
Comments by BubbleYum

  • review comment
    8 months ago
    5pm In Detroit
    There are no mandatory tips to the bouncer when using VIP here. You may tip him if you want to and they may insinuate that you should, but you can just tell them you'll get them on the way out (and then walk right by them without doing so on your way out or tip them like $5-$10).
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    There should be buttons to report reviews like this
    A lot of y'all simply just don't give a single fuck about our safety when it comes to writing these fucking reviews. 🙄 - written out of anger at no one in particular -
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Another name for a male baby?
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The Murder of Detroit Stripper Tamara Greene
    For those of us who know of her story and those of us who knew her, this is a very touchy subject. I began dancing a few years after her murder, but one of my house moms knew her and doesn't talk about her. She'll answer questions, but beats around the bush with her answers. I've met Strawberry's daughter and knew better than to bring anything up. I treated her with complete respect and admired her hustle. A baby stripper was once talking about how Strawberry was her backup stage name and I was like, "oooh. 😬 Please choose another." That name kinda has a special meaning behind it in the Detroit club scene for the hose of us who know the story. What happened to Strawberry could happen to any of us who work private parties and it's wild that so many girls just don't care or are oblivious to how dangerous private parties can be.
  • review comment
    9 months ago
    New Year 2024
    Can confirm. We have a 2am stage review that, unless in VIP, we have to be present for.
  • review comment
    9 months ago
    Wednesday Slow but Fun Time
    I offered to pay PL2's valet and entrance fees once, but I personally believe he's just too chicken to experience a real strip club.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    What are dancers doing when they go to “freshen up” before vip?
    Peeing. Maybe paying the DJ to skip my set if I know I'm going to be called soon.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Evil Lair
    No Offense Intended, But I’m Not Outing Extras Girls
    A customer wrote about me on USASexGuide with my permission. He told me he received over 50 private messages from others wanting to know my stage name. I asked him to only give out my Instagram, and only to forum contributors. I was told most of the guys who wrote to him had no posts or comments on the site and/or were recent made accounts. I received one private message from that review. What a huge waste of time for my customer to write that review and for me to show up to work after posting I'd be working.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Evil Lair
    No Offense Intended, But I’m Not Outing Extras Girls
    Also, outing girls can actually hurt them more than it could ever help them. Let's say you have a dancer who works at a non-extras club and is low key getting away with stuff in VIP. And now she's outed. And then suddenly one of the other girls from the club discovers this website and sees that review. Shows it to the manager. Then the girl gets fired. Now you're fucking with her money because she's unemployed. Or let's say she has a pimp. She supposed to sell services for $$$, but one of the girls from the group or he reads a review saying she sold for $$. Now he's pissed off and he's going to let her know it. Or she has a boyfriend or husband at home. And he thinks it's just a normal ass strip club. But then one of her jealous friends or something reads a review about her and shares it with her significant other. Now she is getting a divorce or broken up with. What if it was his residence She was living at? Now she's going to be homeless, too. These are scenarios that HAVE happened. Obviously not all the time, but I have read about girls dealing with these different types of scenarios just from being outed online. Just don't link dancer names to extras. It's not that difficult.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Evil Lair
    No Offense Intended, But I’m Not Outing Extras Girls
    "Privacy doesn't seem to be a big issue for someone that strips naked for total strangers and lets them fondle them, and more, in a public club." Are you retarded? Some of us are public figures, whether it's social media, mainstream porn, etc., and don't want or need everyone knowing our business in VIP. I don't mind if people know I dance, but what I do have a problem with is customers sharing their encounters with me in VIP. Furthermore, I don't want somebody following me home or hunting me down because they may not have gotten the same encounter someone else received. It has happened to many girls. And some of those girls end up dead. Third, it happens rarely, but some girls actually do use their real names as their dancer names. I have also seen girls get jumped by customers, significant others, and other dancers for things that may or may not have happened in VIP. Privacy IS an issue for us. And you're a dumb duck if you can't see that.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    No Xmas bonus
    After working night shift for a year and feeling burnt out, I took a break and then returned for day shift. Day shift is less expensive to work in terms of house fees and skip fees; and the time goes by a lot faster than during night shift. I think I only lasted two or three weeks on day shift before I decided to leave FC. I am not a morning person and I could barely function on day shift. People probably thought I was on drugs because I was always so insanely sleepy. And I really did not like the gown review. I was told that I would have to buy my own gown if I was going to keep working day shift. I wasn't a fan of having to spend money on an outfit I don't really want to own only so I could wear it for 5 minutes while at work.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    Flight Club….. Where R U????
