20fag, we coulda been niggaz but you had to be a lil bitch. no love lost. and yeah my mom is proud of me, i pay all her bills and make sure she's taken care of.
My true wish is that there were no females on this board at all. Not as bad as having to see them on the golf course, but they don't belong here at all.
Women play golf slooooooooooooooowly. 85 practice swings; a big windup; 25 yeards; repeat ad infinitum. I'd shit in a bowl and eat it before playing on Mother's day.
^ in this area the early tee times are almost exclusively male foursomes, the women golfers and mixed foursomes are more common after lunch, my regular game we meet at 630 for a 7 am tee time.
Ugh no. and I have no idea who you're accusing me of being. I thought I was Dougster and then a woman lol You're too pathetic to block coz you actually believe the nonsense you post. You're self admittedly the most ignored user for a reason.
@ skibum We’re a bunch of early risers, mostly in our sixties, spent our lives in the construction industry most were indies and three of the four of us have GCs so we normally rise between 430 and 5 am, the course we play opens at 645, and the starters will let the first group play starting at 7 am we generally play fast so we like to be in that first group.
I feel like you just generally don't get much sleep lol. You're often up very early in the morning but I also frequently see you posting at midnight or afterward.
^True I don't sleep very much, average about 5-6 hours a night, no matter what time I go to bed, some force of habit wakes me up every morning between 5AM and 6AM. But I'm rarely ever tired, a lot of guys my age are the same, I know many of them.
I don't get as much as I should either. I can't do that, I have to set an alarm clock every day or I will literally sleep until like 3:00 or 3:30 in the afternoon.
I don’t own an alarm clock and haven’t used one since middle school, I have some sort of internal clock that wakes me whatever time I need to, even when we have an overnight project scheduled, no explanation for how it works it just does, and I’m never late for anything ever.
If you aren’t depressed at your age having a bunch of energy should be routine, and when I was in my twenties and thirties I was running a crew on a construction site, coming home taking a shower and heading out most nights rarely came home before midnight and got up every morning ready to go hard at it.
@twentyfive Yeah, I don't think its just depression, I also think I just value my relaxation and alone time more than most people do. A lot of other people my age are constantly busy and doing something, if they're not doing something they're on social media facetiming somebody or snapchatting and stuff like that. I like being around people a lot too but its really hard for me to be around people all the time. That's one reason I really didn't like living on-campus was because I never knew when my roommate was going to come in and even if he left I couldn't ever know if he was just going to be gone for 30 minutes or if he'd be gone for the next few hours. Being able to have my own room was a huge relief.
Depression is definitely making my energy lower than it should be, but even when I wasn't depressed I really liked having a good bit of relaxation and alone time.
@Nidan in high school before I started taking dual enrollment classes at community college I really only got like 4-5 hours of sleep per night. For some reason it didn't affect me much then though. I mean I would be really fucking tired during the morning but once it was afternoon and evening I had a lot of energy again. Junior and senior years of high school I was actually taking half of my classes at a community college nearby and racked up a year's worth of college credits before I actually went to college so now I've never actually needed to have a 15 credit semester. Every semester has been 9-12 credits instead.
Shadowcat coz bragging about how the hookers you fuck are younger than your granddaughter is disgusting
Meat72, one of the biggest trolls on here. Has some of the most alt accounts and is a right wing nutjob
Flagooner, coz he sounds like an ignorant hick KKK member from bumfuck Alabama
25, going through a midlife crisis, dumb AF, thinks he's Sean Connery, comes across as the ultimate pussy
GACA, just a socially retarded spaz
Sircumsinhispantsalot, just a troll with early onset dementia
Nicespice, biggest troll on here. sometimes she says ok stuff but her trolling and attempts at humor are just plain annoying AF
Darkblue, Stalker rapist material
Ishmael, delusional dumbfuck with OCD
Blondecumdump who the fuck cares about an aging hooker trolling the site for tricks
Nina, just an annoying bitch
Skibum gets honorable mention. At least he can argue well when he wants to and doesn't resort to KKK drivel..., has interesting experiences
I thought they were gonna hate on me but instead they hating on eachother lol
All the guys who don't know the difference between a stripper and a hooker.
What a shame
You're not offensive. Just vapid.
and yeah, i guess that would make playing golf with women annoying
I’m in your head IceyLoco, and I’m getting the upper hand!
I feel like you just generally don't get much sleep lol. You're often up very early in the morning but I also frequently see you posting at midnight or afterward.
But I'm rarely ever tired, a lot of guys my age are the same, I know many of them.
Depression is definitely making my energy lower than it should be, but even when I wasn't depressed I really liked having a good bit of relaxation and alone time.
@Nidan in high school before I started taking dual enrollment classes at community college I really only got like 4-5 hours of sleep per night. For some reason it didn't affect me much then though. I mean I would be really fucking tired during the morning but once it was afternoon and evening I had a lot of energy again. Junior and senior years of high school I was actually taking half of my classes at a community college nearby and racked up a year's worth of college credits before I actually went to college so now I've never actually needed to have a 15 credit semester. Every semester has been 9-12 credits instead.
Also, keep in mind 20fag doesn't sleep much coz the elderly tend to not need as much sleep.
You wish you could be like me and sleep with my women. Sorry IceyLoco, keep jacking it in the streets of urbania!