
Lite Beer

Friday, February 21, 2020 3:30 AM
Many young folk will be amazed, but lite beer wasn't around in the 70's. Didn't exist and please spare me the Heilmann's talk, since no one knew they existed either. So today's question is do you recall when you drank your first light beer and what you thought of it? For me it was June 1982 in my backyard during my law school graduation party. Knowing my friends and I were Budweiser drinkers, my Mom bought Bud and a new thing called "Bud Light". Although Miller Lite was in existence we were Bud drinkers and had never tried it. We did a blind taste test and voila, 80% of us switched to Bud Light after that day including the undersigned. Bud Light was my get hammered beer until 2016, when due to their foreign ownership their ads began sounding like they were written by some fucktard progressive. No Bud products are allowed in my home and I now drink coors light when I am having more than a lot.


  • sinclair
    4 years ago
    By the time I came of age, light beer was outselling regular beer by a wide margin. My first light beer was probably Coors Light. Nowadays, I am seeing a reverse trend where more people are drinking regular beer over light beer. I see more young people drinking Budweiser than Bud Light when I go out. The United States is one of the only countries in the world where people drink light beer. It does not exist in many countries. Skibum609, do you like Amstel Light?
  • rockie
    4 years ago
    As I recall, my first light beer was a Miller Lite and it was decent tasting when cold. Today my go to is also Coors light, with Mich Ultra, or Bud Light running two and three. My favorite beer from the 70’s was Michelob, which was then considered a premium beer. When I’m only drinking less than 7, I’m always good with a Budweiser. I hate the craft beer craze and politics doesn’t sway my drinking preference.
  • rickthelion
    4 years ago
    Show of hands: how many folks are shocked that skifredo is a Bud Light drinker who decided to “class it up” by switching over to Coors Light? If you’re going to get drunk on undrinkable piss water why not be ironic about it? I could understand someone saying “how about a Tequila Sunrise from expired orange juice, a bottle of PomWonderful a homeless guy spit in, and some rubbing alcohol?” That’s just a fucked up dare. But drinking Coors Light? Disgusting! Intentionally putting Coors Light into your body is just insane crab logic!
  • rickthecoconutcrab
    4 years ago
    Come now rick by bud. Even crabs think “Lite Beer” is disgusting! But that expired OJ, homeless guy grenadine, and rubbing alcohol sunrise cocktail sound just yummy! Scuttle! Scuttle! Scuttle!
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Sinclair. I don't like Amstel. I drink light beer when I drink a lot. If I drink for flavor or with food a Porter or Stout fits the bill.
  • sinclair
    4 years ago
    I just ask because I was in a titty bar in Rhode Island this winter, and a guy that smelled faintly of marijuana and looked late 50's/early 60's was drinking Amstel Light and telling several strippers that he was going to take them skiing. I could have sworn it was you.
  • rickthelion
    4 years ago
    Sinclair, what you have to realize is that skifredo is actually a homeless crab stealing the WiFi of the Starbucks he lives behind. So pretty much everything he says is kind of fiction. Not the rick reality (or rickality, if you will).
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    Same, early 80's; Miller lite. Favorite light now is Blue Light. So many heavy crap.... oh, I mean craft beers now being all the rage; some good... a lot of them bad...... "Was wrong wit the beer we got?" Listen and try not to laugh: [view link]
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    This one is actually better: [view link]
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Not me Sinclair, but I can see why you thought so. Since 2016 I drink coors light at desires, fantasies and the foxy and bud lite draft at rhode island dolls. Never ordered an amstel light at a bar in my life. It would be rare for me to even believe a stripper who said they ski or board. At Desires jacki is the only one I ever believed and that was because she was from colorado and could name areas of various mountains that only someone who had skied them would know.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    It’s a fact, if you buy a regular bottle of Budweiser or Coors and mix in about 3 ounces of water, you get the lite version of that beer. I liked it when I was younger because it went down easier, but now I think lite beer is a waste. Buy the strong stuff yet don’t drink as much of it.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    The problem with me is 10 beers are 10 beers so 4.5% alcohol loite beers are better for me than an 8.6% porter lol.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    4 years ago
    Probably high school. And the fact that I don't remember exactly says more about my drinking habits at that time than my memory. I'm a craft beer guy now. I also home brew on occasion.
