UBI ( Universal Basic Income )
This idea has been around for a long time, known under different names. But now, in the wake of the lost 2016 Presidential Election, and maybe the demonstrated popularity of Bernie Sanders, it is being taken more seriously.
UBI is not needs tested. And as I see it, you would not even need to apply for it.
So a question would be, can the government actually pay out that much money? Well it might be like $10k or $20k per person, or at least for adults, and then something for children. So maybe $4 to 8 Trillion per year, an epic amount of money.
Okay, but lets look more closely. What happens to the money, and where does it go?
Well it gets spent, and then generally it ends up back where it started, with the people who print the money, our Federal Government.
So half is paid out to people above the median income. So they might put it in that mountain of dead money which inflates the Stock and Real Estate Markets.
Or it might go to Dan Quayle's Isle of Man favorite tax dodge.
http://img.timeinc.net/time/ph…Okay, but we still got them though, as with pre-Reagan taxes, their tax hike will be more than their UBI. So more money will be in circulation, creating jobs and business revenue.
They might deposit in a bank. But banks can't sit on the money, they have to loan it out. So usually it keeps getting redeposited into banks until it reaches 1 over the Cash Reserve Ratio. Either way, it keeps getting clipped until it makes it back to the government.
Now the other half of the money goes out to those bellow the median income level. They spend it the fastest. Some of it will end up in the hands of the rich as described above. Other will keep getting clipped by, if not income tax, by sales tax. Sales tax is not very progressive at all.
So to answer the question, this huge amount of money is not depleting gov't funds at all, as it just goes back to the gov't.
Some economists don't like to classify stuff like this as either GDP or taxes, as it is just transfer payments. From where ever you look at it, it just keeps coming back.
So really, this is just Keynesianism take a couple of steps further. Keynesianism is not Socialism, as it does not try to set up state control of industries. It is like they say, "Saving Capitalism from itself."
But Keynesianism is still focused on creating full employment.
That works to a point. But in later stages of Capitalism there are more problems, like environmental, and social problems if you are promoting the middle class family.
So the next step beyond Keynesianism would be to go to a Welfare State. And yes this worked under LBJ. Even Nixon showed specific support with his Family Assistance Plan (FAP).
But there was a huge political backlash and we got Reagan and his Welfare Queen stories.
The problem with welfare is that it is needs tested, it is done in order to regulate the poor and to subject the poor to ritual humiliations so that they become a symbol which is used to maintain workforce and political discipline.
So the way to move the next step is UBI, because it is not needs tested.
So this amounts to a huge expansion of the economy, like what, 50%, but no longer tied to employment.
So first of all we cannot follow idiots like Rick Perry and gut environmental protections and worker safety, to create jobs. Expanding the economy like this to bring more people in, we must use the best environmental science we have, and have unions and worker and consumer safety.
Now, the idea is not to fatten slum lords. Rent control exists some places, but it has problems.
So the other way is just to use governmental authority and plow the slum lords under. Complete them out of business.
So there have to be public offerings for all basic and necessary services.
So say a housing projects authority which builds high rise towers, 20 , 30, 40 floors. Start one per year in each area. Average finishing one per year. They have schools, child care, libraries, retail, community centers, everything, and on the bottom floors. And they are built on rail mass transit lines. So you really have very little use for a car.
And these are not just for the poor, again, no needs test. Just click on the box that you want it, and you get it as soon as available.
So right away there you have an economic and material utopia, and so easy.
Then if you seek employment or try to start a business, your prospects will be so much better, as the economy is about 50% bigger, and with this commitment to providing these universal no needs tested services.
Maybe it is fixed so that you need to give 50% of you UBI to get into one of these housing projects. Maybe we have a mix of gov't and private contractors building them, competing with each other, keeping each other honest. We build at a stead pace out forever. Eventually buy up the slum lord property and make it into parks, if not farmland or wilderness.
Universal Single Payer Health Care of course.
Most things like that, universal and no needs test.
Taxes are accessed by a means test. But nothing requires any needs test.
No gov't or public funds being depleted, just money recirculating into perpetuity.
Good education. People who believe in themselves and do not carry any stigma for having been poor.
The right that wants to blame the poor, or invoke religion to do that, fuck 'em.
Far less reliance on automobiles, Good public transit. Bicycles, but also very little need for anything more than just walking.
More people will be employed or running their own businesses than the way it is now. And the monetary costs of the social problems we face today are most certainly greater than what this would cost. Really just Keynesianism taken a couple of steps further so that it no longer depends on employment.
Satin Doll - Patti Austin
last commentHuman beings are not wired to produce without incentives. Handing out free shit just never seems to work out in practice. Thats why communists have to use the barrel of the gun to get people to work and follow rules.
Sure, you could give away $2,000 monthly to the poor and everyone for that matter since there will be no means testing. The problem lies in the fact that whatever you give as a UBI becomes worthless. Since so much money is created it virtually devalues the dollar, so then any of my investments will automatically be worth much less due to inflation. Unless my investments grew as much as inflation, which it won’t because taxation authorities will have to take half of my gains just to support this socialistic program of universal income.
You can’t just create money from thin air. There is no money tree! No matter what you do 1/3 rd of the population will never want to be held accountable for their own plight, so you’re throwong good money at bad management, mostly poor people. You grow the economy by efficient means, and if people are more productive they are more prosperous. UBI will make people and the economy less productive, which is the goal of liberal/social policies, to keep the masses dependent upon the few to take care of them, so only the few at the top benefit. Dumb idea to introduce rampant inflation by UBI.
If UBI were to take place, what companies would you buy stock in. KFC? Walmart? Dollar Tree? Which automaker?
We already have UBI, it's called welfare/EBT.
UBI will only make lazy people lazier, depressed people more depressed, and rich people richer.
But go on and pretend like giving money to people is going to somehow magically make their lives worth living. It's not. They will still be at the bottom of the social-economical ladder.
/End rant
When we had 70% top income tax, no one was calling that Socialism or Communism. And before JFK lowered it from 90%, people were not calling that Socialism or Communism either.
More people will get to have paid employment and more people will get to run income producing businesses, under this sort of UBI system. Really just Keynesianim extended a couple of steps further.
And Meat72, finally something we agree on. If you just passed out money, it would just cause inflation, especially in the bottom end of the housing market. Okay, but this is how it works with Section 8, Minimum Wage, Disability and SSI, and a lot of other things right now. And rent control is very hard to make work.
This is why I say we have to have a cost controlled public housing offering. Start building it and continue in perpetuity. Say the cost is set at half of your UBI. You just click on the box if you want it. Keep building until supply exceeds demands, and run the slum lords out of business. Then after they are bust, buy up their land, turn it back into parks, if not farm land or wilderness.
If done right, at 1/2 of UBI, the public housing authority should even be able to turn profit.
And no, you cannot create money for free. But this is in fact what is being done everyday, by selling T Bills, by bank lending, and also by using paper and green ink. We just want now to make this work for everyone. And more money in circulation, especially starting at the bottom, radically increases employment and business income opportunities.
And really no extra money is really being created here anyway. Just going to pre-Reagan 70% top bracket taxation. The UBI money recirculates, and then generally ends up back where it started. Money given to poor people recirculates the fastest. Money given to rich people doesn't matter because it is made up for in progressive taxation.
Benefits are not needs tested. But taxes are accessed on a means test.
As far as buying into the stock market, no I am not going to do that. Only with founder's shares in the things I and my own people start.
What has created senseless inflation has been the Republican tax cuts, giving people more money to bid up houses and to keep up with the Jonses.
And Founder, no you have to have public offered price controlled things for all basic necessities. I just went into housing because that is the most complex.
