A new leaf

avatar for skibum609
Extras have become boring. 15-30 minutes is just not enough time to have fun. Always seems rushed and seldom worth the money. It also hurts that at my go to club, Desires, the newer dancers just don't appeal to me and those that do/did appeal to me, really no longer do since I have been there, done that. Without variety, this has no appeal to me. The solution? Go old school, skip the extras and just get full contact laps. It's been 6 weeks of this and with a new perspective on the hobby, I am enjoying it once again. Sometimes turning over a new leaf is the solution.

What have I discovered? Rhode Island Dolls, a "starter" club has a brand-new crew of dancers. By brand new I mean 4 dancing for the first time ever on Thursday night. The combined age of the 4 newcomers Thursday was 74. If you like them very young and petite, turn over a new leaf.


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avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
Yesterday I dumped a dancer that has been spending the afternoon at my house weekly for the last 3 months. Friends that know me and her think I am making the wrong decision. Situations like that don't just happen every day. Especially when you are 80 years old. I explained to her that it was not her. That it was just me and that I was BORED and needed to get out more. She'll miss the money but not me. I'll miss the sex but not her.

Tomorrow starts a new day!
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Do what makes you happy, man.

Personally, I like the newer girls at Desires, though I haven't been in a few weeks.
avatar for Rod8432
2 years ago
I've also been "coached" on the wisdom of opting for LDs with low-mileage but younger, better looking girls at an air-dance club, versus always going with a VIP sure-thing at a high-mileage club. He contends many of the lower-mileage girls are open to OTC, and they deliver a far better experience than anything a PL will get in a quick ITC VIP session.

Of course, I want both, but such is life. Decisions, decisions...
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
That is pretty much what I live by when it comes to clubbing.

Hey ski you ever try Mynx in Groton? Little bit a hike but real pretty girls, and they go hard on not having tattoos. Not an extras spot.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
I will give it a shot Muddy. The dances at Dolls right now are exceptional.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
I guess I just don't get bored easy; they tend to get bored of me before I do of them. I knew my ATF for about a decade. The MILF has been 5 or 6 years now I guess. My "newest" has only been regular for 18ish months months now, but I've known her for about 5 years.

But I have also backed off on ITC action. Not out of boredom, but because I've been satisfied with my other options.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago

Pics and Vids of the weekly visits or it didn’t happen.


Good Times, Good Times.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
@CJKent_band: fucking creeper.
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
Extras has always been a dumb idea.

Buying dances is a chump's game.

Just make your selection, demonstrate generosity and charm, and make something happen with her.




Joe Bonamassa's Pentatonic Sequences

Joe Bonamassa Official - "Breaking Up Somebody's Home" - Live At The Greek Theatre
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago

Lol, tick tick tick.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Demonstrate "generosity and charm" = pay her until she can stomach you.
avatar for jmiddle30234
2 years ago
I have a couple of fav at the club, it makes it hard to try out new dancers when they are there. But if I wanted the same I would marry one. I need variety and get board after several trips to vip with the same dancer. I just tell them I’m not doing vip today and they go off to find another pl
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Nice post skibum
avatar for samiel
2 years ago
Honestly I like have a relationship with a girl who is open to trying new things. The current girl I see the most is super open to going clubbing with me, so I still get to see new dancers and such.
avatar for Tiburon
2 years ago
Have you ever considered hiring an escort for 4-figures? THey're willing to give you the whole dating experience to make everything seem more intimate and personal. makes the lead up seem more worth it and less wham, bam thank you ma'am. I haven't tried it but I heard it helps.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Extras aren't my goal and never have been. As I drink and party too much and have limited self-control, they do occur, but it's not my focus. My last 3x I have done full-contact laps with brand new, young dancers and had as much fun as any extras experience. I am there to drink and party with pretty girls. If something more happens on its own, wonderful. If not, wonderful. No matter where I have been I drive home every day/night and look forward to it. Still prefer sex with my wife over any other woman. This is an adjunct to my life, although if my wife were suddenly gone, I would be more extras focused because I wouldn't date. Everyone gets one true love in their life and since I have had mine, I wouldn't bother searching for someone who doesn't exist.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Extras are a chumps game
avatar for Uprightcitizen
2 years ago
When I saw this title I thought Ski was going to introduce us to a new strain of weed
avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 years ago
Hahahahahaha hahahaha hahahaha Skibum is SUCH A LOSER!!! He supposedly has plenty of money from his furniture moving job and drives a minivan. Now he claims he is bored of extras and only gets lapdances. SUUUURRRREEEE... Skibum is making excuses because he is broke and can't afford extras now. Did inflation take the poor guy out? Awww I bet it did! Skibum is in his 60s and still does manual labor like a loser and pretends to be an attorney! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

