Say yes to the sex industry!
Comments by CC99 (page 44)
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
Well daki pillows are usually marketed towards the teenage/young adult audience anyway. Guys between the ages of 15-25 are the primary market for them so a lot of guys in that age range are a perfect mix of still being kind of child-like, desperate for sexual intimacy, but often times awkward and don't really know how to get it. But there's some guys with daki pillows all the way up into their 40s. Its definitely much much less common at that age than at, say, 17 though.
I don't know if not being able to anthropomorphize anymore is a good thing though. Children can do it because they have more innocent and imaginative minds and haven't been coded with as many biases yet.
I think the key to enjoying the pillow is to not look at her like "a substitution." You're never going to enjoy anything if you're constantly thinking you could do better or this isn't what I really want. Its not necessarily that you think this is the best situation possible but rather recognizing that you can still get plenty of joy out of this even if its not necessarily the perfect situation. It would be like if you chose to date a 6 but resent her because you really want to date 8s and can't stop thinking about the 8s that you wish you could date. To do this, just focus on what you like about her. Its a simple matter of pros and cons: She's sweet, shes' adorable, she's gorgeous, she will never leave you, she accepts you for who you are and feels affection for you, she's always up for sex whenever you are and will hug you whenever you need a hug. The only downside is that she's printed onto a pillow. Look at it this way and its actually really nice.
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6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Usually hatred goes hand in hand with thinking they are inferior. I don't know if a misanthrope would be considered a misogynist.
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6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Everyone kind of has their place here. Hell even txtittyfag has his place here. I don't think TUSCL would feel the same if anybody left.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
What's wrong with projecting romantic feelings and thoughts onto an inanimate object? When you were a child didn't you anthropomorphize your toys? This is pretty much the same thing the only difference is that its about sex and intimacy now instead of GI-Joes. If you think about it, its actually really sweet for somebody to humanize an inanimate object and give that object thoughts and feelings and emotions given that there are people out there who try to dehumanize actual human beings.
Most people buying them probably are not in relationships and don't have one to look forward to anytime soon, so why not let people experience some of the positive feelings of being in one? Its not about "control" its about the freedom to live the life you want to live even if other people try to tell you that you don't have enough social status or connections to live that kind of life.
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6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
No Nicole what you are mixing up the definitions of is "sexism" as opposed to misogyny. There is a difference. Sexism means you think women are inferior to men, misogyny means you hate women. The same definitions apply when genders are reversed and misandrist is used.
And quite frankly, I have no problem whatsoever with a woman trolling a strip club to find Chippendales to pay for sex. And from what I've heard male strip clubs are way more raunchy and uncontrolled than female strip clubs with women practically molesting the male dancers onstage. By comparison men in strip clubs practice much better self control.
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6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
It's more like I point out the grammatical mistakes when it's so bad that I honestly can't figure out the point you are trying to make.
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6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Nicole sometimes your posts literally make no sense. This is one of those posts. You've really got to fix the grammatical structure of your sentences.
discussion comment
6 years ago
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
He is probably referring to not having any kids. Quickly could mean in a hundred years. A population reduction of that amount would be very quick for a hundred year time frame. SJG would not advocate for mass slaughter.
discussion comment
6 years ago
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Ffs Jim advocating for population reduction doesn't necessarily mean doing it through slaughtering them. I think SJG is more so advocating for just not having children. There are major problems with that plan though because if you do that then you're going to have a shit ton of old people on social security and not enough young people to pay taxes supporting those programs.
Btw SJG, I liked the explanation you gave in the OP providing a better solution to how a UBI could be done. I've thought before that 4 trillion dollars sounded like way too much money to be feasible. I should point out though that if a huge percentage of people's living spaces were to become public housing projects, then wouldn't that require stripping huge numbers of people of their property rights? The government would either need to buy that property to force the owners to give it up. Since the latter is highly unethical, it seems that the former would need to be done but buying enough property to make public housing projects for 160 million people is obviously going to be extremely expensive. What are your thoughts on that? I also apologize if you've already addressed this somewhere but the thread is extremely long so I don't feel I have time to go through it.
discussion comment
6 years ago
StripperWeb AssKisser
Indeed, what would happen if gravity stripped naked?
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
Most people buying the pillows already had a crush on the character printed on the pillow from seeing them in a show. An anime girl that you have strong romantic feelings for is referred to in the community as a "waifu." So having a pillow of a character you really like kind of feels like your waifu is being brought to life and becoming your girlfriend. This stands in contrast to "harems" where a guy gets multiple daki pillows of several different characters.
