
There should be buttons to report reviews like this

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat


And fuck anyone who approved this. This level of details about extras is dangerous to the girl and the club.


last comment
avatar for mickey48066
1 yr ago

I found Sam's review in the Detroit strip club section on usasg from mid Dec that I think is the visit to bts being referred to in this thread. He puts effort into writing his reviews. Those who dont like explicit reviews should use caution before reading because you'll likely become quite upset. At least he mentioned he parked nearby to avoid the valet. Maybe that's why it was approved.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
1 yr ago

"Those who dont like explicit reviews should use caution before reading because you'll likely become quite upset."

Mickey, it isn't about offending our virgin eyes. It's that this kind of shit is a legal risk to the club and especially a safety risk to the girl.

avatar for wallanon
1 yr ago

Did PuddyTat69 used to be somebody else?

avatar for whodey
1 yr ago

I am not a fan of tying girls to extras like this, but there is no rule against it on this site. It is entirely up to the vip members that read the unpublished reviews to decide if a review is appropriate to publish or not.
I would prefer that people reject these types of reviews because they put the club and more importantly the girl at risk of something bad happening when some messed up PL wants the same thing for the same price and gets denied for whatever reason. However, that is just my opinion and each vip member reading the unpublished reviews has to decide for themselves what types of reviews they will or will not approve.

avatar for rawhide
1 yr ago

Whoa, my apologies. I must have hit the wrong button.

Well, the PL clearly listed what time and day of the week he walked in, she certainly remembers him by face. So either the club or the BF/pimp can take care of this business in person next time the PL walks into the door. Nothing doing a little 'dance in the parking lot'.

Never out a dancer

avatar for Electronman
1 yr ago


I tend to agree that reviews should not include explicit details of a private dance if the review clearly identifies the dancer by name or by description. But I try to be a bit more nuanced in applying this standard.

However, your level of outrage is curious. This post is your first ever contribution to the TUSCL board, at least under the user name, PuddyTat69. Have you ever been to BT's? Have you read reviews of BT?. If so, you should be aware that extras are commonly available in some clubs and openly discussed with the dancers. BTs is one of those clubs and there are other clubs in Mexico, Germany, Thailand and in the USA where extras are openly available. I would be shocked if the review in question created any problems for BT's or for the dancer (other than possibly an uptick in demand for the dancer).

The point is that I recommend that you try to understand the unique "culture" of a club before you get too outraged by the level of details included in any review.

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

We do have a button to report these reviews. It appears while the review is up for approval, is red, and has the lettering r-e-j-e-c-t on it. I would never have written nor approved such a review. but this site is full of perverts, morons, and boors who had no problem publishing it.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
1 yr ago

The review guidelines do caution against linking explicit behavior directly to dancers by name. And that "Too explicit" is listed as a reason to reject a review indicates that it's valid to reject these reviews.

That said, now that it's out there, there's not much to do about it. You can post a comment to the review noting that linking dancers by name to extras is widely discouraged here.

You can also message founder, but there's only a small chance he'll pull it down or allow a rewrite.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
1 yr ago

The review was approved 6-1. Some of it likely due to the sliding scale elecrronman pointed out for different jurisdictions. What is common practice in Seattle, Atlanta, Pompano or in this case, Detroit, is not the same in Boston or elsewhere. Is it right? I don’t think so, but that’s what it is and the locals deserve some deference.

avatar for rickthelion
1 yr ago

Imma go all wildebeest on that asshole. Time for a road trip. Now where the fuck is my drivin’ whiskey? ROAR!!!

avatar for RiskA
1 yr ago

Whoa, is the tide finally turning against the pearl-clutchers on this website? For years I’ve tried to debunk the “this website prohibits explicit content” myth, and noted the hyperlocal accepted extras factor. Now I do agree that manners and the social compact counsel restraint or use of implications/allusions, and it’s often tough to walk the line. But unilateral hard & fast “rule” pronouncements are BS: just downvote the review, feel good about your virtue in doing so, and move on.

avatar for caseyx
1 yr ago

This club is not at risk. There are dozens of reviews of the place that talk about extras happening in the VIP. In the Detroit suburbs it's no secret what happens at the clubs. Is the dancer at risk? Doubtful, since she works in a club like this. I've met no-extras dancers in the area but they are few and far between (actually I think I've only ever met one). It's not like this dancer is going to get fired by the club for doing FS or targeted by LE when most of the dancers do it. That said, it's pretty dumb to use one asterisk like that.

avatar for WiseToo
1 yr ago

Extras may be commonly available in some clubs and openly discussed with the dancers. It is my understanding that extras, at least here in the USA, are illegal. In other countries such as Germany, Thailand and Mexico they may be legal.

