I have reviews in the pipeline awaiting approval, but I thought I'd share some general thoughts about Pasco County. For those of you who used to enjoy the almost dirty country feel of the Pasco County clubs, things have definitely changed. I suppose it was inevitable given the huge influx of people and money pouring into Florida over the last several years, but this is definitely not your Daddy's Pasco County.
For starters, virtually every club that I've visited so far has been remodeled since my last visit, with the exception perhaps of the Brass Flamingo. They are much cleaner and more comfortable than they used to be. And you won't find a single dirt parking lot anymore - they've all been paved now.
Here are some snippets for the clubs that I've visited so far:
Brass Flamingo: A bit more gimmicky than I remember and most of the girls didn't take their clothes off. A lot of the girls were young and one tried to hustle me for an upfront tip for the 15 minute room, at which point I knew that she was a no-go. I'm sure there is still fun to be had there, but one must tread carefully in this club now.
Emperor's: Very nice club, but no damned girls. They obviously remodeled. Now granted they probably have years of a bad rep to overcome, but seriously now. I get that it is Summer in Florida, which is always a slow time for the clubs, but they have to do better than a couple of big booty black girls. There was a hot as hell female manager walking around who would have done more for the club if she had taken her clothes off and got on stage than whatever she was doing to get talent on the pole.
Allure: Like Emperor's, there were no girls. This club is also much nicer than it was the last time I visited under a different name, but you can't get guys in the door if you can't put girls on the stage. There were other clubs that were far busier than this one on a late Wednesday night, so like Emperor's this whole "Summer in Florida" excuse doesn't hold much water.
Lollipop: When I visited this club late on a Tuesday night it was busy. The talent wasn't much to write home about, but they had girls and customers. It, like other area clubs, has been remodeled. It is more urban than country now for sure, purple lighting included. I really used to like this club but not so much now.
Red Room: My review says it all. So far this has been my best stop, reminding me of the MILFy-licious Pasco County experiences that I came to enjoy over the years. And unlike nearby Emperor's and Allure, it had plenty of customers and girls. This club may be my new Lollipops in Pasco County. Funny thing is that this club probably has one of the worst locations, being about a mile or so off of Route 19 tucked in what looks like a residential neighborhood, but people go there.
I read a lot about Pasco before my business trip last year. I was very much unimpressed. I thought I had reviews, but it was so forgettable that even I forgot to write a review. I went to Brass Rail which was terrible and mostly a ghetto party. I should've taken the hint that there was no parking. Inside was so crowded and this was during covid. I couldn't tell dancers from party-goers.
Allure was much better, small (both places are tiny), 99% cuban, and I could barely understand them in Spanish. The average was 6 at best with a one or two 7s and 8s. Not worth the drive from Tampa.
Chief, I wouldn't write Pasco off so quickly. Yes I've had a few misfires, but I had a great time at Red Room and if I was willing to go back at the Brass Flamingo with a hot young Cuban girl I could have had fun there too. Also the talent was pretty strong at Red Room and BF when I visited.
I'm thinking of possibly visiting Florida in the future, my near future san jose side trip is my priority ATM but maybe Florida this winter. Thanks Rick for the on site intel.
@Longball: I think what is steering me away from BA is that last review, where all of the girls were Cuban. I generally don't enjoy Cuban girls. If I did I would have gone to the back with a smoking hot Cuban girl when I visited the Brass Flamingo.
It's funny that the one club that I had some good things to say about, Red Room, is the one for which my review is still in the pipeline. I'm guessing that I'll see a couple of "Shill/Club Ad" comments there. It's getting hard to simply enjoy a club and give it a positive review on this site. It wasn't until Red Room that I finally felt like I was back in good ol' Pasco County, lol.
Great overview of the area for people thinking of visiting. Sounds like the area has changed drastically since your last visit and that is great info for people to consider when reading older reviews of the area.
Out of curiosity how long had it been between visits for you? Just trying to see if this was a fairly rapid change or one that may have slowly happened club by club over a few years.
For those of us who’ve clubbed long enough to see the quality of talent decline over the years, it appears that Rick Dugan has confirmed this is also happening at the Pasco clubs as well. It’s a nationwide phenomenon and I can tell you I went to 4 clubs yesterday and not one satisfied my interests so I went home with a few hundred extra dollars in my pockets. I guess the kids are goi f to get an extra bountiful Christmas this year.
@Whodey: Admittedly it's been 7 or 8 years since I was last here, but the changes are pretty significant. One is the number of Cuban girls. Another is how many young hot girls there are, including many who likely would have been dancing in Tampa or some other bigger market 8 years ago instead of Pasco. Yet another is how much these clubs have invested in improving their facilities.
@Mate: I guess that depends on what you mean by "quality decline." If anything, I'd say that, from a pure eye candy perspective, the quality has actually improved in the Pasco County clubs. For example, half of the girls working at Brass Flamingo were outright beautiful, something which would have been much less common in years past.
Smaller market clubs here in Florida have been the beneficiary of more rapid money growth over the past several years, especially in the economy we had right up until COVID hit. Moreover, when COVID hit, it drove a lot of the MILFs out of the clubs. When the clubs re-opened, a lot of younger hot girls took their place. There are large numbers of hot girls dancing in smaller market clubs in places like Jacksonville, Daytona Beach and Pasco County today, many of whom would not have been found in those places in such numbers 8 years ago.