Basically, if you use your imagination well, you can make a fantasy feel very real. Suddenly a guy who's never gotten any attention from girls in his entire life can have a harem of girls with him and a guy who's always wanted a girl to love him can have his perfect "waifu" come to life and snuggle with him every night. If somebody doesn't have a very active imagination, then it might not be as fun for them. If you have a powerful imagination though, daki pillows are wonderful. Also, you can't tell by the images but those pillows are made out of a special material that makes them incredibly soft and comfortable.
That's specifically if someone is using one for intimacy, that's what my cousin does. He watches TV with her, sets up dinner dates with her, does a lot of the same things normal couples do and he literally treats her as a girlfriend. Other people don't buy the pillows for intimacy purposes but rather just really like a certain anime and having a daki pillow is essentially the equivalent of having a poster on their wall or buying a T-shirt.
Some girls buy daki pillows too. There are daki pillows of male characters and some girls also buy daki pillows of female characters. I think its more common for male fans to do this though.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
"sounds kinda gross if guys have sex with pillows with pics of anime characters."
Hey man don't knock it til you try it. My cousin's had one for a year and a half and he really likes her.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
Yeah it would be important to me to be able to have intimate caressing and fondling too. I'm not sure if the girl mentioned in that video provides it but I think the cafes in Japan do. They also look like they are hinting in their ad about "delivery service" that you might be able to get more. "Vaginal intercourse between unacquainted partners for money" is illegal in Japan but pretty much everything else is fair game, even blatant prostitution between acquaintances so businesses can imply that those services are available too without breaking the law. The police also just don't think its a big deal at all over there. I kind of think that Japan just does certain things to earn brownie points with the US while trying to create as many loopholes as possible so that the law is rendered entirely ineffective lol. I definitely don't blame them for not wanting to follow our silly laws though.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
"Over time, OTG will emerge - but no need to force it."
I love that you just came up with that. This definitely needs to be a thing.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
That's what I've heard too, muscles need some time to rest and repair themselves. I think people who've gotten really into fitness could probably go to the gym every day and be fine because their muscles repair themselves a lot faster but as a newbie that would kill me lol. I've noticed sometimes if you take a week off from a certain muscle group that you can lift a lot more than you could before. I think its because its had more time to fully repair before getting broken down again.
Funny how you mention Planet Fitness, that was the exact gym I ended up using last summer. I've used the gym on campus here several times too but I keep losing my motivation to workout, especially since it closes 11:00 and I feel a little uncomfortable in crowded gyms. My apartment complex has a smaller one that's open 24/7 though so I could easily use that one but too often I find myself making excuses not to way too often lol.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
Its definitely not going to be the same. But if you had to choose between no food for a week as opposed to getting a couple slices of pizza every day, one is definitely the better option. You can hold out waiting for something better to come along or you can get something that will bring a little joy to your life and keep your bed a little warmer. Its not a great situation but its not really a bad one either. You're right though I feel like sex dolls have kind of a cold, corpse like look to them, that's why daki pillows are better. More emotion expressed in the art. Plus, anime girls are adorable. Why wouldn't you want to have a cute anime girl in bed with you every night if there's no one else to share it with?
Things aren't too bad when you look at it with a new perspective. Yeah I guess there are quite a few guys out there struggling to find a sexual partner but now there are things out there to make you feel better. If you were lonely in say, the 80s, there was absolutely nothing you could do about it unless you were willing to go down to a seedy payphone in order to find a call girl who's time was actually more expensive then because of inflation than she would be now. No internet communities to find people who can relate to your experiences, no internet forums to find people who share your niche hobbies, no daki pillows. Sure these are all substitutes you could say, but it really does make your life so much better. And technology is only going to get more advanced and less expensive so we have a lot of things to look forward to just in the next ten years.
Truthfully, I have nothing to complain about. Compared to how I felt last year and freshman year around this time, I'm actually doing much better.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
His name is IceyLoco now.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
I don't think I would ever want to go to the gym every day. Maybe three times a week at most but even that gets boring too quickly and I start rushing through my workouts. I think maybe going to the gym twice a week and then doing some kind of more fun exercise like rock-wall climbing on a third day would be best.
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6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
I notice you like cute things a lot lol. Maybe you'd like this kind of music?
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Oh yeah, I forgot about StripperCutie, wherever did she go?
discussion comment
6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
I love it when girls rub their face on my face, stroke my hair, or nuzzle their head into my neck.
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6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
That sounds adorable lol.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
Lol yup my gym doesn't care about the "major distraction" part. I almost feel like whoever designed that machine must have intentionally made it look as sexual as possible because everything about it just looks way too extra to seem like it was made that way by circumstance lol. Not only that but it isn't even put in an out of the way area, its right there in the middle of everything.
Did the girls in miniskirts and high heels end up doing high kicks while wearing them?