In his second term Nixon had price controls, a phase 1 and a phase 2. But he did not go so far as to establish public offerings for core essentials.
People who are not being used as political scapegoats will live better than they do now. They can spend their time reading Plato and Aristote, and Marx and Engels, instead of going to church, recovery programs, or using psychiatric medications and street drugs.
Ishmael, thanks for the article, I'll read it. The Economist is conservative, but still worth reading. But remember, the idea here is not to increase 'work incentives', that would be completely bogus, just like the Work Ethic.
Everyone wants to do well. But if people want to stay home, that is fine too. The idea is to take care of those at the bottom, because that improves our entire society. And then by using this, collecting the money which inflates the stock and real estate markets, in taxes, to expand the economy. So more people will be able to be employed, and be able to be well employed instead of under employed, and will be able to run profitable businesses, as that money recirculates.
It's just Keynesianism, but broken free from the idea of employment.
And Skibum, Democracy does not survive when we have large wealth gaps and people being used as political scapegoats because they are poor and use needs tested programs. Once people stop listening to religion, the recovery movement, and the mental health system, then they can see that they can use their voices and the ballot box, and at least to a degree redistribute the wealth and make things work much better. This is what democracy is.
For the most part Karl Marx was right, and he is still right. Three major revolutions, American, French, and Russian. And each influenced by the other, and each going further than the previous. In the Manifesto, Marx and Engels are saying that the French Revolution did not go far enough, because it put the bourgeoisie in charge. Beyond that critique they don't really say much about how to proceed.
Cyrille Aimée _ Nuit blanche
Mostly UBI would get funded by money recirculating. Money that would have gone into inflating the stock and real estate markets, would go into UBI and recirculate. Then a public housing offering would just build high rise units over the decades until supply outstrips demand. That should be profitable, at 50% of your UBI to live there. But money from the 70% pre-Reagan high income tax levels would help get it started.
Really, very simple.
Any problems enforcing it, they just have to contact me.
Get the government out of your life as much as you can.
So if you want there to be jobs and a middle, you divert the money that some are getting away from the stock and real estate markets, and give it out as UBI, not needs tested. And then as housing is the most critical, you run a public housing authority. Anyone can pay 1/2 of their UBI and get in. Not poor people only, not the only place to live. But it tends to keep prices at the 1/2 UBI level.
Not actually creating more money, just diverting some of it away from the stock and real estate markets, where it accomplishes nothing. And there is a large public rental offering at a controlled price.
And IME, our government is just those people we elect. Making democracy work is not an option. Right now, much of what the government does contributes to the wealth gap and to the creation of a multi-generational underclass.
Generation Q
Love For Sale
Just like this with Trump's wall
Industrialization means that we need far less labor. So with the effects of being shut out of the jobs market, plus the abuses and denigrations of the middle class family, it takes a tool on people.
Most of those long out of employment today are effectively not employable in this life time. And so gov't social programs have nothing to do with this.
That welfare is bad for poor people is an invention of the far right.
What does harm people are Evangelical Christianity, the Recovery Movement, and the Mental Health System.
And people should feel entitled, as it is their country, their society, and their government.
Azteca, from Oakland and much loved
Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers - Moanin'
Welfare as it is designed to put the poor through ritual humiliations, in order to maintain labor force discipline. It makes the poor into a scapegoat.
Slavery ended for one reason, 180,000 black men trained with rifles and bayonets, and then served in federal uniform.
The poor must become prepared to skillfully deal out lethal violence in large quantity. I hope this does not have to happen, that we can solve our problems via reason and the ballot box. But if not, that blood bath has to happen, and it has to be delivered skillfully so that those who served in the fight can have a lifetime of pride and so that our history is re-written.
You do know that over 2 million men served in the Union army during the civil war, If 180 thousand were black men that still doesn't account for 1 million 820 thousand of the soldiers.
You haven't even responded to my original statement which is if you teach someone to earn a living, you lift them out of poverty, along with their family, if you hand something to someone they have no idea how to help themselves, and you keep them dependant on handouts.
UBI is a joke, just more of a welfare system, that is robbery, not the other way around.
Ayn Rand and all of her stuff is just comic book material.
And again, the poor need to be ready with high skill, high volume lethal violence.
Welfare is designed to regulate the poor and make the poor into a visual scapegoat, as well as to make them docile.
how am I teaching someone to rob anyone, all of this wonderful stuff you pipe dream about, subsidized housing, lifelong education, feeding the poor, how the fuck is that going to happen if someone doesn't work, artificial intelligence sounds great but it isn't a reality, or maybe you want to go back to the olden days and live off the land, still need to hunt, farm or fish, if there are no basic tools where are you going to sleep in the trees, or a cave, I mean for real boy, grow the fuck up. i'm done debating with you you make me feel stupid, responding to such insane drivel.
UBI is just like Keynesianism, but without the reliance on creating as much employment.
In the 1934 Upton Sinclair campaign to be governor of California they promoted Production for Use. That would eliminate the boom and bust cycle.
EPIC 1934
If you have high production levels and tremendous efficiencies, that may help the people who own it, but it cannot be a plan for the entire society.
We already have gross over production, and hence gross under employment.
You know where capitalist over production leads:
Industrial capitalism destroys traditional economies.
Industrial technology though can be used to benefit the entire society. We though have not been doing this. UBI is the first way to start.
You are also living proof of why the poor need to organize and be ready to deal out high volume lethal violence and pile up corpses.
How many Republican politicians refuse their tax funded pay checks and insurance benefits?
Its funny how those who hate socialism advocate socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor.
The End of Work and the Case for Universal Basic Income
Andy Stern, former President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), author of Raising the Floor: How a Universal Basic Income Can Renew Our Economy and Rebuild the American Dream, and Senior Fellow at Columbia University's Center for Business, Law, and Public Policy
How Ayn Rand Became a Hero to Right Wing Nerds -- Thom Hartmann
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Kim Kardashian
Thierry Mugler
Intimidation, Pressure and Humiliation: Inside Trump’s Two-Year War on the Investigations Encircling Him -- New York Times
Venus, Shocking Blue, actually live, with only what you see on stage, and not hamming for the camera, quite good, a coffee house grade performance
Alvin Lee – The Bluest Blues
JEFF BECK -Brush With the Blues
Joe Bonamassa - I'll Play The Blues For You
>"If everyone gets "something," it makes that "something" worthless."
Only when that something comes from nothing. UBI is paid from taxes on the ultra rich.
The UBI system will also expand the amount of money in circulation and expand our economy, and so more people will be able to have paid employment and income producing businesses.
Frances Fox Piven, Professor of Political Science and Sociology at the Graduate Center, CUNY
NOLO, Bourbon Street
Time for one of you pograms eh?
A most impressive article:
Ending the Punishment of Poverty: Supreme Court Rules Against High Fines & Civil Asset Forfeiture
Frances Fox Piven, Professor of Political Science and Sociology at the Graduate Center, CUNY
NOLO, Bourbon Street
Peter Green - In The Skies ( Full Album ) 1979
I love the smell of napalm in the morning
Well, I can only see a part of the article. But I think this article is looking at it very differently than I am, and than the US supporters of UBI are. It provides income for those who have not. And it expands our economy as Keynesianism does, letting more people get employment and business income.
About increasing work incentivisation, not it is not intended to do that.
Listing who supports it, "AMONG THE adherents of universal basic income (UBI) are the Italian government, India’s opposition party and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democratic congresswoman in America."
