
Comments by 48-Cowboy (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    Skibum609s family found
    ^ you are right. You are not afraid of fucking your kin folk. We don't do that in my family
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Blow me. 😙 Pronouns: hoe/heaux
    I'd Never Felt More Safe Around a Customer than I did With This One
    "^feel you on the insomnia - I haven't had a good night's sleep since July 4th" ^ aww must be rough dealing with the rejection by the man of your dreams. I am sorry your heart is broken that bad
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No, being old and white doesn’t make you the customer almighty automatically
    I had to Google the village people...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No, being old and white doesn’t make you the customer almighty automatically
    ^ it all makes sense now. I don't really remind you of the Village People. You are a big fan of them and have a big crush on all of them. You must have been a groupie and were denied by the cowboy villager and he broke your heart. Now you and desert scrub should go play dress up.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No, being old and white doesn’t make you the customer almighty automatically
    ^ you shit on the swimming pool? Not surprising with you wearing sparkly butt plugs all of the time
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No, being old and white doesn’t make you the customer almighty automatically
    Look at all of you dumb old fucks... Nicespice said old white guys are not the end all be all customer, UNLESS THEY ARE SPENDING MONEY! Then all you old fucks start on on justifying your age and get defensive... Lmfao 😂😂😂 Either you are 1) admitting you are too broke to spend money at the club 2) Have no intention of spending and you like to string along those poor dancers with the little carrot of the belief that they will make money, then you plan on pulling the rug out from under them. 3) Your reading comprehension is at elementary school level because Nicespice went harder after us millennials than boomers. Go back to school boomers. You flunked out
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    I demand a full refund for my college degree because it was defective
    Let's go get them Tetradon. Get your guns ready
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Does anyone else here enjoy cooking?
    Grass fed is better duh... Corn fed cows are not as good because of the GMOs in corn along with antibiotics cows don't need. Some Corn is round up ready so it can be sprayed directly with round up and not kill the Corn. This is done by genetic modification, and the Corn has round up in it. Round up is known to put holes in your intestines. Corn makes them fatter faster Grass is not GMO. Grass fed is much better. I guess Rick wants leaky gut with his shit going everywhere inside him. You do you bro
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Vegas clubs and extras... I'm really not trying to be that girl, but...
    "Did Nina get pregnant and become too busy to post in here? Maybe she got her JD and is pursuing a career in justice. Possibly she ran into a whale at the Mistake on the Lake? Oh well, doesn’t matter what she is doing because the default response from her is everyone is obsessed with her anyone, so why even try? My guess is she’s pregnant and barefoot with a live in baby daddy." ^ simp
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Does anyone else here enjoy cooking?
    I enjoy roasting boomers
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    I demand a full refund for my college degree because it was defective
    Many degrees you can get are outdated byntge time you graduate anyway. The entire system is fucked uo
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    I demand a full refund for my college degree because it was defective
    ^ yes, they should never out this burden on the tax payers. The universities sh9uld be saddled with this burden. They put out a worthless product with guarantee of payment and no guarantee of anything.mwhat a sham
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The Three Stooges
    The Three Stooges show was great! The movie was even better. They got even with that rich guy
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    I demand a full refund for my college degree because it was defective
    ^ you are a good man cashman
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No, being old and white doesn’t make you the customer almighty automatically
    ^ oh goody! You will be dead soon. Good riddance
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No, being old and white doesn’t make you the customer almighty automatically
    Thanks for the validation Nicespice! Boomers are ridiculous and super entitled. They all think they need their baba and binky
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Tips for Enjoying Strip Clubs
    Tip #7 Stop bitching about dancers wanting to text instead of call Tip #8 Stop bitching about dancers not giving out real phone numbers
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Texting Apps
    Wow! Skibum is a total luddite. Too lazy to learn how to text and uses the excuse that he is late everywhere as an excuse not to learn how to text. You are too lazy to manage your time properly also. This is the peak of childishness and irresponsibility. What a baby. Are you too late everywhere because you are sucking your thumb while crying and beating off? Maybe the beating off part is a bit much. I forgot you are always high on week. You are probably so stoned you can't even move to do anything like that. Sorry I overestimated your abilities
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    Skibum609 is a Racist
    ^ here is some help for you skibum. Being triggered means small things get you angry or distressed. This should help.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    Skibum609 is a Racist
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Not Your Daddy's Pasco County
    We don't talk about strip clubs here. We talk about politics đŸ»đŸ€ 
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    A new leaf
    Why would you think that Nancy Pelosi's parents are my parents? Talk about stupid reasoning. Nancy Pelosi is a silent generation and according to your infinite intelligence I am a gen z
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    A new leaf
    ^ go move a dresser. Then move the filing cabinet and then the refrigerator
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Not Your Daddy's Pasco County
    Pathetic. A boomer trying to justify their worth and trying to get their reviews approved.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    A new leaf
    ^ I am doing my job because you are triggered. My parents are proud. Your parents failed because you are dreaming of Holland Tunnel sized assholes