Say yes to the sex industry!
Comments by CC99 (page 9)
discussion comment
5 years ago
Since this began governments have been too worried about saving face and that’s the biggest reason why it has spread so widely now.
Trump needs to find the CDC to allow more testing and develop a better method of testing because right now if you want to get tested it could cost you $3,500 in medical bills.
So nobody is voluntarily getting tested and the CDC doesn’t seem to want to test people. The only criteria for getting tested is if you have direct links to China or close contact with an infected person and even then, only with the CDC’s explicit approval. A recent case was confirmed in California only after the virus got so severe they couldn’t ignore it. Other experts have said the US likely has dozens if not hundreds of cases that haven’t been confirmed because of our lack of testing.
My issue with Trumps statements was that he misled the public by saying it’s just like the flu. In doing so all the people who haven’t been following the daily updates on the virus are not taking it seriously.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I actually agree with twenty five and that’s despite being in support of Trump but his press conference seriously misled the public as far as how dangerous it is. The CDC and medical experts are telling us to prepare for an outbreak at any moment and Trump is telling us that “it’s like the flu.”
It’s like the Spanish Flu maybe. Unfortunately it’s a lot more contagious than the Spanish flu but seems to be just as deadly.
discussion comment
5 years ago
That’s not how the disease works. COVID 19 is extremely airborne. This isn’t fake news, China quarantined tens of millions of people, put their economy on hold for a month, and have threatened anybody who does not confess that they have the disease with execution. China went door to door rounding up anybody who had a fever and put them in quarantine camps.
If anything the news is downplaying the severity of it.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
This is some straight up medieval shit. Oh wait, it’s actually too puritanical for Medieval times. Even the medieval church thought making prostitution illegal did more harm than good unlike the US government.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Maybe farts don’t but it is very airborne. People just walking down the street in Wuhan for a few hours back in January got it.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I think you are seriously underestimating this virus ski bum. The CDC has announced that an outbreak is inevitable at this point. There’s too many countries now that could potentially spread COVID 19 for us to isolate it properly.
A major reason why it has spread is because of people not taking it seriously. COVID 19 is somewhere between 25-80 times more deadly than the flu is. The comparisons between the two end at their symptoms.
This isn’t Zika or h1n1. This is the real deal. Unfortunately it seems people have gotten complacent and over confident in regards to diseases because it’s been so long since we suffered from an epidemic like this.
It’s worth reminding everyone that the CCP is not releasing accurate numbers. The numbers are likely at least 10x as high as they are reporting. Crematoriums in Wuhan have been getting overwhelmed with bodies as they are working 24/7 for weeks to burn them all. The numbers Iran is reporting are likely not accurate either as their own mayor in Qoms criticized the central government for covering up close to 50 deaths.
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5 years ago
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
That's actually really funny.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
Maybe not strip clubs in general, but I do find that with every forum, there is a large amount of discussion related to topics that are not about what the original forum was designed for.
I generally see this as a good thing. It means there's a community and people are forming friendships or are interested in what the other users have to say about other topics. If there was no off-topic discussion it would mean we have no interest in talking to each other about anything besides the reason we came here.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
I don't know but it seems to be a source of humor to my mom. She hears about me and my friends' habits and just says "God you guys are terrible!"
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
^SJG is proving my point.
A lot of liberals do not like Bloomberg.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
I think women value connectivity with one another more than men do. With guys, you can disappear for months at a time, see them again and its like nothing changed. Girls are much more likely to get offended that their friend didn't text or message them within a certain period of time. I think in general, women just want to know more about each other. This is why stuff like MySpace and Facebook appeals more to women. It allows them to see what their friends are doing whenever they want, which makes them feel more connected to their friends.
I think guys just don't really care about that as much. Discussions between guys are often more related to hobbies and ideas than updating one another of our activities.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
Fair enough, its got more of an arcade look to it.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
It would be difficult to predict if you don't understand liberals. Maybe not this specific debate performance, but I knew as soon as his campaign took off that he was going to be very unpopular among liberals. The amount of money he is throwing at this campaign is all gonna be wasted even if he throws a billion dollars towards advertising.
A lot of liberals are very idealistic people. Many of them refused to vote for Hillary because they perceived her as a corporate shill trying to buy her way into the white house and having no real convictions of her own.