Freemasons Revealed
Joe Bonamassa : Live At The Greek Theatre ( full album)
Clark Terry Quartet - Satin Doll
Trump's Enemies List
Oakland CA
at street sign
at corner of New Life church building
"However, the trial has been riddled with issues and mistakes from the start due to improper planning and a troubled political environment, and now, it is little more than a lesson of how not to run a UBI experiment."
"India, the world’s largest democratic country, has endorsed the system — claiming in a report that it is “basically the way forward” — and is now considering the best way to introduce it to its populous. The state of Hawaii, which also recently accepted the terms of the Paris Agreement despite Donald Trump’s federal withdrawal, has also announced on Reddit that they will “begin evaluating universal basic income.”"
Yes, so Finland gave it to just some people who were already receiving unemployment benefits. That is not UBI.
TJ Street
Los Angeles Figueroa St.
Masonic Symbols
Varshini Prakash: Republicans Are Scared
More in headline segment:
As I know the Green New Deal language started with Van Jones, right after 2008. Really we don't have any other choice.
Baby's Looki' Hot
With needs tested programs, it just means that the poor get pilloried. So the Finland experiment was meaningless.
Now, the UBI money will recirculate. Money given to the poor recirculates the fastest. Eventually it will end up back where it started, in public coffers. So while higher upper income taxes mean there is less money to inflate the stock and real estate markets, there is more money in circulation. So more people will be able to be employed and to run income producing businesses.
Now if UBI is to be implemented, it has to be done in such a way that it is effective. It has to have the intended effects, people have to be able to live on that alone. So the money has to be sufficient.
And then as the intent is not just to drive up the cost of living, there have to be public offerings for the critical essentials, the most important of which is housing.
There should be public housing towers built. Just start building them at a steady pace and don't stop. Eventually you want the supply to outstrip the demand. Anyone can live in these, no needs test.
I suggest that it be price fixed at 1/2 of UBI. So you just click on the box to hand that over.
Rent controls are hard to make work. This solves it by letting the government offerings force the slum lord prices down. So the anyone can live anywhere they can afford. The bottom end of the housing market will tend to be at that 1/2 UBI level.
Like it is in most all industrialized countries, the US gov't already has a large deal of control over food prices. Should not be a problem.
But when it comes to housing, I would guess about a 2x increase at the bottom end. Meaning, you have families doubled up, you have people in homeless shelters, and even out on the street. So expect about a 2x demand increase in housing. So that public housing offering is the most important.
Eventually it should be able to turn a profit. But getting the investment made early on will be probably the most funds demanding part. So money from those pre-Reagan higher brackets up to 70% would be going here.
Say Santa Clara County CA, population 1.9 Meg, we could have a public housing authority for San Jose, one for West County, and one for East and South County. Say they each make some number of tower starts per year. Say each tower holds 1000 residents, high density. Not sure how long they would take to finish, but it would average out to the same number you start per year, is the number you finish.
Maybe 5000 new persons housed in those per year. So that would be a 1/4 % increase in housing stock per year.
So build high density, high environmental standards, on extensions of the main public transit lines, the Light Rail, so little need for a car. Have most services in the bottoms of the towers, Retail, Postal, Police, Paramedics, Medial, Child Care, Schools, Colleges, everything.
I would certainly want to live there.
Then eventually gov't could start buying up the slum lord properties and turning them into parks, or back into farm land or wilderness.
The nightmare of Guilded Age / Ayn Rand Capitalism would be over. We would again be a land of opportunity. But having said that there would be higher taxes on large incomes, higher environmental standards, and the end of government hand outs to promote business.
The tax code would be re-written, still need the standard deduction. But dependent exemptions and Earned Income Credit, in my opinion, could be dumped. Other programs have to be considered on a case by case basis. Our economic system would be changed.
No more Booms and Busts. No more shut out underclass.
No more gov't expected to create jobs, or create booms, or to inflate the stock market. No longer are the poor the scapegoats which our politics revolves around.
Los Angeles
Jeff Healey
Papi's No Nonsense Stripper Outfit
That's a booty to die for. But if you follow the written instructions, you'll get that black paint all over you.
Critical Path
Grunch of Giants
Los Angeles
This one for me!
Jeff Healey
How, if EVERYONE gets something, does that something retain any value whatsoever? Would you pay me any money at all if I offered to sell you a jar full of air, which I assume you get for free in your part of the world?
It makes absolute ZERO sense. You give away $1000 a month to everyone, then $1000 will be worth NOTHING.
Why am I not seeing the logic of UBI?
So if you get your UBI, then you can sign over 1/2 of it and live in a public housing tower. Also, that offering will tend to peg the entry level of the private rental market at the same price. So you get your housing costs covered, basic housing, at 1/2 of UBI.
Were it up to me, I would keep Food Stamps, as there are controls on how it is spent, and this is widely accepted. So say a portion of your UBI is delivered via the food stamp program.
The rest of it you might spend on clothing. That price is not likely to inflate.
You might spend some on public transit, though there might be other public programs which cover that. Maybe you want a bicycle, or a computer. It is just supposed to be a basic living.
The things which could cause the most trouble are housing and medical. So these will be publicly provided for.
So really, nothing should be devaluing your UBI.
During the 1930's Frank Lloyd Wright spoke of how Minimum Wage just fattens slum lords, and spoke of it being necessary to tax them out of existence. Well what I am suggesting instead is just to have the government use market forces in offering its own entry level large scale housing.
As it is going to everyone and a huge amount of money, it probably amounts to about a 50% expansion in the size of our economy. That means that many more people able to have paying jobs and income producing businesses.
Where money is being subtracted from is in the higher taxes on upper incomes, which means less upwards price pressure on the real estate and stock markets. That money is dead money. Accomplishes nothing.
Yanis Varoufakis was citing it at $5.2 Trillion. But by now, with the Trump stock and real estate inflation, it is at least 3x that.
This, and the wealth gap, are the main fruits of Reaganomics.
And so other industrialized countries do not go down this road.
Its like what Fuller was saying too, our economic system does make no sense, it is a system designed to produce strife and war.
John Maynard Keynes makes sense. But Milton Freedman and Ayn Rand do not, they are putting out non-sense.
UBI and Social Democracy are not really Socialism, they are more like what people said of Keynesianism and the New Deal, they are simply "Saving Capitalism from itself."
Georges Bataille spoke of the excess production capacity which Capitalism sets up and which is what creates wars, calling it the "Accursed Share".
And he spoke instead of having a "Gift Economy".
Bataille was also a heavy user of Paris Brothels, and he has written examples of how prostitution can also work within this Gift Economy.
I think the basic fallacy of our economy is that it rests on the folk adage of "earning a living".
Papi's No Nonsense Stripper Outfit
That's a booty to die for. But if you follow the written instructions, you'll get that black paint all over you.
Critical Path
Grunch of Giants
Los Angeles
This one for me!
Jeff Healey
Invisibly Visible: Identifying Masonic Symbols 1/3
Invisibly Visible: Identifying Masonic Symbols 2/3
Masonry - Behind Closed Doors
So this is the key to understanding the Great Depression. When the automakers shut down, and when their suppliers shut down, that alone meant 25% unemployment. And then this scared even those who were still employed into not spending. So it deepened. Herbert Hoover could not understand what was happening. At the beginning, Franklin Roosevelt did not understand it either.
Automobiles are a very soft need. And how long does an automobile last? It lasts as long as you want to make it last.
If we still had a needs economy, then people would still spend anything they had. But as it was more a luxury and social status economy, people stopped spending.
And then from that you can see, most of the labor force no longer produces things which feed serious needs.
The first example of this was actually in 1873, the first of these global recessions. Centered on steel production in the UK, and as always caused by an over production capability, leading to over consumption and an employment instability.