I don't think there is any harm in simply stating facts, e.g. extras happen in the VIP. But that fact should not be used as a reason for recommending a club because it encourages an illegal activity. A "happy ending" may not be so happy, just ask Robert Kraft.

avatar for funonthaside
1 yr ago

Most girls at the extras clubs can handle themselves just fine. They likely deal with more aggressive behavior at home and in their neighborhoods than they would encounter from a PL using the "but I read in the internet that you DO engage in xyz" coercion. Most girls would shut that down real fast.

And, if you think nobody knows what occurs in those clubs, you are likely a guy that gets ripped off at those clubs as a result of naivety.

avatar for drewcareypnw
1 yr ago

6-1 it passed. That should give you an idea of people’s views on this subject. And hey, he used the * ! What’s the chance of guessing the missing letter in a five letter name?! 😆

avatar for BubbleYum
1 yr ago

A lot of y'all simply just don't give a single fuck about our safety when it comes to writing these fucking reviews. 🙄

  • written out of anger at no one in particular -
avatar for unclewillSea
11 mos ago

Puddytat69 is a bigot.

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 mos ago

There are buttons to report reviews like this one, it's the red "Reject" button on the Unpublished Reviews page. Unfortunately, there are people who think that Penthouse letters exposing extras dancers to the world are more important than actually reviewing the club, and those who will (apparently) blindly approve any review they see.

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 mos ago

FWIW, I would have rejected that one just as you did.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
11 mos ago

@unclewillSea you are willingly polluting the site with poorly written, dancer endangering posts just to have a cheap laugh. Fuck you.

avatar for funonthaside
11 mos ago

Cool your jets, PuddyTat....BT's is well documented as an extras club. It's not like he published an encounter he had with Susie, the server at Waffle House. It seems that a BT review that speaks of NOT engaging in extras would be more of a shock.

These girls are our providers, not our girlfriends, wives, sisters, daughters, or protectees. As I stated in an earlier post, I imagine she can handle herself just fine in her own, without intervention by boyfriend/pimp/etc.

This hobby is best enjoyed when not getting emotionally caught up with these girls.

Everyone knows what happens at BTs, including LE and customers. Nothing posted here will shed any earth-shattering news.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
11 mos ago

It’s chicken shit to dox extras dancers from behind an anonymous profile. So sure you’re in the right? Tell her before you head to vip that you plan to review the club and her performance on tuscl. She’ll definitely over perform to ensure you give her a good review.

Beyond the dickishness of it, it’s just bad business. It provides little valuable info while incurring unnecessary risk. Foolish.

avatar for skibum609
11 mos ago

The assholes approving the review are the problem not the pathetic douche bragging about sex for money, as if it were similar to discovering a new, clean source of energy. As for those saying this is what BT is all about? Yeah, it is, but they don't put a fucking sign out front advertising extras and we shouldn't either.

avatar for funonthaside
11 mos ago

I imagine that only 1% or so of strip club patrons actually read these reviews (either because they don't know this site exists, or don't have access to reviews), so extreme reviews or not, I doubt there reviews have influence over the majority of strip club patrons. And, for many who are TUSCL readers, extras seem to be a goal. So, whether a girl is known for extras or not, there are guys who will push anyway.

avatar for ww
11 mos ago

Thankfully, we have a “majority rules” review system.

The minority may be the most vocal on any given issue, but doesn’t speak to what the majority wants. And in this case, the majority wanted the review published.

On to the next review!

avatar for rickmacrodong
7 mos ago

The scenario some have described on here, where a dancer gets violently chased home by a guy yelling “Why did you give that guy extras and not me!!” is something that has maybe a 1 in 100 million chance of occurring.

In the club, the dancer has bouncers and staff to protect her.
Outside the club, she can contact cops, or she may have a boyfriend pimp, or a weapon… thats assuming the crazy guy even has her address in the first place, which is unlikely, and even if he somehow got her address, it would be unlikely he would chase her down

This is all in addition to the fact that for most extras dancers, hygiene would be a much bigger concern than how good looking the guy is. Chances are, a guy able to spend $200, $300+ for extras, has good enough hygiene.

dancers who offer extras, are doing so for money. Not because they’re attracted to the guy.

Some PL’s I think get deluded into thinking the dancer is in love with them… and then they assume theyre the only ones receiving extras.. or part of some sort of elite class, top .01% of guys receiving extras

So it makes sense to leave out dancer names because you dont want the dancer or club getting into legal trouble or shut down

But this other scenario some describe is like a 1 in 100 million scenario… which is a mixture of PL delusion, jealousy, possessiveness, immaturity, naivety, etc

I can tell you, whats a lot more common than a PL chasing down a dancer, is regulars and PLs getting jealous and possessive over dancers they like

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