  • FishHawk
    4 years ago
    As I got older I stopped drinking beers at bars and clubs and mainly drink whiskies now when clubbing. I drink a beer with a meal now and then but not light beers. I generally go with micro brews that are local to the area.
  • rockie
    4 years ago
    To Meat72 point in a different way! Bud Heavy when consumed in amounts of less than 7 - no hangover! Lite (or Light) in larger quantities - no hangover and less bloating pre and post! Of course, always consumed responsibly (day or night)! Ok usually!
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    i don’t like any beer. but i’ll have one to be social. doesn’t matter what kind.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    The only lite beer I like is amstel light.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    First light beer i remember drinking were Natty Lights stolen from someones dad's beer fridge. Drank plenty of cheap light beer in college, but moved on to real beer after college. I can homebrew better beers than what you find most places, so i just avoid light beer.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    My first light beer was in college, so it was probably something cheap like Natural Light. After I refined my tastes I began drinking Bud Light, like all my friends did. I began partying with some neighbors back home over the summer who only drank Miller Lite. At first, I didn't like the taste. Back at college after the summer I tried to switch back to Bud Light and couldn't do it. It was the fucking rice, it was horrible. Ever since then, Miller Lite had always been my go to brand, although I do like to experiment with microbrews and seasonals.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Bud Lite is weird. On a drive back from skiing one day Wife and I first drank a Yeungling Lite and then a bud lite. Yeungling had flavor and the bud light tasted like slightly off tasting water.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Bud light is bad but better than Bud. Coors lite is too watery to me. If I'm going with a cheap beer I'll go with PBR. But the only lite beer I actually like is Amster Lite
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    PBR pounders are the unofficial offical beer of skiing. Restaurant at the top of the Tram at snowbird has 12 ounce craft beers from 8 -15 dollars and PBR pounders for $3.00.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Snowbird in Utah? Ive been there before
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    I never really nitpicked between the big name brand light beers. Miller Lite is probably my favorite if I split hairs. Bud and Michelob Light are fine too, though. And when it is a hot day and I want a thirst quenching beer, to me nothing beats ice cold Coors Light. But it has to be ice cold - the only way Coors is "good".
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Public support for alcohol gets to be less and less. I say that Membership Strip Clubs are the way of the future, and of the No Alcohol variety. SJG
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I will translate what sjg said: only pussies don't drink.
  • Mikemoose
    4 years ago
    Miller lite first sold in 1975.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    ^^^^ Only a definite alcoholic would say that skibum just said. Good guy to get disbarred if there is any evidence that he is screwing over clients with his mood altering substances of choice. SJG
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    4 years ago
    ^^^ I'm not going to take advice on what to drink (or not) from a guy who hasn't seen a vagina.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Mainly stick to light beer. So much so that drinking a regular is fucking too much now. It's like your eating the beer. I do drink Coronas regular, it's not that heavy to me and I do Corona lights. Matter of fact I'm a fan of that Budweiser select super light shit. Not bad stuff.
  • CC99
    4 years ago
    My older siblings are horrified that they can't find any kind of beer I like more than bud lite 😂😂 I can't tell you how many kind of "craft beers" they've made me drink. They one time took me out to a bar and had me taste 6 different kinds of beers. But I just can't stand heavy beers or craft beers in general. I've also drank miller lite, natty lite, busch, busch lite, Heineken, Keystone, Guinness, Yuengling, and Blue Ribbon. Nothing is as good as bud lite. Miller and Busch are second and third place. But Bud lite is the best.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    4 years ago
    Not all craft beers are heavy. There are plenty of craft pilsners, etc. To each their own.
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