Things ground down, steel ownership was consolidated. The doctrine of Social Darwinism was invented to legitimate why the rich were rich and the poor were poor, and the 1880's became a politically reactionary decade.
Pressure was put on the Lame Duck Grant administration, to end Reconstruction. That was, the federal occupation of the South. So the South would be made into a kind of internal third world, a market for manufactured products. And the West would be a natural resource base.
The Republican Party was no longer concerned about slavery and racial justice, now it was just the party of Capitalism.
And this is how Capitalism works. It does not solve problems, it makes problems. And it perpetuates itself by expanding in scope.
And then there are wars, as these soak up the excesses of productive capacity. WWI, WWII, and more bombs being dropped in Vietnam than in all of WWII.
In a traditional economy there really is no possibility of large scale unemployment, as it is a shortage based economy. So the labors of each and every person are needed. And then there is still not really enough to go around.
The Industrial Revolution has given us exactly the opposite of that. And so Keynesianism is what has kept us going.
UBI with the public housing offering and the other things as described, these are just Keynesianism being extended a few steps further, and accounting for the new environmental concerns. Better just to give someone housing and other basic things, then it is to pay them to drive a car to a job.
My New Ignore List:
Papi's No Nonsense Stripper Outfit
That's a booty to die for. But if you follow the written instructions, you'll get that black paint all over you.
Critical Path
Grunch of Giants
Los Angeles
This one for me!
Jeff Healey
Invisibly Visible: Identifying Masonic Symbols 1/3
Invisibly Visible: Identifying Masonic Symbols 2/3
Masonry - Behind Closed Doors
In a lot of ways our EIC was a move towards UBI. Reagan signed it into law and it was refundable. So with the correct parameters, you could have a gross tax bill which was negative.
Now Clinton expanded the amounts of money, to live up to his promised "middle-class tax reduction". This is one of the things which brought about the 90's boom, along with the extra 2% high income tax, and some cost reductions in military base closures showing the financial sector that we were not racing to go off of a cliff.
When Mitt Romney was lamenting his failing campaign he lamented about the 44% who do not pay income tax, what he was seeing was in large measure due to that EIC.
But this shows us something, as EIC is needs tested, it still makes the poor vulnerable to vilification.
So EIC has an income cap. And it also has an income bottom. And it seems set up to only work for people with children.
In my opinion UBI as currently proposed would allow EIC to be terminated.
There really does seem to be no other choice, other than just watching as our country splits in two and the economy pretty much stops.
Robert Reich on UBI
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Jeff Healey
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House Votes to Block Trump National Emergency Declaration ( tally means this must have been bipartisan, so it then could pass the Senate. Walls take time to build. So the idea that you build it by declaring a National Emergency is preposterous.)
This in turn increases the use of alcohol, tobacco, street drugs, and psychiatric chemical lobotomy drugs. It also increases the marginalization, and hence reduces the chance that the poorest of the poor will ever be able to obtain livable employment.
A first small step we could make toward UBI would be just to universalize food stamps. So everyone would get it, want it or not. I suppose one would have to go pick up, or ask for mail delivery of their little plastic card. Say benefits would start to a crew at that point. So in a supermarket, everyone would be using such cards. Maybe also one could, up to some dollar amount limit, get their IRS refund in cash via such a card.
James P. Johnson and Jean Brady
Alvin Lee – The Bluest Blues
So we have to move steadily towards Democratic Socialism.
The consequences of failing to do this would not be exaggerated.
Cyrille Aimée, Roy Hargrove & Joel Frahm : Love For Sale
This is better than we have at present because the present means trashing the environment and setting it up so that many live in dire poverty, all just to support a completely bogus ideology. And it depends upon creating hate to drive elections.
Thanks Meat for engaging in civil discourse.
And Icey, I agree with you.
Kenneth Grant & Typhonian References
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Thin Lizzy Full Concert U K 1983
A UBI system would have to be built on top of something like this, Universal Single Payer Health Care, and the cost fixed public housing offering, and few other much smaller items to. It has to make it so people can live in peace and dignity, without any other income.
Any time you have needs tested programs, then that means that the poor are being made into our national scapegoats, always being portrayed as asking for a hand out, or a hand up. Always being made into targets for Recovery, Healing, and Salvation.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal: Medicare for All Will Lower Costs & Expand Healthcare Coverage to Everyone
This Universal Medicare would have cost controls. The fault with the original Medicare was that it did not have any cost controls. Remember, the American Medical Association had opposed Medicare. They are the ones who coined the term, "Socialized Medicine". So to get their buy in, LBJ dropped the planned cost controls, board established fees, and let the doctors charge "customary fees". This is why health care costs have since skyrocketed.
Ilhan Omar in Her Own Words: I Know What Hate Feels Like
Debate over Ilhan Omar Highlights New Willingness in U.S. to Question Power of Pro-Israeli Lobby
Stones, Gimme Shelter, Atlantic City 1989, early Lisa Fischer
Wicked Lady
Money for nothing: is Finland's universal basic income trial too good to be true?
Profile, Icey. Suppose you read an article off the internet and that makes you some kind of SJW?
Your problem is that you have a very myopic worldview based on American right wing xtremism. Now go fuck yourself.
This Finland approach is not really UBI. It is being given only to unemployed people. So this means that the program and the people will still be pilloried, made into the scapegoats.
The purpose of UBI is to make sure that basic needs are met, and to stop the politics from revolving around denigration of the poor.
It is not suppose to reform or save the poor. Rather it is suppose to neutralize the presumption that the poor are in need of reform or salvation. It is supposed to protect the poor from scapegoating.
It is also supposed to protect our environment, our worker representation, worker safety and consumer safety. We should not be trashing any of these things in a race to the bottom just to create more jobs. That is a downward spiral being undertaken just to protect an ideology of denigration.
Rather, UBI expands the economy, increases the number of jobs and the opportunities for small business, because it uses the tax code to interdict money which would just be inflating the stock and real estate markets, and instead puts them back into circulation.
1/2 of the money goes to those above the median income, 1/2 goes to those below the median income. The first half would be wasted, just inflating the stock and real estate markets, but it is recovered via taxes. The second half recirculates, until it gets back into the hands of rich people. Then it is also recovered via income taxes or sales taxes.
Once this system, with the associated cost controlled public housing at 1/2 of UBI, then everyone is taken care of for basic needs, and no one is being scapegoated.
No more Psychotherapy, Recovery Movement, Evangelical Christianity.
So assume that besides the public housing offering, there is also Universal Medicare, and some type of Universal Free College. We want people reading Plato an Aristotle, and also reading Marx and Engels. But the less people driving cars to work, the better. A nation with a lot more leisure, and a much lower consumption level.
Environmental protections, union representation, worker safety, consumer safety. No more tax giveaways just to create jobs.
Highest tax bracket returned to pre-Reagan level of 70%.
I would say that Capital Gains gets taxed just like other income.
But bring back the old Schedule G, Income Averaging. This helps on and off again workers, both high income and low.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls out Trump in five-minute corruption game
Ocasio-Cortez may have opened door to Trump's taxes
Led Zeppelin - Achilles Last Stand (Live Knebworth 1979)
John Mayer - Ain't No Sunshine - Live at the Crossroads Guitar Festival 2010
Gary Clark Jr. - Bright Lights
Hawaii the most happy. West Virginia the most sad.