I bet you made your mom proud bum
avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 years ago
@ Skibum do you think that your admitted lack of self control has anything to do with your being broke?
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
You are such a little girl Cowboy-48. If you think I care about what people say about how much money I have, or don't have, you are even fucking dumber than I thought, and I thought that except for Icee you are the stupidest person here. Yeah, I think you're that fucking dumb and that leaves out how fucking gay I find your s/n. My Mom is proud of me actually. She is due to arrive here on 8/19. Extremely excited, since she is 89 and I know I don't get much more time with her. Sorry that your Mom had such tragic children.

My lack of self-control is why I am not like my younger brother with a North palm beach waterfront home and flying my own plane. I drive an old car and live in a modest house. I dress like I am homeless. Except for my $1,000 a week pissing away on stupid shit money, one would think I am some broke ass loser like you boy.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 years ago
Awww the mamas boy has to call me small to make himself feel big
avatar for Dave_Anderson
2 years ago
Has Icee ever said anything that isn't the literal opposite of everything I believe? It's almost amazing.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
My Mom was a class act and that seems to upset the children of those who are not. I guess that's why gay men have Cowboy fantasies. The Village people had a Cowboy, but no lawyers.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 years ago
^ is that why you are fixated on me with all of your fantasies about me being gay? Awww, never gonna happen skibum! Even if I were gay I would be way out of your league. Keep dreaming that paying girls small sums of money you don't have equals charm
avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 years ago
And stop bragging about your $1k a week income is a big deal. That would have been a good income in the 80s but it is chump change. A Big Mac may cost that in a few years and your socialist insecurity will not keep up. I will still be in the work force and doing just fine. 🧐🤔
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
I tip servers more money in a week than you gross Cowboy. I understand why you're jealous and do feel sorry for your lousy life. "even if I were gay" actually means: "I am a gay Cowboy". Amazing that you don't understand your last post on the subject was an admission you take cock up the ass.
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
"Demonstrate "generosity and charm" = pay her until she can stomach you."

Its not that bad. The women who dance in strip clubs, for the most part, they can be gotten to.

avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 years ago
Skibum is jealous. He wants strapping young studs like me. He is diludional
avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 years ago
avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 years ago
Husband as a cover for liking dudes, Son, Sibling, Friend with dudes, Skier, Gambler, Swinger with other dudes, Golfer to hit on dudes, Foodie to eat duck sausage, Traveller to find more dudes, but most of all I smoke Ghost Train Haze so I can make believe all of the strapping young lads want me.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 years ago
^ there! I fixed it for you skibum. You're welcome
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
Enjoy the change skibum609! It’s important to find something that works for you - and at times a change is needed.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Only a faggot who lets old man come in his Holland Tunnel sized asshole would use the term "strapping young lad". I pity you Cowboy, you're parents should be jailed.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 years ago
^ I am doing my job because you are triggered. My parents are proud. Your parents failed because you are dreaming of Holland Tunnel sized assholes
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Your parents are proud that they raised the biggest faggot on earth. Pelosi's parents are the same as yours and just as proud of their filthy rat offspring. Triggered is a faggot word for young people stupid. It means nothing to an adult, little girl. Go back to your $15.00 an hour job boy. Triggered lol. Boy you sure are stupid.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 years ago
^ go move a dresser. Then move the filing cabinet and then the refrigerator
avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 years ago
Why would you think that Nancy Pelosi's parents are my parents? Talk about stupid reasoning. Nancy Pelosi is a silent generation and according to your infinite intelligence I am a gen z
avatar for MackTruck
2 years ago
I bet op is a faggor
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