But from a "service" perspective, for lack of a better term, I'd agree that there has definitely been a quality decline. Good fun girls without hang-ups and attitudes are definitely harder to find now.
Yeah I personally like stuff like this where you kind compare the whole area, I’ve done a few of those because that’s the stuff I like to read at the end of the day. It’s not said a lot but does anyone else just get exhausted having to read a bunch of reviews to finally get a grasp of what’s what. It’s a pain in the ass. I usually just say fuck it and go and find out for myself in the same amount of time.
For any of you who didn't experience the Pasco County of yesteryear, think a string of seedy dive clubs, some of which didn't even bother to pave their parking lots. You didn't go to Pasco County for fancy - you went for fun. Brass Flamingo and Bare Assets, neither of which is particularly upscale, looked positively lavish when compared to the other clubs on the same stretch of Rt 19. It was a real collection of shitholes.
Now I'd have to say that they are all pretty nice, with Emperor's taking the top spot from a pure facility standpoint. It is truly night and day.
On one of your review of the Pasco County clubs, I asked if you had been to Atlantis recently as I've had good results there with good value. I was thinking it was in Pasco County, but it's a bit south in north Pinellas County, oh well...
The best place I saw on 19 as far as quantity and quality of girls recently was Oz in Pinellas. Even during a slow day, there are over 20 girls of all shapes, sizes and nationality. Mostly white Florida girls, but a few AA and Cubans mixed in. They do have an occasional ugly one but most are young and attractive.
Granted, I don't like spending $40 for a single dance but they have 2 for 1 about once an hour. A domestic beer is less than $3. I don't go that often because I know of a sure thing I like to play with at Diamond Dolls up the road, but I like Oz when I get by there on about every other trip I make to Florida. Again, mostly for the variety and a bar full of half-naked young girls.
I came to Pasco County specifically to avoid the Tampa and Clearwater tourist traps, lol. There are enough hot girls working in Pasco nowadays that I'm not really sacrificing much on the quality front, yet my fun is much more reasonably priced and a misfire in a back room doesn't cost me several Benjies.
In the Hillsborough, Pinellas and Pasco triangle, it's getting hard to find a club that the Cubans haven't taken over. I think I liked Oz for the variety and cheap drinks more than anything. You don't do ITC from what I've seen I can tell. Otherwise, I would have recommended Diamond Dolls. They have a wide-ranging menu from the, mostly Cuban, staff now.
As always Rick details great information on the club scene for an entire county. I would like to add that there are still 3 Olive Gardens open in Pasco County so if you're even half as savvy as Rick you too can take strippers out for an elegant meal.
I'm not sure which is worse: One who assumes that I'm savvy because I'm clubbing in a county with 3 Olive Gardens or that anyone could conceivably consider me savvy for any reason at all. 😉
But not the entire county. I have not been to Vue or BA and I likely won't make it to either. I'm clubbed out for the time being, lol. I had such a good time last night that my urge to club tonight has been dramatically diminished. 😁
I was pleased to see this group of reviews for Pasco co. I don’t travel for a living and am “stuck” residing in the Orlando area. So the tampa tri county area as well as volusia and brevard counties are my only options for entertainment. My only thoughts for this pasco run is questioning how much of a different experience might it have been Thursday, Friday or Saturday nights. As far as pinellas co. Goes I do agree with some of the others that DD and Atlantis often hold some promise and value.
last commentAllure was much better, small (both places are tiny), 99% cuban, and I could barely understand them in Spanish. The average was 6 at best with a one or two 7s and 8s. Not worth the drive from Tampa.
Thanks Rick for the on site intel.
Out of curiosity how long had it been between visits for you? Just trying to see if this was a fairly rapid change or one that may have slowly happened club by club over a few years.
Smaller market clubs here in Florida have been the beneficiary of more rapid money growth over the past several years, especially in the economy we had right up until COVID hit. Moreover, when COVID hit, it drove a lot of the MILFs out of the clubs. When the clubs re-opened, a lot of younger hot girls took their place. There are large numbers of hot girls dancing in smaller market clubs in places like Jacksonville, Daytona Beach and Pasco County today, many of whom would not have been found in those places in such numbers 8 years ago.
But from a "service" perspective, for lack of a better term, I'd agree that there has definitely been a quality decline. Good fun girls without hang-ups and attitudes are definitely harder to find now.
Now I'd have to say that they are all pretty nice, with Emperor's taking the top spot from a pure facility standpoint. It is truly night and day.
Granted, I don't like spending $40 for a single dance but they have 2 for 1 about once an hour. A domestic beer is less than $3. I don't go that often because I know of a sure thing I like to play with at Diamond Dolls up the road, but I like Oz when I get by there on about every other trip I make to Florida. Again, mostly for the variety and a bar full of half-naked young girls.
But not the entire county. I have not been to Vue or BA and I likely won't make it to either. I'm clubbed out for the time being, lol. I had such a good time last night that my urge to club tonight has been dramatically diminished. 😁
As far as pinellas co. Goes I do agree with some of the others that DD and Atlantis often hold some promise and value.