We're Still Right
Kenny Wayne Shepherd - While We Cry - live Summerfest 2015
Well this tells the story, a bunch of hilly liberal wanna be so golfers just trying to buy votes from stupid people so they can find their fat cat political lifestyle. It’s true when our forefathers states that America can only be destroyed from within our own, meaning our own stupid socialist politicians preaching the ways of Mussolini, Hitler, and General Mao. All promised to take care of their people through socialism and all ended up being truly evil people who took away all of their citizens rights. I see the likes of our socialist democrats doing the same today. We need more capitalist democrats like Beto O’Rourke, not to win any elections it rather just to remind the leftist libtards that we still live in the USA, a Republix built on a constitution that gives freedoms and power to the people willing to work for it, and not willing to hold their hands out for free stuff by sitting f on their ass and voting for liberals. I guess that’s why the likes of AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and Elizabeth Warren want illegal immigrants the right to vote, so they can stay in office because nobody in their right mind would want to pay more in taxes to support the lazy people.
UBI is about as stupid as SJG’s posts! I know, redundant isn’t it?
After Deadly 1996 Massacre, Australia Overhauled Its Gun Laws. New Zealand Now Plans to Do the Same
Gary Clark Jr. - Bright Lights
Joe Bonamassa - If Heartaches Were Nickels LIVE at the Beacon Theatre
Robin Trower - Long Misty Days (1976)
Monica Lewinsky sounds off on the Mueller report
Gordon Lightfoot Sundown
Led Zeppelin: Live on TV BYEN/Danmarks Radio 1969
Erik Olin Wright
Homeless Encampments and the Logics of Containment
Not sure if this UBI, illiberal immigrant voting, and age 16 voting is what Thomas Jefferson and several of our founding fathers meant when they said the only way our Republic can be destitute did from within, but I agree. Destroying the best country in the world, USA, would have to be done internally by allowing outside influences to vote; such as illegal aliens and uneducated lazy people to push a socialistic agenda. Problem is that when the youth start earning real wages with high paying jobs, their political views shift from liberal socialism and turns more conservative due to logic and common sense. Winston Churchill describes this best as a natural progression to productivity, poor people aren’t productive.
And things are different today, than in an agrarian era. A small amount of labor produces way more than enough food, way more than enough of everything. But yet following people like Rick Perry we still are gutting worker rights and safety, and consumer safety, and environmental protections, and for what? So that people can be forced to prove that they can earn a living.
If you ask me, pretty stupid.
Jefferson trusted the people, in the US, and in France during the revolution too.
Green New Deal Policy Writer: Senate Vote Against Climate Plan Was Attempt to Stifle Growing Momentum
“Tell That to the Families in Flint”: AOC Demolishes GOP Claim That Green New Deal Is “Elitist”
“People Are Going to Die”: The Cost of Industry Deregulation by Lobbyists Under Trump
Fighting Racial Bias in an Age of Mass Murder: Prejudice from the Coffee Shop to Charlottesville
Homeless Encampments and the Logics of Containment (audio)
Bio - Chris Herring
Managing Marginality
Mass Homeless Encampments
SF Criminalization of Homelessness ( video )
UC Berkeley Law Advocacy Clinic Report Released: Homeless Exclusion Districts
Homeless Exclusion Districts ( 52 page pdf )
Dignity Village (Portland)
I am involved with community groups which try to work with the poor and the homeless and try to dismantle the effects of the above.
I want to contact this Chris Herring and try to appraise what his real position is.
Erik Olin Wright, U Wisconsin Madison
Envisioning real utopias / Erik Olin Wright (2010)
Understanding class / Erik Olin Wright (2015)
Alternatives to capitalism : proposals for a democratic economy / Robin Hahnel, Erik Olin Wright (2016)
How to be an anti-capitalist, debate in Jacobin Magazine
Envisioning Real Eutopias (online text)
Deep decarbonization grows our economy 2.5x, and saves $5 Trillion.
NASA found that last year the US Economy lost $91 Billion to climate change alone.
“Tell That to the Families in Flint”: AOC Demolishes GOP Claim That Green New Deal Is “Elitist”, AOC really puts them in their place!
“People Are Going to Die”: The Cost of Industry Deregulation by Lobbyists Under Trump
Fighting Racial Bias in an Age of Mass Murder: Prejudice from the Coffee Shop to Charlottesville
The War on Normal People: The Truth About America's Disappearing Jobs and Why Universal Basic Income Is Our Future
Smart People Should Build Things: How to Restore Our Culture of Achievement, Build a Path for Entrepreneurs, and Create New Jobs in America
Venture For America
“This President Is Cruel”: Congresswoman Slams Trump for Fighting Against Puerto Rico Disaster Aid
Robert A. Caro on the means and ends of power
The Irrationality of Alcoholics Anonymous
Origins of the Perennial Philosophy School of Thought
Ananda Coomaraswamy
Pretend You Have A Cold, Pelosi to Biden
AMLO: How Mexico’s New Leftist President Has Navigated Corruption, Inequality and Trump
The myth of self-control
Zubin Mehta and Khatia Buniatishvili
Dave Matthews Band - All Along The Watchtower (Live in the Central Park)
Dave Matthews Band - Cortez, The Killer (from The Central Park Concert)
Quicksilver Messenger Service - Fresh Air - 12/28/1975 - Winterland
TJ Street
And I hope that right from the start, people up in there will be fucking like hairless bonobos, BECAUSE NOTHING WOULD MAKE CONSERVATIVES, LIBERTARIANS, and CHRISTIANS MORE ANGRY!!
Cannonball Adderley - Love For Sale
One of the most profound books I have ever read.
Buckminster Fuller
In my opinion, the solar energy supply is large, but not unlimited. We need to learn how to live using less energy. But we also have to let the population drop. Mostly that means a lower birth rate. Try to get it quickly down to 1 billion, or even down to 1/4 billion.
What it takes is consciousness. Right now humanity lives without consciousness.
“Falter”: In New Book, Bill McKibben Asks If the Human Game Has Begun to Play Itself Out
John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers with Gary Moore - So Many Roads
One of the most profound books I have ever read.
Buckminster Fuller
In my opinion, the solar energy supply is large, but not unlimited. We need to learn how to live using less energy. But we also have to let the population drop. Mostly that means a lower birth rate. Try to get it quickly down to 1 billion, or even down to 1/4 billion.
What it takes is consciousness. Right now humanity lives without consciousness.
“Falter”: In New Book, Bill McKibben Asks If the Human Game Has Begun to Play Itself Out
John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers with Gary Moore - So Many Roads
What it takes is consciousness. Right now humanity lives without consciousness. And as Fuller explains, it has to be a you and me world, not a you or me world.
We have the ability to take care of everybody better than even royalty had lived in past centuries. But the reason that we don't see this is that we demand that everyone prove that they can earn a living.
“Falter”: In New Book, Bill McKibben Asks If the Human Game Has Begun to Play Itself Out
The Origins of Order
Did SJG just purport the need for genocide and the elimination of 6 billion people?
How do you manifest rationalizing such a comment? Makes no sense to me, since it’s the poor people who are overbreeding anyway!
Btw SJG, I liked the explanation you gave in the OP providing a better solution to how a UBI could be done. I've thought before that 4 trillion dollars sounded like way too much money to be feasible. I should point out though that if a huge percentage of people's living spaces were to become public housing projects, then wouldn't that require stripping huge numbers of people of their property rights? The government would either need to buy that property to force the owners to give it up. Since the latter is highly unethical, it seems that the former would need to be done but buying enough property to make public housing projects for 160 million people is obviously going to be extremely expensive. What are your thoughts on that? I also apologize if you've already addressed this somewhere but the thread is extremely long so I don't feel I have time to go through it.
CC, how else does one “quickly” get the population down if it doesn’t call for slaughtering? There’s only one way! Don’t enable the extreme liberal fascist SJG any more than you have already.
