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Say yes to the sex industry!

Comments by CC99 (page 43)

discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for gawker
Older than dirt
Trends in erotica
Oh ok, I got the impression most girls would have vaginal sex but were not necessarily into oral. What about going down on a girl? Did a lot of guys do that?
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6 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Cc99 asked about tuscl members that you guys miss. Are there any tuscl members y
@twentyfive Yeah, I don't think its just depression, I also think I just value my relaxation and alone time more than most people do. A lot of other people my age are constantly busy and doing something, if they're not doing something they're on social media facetiming somebody or snapchatting and stuff like that. I like being around people a lot too but its really hard for me to be around people all the time. That's one reason I really didn't like living on-campus was because I never knew when my roommate was going to come in and even if he left I couldn't ever know if he was just going to be gone for 30 minutes or if he'd be gone for the next few hours. Being able to have my own room was a huge relief. Depression is definitely making my energy lower than it should be, but even when I wasn't depressed I really liked having a good bit of relaxation and alone time. @Nidan in high school before I started taking dual enrollment classes at community college I really only got like 4-5 hours of sleep per night. For some reason it didn't affect me much then though. I mean I would be really fucking tired during the morning but once it was afternoon and evening I had a lot of energy again. Junior and senior years of high school I was actually taking half of my classes at a community college nearby and racked up a year's worth of college credits before I actually went to college so now I've never actually needed to have a 15 credit semester. Every semester has been 9-12 credits instead.
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6 years ago
avatar for gawker
Older than dirt
Trends in erotica
I've gotten the impression that in the 60s, even oral sex was considered slightly taboo like wanting a girl to suck your dick was seen as kind of perverted. Weirdly enough, my generation completely flipped the script on that. In middle school, almost all the sex that happens is oral sex and in high school, its still probably at least half of the sex that happens. Most people's first sexual experience in my generation, whether female or male, is somebody going down on them. I wonder if this is Bill Clinton's fault lol.
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6 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
UBI ( Universal Basic Income )
I guess it would probably take awhile to setup then if it was going to work. I've actually never heard of us having a shortage on housing, I've mainly heard that our cities are too dense actually but I've also heard that population density actually kind of helps reduce global warming because high population density means less distance to the places people need to go which means walking and biking becomes more practical and people don't have to rely on cars so much.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Paying to cuddle....
I don't think its a sense of entitlement to work for $40 and spend it on something that will give you joy. Maybe if a 13 year old boy yelled at his mom for not getting him one that would be but certainly not a guy buying one with his own money. Guys in these situations pretty much have a choice between daki pillows, obese women, and celibacy. All realistic options, seems to me like the daki is the best choice of the three. Might not be for someone else, you in this situation said you'd go for the obese women.
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6 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Cc99 asked about tuscl members that you guys miss. Are there any tuscl members y
Wow that's pretty unusual. Do you feel tired when you wake up or do you wake up feeling fully rested/refreshed?
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6 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Cc99 asked about tuscl members that you guys miss. Are there any tuscl members y
I don't get as much as I should either. I can't do that, I have to set an alarm clock every day or I will literally sleep until like 3:00 or 3:30 in the afternoon.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Why is there this widespread perception among so many people that loser guys have never tried? If you count every random girl walking around in public I've talked to in my life, every classmate I've talked to thinking it might lead somewhere, every girl I've asked at a party to dance with me, every girl I've met through social connections, hell let's count the matches I've made on Tinder, I've probably approached somewhere near 500 girls in my life. I've actually had a decent number of girls grind on me or make out with me, but not 1 of those 500 girls I've "approached" became my girlfriend. So many people think loser guys asked out 1 or 2 girls, got rejected and gave up. That's not true. Loser guys give up because they've tried dozens or hundreds of times and each time they try it always fails so they logically come to see "trying" as a waste of time and effort. Furthermore, the fact that men are expected to just go through rejection countless times without it so much as fazing us is insane. Getting rejected by 500 girls is going to make you very anxious about approaching them because every other time you've done that, you failed. The biggest successes I've ever had, were when I gave up and stopped trying. There've been times when I walked around a party asking several girls to dance with me, got rejected by all of them, so I gave up and just figured I'd stay for a little bit before leaving, and then suddenly some girl I hadn't asked, didn't even know was there, walks up and starts making out with me. I haven't had that much success with civie girls, but the successes I have had, I never got through being proactive. I have never gotten laid because I seduced a girl, or was proactive about asking her out, or anything like that. Every time I've had an amazing make out session or gotten laid was when the girl approached me first. At this point, giving up is my plan. I've tried being proactive for a long time in the past and it never worked. But you have to give up in a way that works lol. You can't give up and be miserable, you have to get your needs fulfilled or you will suffer to a point where giving up won't work. Getting your needs fulfilled while also "giving up" is what daki pillows, sex dolls, and hookers are for though. Once you realize that the loner life doesn't have to be so bad, it becomes a lot easier to give up but not feel miserable because you did. The problem isn't that incel guys "aren't asking girls out" or "improving themselves." Its that they decide to starve themselves instead of doing something that could relieve them of their pain even if it doesn't make it all go away. But part of the "incel rage" is really caused by all the assholes out there like Jester, and Sircumsinhispantsalot who like to ridicule and make fun of lonely guys because it makes them feel better about themselves. Its easy to see why when incels are constantly mocked by society that they come to see society as the enemy.
