Well, to make it a bit more on-topic, this should be happening wherever you go. But, if you're in a strip club and intending to take part in high-mileage or extras anything, then it's literally the least you can do.
old joke: An Army sgt and a Marien Sgt are taking a piss in bathroom in a club. The Army sgt finishes first, zips his pants and starts to walk out. The Marien looks at him and says “ in the Marines the teach us to wash our hands after we take a piss”. The Army sgt turns and replies “in the Army they teach us not to puss on our hands”
last commentmaybe it's because of the bathroom trolls?
Even worse, just about every mouth you have ever kissed has had a dick in it too.
An Army sgt and a Marien Sgt are taking a piss in bathroom in a club. The Army sgt finishes first, zips his pants and starts to walk out. The Marien looks at him and says “ in the Marines the teach us to wash our hands after we take a piss”. The Army sgt turns and replies “in the Army they teach us not to puss on our hands”