But how to make this happen, takes consciousness.
Should not need anything like eminent domain. We build athletic stadiums and big "urban villages" right now, without eminent domain.
So say, big big high rises, in clusters, an on rail public transit, plus rubber tires for other directions.
I my mind, UBI would not be enough money that people having only that would want to own cars.
So on foot, bicycles, and on public transit.
They do this in Europe, as I have seen a presentation by a local expert. 10 to 40 acres, dig out 4 to 6 stories for parking and train station. Can have underground walking places too, for harsh weather.
Then build really high.
Put all services on lower floors.
Anyone can live there, not just the poor. Cost is 1/2 UBI.
Anyone can use services and public transit stations.
Locally now 22 stories probably the highest, but people planning on going to 35, 40, and 50 stories.
Public housing offering should be able to use competition to pull down private rental prices. And then of course, buying up such properties does become feasible.
Want to start building it and continue at a steady pace in perpetuity. Very high density, ecologically sound, on rail public transit. Services on the lower levels.
This increase in employment is one of the benefits of the entire UBI program.
So is the greater use of public transit and ecological design.
Money always recirculates, but the lower on the economic level it is given too, the faster it recirculates. Just universalizing our current food stamps program would make for a big improvement.
But money usually works its way upwards, this is how the rich have got it set up. And then with a universal program, half of the benefit goes to those above median income. So all this money does is inflate the stock and real estate markets. So this is why there have to be hikes to income tax, and probably also a wealth tax.
Georges Delerue, Music for the film Dien Bien Phu
What makes now the time, is simply that industrial technology continues to deliver more and more with less, and this means less labor. So consider it the Peace Dividend from the end of the Cold War.
With this UBI program, more people would be able to have income producing employment and small businesses.
If UBI went into effect I estimate a doubling of demand for entry level housing, and then inflation to go along with that.
Nothing else quite like this. People already do get food, and the gov't here, as in most industrialized countries, does in large measure have control over food prices.
We will have Universal Medicare, with cost controls. And we need at least some kind of universal free college. But this need not really cost very much.
So housing is the issue. Need to construct a large public offering. Long term it should make money, at a 1/2 of UBI cost. But need money to get started and to move ASAP in building lots of it, and getting people out of cars and out of lower density housing.
Buckminster Fuller was focused primarily on housing.
Most of the problem in energy consumption would be in transportation and heating. We are living in a completely unsustainable way. Besides letting the population drop, the most important thing to do is to go to high density, and proximit to public transit, and going to bicycles.
We cannot fix all problems with this, but the new public housing offering should be high density and on rail public transit, built in clusters and with most all services on the lower floors.
Frank Lloyd Wright had wanted to build a few mile high towers in Chicago, and then level the rest of it and turn it into parks.
We cannot level much of anything, but we can build the high density structures we need. And getting that employment would be a big benefit too. Right now, the money is just locked into inflating the stock and real estate markets.
Urban Villages
High rents create a new class of hidden homeless in Los Angeles
“A Message from the Future with AOC”: New Film Imagines World Transformed by the Green New Deal
“We Can Be Whatever We Have the Courage to See”: Molly Crabapple’s Art Breathes Life Into Green New Deal
Noam Chomsky: The Green New Deal Is Exactly the Right Idea
D-Day Broadcast, 1
This is awesome! One petite Latina can change everything!
Frijid Pink - Earth Omen 1972 (full album) quite good!
Wicked Lady - Blow Your Mind 1972 (Full Vinyl 1995)
Joseph Stiglitz: Elizabeth Warren & Bernie Sanders Want to Make the Economy Work for All Americans
Planned Parenthood President: Trump’s “Pro-Life” Agenda Is Killing Thousands in the U.S. and Globally
DR. LEANA WEN: What the Trump administration is trying to do with this gag rule is to prevent doctors from fulfilling our ethical obligation. When I became a doctor, I took an oath that I would always provide honest, full and accurate information to my patients. To restrict what I can say, to have the Trump administration or any politician telling me what I can and cannot say to my patients, is just unethical, unconscionable and, frankly, unthinkable. This is the reason why over a hundred medical, nursing, public health groups, including the American Medical Association, American Nurses Association, American Public Health Association, have stood up in strong opposition to this Title X gag rule, because we know that it would force us to compromise the oath that we took to serve our patients, and also that it would not happen for any other aspect of healthcare. I mean, how ludicrous would it be if doctors now cannot tell our patients who come for insulin and who have diabetes—if we cannot tell them about where they can go to get insulin, a life-saving and life-changing treatment?
I mean, there’s huge hypocrisy right here in the U.S., but that hypocrisy we’ve seen time and time again, and actually first with this Trump-Pence administration’s policies globally. One of the first things that this administration did was to reinstate and expand the global gag rule. And we’ve already seen the impact of this gag rule, because they have taken away funding from clinics, health centers, organizations, that even offer information about abortion care and the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare, which is what abortion is. Abortion is a standard medical procedure that’s part of the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare. And for many people, it is lifesaving. It is a critical procedure. It is a critical part of modern medicine. We’ve seen what happens when people, internationally, do not have access to safe, legal abortions. Actually one-tenth of maternal mortality globally is due to unsafe abortions. Thirty thousand women die every year around the world because they do not have access to safe, legal abortions.
Roe v. Wade Under Threat: Planned Parenthood Pres. Speaks Out as State Laws Threaten to Ban Abortion
And that’s why Planned Parenthood is fighting back with everything that we have. We are opposing these rules. We’ve fought back many of these bad bills. And we’re also working with our champions across the country to protect and expand the right to reproductive healthcare, because we know that reproductive healthcare and women’s healthcare must be treated as what they are, which is healthcare, and that the vast majority of the American people support women making their own healthcare decisions, not politicians telling women and families what we should be doing with our health and our bodies.
Soror Syrix
Foucault and Biopolitics
PHILOSOPHY - Michel Foucault
Biopower: Why We Don’t Revolt
Alvin Lee – The Bluest Blues
Sammy Hagar - Standing Hampton - 1981
Ocasio-Cortez Shines Light On ‘Sloppy’ GOP Witnesses: ‘It’s Embarrassing’
In February, Ocasio-Cortez expressed her shock at discovering that lobbyists pay people (some of whom are homeless) to wait in line for them outside committee hearings.
Shock doesn’t begin to cover it.
Today I left a hearing on homelessness & saw tons of people camped outside committee.
I turned to my staff and asked if it was a demonstration.
“No,” they said. “Lobbyists pay the homeless + others to hold their place so they can get in 1st.”
Nirvana - Reading Festival (1992)
Dark Side of the Moon
Jimi Hendrix The Star Spangled Banner
US stocks slide after threat from Trump to raise tariffs
Remember in 1992, it was not Bill Clinton or Paul Tsongas who introduced the idea of health care which covered every American. It was Bob Kerry of Nebraska. He was pushing this from over a year before he primaries started. He did not push it as Single Payer, or Universal. He just insisted that it had to cover every American, and that this is what would make our nation part of the community of industrialized nations.
And so all the democrats then adopted this, Clinton, Tsongas, Tom Harkin, and Jerry Brown.
And when Clinton was in office, he held to that, that it had to cover every American. Unfortunately, the health insurance companies with their Thelma and Louise adds and all, impossible to get it through the Senate.
So in any event, it could be Andrew Yang who is our Bob Kerry, making UBI the issue for the 2020 election. I want to see this. We need this.
Deep Purple - Anya (from Come Hell or High Water)
In fact, UBI will allow more people to have jobs and more people to have income producing businesses. Just less money around to inflate the stock and real estate markets.
