good strategy to WIN
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Barron Trump
    "guberment is there “to reward you with things.” They don’t even realize how wrong that is" I voted for Obama to give me cheaper healthcare, and he delivered for me. I voted for Biden so that he could fix the roads I drive on and he delivered. You rightie assholes voted for Draft-Dodger Donnie to build you a wall and bring back all the good jobs from China, and he delivered on none of it. So I can see why you think government is not supposed to do anything for you.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Barron Trump
    "white nationalist groups appear to just be sitting around talking trash in their basements while BLM is actually out looting and burning" Talking trash in their basements, huh? You mean like the Oath Keepers leader and 10 other thugs who is currently on trial for seditious conspiracy on Jan. 6th? What about the three Michigan shitheads convicted for a plot to kidnap and murder the beloved Governor Whitmer? 99.9% of BLM folks were carrying signs and telling white racist cops to go suck a big dick! That's the truth you Trumpers are too afraid to admit because you know your side has all the truly violent crazy kooks who hate America.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Barron Trump
    "My friends who grew up in that culture won't stop telling me how much it sucks, and how it's the values" You should read JD Vance's book "Hillbilly Elegy". It perfectly describes why 90% of Trump's base are so miserable, afraid to go to college and make something of themselves, and just become very bitter booze and drug addicts who blame a brown or black person for all their failings in life. That book will open your eyes, and make you fully understand why so many white guys who are barely scraping by are turning to white nationalist terror groups like Oath Keepers and Aryan Storm. The same kind of low IQ mentality that allowed Hitler to sweep the masses in the 1930's.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Barron Trump
    "Rural blue collar people who have to have their shit together" You mean like the rural blue collars who voted for JD Vance, even though he wrote a book called "Hillbilly Elegy" that incessantly mocked them for being lazy and shunning education in favor of blaming immigrants for all their problems in life? What about all the red hat Cletuses who voted for China Don even though he never invites them for a round of golf at Mar-A-Lago, but they happily donate money to fund his golf trips or pay his defense lawyers. Poor urban voters keep voting for Democrats because the Dems reward them with things they want --- like cheaper healthcare and paid family leave. Poor rural whites keep voting for scumbags like Trump and Vance because they keep thinking elitists care about them when they never did, only want their votes.