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6 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Cc99 asked about tuscl members that you guys miss. Are there any tuscl members y
@twentyfive I feel like you just generally don't get much sleep lol. You're often up very early in the morning but I also frequently see you posting at midnight or afterward.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Paying to cuddle....
There we go again with that stupid word. "Entitled" has got to be the most overused word of the 2010s. Anybody can buy a daki pillow as long as they have $40 in their pocket. Its not "being entitled" to choose what you consider to be the better option when given it. Would you expect a guy to choose a 6 with a great personality over a 2 who is a bitch? Of course not that would be silly. According to your logic though he is "entitled" for wanting a better looking girl with a better personality. Being entitled is when you expect something that is obviously unreasonable. Like if you are a 25 year old guy and whine to your parents because they didn't buy dinner for you when you went out to eat. You're not "acting entitled" however when you simply pick the better option out of two choices.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Paying to cuddle....
"I just gave a fat chick as an example. Point is, fuck a woman who wants to fuck you even if she's not what you may want. Use her for practice and make yourself appealing to those you do want. I'm not attacking anyone for fucking pillows and I'm not using the term loser. I'm saying a guy can't expect to progress in life or attain his goal of having a wife, girlfriend, whatever if he is busy having emotional bonds and sexual relations with inanimate objects. You have to see the problem there. The thing to me is just the act of forming an emotional and sexual bond with an inanimate object. I'm thinking its a symptom of a problem rather than a solution to one." Daki pillows may not fulfill the ultimate goal of having a wife. What you are underestimating, however, is the importance of a guy remaining in a good emotional state of being and not feeling miserable. Being celibate, depressed, and miserable is going to push girls away from you more than anything. Even if the vibes a daki owner puts out aren't exactly like he is on top of the world, he will be putting out much better vibes than the guy who is completely and utterly deprived. Somebody should not force themselves to go through misery until they reach their ultimate goal of marrying their soulmate because that could be a really long, hard, and arduous path and being depressed and miserable the whole time will just make everything 10x harder than it needs to be. Being relatively content with your life, however, will make things a lot easier. So basically, yes, its probably not a long term solution that can accomplish everything. As a solution to short term goals, however, its a really good one and just because the goals are about the immediate and now doesn't mean they aren't important because if you don't fulfill those short term goals, you never will be able to fulfill your long term goals.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Paying to cuddle....
Well Mr. PUA is an idiot. Being a real woman isn't enough to offset the numerous other issues. But its kind of pointless because your argument is basically "this would make you a tiny bit less of a loser than this would." Some guys who can't get girls try to date obese girls, some guys date an anime body pillow. Who's to say one is better than the other? There's no reason to attack people for having them, they're actually doing everybody a favor. To other guys, they are taking themselves out of the dating market so they aren't competition anymore. From girls' perspective, those guys won't be interested in them or hitting on them anymore. From the person who has the pillow's perspective, he finally has his dream girlfriend.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Daki Pillows: Would you fuck an anime character pillow? Have a relationship with
Daki pillows are wonderful. I actually think its awesome those guys are comfortable enough in their skin that they don't care about people judging them and just do what makes them happy.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
UBI ( Universal Basic Income )
Course I don't know how much the current welfare programs recirculate money.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
UBI ( Universal Basic Income )
Buying decent public housing complexes and not just the ones we have right now would require the government to purchase apartment buildings from the owners of the land. That sounds incredibly expensive to me to do that on a wide scale in order to have enough public housing that enough of the UBI money get's circulated back into the government. Since UBI would cut out the existing welfare programs, you could theoretically save 2.3 trillion dollars and then you would be putting in a 3.3 trillion dollar program to give everybody $10,000 a year. That means for this to work, you'd have to find a way to get an additional 1 trillion dollars recirculated back into the government. I think that $20,000 a year would be too much to handle, you would need to make sure that 2/3 of the money got recirculated.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Paying to cuddle....
Dear god that visual image you just created sold my point better than I could. I don't see how you can tell me that this... https://thewondrous.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/fat-people-in-walmart.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZftE-AGhAZE/T6AJU4s4LPI/AAAAAAAAGQU/5HrpPyZKNgE/s1600/wt26.jpg Would be more enjoyable than this... https://www.dhresource.com/0x0s/f2-albu-g2-M00-BB-4B-rBVaG1Xx-j-AN4BQAADtA9vwB_4759.jpg/customized-50x150-cm-anime-dakimakura-hugging.jpg
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Paying to cuddle....
A pillow with an adorable anime girl on it who smells nice as opposed to a 200 pound woman who smells awful and could crush you if she was to ever get on top? I mean, go for those girls if you're into that, but I'd much much rather have the daki pillow. No contest.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Topics you would like to see a TV show cover?
"Plus the task of keeping the donkey's dick clean...." I pity the poor soul who has that job.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Paying to cuddle....
Why go for an ugly girl when you can have an adorable anime girl though?
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Paying to cuddle....
Well, the kid should be responsible for washing his own pillow. I've been in charge of washing all my clothes and bedsheets since I was 12 years old. Its a good skill to learn. On occasion my mom does it just because she likes feeling like a mother again but for the most part its just me doing it. Or you could be like this kid's mom and just give no fucks... https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/727/787/ae2.png What is there to have a talk about? "Son uh, I know your hormones are raging right now, and uh, I know none of the girls at school like you, but, you can't have that." How do you think he would respond?
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6 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
I wonder what it must be like to claim that one is not a misogynist, yet view wo
Institutional power? Bullshit. I know people who are public school teachers who are literally ordered by the government to "make sure women and minorities succeed."