Billion Dollar Loser: NYT Report on Trump’s Taxes & Massive Losses May Prompt Fraud Investigation
san jose guy
A chump who enjoys GFE make out sessions in the front room of local strip clubs. He also enjoys Hungry Man dinners while sitting in his footy pajamas in his mother’s basement. A victim of brain erosion due to chronic masturbation.
I just enjoyed a great San Jose Guy experience! My cock is sore, and my tongue is burned (from my Hungry Man dinner), and my mom is upset because I got jizz on the mashed potatoes.
by Cashman1234 October 29, 2017
“We Have No Reason to Trust the Police”: Sandra Bland Arrest Video Reignites Anger Over Her Death
Michelle Alexander on The New Jim Crow, at Union Theological Seminary ( she wrote a very important book )
Paul Tillich Symposium: John Caputo Lecture
Alabama lawmaker on most restrictive abortion bill: "This is horrible." State Senator Bobby Singleton
This is a really good book, deals with late term abortion, minors and parental consent, and the anti-abortion wackos.
Alabama governor signs near-total abortion ban into law
Nicole, what do you think about Alabama's near total abortion ban. Clearly they are intending to attack Roe v. Wade. They even want to criminally prosecute women for seeming miscarriage attempts. Not aware of anywhere in the world where at anytime pronatalism has gone this far.
Alabama Passes Bill Making Abortion Criminal
Alabama lawmaker on most restrictive abortion bill: "This is horrible." State Senator Bobby Singleton
This is a really good book, deals with late term abortion, minors and parental consent, and the anti-abortion wackos.
Alabama governor signs near-total abortion ban into law
Alabama governor signs near-total abortion ban into law
Pro and anti-abortion rights activists on future of Alabama abortion bill
Astute observers have pointed out that abortion became a political issue in the lead up to the 1968 election when Nixon's people introduced it as a wedge issue to try and peel away Catholic voters. Catholics have usually been a key swing vote. Prior to G. H. W. Bush, no one had ever won the Presidency without also winning a majority of the Catholic vote.
Meet The Alabama Doctor Who Could Face 99 Years In Prison For Providing Abortions Under New Law
What Does a Post-Roe America Look Like? As Anti-Choice Laws Multiply, Many Already Are Living In It
Frances Fox-Piven, really good!
Not allowed to ask salary history anymore.
Shifts burden of proof from the women, to the employers.
This is serious, basic fabric is coming apart. Of course UBI with strong public housing offering, but no rent control, would completely solve this.
After that, what they do with it does not really matter.
So long as it does not get into the hands of the rich, it recirculates until taxes eat it up.
When it does get into the hands of the rich, it would go to inflating the stock and real estate markets. But we will have it so that progressive taxation gets it back.
Really a material utopia, except I guess for those who want to denigrate poor people, and figure that police can protect them.
Like this album cover?
Arrows held in the left instead of the right. Right holds the olive branch, to show that peace is the preferred course.
If so, then no thanks I think I’d rather be broke and poor than joining SJG’s UBI cult.
I was so pleased when I say that Massachusetts had elected Elizabeth Warren to the Senate. Right now she is out polling the other Democrats.
Mr. Yang is debating some other candidates tonight. Let's hope one of the moderators asks a question about UBI to see how they all respond.
With the Green New Deal, I think that would come, but at least initially they seem to be stopping short of that, instead focusing on Infrastructure build up, on Universal Medicare, and on Free College, and maybe on college loan forgiveness.
As I see it infrastructure expansion is essential because with UBI the main demand increase will be at the bottom end of the housing market. You have to have a strong public housing offering to prevent price escalation. I suggest making it so the public housing costs 1/2 of UBI. You use competition to keep the private housing prices down.
Yes, very interesting to see what happens with Yang.
Expanded welfare would be one step beyond traditional Keynesianism, as I see it. But that makes the problem of pillorying the poor. Today our politics is little more than that.
So the second step beyond would be UBI. I believe that the whole thing will work very very well!
Andrew Yang
Speaking for myself, I think the idea of UBI is great, necessary. But to make it work, it has to have the intended effect. That effect should be to let people who have nothing else, live in basic dignity.
So Yang says $1000 per month, and so a total of $3T to $3.2T. And then $1.4T would be freed up from other programs being closed.
Obviously there will be lots of details to decide.
1. In my view it should be more like $2k per month, and about $8T total annual pay out.
2. Money will come from that $1.4T free up, but most of it will come from re-circulation, amounting to a huge expansion to the economy.
3. Does this require tax increases? Yes, but not as much as you might expect. 1/2 of the money is being given to those below the median income. This money recirculates until it is nibbled away by taxes, so that it can be paid out again, or until it gets into the hands of the rich.
1/2 of the money goes to those above the median income level. And then the rich have usually stationed themselves as toll gates of one sort or another, like in a monopoly game. So they snag up the money eventually. In that case, it does not recirculate, it goes to inflating the stock and real estate markets. So to get the money back from the rich, tax increases.
4. What else is needed to make this work?
a) Strong public housing offering
b) Universal Medicare with cost controls, Universal Child Care
c) Free College of some sort.
5. How do these other things work?
The largest likely increase in demand will be at the entry level of the housing market. So to avoid cost increases and to avoid rent control, build this public housing in quantity. Creates jobs, better environmentally. So on the best public transit lines, usually called Urban Villages. High rise, high density, all kinds of services on the lower floors, on the rail public transit. Assume that this will favor car free life! Huge improvement here. Say it is fixed rent at 1/2 of UBI. Eventually should turn profit. But getting this built quickly will take more money, more new taxes. This probably will cost more in new taxes than UBI itself.
5. Universal Medicare with cost controls. Medical care and access are one of the biggest things which people cannot afford or go broke over. Need to solve this. Medicare now does not have cost controls, this will. Also Universal Free Child Care.
6. Some kind of free college, hopefully via online and via classes in the lower floors of these towers. We want to support people who want to educate themselves. Being able to do it without commute travel is big improvement.
Andrew Yang: We're scapegoating immigrants for economic problems
So CSU San Jose has "4300 unhoused students", the highest rate in the CSU system.
Article's author C. J. Prusi was able to graduate, but it involved living in Benicia, where the one way drive was be 1hr. To use the Amtrak Capital Corridors, he says it was 3 hrs.
But he does say Benicia is cheaper living. But maintaining a working automobile is really hard on many students.
When he ran for Mayor of San Jose, County Supervisor Dave Cortese characterized the typical homeless person as an employed San Jose City College student, who sleeps in their car because rents are too high and wages are too low.
Cortese lost by a very narrow margin, and the voting was very much neighborhood by neighborhood, and closely tied to race and socio economic status.
His opponent was the darling of the business community, and has tended to characterize the homeless and anyone with a low income as a social hygiene menace.
The article speaks of 9% of CSU Students (23 campuses) going homeless during the last year. For Community colleges the number is 12%
But also UCLA, known for frats, sororities, and pricey showy cars, has now it own "Bruins Homeless Shelter" for its own homeless students.
Article also focuses on one Alejandro Mayorga. Like most of the homeless students who live in their cars, he is employed. He works 30 hours per week at In 'n' Out Burger.
But the only place he can afford to live is in his car. A Sociology major, originally from Ingleside ( probably community college ) With work and school he has to try and catch sleep anywhere he can, which for many will be in the library.
So then I would point out, that besides these time and money constraints for those supporting themselves to get through school, they may also have to endure insults from these colostomy bags that have grown legs and salamander brains and are walking around, such as Skibum609 and Meat72, to name but two of them.
