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Say yes to the sex industry!

Comments by CC99 (page 8)

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5 years ago
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
@CC99 what about this “Waifu”?
Well, I'd say the recent immigrants act much more like people in their home country do. But people born in the US hardly act anything like people in East Asia do.
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5 years ago
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
@CC99 what about this “Waifu”?
I think Asian girls who are born in or immigrate to the US are very very different from girls actually from East Asia. Generally people who immigrate here are very different from the people in their home country. I wouldn't take the way girls act in AMPs as any indication of what they are like in Korea or Taiwan itself. Not to mention a lot of Asia has gone through incredibly dramatic changes in the past three decades. "Well it is just like TJ, it just shows how good things could be here if people would just stop being so stupid." I agree with that sentiment completely.
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
I Lost my Waifu!
@PaulDrake and @Tiburon It would only last for a year, but I don't have enough to pay a lump sum of $1,500-2,000. They offer monthly deals so you pay more like $150 a month instead until its paid off. I was waiting until April though since I've been hired again starting that month. @CJKent I found her in incognito mode. She looks like a cute Japanese schoolgirl wearing the typical outfit, her name is Mei, and the website had a dark/purplish background to it. One of the photos had her sitting like this... https://www.pngkey.com/png/detail/318-3180287_bad-transparent-anime-girl-sit.png Except she had one hand behind her head.
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5 years ago
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
@CC99 what about this “Waifu”?
That's pretty damn cool. She might actually be too thin for me though. Lol I think my comment about the kiss bars might be turning SJG into a koreaboo. Its okay, once you discover how cool East Asia is, its hard to look back.
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5 years ago
avatar for skibum609
Corona virus
@Meat72 I mean, my father is solidly right-wing but a lot of people here think I'm wimpy. There's a lot more variation in social values among right-leaning people than you think. And Asian conservatism really has more to do with family, gender roles (breadwinners and homemakers), order, and structure than being a tough guy which you seem to be extrapolating it to. @RickDugan And how do you think your children are going to feel when they are fatherless because their dad didn't take the virus seriously and failed to take measures to protect himself? I'm not saying that's going to happen, but you shouldn't just dismiss it because it is much more dangerous for older people than really young people. You don't have be 80+. The virus is killing a lot of people in their 50s and 60s.
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5 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Right Wing Jews
The title of this thread... Is really fucking funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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5 years ago
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
The Concept Of Buying/Paying For Sex Legally in a cartoon posted by jackslash
Lmao I remember seeing this once a year or two ago. Great cartoon. Fuck prohibition.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Ripped jeans
It can be kind of sexy, but I prefer a girl in a miniskirt.
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5 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
FOSTA SESTA is Trumps best policy
Nigga. Prostitution is amazing and I want it to be more widespread 😋😋😋😋
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
The Media's Insanity Convinced Me to Vote for Trump in 2020
@BitCoinHodler Lmao, I don't know how but I really did fall into a stereotype. Sort of. But its so fucking funny. I love being the socially awkward weirdo that I am who bangs sex dolls, hires hookers in my 20s, and lewds anime girls. I would never want to be normal even if you gave me the chance. I mean, how many people get to live a life like this? Maybe if a REALLY cute girl comes along I will consider putting down my body pillow 🤣🤣 As for why I like Trump. I feel like he is being bullied. And I don't like bullies.
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5 years ago
avatar for Muddy
For a site made up of mostly middle age men...
@heaving It does doesn't it? Completely unrelated but my friend showed me Watamote today. Tomoko needs a hug. And I want to hug her so badly.
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5 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Publicly shaming tricks 🤣🤣🤔💯
I want whoever is cute and lets me make out with her the most lmao.
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5 years ago
avatar for skibum609
Corona virus
^This doesn't sound like a bad outcome in life to me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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5 years ago
avatar for Muddy
For a site made up of mostly middle age men...
Yeah I agree with @SJG here. Being miserable is like vagina repellent when you're a young guy.
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5 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Publicly shaming tricks 🤣🤣🤔💯
@SJG You'd love the kiss bars (South Korea) and oppai pubs in Japan. Both of them the girl sits with you and you can grope the girls tits, rub her belly and tongue kiss for about $60-70 an hour. Some girls will let you masturbate or give you a handjob. Basically, you have to pay more money just for a ten minute lap dance ($100) in the US than you could get in East Asia for 6 times longer and much more contact. I also like that the countries I mentioned don't have any consequences for women who want to dabble in the sex industry. A lot of girls in Spain, South Korea and Japan are only prostitutes for a few months or a year, leave, and do other stuff or even date/marry one of their clients. Lots of housewives or women working in offices there could've been a prostitute at some point and nobody would know. The reason I think this is good is because it allows for higher numbers of women to dabble in the industry without needing to become a career prostitute. Being a prostitute isn't a life changing situation, its often something women do for a little while to get easy money and dip out. That's why you often see numbers saying about 15% of women in Japan and South Korea have been prostitutes at some point but there's only 250,000-300,000 active prostitutes in South Korea and about 400,000-500,000 active prostitutes in Japan. A really surprising number of women have paid for sex in South Korea and Japan too. Higher numbers of women have in those countries than just about anywhere else I can think of. I read that its about 5% of women with 2.5% claiming to lose their virginity to a prostitute. I think women also paying for sex, even if it'll always be in lower numbers, is a good thing.