Mike Bloomberg is Hillary on steroids. He's not even trying to hide the fact that he's attempting to buy the white house. And on top of that, he can't even play the woman card or the minority card. The only reason Hillary got any true supporters is because she was a woman. Pretty much all the other votes she received were protest votes against Donald Trump. But Bloomberg doesn't even have the woman thing going for him.
As far as Bloomberg goes, a lot of liberals don't consider him a real liberal. They consider him a corporate billionaire with no convictions trying to buy the white house. A lot of liberals would find it really difficult to make themselves vote for somebody like that. A lot of them will probably be more comfortable with the idea of Trump winning than Bloomberg because at least with Trump, you can tell yourself that the reason he won was because his support base loves him. With Bloomberg, if you elect him, you are literally sending a message saying that huge amounts of wealth can effortlessly buy political power which is something the Bernie supporters hate. The only votes he would receive in a general election is "I don't want Donald Trump" votes and that didn't work for Hillary so I doubt it would work for Bloomberg.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
If guys said the exact same stuff or posted the same pictures it would probably look kind of weird. But given that there are some guys who are just as active as girls I don't think its about a lack of material so much as a lack of interest.
I think middle aged adults are more active because of the wider audience you mention. Young people are more likely to only talk with other young people and we are a smaller part of the population than middle aged adults are. Plus I think Facebook and Twitter is too mainstream for a lot of young people.
Yeah they are on Snapchat a lot. I definitely was including Instagram and Snapchat.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
I don't like the games I'd truly consider "old" because the graphics are just too bad.
I'd say I like the middle era games the best (2004-2014). The problem with a lot of new games is they keep rehashing the same stuff. Call of Duty can't seem to stop going back to WW2, Modern Warfare, or very near future type stuff.
I consider Assassin's Creed an exception though because I primarily play the games for the setting and every game has a different setting.
discussion comment
5 years ago
You really do make a lot of descriptive comments about gay sex and other men's dicks don't you?
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
So I guess according to the above data, between 25-30% of the population is solidly Republican, 25-30% is solidly Democrat. 15-20% is centre-left, 15-20% is centre right, and 8-12% are true centrists.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
You seem to be under the impression I am a Bernie supporter? All I'm doing is relaying factual information.
Most Democrats are not centrists. Actual centrists would identify as "independents." Very few people are true "centrists" though as almost everybody claims to lean towards the Democrat or Republican party. Being a centrist would indicate that you literally have no preference for either one.
Rather most of what we call "centrists" are people that I would call "centre-left" or "centre-right." A lot of people certainly claim to be centrists because they think it makes them look more objective but if you go way down the list on the link I provided above it showed that only about 8-12% of the population claims to not lean either way.
I have a strong feeling though that anyone who would actually go so far as to identify themselves with "I am a Democrat!" Or "I am a Republican!" Is very likely to be solidly on that party's side as a lot of people, in my experience, are hesitant towards identifying with a political party even if they agree with them on a lot of things.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
The people in Las Vegas are far from the only people watching the Democratic debates. Plus, a lot of "mainstream Democrats" are supportive of Socialism or at least, not hostile towards it.
discussion comment
5 years ago
My older siblings are horrified that they can't find any kind of beer I like more than bud lite 😂😂
I can't tell you how many kind of "craft beers" they've made me drink. They one time took me out to a bar and had me taste 6 different kinds of beers. But I just can't stand heavy beers or craft beers in general.
I've also drank miller lite, natty lite, busch, busch lite, Heineken, Keystone, Guinness, Yuengling, and Blue Ribbon.
Nothing is as good as bud lite. Miller and Busch are second and third place. But Bud lite is the best.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
The very first Star Wars Battlefront holds a special place to me. God only knows how many hours I must have spent on that game when I was a kid. I don't think there is any other game I've played more than that one.
But I also really liked Zombie Panic Source and the Total War games. The latter mainly because of my interest in history. It was like watching history come to life. That's one reason why today I really like the Assassins Creed games.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
I'm glad to finally see somebody else who realizes that S&M activities are a complete perversion of everything sex should be. Sex is an activity of fun, pleasure, and happiness. People trying to corrupt it with pain and violence are doing everybody a disservice.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Housing costs in San Francisco are 6 times higher than the US average and somehow its even twice as high as Los Angeles which is already three times higher than the US average.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
I don't know why anyone would live in San Francisco right now unless they enjoy stepping in homeless shit and getting charged out their ass for housing.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
The dude has no idea what his audience is too. He was literally bragging during the debate about how much money he has to an audience of Socialists, what an absolute idiot.