OT: Strip Club Discussion Question

I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
Since the TUSCL discussion board is flooded by Political Discussions (yes, I know I can block/ignore) any discussion regarding strip clubs and mongering seem to off topic.
I wonder if the Political Sites have similar issues:
Too many discussions about strip clubs and few about polítics.
last comment^^^^ Cristobal, what the hell kind of question is that? You know that most places people do not discuss strip clubs.
Is anyone stopping your from discussing strip clubs? Is thread by thread ignore broken? Is anyone interfering or impinging upon you, or are you just trying to shit on other people's discussions?
I wouldn't take such a harsh tone with you if you'd hadn't of tried things like multiple previous times.
Well, the political discussions are cordoned off in the "Politics" group, so it's not a bother unless I go out of my way to look. And then it's my own fault.
Yeah, Cristobal, pull your head out of your anus for once, and got to Groups -> Front Room.
So diacuss what you want. There are different rooms
Yeah you just need to view the forum by groups. If you click on discussions you'll end up with all the groups mixed in listed in one big section, in order of most recent post. But if you click on groups you can view by front room, verified members, VIP room, TJ forum, etc. Since politics is a big issue right now with it being an election year that group actually has a lot of new threads.
SJG you could have just told him that without being a fucking jerk about it. But then again that's what you are so I shouldn't be surprised.
^^^^^ The guy has tried stuff like this before, so I mean the things I said.
Yeah. I pick the discussion forums by group so politics gets filtered out.
I hope other sites are dealing with a wave of random strip club discussions. That would mean the the general population is finally open to talking about strip clubs in a positive way. Unfortunately I imagine the only time strip clubs are talked about on political forums is incorrect information about "the rash of sex trafficing" in clubs and shutting them down to "protect the public and empower women."
^^^^ agreed!
Maybe not strip clubs in general, but I do find that with every forum, there is a large amount of discussion related to topics that are not about what the original forum was designed for.
I generally see this as a good thing. It means there's a community and people are forming friendships or are interested in what the other users have to say about other topics. If there was no off-topic discussion it would mean we have no interest in talking to each other about anything besides the reason we came here.
^^^^^ agreed!
I am a member of 6 political websites FORUMS. Only one of those FORUMS do not discuss strippers or AMPs. 5 out of 6 all flood the discussion forums with their escapades in the world of P4P because they are all sick fucks like me. The only political forum that doesn’t speak of strip clubs is the TUSCL POLITICAL DISCOURSE.
LOL. Stupid Jerkoff Guy complaining about what other people are posting. From the idiot who spams almost every thread he’s in bullshit that’s rich.
That's actually really funny.
That was point.
Also, you make a great point, discussion board are more interesting when they topics are diverse and share our collective experiences and opinions.
I do not mind using the "discussion board" option and sifting through the topics but wow, there were too many political discussions for a strip club website.
Cristobal, people want to talk about lots of things. That says something positive about this forum.
And it is nicely partitioned.
You and Prevert should not have anything to complain about.
And really, your views about what other people are posting, who gives a fuck?
Isn't is ironic?
No Cristobal, again, pull your head out of your anus!
You are not responding to threads and posts. You started this thread to try and start a meta-narrative, a conversation about this forum and about its people!
Shut The Fuck Up!
^^^^^ Cristobal, you have tried this kind of stuff before!
Nice to see the discussion with a variety of topics, including a few about Mongering and Strip Clubs, not just polítics.
I guess this OT discussion topic helped returned balance to TUSCL (lol).
Nidan - that is funny! I was thinking those political types were sick fucks! I expected political discussions to mostly be about filthy whores!
Cristobal, if you want more strip club threads, no one is stopping you from making them.
Stupid Jerkoff Guy except you who posts nonsense on every post just to be annoying.
^^^^ No asshole, you are the one now who is talking about me, posting negative meta-narrative.
Well since it’s a philosophical impossibility to post any kind of positive meta narrative about you that only leaves me with not posting and that wouldn’t be very much fun would it?
You should have better to do, if you tried this f2f you would be silenced, either police or me handling you myself.
You aren’t doing shit except bust a vein on the internet and look stupid. You aren’t handling anybody.
The balance had returned to TUSCL.
Thanks to all who contribute to restoring balance to the discussion board.
Why would Stupid Jerkoff Guy think that “restoring balance” had anything to do with pushing him off?
Prevent, whatever rock you crawled out from other, time no to go back under it.
Correction: Prevert
A thanks to all TUSCL PLs helping to make the discussion board fun and interesting again.
Again Cristobal, 25mm in front of your nose, STOP TROLLING ME!
For the TUSCLers who visit this site for exclusively the Political Discussions, you must be getting a Super hardon on this Super Tuesday and not because Barbie, Mercedes, and Sparkles are naked and grinding on you in the VIP room.
Cristobal, if you don't want to partake in political discussions, I can assure you that you won't be missed.
You have member ignore, you have thread ignore, and you can just go to the Front Room Group.
Someday I hope to find a stripper going by 'Pedro'. That way I can post 'Vote for Pedro' in any discussion room.
Vote for Pedro!
LMFAO san_jose_creep rages at Cristobal for not using ignore/mute when he could be doing the same thing instead of raging. 😂🤣🤪
Vote for Pedro. Vote for Pedro... Lol
I have no idea either.
Cristobal (lol)
Stupid Jerkoff Guy, if you don't want to partake in Cristobal’s discussions, I can assure you that you won't be missed.
You have member ignore, you have thread ignore, and you can just go to the Front Room Group.
Cristobal (lol)
I'm actually jealous of Cristobal's apparent ability to make SJG launch into a caps lock tirade with no effort whatsoever. He keeps getting super upset while Cristobal isn't even mentioning his name lol.
Just expressing my opinion about nothing really regarding Super Tuesday with a strip club twist.
Cristobal (lol)
It is great to see the discussion with a great variety if topics and good posts.
Cristobal is the Bruce Lee of TUSCL trolling. Master of the art of trolling without trolling.
Quite the compliment from the master himself.
Cristobal (lol)
^ LOL I'm merely standing on the shoulders of giants.
SLD (lmao)
You guys should be in the underground VIP Room.
As it is, you have made a fucking mess!
Someone is going to have to use Clorox and mop up after you. Otherwise the Health Dept could come out with UV lights and shut us down.
I am really enjoying the Discussion Board, this is the type of variety and contributions which make TUSCL the ultimate strip club site.
Damn I waited all this time for a clapback from SJG and that's all he came with??!! Disappointed doesn't even begin to describe my feelings about that wack ass comeback. Take some time and come back with something better, fuck, maybe turning on the caps lock will help. Hoping for something good.
-TFP (lmfao)
Brother, I cannot have you feeling so disappointed, I shall double my efforts.
Cristobal (lol)
There have been good to great posts the last few days.
Thanks to all the TUSCLers for their contributions.
Cristobal (lol).
I like this thread for the closing signatures
^ (lmao)
Exactly, so we know it is the master analysis postíng, not just some troll.
Cristobal (lol).
^ lmao
SLD (lmao)