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5 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Publicly shaming tricks 🤣🤣🤔💯
The Nevada model is horrible. Probably a prime example of how not to do legalized prostitution. I support a model more similar to Spain, Japan, and South Korea's.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for skibum609
Corona virus
@Meat72 Wars happen for much more complicated reasons than that. Major outbreaks have occurred in China, South Korea, Japan, Iran, and Italy. In the past three days, smaller outbreaks appear to be happening in France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Kuwait, Bahrain, the UAE, Iraq, Austria, and Norway. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries I mean how the fuck did San Marino get a case? San Marino is a tiny island with a population of 33,000 people. Do you honestly believe that its not going to come here? The only way to prevent it from spreading here is if we just completely shut down all travel and at this point even that might not be enough. Its spreading around Europe right now from people who hadn't even been to Italy.
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5 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Publicly shaming tricks 🤣🤣🤔💯
I just think that security at the brothels themselves could be tightened up. Throw dangerous customers out and blacklist them so that other brothels know who potentially problematic customers are.
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5 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Publicly shaming tricks 🤣🤣🤔💯
@IceyLoco There is practically no difference between the mindset paying a girl to fuck you and buying her drinks at a club so she will pay attention to you or various other methods guys use to get women’s attention. It’s all using incentives to encourage a woman to fuck you. It’s a necessary tactic for 80% of the male population.
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5 years ago
avatar for skibum609
Corona virus
Dear God @Gammanu, I don’t even know where to begin, just read what I posted above.
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5 years ago
avatar for skibum609
Corona virus
@mark94 Okay maybe I misheard him at some point. But the issue with the flu comparisons is that beyond the fact that they have similar symptoms they aren’t really similar diseases. COVID 19 is significantly more deadly and more contagious. The mortality rate is being reported as 2.5% but the problem with that figure is that it only measures how many people have died out of all our cases including active ones. The case recovery rate indicates a mortality rate of more like 8%. This is why I said it is 25-80 times more deadly than the flu which has a mortality rate of 0.1% and of whom 75% of fatalities occur in individuals 75 years of age or older. So far with COVID 19 it would appear that people in their 50s and 60s are still at a major risk of dying or having permanent lung damage from contracting it. The risk gets a lot lower in your 40s but lots of people in their 40s and younger have still died from it or had serious cases.
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5 years ago
avatar for skibum609
Corona virus
@meat72 That makes absolutely no sense. Why would the government want people to panic and disrupt the economy? More than anything the government wants the economy to stay strong and people panicking from a viral infection does the opposite.
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5 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Publicly shaming tricks 🤣🤣🤔💯
Lots of women just want easy money for little work and don’t mind fucking dudes for it. I’m not sure why that concept is so difficult for some people to comprehend. And why is it that every office job is allowed to be shitty and stressful but the smallest problems with prostitution get nit picked and every woman who is one has to be basking in a sea of sunshine or else it’s terrible? Nobody ever said prostitution is something most women can or would want to do. But prostitution is an incredibly natural arrangement. Practically every guy has to use some form of incentives to get women to sleep with him, it’s part of the male experience, why are we so obsessed with disqualifying financial incentives as a method of getting sex?
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5 years ago
avatar for skibum609
Corona virus
Yes the Democrats obsession with blocking everything Trump wanted to do was stupid. I despise the witch hunt as much as y’all do. I’m still probably gonna vote for Trump but I’d like to think I’m objective than just supporting every decision or statement he makes. It is political but at the least it shouldn’t be a left-right issue. The reason it got out of control in Iran so quickly was because they wouldn’t test anybody and the virus festered there for weeks. At this point Iran might be in more trouble than China is. And the problem a lot of other countries are having is not learning from the authoritarian countries mistakes and doing the same thing on a much smaller scale. Singapore managed to prevent a major outbreak through extensive testing and monitoring of contacts, we should follow their example. South Korea has developed a home testing method. Why are we not asking for intel on how to develop that ourselves?
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5 years ago
avatar for skibum609
Corona virus
Ski bum this isn’t a left-right issue. It’s an issue of a deadly virus that could potentially kill millions of people. And yes the US government wants to save face too because Trump thinks it will cause people to question his qualifications and his decision to cut funding for the CDC if an outbreak happens here.