avatar for MeNotYou2

Comments by MeNotYou2

review comment
2 years ago
avatar for LJ1342
First timer had a great time; expensive but worth it if you can swing it
So this place has about doubled the price in the last couple years?
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for nvalhalla
Second time's a charm
I tgink the lighting in the VIP area goes back to the old open anything’s goes vip before the sectioned it off. They kept is dark to try and not make it to much of a show
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for audioslave233
No new blood
It is funny, the one constant in all the clubs in all the Tatar I have been in over the years is that pretty often (probably over half the time) the bar tender is the best looking lady in the place.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for founder
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
Is it racist...
Thier is a difference between clubs with AA dancers and AA clubs. At least in my area. A few years back I was on my way to meet someone and had time to kill so I stopped at a club that used to have a high percentage of AA dancer, but in the couple years I had been away from that club it went to a true AA club. As I walked in (a tall middle aged white guy at the time) I heard a lot of the guys in the club asking variations of why is the police in the club? And dancers avoided me like the plague. Add that to the difference in music and a tendency for a lot of AA dancers at AA clubs to be as the song says “fat bottomed girls” and I would rather avoid that. I like skinny butts and I dislike most rap music. On the other hand at a more mixed club there was an AA dancer that was perhaps the prettiest dancer I ever saw in that club. And she was very fun to talk with and hang out with. But this conversation is literally why they make chocolate and vanilla.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for caseyx
Friday night at LS
In Detroit clubs ALWAS negotiate first before going to VIP. Also even for that club I think you overpaid a bit. But I have not been thiere lately so prices may have gone up…
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for ala4900
Vita Bona Est
Flight Club - First Time in a Long Time.
Does every review need a description of the wall paper and the shape and construction details of the bar? If you have read a handful of reviews of this club then you probably have a good idea of the layout of it. The OP told you 1) they have velvet and the cost of Valet, 2) that they have and upstairs bar and it allows smoking, 3) that some of the staf have been tgier for 3+ years, 5) the club is clean, 6) they have food service, 7) he reviewed what he ate 8) that they have wine and how much it cost, 9) how many dancers they have, 10) a general description of the range of dancers, and on top of this he pointed out that many dancers won’t approach you if you are eating. In short is review tells you that it seams to be that little has changed in this club.. Frankly I am not sure how much more you want? Do we need to specification of the flooring? He didn’t get a dance so can’t tell you about that. And many folks here have issues if people review dancers as that is an alert to LE…. I tgink this site is getting to the point that someone is going to bitch no mater what you post in a review…
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for key44
Not this time
I am not sure i agree, a review that points out the negatives of a place is as important as one that only sees the good. If the place has dancers that wont leave their regulars then that is important to know this is of course the opinion of MeNotYou
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for Heaven-sent
Wash your hands! WTF!
old joke: An Army sgt and a Marien Sgt are taking a piss in bathroom in a club. The Army sgt finishes first, zips his pants and starts to walk out. The Marien looks at him and says “ in the Marines the teach us to wash our hands after we take a piss”. The Army sgt turns and replies “in the Army they teach us not to puss on our hands”
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for Heaven-sent
California Fantasy Booth (CFB)
Well in many Michigan clubs it could not conpete with the regular vip dances
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for blahblahblah23
>:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
Do customers ever die after dances/private rooms?
Many year ago it happened in a Detroit area club. It was in the “private” Vip area that only “soecial” visitors got access to and the club/dancers tried to ummm cover up. It ended up with the club changing a LOT.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for Leonard313
No Holiday Pass Given
The (old) theory behind the tickets at the door is as follow. By giving out tickets management knows how many folks entered the bar. As the bar used to hvae a one drink min getting the waitresses to collect the tickets allowed the management to conpare the number of tickets collected with the number of tickets issued and see if the waitresses are enforcing the one drink minimum, I am not sure if it ever trully worked that way, but that is what the manager told me a LONG time ago when i was a regular at the place.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for Snappy2018
First time in Detroit…
If a dancer wont take a hint thiervis mo reason to ruine the time you are PAYING for at the club by being polite. She works there, you PAY to be thier. if after a polite hintvor to the dancer wont move then simply say. “not interested” Often if you are not interested to start with simple say “sorry mot interested” as the start to sit down. Saves everyones time Remember they presumably are trying to make a buck and if you are coear about not providing that buck most will kove on to try someone else. And if they dont then telling them to move on is no ruder then them taking up your time thatvyou are paying for This is of course the opinion of MeNotYou
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for PepsiMan
Slow start but was picking up about 2
I am going to be controversial here. But this kind of review is one step up from pointless. And seams more about getting free vip then being helpful. And it may be the result of “common practice” The way most reviews are currently being done on this forum then the fault of the reviewer. But i can tell you with todays typical reviews (like this one) i would not bother paying to subscribe to vip access. With the exceotion of a brief hint that extras are iften available this review may as well be on yelp. On other forums in the past we used to give descriptions of dancer but no names. Thus we could describ the dancer we took to vip. Now on this forum we get dancers names and descriptions then told about some nameless/description dancer that the reviewer went to vip with. I am not sure this helps much. why do we need names if we are afraid to name the dancer we had in vip? Wouldnt we be better off if tgis review gave NO names AT ALL but described the dancer the reviewer took to vip. Then we would know that there was an older dancer that did x or perhaps a young spinner that did Y. Then based on description we would inow if we wanted to try the place out. Thier is a big difference between a great VIP trip from a smoking hot 22 year old and a “great vip” from a plumb 45 year old with 4 kids. And i think that is more important then know names of dancers. Not using any names allows the dancer to remain anonymous and deny doing anything. And if i am interested in one if the dancers I can go and find out her name. Right now this review tells me very little. Anything from a young skinny dancer to a old over weight dancer was taken to vip. (twice) we dont know if the vip was any good (probably was as he went twice) we dint know if extras were had, so we only have a vauge “most dancer provide extras ” type comment. Frankly the review said nothing about his vip dances so why redact the dancers name? This review could be summed up as. “it is Boogies, smae old same old, but one young hot dancer and a couple ok dancers mixed into the usual, got a couple dances” Oh well just the opinion of MeNotYou
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for GK05
Hot girls, steep prices
Just to be clear… $230 for 6 normal/legit dances and 1 coke…. I know this place is top of the line. But i dont think i can afford it anymore. I would hate to think of how much for anything extra. Not that this was ever my main hangout but…. I did go their several times a year up until covid..
