6 mos ago•RigiWreviewedThe Cheetah887 Spring St NW Atlanta, GA 30308Hot Girls but the Grind is Disappointing
1 yr ago•RigiWreviewedPT's Showclub Louisville227 E Market St Louisville, KY 40202Mid Week Adventure to the Back Room OK
1 yr ago•RigiWreviewedChicas Bonitas3701 N Interstate Hwy 35 Austin, TXMid Week Open Venue Fun but Open and Limited
1 yr ago •RigiWcommented onOnly game in town, I'd rather go elsewhere but the drink had other plans for meare the pictures on the website of their lineup just complete BS?
1 yr ago•RigiWreviewedTattletale Lounge2075 Piedmont Rd NE Atlanta, GA 30324 Midweek adventure to Tattletale was Good