    I'll be back at FC soon, too, hopefully. I miss this club.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    Black Friday
    "skip fees" are a real thing here. Stage is mandatory and our skip fees are either $50 or $100 depending on how soon we're supposed to be up on stage/if our name has or has not been called yet. For a Friday afternoon, with you two being in there for an hour, she probably would have had two skip fees assuming people were buying VIPs and there were at least 15 girls working. The stage here is very slick because of the fog coming from out of the stage. Actual dancing on that ice rink is nearly impossible without falling, hence the "shimmying".
  • discussion comment
    10 months ago
    Did you ever get one over on a dancer?
    OP is basically asking for ideas from others on how he can be shitty towards dancers and fuck them over.
  • discussion comment
    10 months ago
    Is scamming a "hustle" now?
    This happens so frequently. You shouldn't have given her the money until at the location. You literally walked right into that hustle. 😂
  • discussion comment
    10 months ago
    Sugar Baby Violence
    Oooh, spirit animal? *Clicks article to take notes* *Returns* Wow, fuck that bitch. Theft - I understand (not saying it's right or I agree with it), but fuck no to malicious destruction of property and assault. Especially if he's permanently blind. Material items can be replaced, but his eyesight can't if he's permanently blind. She has a prior, so hopefully bitch is sent to prison. Also, never bring one of us to your private residence and fellow sex workers, never bring a customer to yours. Air BNB rentals are perfect for outcalls for both parties (many high end girls do these instead of hotels now).
  • discussion comment
    10 months ago
    What kind of girls dance here?
    Your mom and your sister. They're whores, right?
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    First time for out of towner
    Electronmann said what I was about to say. Club price is $25/song, but we can set our own prices for a more adventurous time.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Chat message from $ugardaddy
    Yep. I got it. I gave him a TextFree number. This is a copy and paste of what his text was: "Looking for a sweet sugar baby interested in Selling Amazing pictures only I just need whom to keep me company…No sex chat or Nudity pictures and I promise to spoil you with my weekly allowance of $500, handle your bills, get your nails and hair done. I don’t ask for no money or banking info, I don’t do that here" I replied, "I'm very interested, but this sounds too good to be true." He replied, "It’s good and it’s true. You don’t wanna have a negative thought on this, because I’m paying you for sure. Can I see a pic of you?" I replied with my mainstream porn Instagram link. He didn't reply and after about 14 hours I texted him telling him I knew he was full of shit and then put his info on my Instagram stories for "fans" and other sex workers to harass him. Roughly two hours later, I got a message from Moneyman00 or whatever asking me for my OF. I didn't even reply and muted him. Not sure if the two are related/the same person or not.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Nu Metal in Strip Clubs
    I feel like a lot of the bands you named are being confused with alternative rock rather than nu metal. I'm an alt rock chick at heart, But my club refuses to play any rock music anymore. It's all wrapping hip hop and I fucking hate it.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    PSA Men are fucking delusional
    "And when men open their mouth I just have to fight the strong urge to murder which is honestly my fetish besides money which strangely turns me on lmfao" Relatable statement. 😏
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lip Filler
    ^it could be the glue you're using or it could be expired. Or if the lash dried along the eyelid in a way to where the glue is stabbing your skin. But normal store bought lashes are definitely not meant to be worn for as long as some of us wear them in a day. I'm legally blind in one eye and can only put lashes on using my sighted eye (and keeping that eye open while applying the lash to that one). I've messed up so much with that side because I literally can't do it without keeping that eye open. The worst is when I get lash glue in my eye and/or on my contact lens. The makeup struggle can be real. And men, while fillers can be over done, if it makes the individual happy, then let them be happy and just politely decline their dance/company offers. No need to be shitty because you're not into how that sex worker looks.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lip Filler
    ^there are also different types/brands of lip filler. There are also lip filler implants. Juviderm is the most popular and lasts up to or just over a year. I get a half syringe of that. The first time or so, many girls will go to the cheapest med spa or under the table person not knowing any better for lip filler and/or Botox only to realize that business/person is cheap for a reason.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Legends on a Busy Night.
    I work here. Skip fees really are a thing. And curtained vip cubicles haven't been a thing at Legends or any other Detroit club since May 2018 when every club in the city received a shut down notice (shut down or take the curtains down and comply by the ordinance). The restrictions will never be lifted again unless the city's ordinance regarding sexually oriented businesses is changed.