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for shailynn
They never tell you what you need to know.
1.5 Billion
Luckily I don't give a crap about pretty much my entire family.. So if i hit the jackpot a few people (a couple friends and a couple relatives) will get a good amount of money and anyone else can kiss my … But it would kale this hobby or ours here radically different.. Would it still be worth going to clubs? Find a sugar baby instead? Who knows. Maybe it would be like Sheen said about why he hire escorts. “I dont pay them to sleep with me.. I pay them to go home in the morning” Or something like that A couple hundred million is going to effect ones life in a lot of ways.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for nicespice
What are some of the randomest things either you or someone else has tipped for?
While not strip club related…. i used to tip (or over tip if a regular tip was called for) any nice/cute/pretty bar tenders or waitresses or whatever I encountered while my brother was with me. As he had a tendency to be an ass. Don't get me wrong Not sexually harassing them just being an ass in general. So i figured it was not their fault my brother was an ass. So if my brother tipped them i left extra if i tipped them i left a generous tip..
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for shailynn
They never tell you what you need to know.
Your First Crush / Your Favorite Former Girlfriend - Where Are They Now?
Rattdog…. Ok as far as “the dodging a bullet award” goes…. You Win.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for shailynn
They never tell you what you need to know.
Your First Crush / Your Favorite Former Girlfriend - Where Are They Now?
I had a childhood playmate from age three. I took her to Senior Prom so you figure out what happened along the way. But lets say the Kid Rock song all summer long is damn close to my teenage years other then being off on what year he is talking about. I would have stayed with her but she got bitchy in Uni and have not seen here sense we were about 21 But i know that she is working retail (nice use of that degree she got) living in a poorer working class area, been divorced at least twice (not sure if she is still married to number 3) has one kid. Saw a picture a few years ago and she was very plump. talked with someone recently who said she is a bit… “ummm “heavy”” and this guy’s wife is noticeably over weight so…. i suspect she has ballooned. So i guess i dodged a train wreck. Still every once in a while I think back on the young girl i knew and kind of miss her. FYI. I happen to know a guy that encounters my first every once in a while so i get updates otherwise i have no idea what happened to any other ex’s
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for Champphilly
Perfect Gentleman
Favorite session gone Awry
Not to be mean, but is the OP somewhat new to this hobby? if not this cant be the first time he stopped getting dances from a regular dancer of his… this happens all the time for various reasons… Also the fact we are talking about a dancer that played the “my rent is late” card also makes me wonder, Most of these girls make fairly decent money. If they are late on rent then they either are living way way to high on the hog or they are spending it on something else very expensive…. if you get my drift. In my experience it is not uncommon for dancers to implode by spending thier money on booze and drugs and starting a downward spiral, And it often starts with the symptoms described in the original post. Hate to say it but time for you to cut and run.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for audioslave233
Hanging with boys doesn't pay the bills
Lets not bust the reviews balls. I think we have all seen dancers do things that dont make any sense. Or that is not financially in their best interest. So odds are the OP is not the reason the dancer ignored them. The other person is a regular as well, or a big tipper, or a dealer or any number of things. Perhaps the dancer is hoping for a relationship… who knows. Dancers are still women and as such like all people they have a. mind of their own. And lets be honest most dancers are…. shall we say self destructive? They tend to have bad habits of some sort. So the truth is this kind of stripper thinking is nit exactly uncomon, And if you cant think of a handlefull of times where you have seen a dancer ignore “sure money” then you must be either new to the hobby or not very observant. Dancers sitting with on person (or a group) all night not making any obvious money (by that i mean trips to vip) is right up their behind dancer hanging out in a group of dancer and the ever famous dancers running back to the dressing room as soon as they get off stage… These things happen. Hell one of the guys could be the dancers boyfriend or land lord who knows…
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for MeNotYou2
Old long gone clubs and thier vip rooms
kind of dead around here
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for Smna
Enjoyable decent clubhouse
“Covered with curtains and good enough to do everything “. Am I showing my age when I recall vip areas that were wide open? And that this hardly slowed anyone down. A bit less oral but…. Just a thought. Heck one place had a basement vip area but the open upstairs area was pretty much full service menu.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for EastCoaster
I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
Henry’s for the Win...Today
Typically at Boggies and H8N the finale or whatever they are currently calling it does NOT have all dancer in it. Any up in VIP are not in it and typically the next dancer/dancers up on stage are not in it unless it is a very slow evening with few dancers
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for Semi Regular
Semi Regular
Semi-Regular, Keep your eyes Open
Current most Regular Club
This told me more about what is wrong with the competition and why not yo go there then it told me about this club and who I should see or what I will encounter if i ho,