Fortunately Governor Gavin Newsom does understand that problem, and so he has announced Free Community College for first time attendees. And he knows that college tuition is only part of the cost, so he says that this will be only the first step.
This Chris Hedges has written a lot of books. Really does look interesting.
America : the farewell tour / Chris Hedges (2018)
"A profound and provocative examination of America in crisis, where unemployment, deindustrialization, and a bitter hopelessness and malaise have resulted in an epidemic of diseases of despair--drug abuse, gambling, suicide, magical thinking, xenophobia,and a culture of sadism and hate. America, says Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Chris Hedges, is convulsed by an array of pathologies that have arisen out of profound hopelessness, a bitter despair and a civil society that has ceased to function. The opioid crisis, the retreat into gambling to cope with economic distress, the pornification of culture, the rise of magical thinking, the celebration of sadism, hate, and plagues of suicides are the physical manifestations of a society that is being ravaged by corporate pillage and a failed democracy. As our society unravels, we also face global upheaval caused by catastrophic climate change. All these ills presage a frightening reconfiguration of the nation and the planet. Donald Trump rode this disenchantment to power. In America: The Farewell Tour, Hedges argues that neither political party, now captured by corporate power, addresses the systemic problem. Until our corporate coup d'etat is reversed these diseases will grow and ravage the country. A poignant cry reported from communities across the country, America: The Farewell Tour seeks to jolt us out of our complacency while there is still time"-- Provided by publisher.
"A deep and troubling examination of the dark corners of working-class America, where unemployment and the loss of traditional jobs have produced an epidemic of drug abuse, bigotry, and even suicide, coupled with an urgent plea to rearrange our prioritiesto address the ills of middle America and emphasize the common good"-- Provided by publisher.
America : the farewell tour / Chris Hedges (2018)
Born in Vermont, graduate of Harvard Divinity School.
Christopher Lynn Hedges (born September 18, 1956) is an American journalist, Presbyterian minister, and visiting Princeton University lecturer. His books include War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning (2002), a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction; Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle (2009); Death of the Liberal Class (2010); Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt (2012), written with cartoonist Joe Sacco, which was a New York Times best-seller; Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt (2015); and his most recent America: The Farewell Tour (2018).
Hedges is a columnist for the progressive news and commentary website Truthdig.[1][2] He hosts the program On Contact for the RT (formerly Russia Today) television network.[3] Hedges spent nearly two decades as a foreign correspondent in Central America, West Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the Balkans. He has reported from more than fifty countries, and has worked for The Christian Science Monitor, NPR, Dallas Morning News, and The New York Times,[4] where he was a foreign correspondent for fifteen years (1990–2005).
In 2001, Hedges contributed to The New York Times staff entry that received the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting for the paper's coverage of global terrorism. He also received the Amnesty International Global Award for Human Rights Journalism in 2002.[5] He has taught at Columbia University, New York University, the University of Toronto and Princeton University, where he is a visiting lecturer in African American studies.[4][6][7][8]
Hedges has taught college credit courses for several years in New Jersey prisons. He teaches a course through Princeton University in which the class is composed of half prisoners and half Princeton undergraduates.[5] He has described himself as a socialist[9][10] and more specifically as a Christian anarchist,[11][12] identifying with Catholic activist Dorothy Day in particular.[13]
Presbyterian Minister
On October 5, 2014, Hedges was ordained a minister within the Presbyterian Church. He was installed as Associate Pastor and Minister of Social Witness and Prison Ministry at the Second Presbyterian Church Elizabeth in Elizabeth, New Jersey.[64] He noted having been rejected for ordination 30 years earlier, saying that "going to El Salvador as a reporter was not something the Presbyterian Church at the time recognized as a valid ministry, and a committee rejected my 'call'".
Yes, ^^^^^ in the pictures and with Cornell West.
1161 East Jersey Street
Elizabeth, NJ, 07201
Second Presbyterian Church
1161 E Jersey St
Elizabeth, NJ 07201
And two books of note:
2007: American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America (ISBN 0743284437)
2008: I Don't Believe in Atheists (ISBN 141656795X)
Yes all readily available.
But there is this retitle of I Don't Believe in Atheists
2009: When Atheism Becomes Religion: America's New Fundamentalists, (ISBN 9781416570783)
THe retitle is a bit more obscure, but it does not look to be otherwise any different.
The Faces - (I Know) I'm Losing You live at the BBC ( as I know this is a Rare Earth song )
Trump vs. California: In Blow to Climate, U.S. Revokes State’s Stricter Auto Emissions Standards
As Man Dies in ICE Custody, California Moves to Ban For-Profit Prisons, Including Immigrant Jails
According to Sanders, we have 500,000 people in the US who have nothing and who sleep on the street.
Experience with local community activists supports this.
Is Donald Trump still President?
If you are struggling and support Trump I understand. If you have money and support Trump you are a piece of shit
Calling for the Resignation of Donald Trump !
Warm Water Port? Has Trump Committed Treason?
Who Will Give Trump Asylum, And Can He Get There?
Trump Totally Wrong About Border and Wall
UBI ( Universal Basic Income )
Change in attitudes, renters seeing themselves in the eyes of homeless people.
We have largely done this is Santa Clara County. It had all been extremely unfair.
Now San Francisco:
Boudin descends from a long left-wing lineage. His great-great-uncle, Louis B. Boudin,[8] was a Marxist theoretician and author of a two-volume history of the Supreme Court's influence on American government, and his grandfather Leonard Boudin was an attorney who represented controversial clients such as Fidel Castro and Paul Robeson.
Boudin was born in New York City.[1] His parents, Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, were Weather Underground members.[2]
When Boudin was 14 months old, his parents were arrested for murder in their role as getaway car drivers in the Brink's robbery of 1981 in Rockland County, New York.[1][3] His mother was sentenced to 20 years to life[4] and his father to 75 years to life for the felony murders of two police officers and a security guard.[5] After his parents were incarcerated, Boudin was raised in Chicago by adoptive parents Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who, like his parents, had been members of the Weather Underground.[6] Kathy Boudin was released under parole supervision in 2003.[
Both parents Weather Underground Members. Both served time, father still serving time.
I wonder what his views are on P4P and strip club mileage and FRMOS's?
Tchaikovsky Nutcracker Suite, Dance of the Sugar Plum Faries, w/ acoustic celeste
san_jose_guy - Commonly referred to as SJG this forum member may have some sort of mental illness and is usually mocked or ignored. SJG has a long history of posting incendiary comments including being pro-rape. His comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate.
Global Capitalism: The Economics of Taxing Wealth [November 2019]
Richard Wolff: "Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism"
Pope Francis Condemns Migrant Detention Camps in Christmas Day Address
Millions of people around the world celebrated Christmas Wednesday. Pope Francis prayed for migrants around the world and condemned “inhumane detention camps” during his annual Christmas Day address at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City.
Pope Francis: “May the son of God, come down to Earth from heaven, protect and sustain all of those who, due to these and other injustices, are forced to emigrate in the hope of a secure life. It is injustice that makes them cross deserts and seas that become cemeteries. It is injustice that forces them to endure unspeakable forms of abuse, enslavement of every kind and torture in inhumane detention camps. It is injustice that turns them away from places where they might have the hope of a dignified life but instead find themselves before the walls of indifference.”
Love Addict, Confessions of a Serial Dater, by Koren Shadmi
Graphic novel, looks entertaining!
Work Ethic
Someone gave me this for Christmas.
Book is a fold out wall chart, 3 meters long. Cool!
Wretched of the Earth in historical Context
Cream - White Room -1968
Yes - Yours Is No Disgrace - Live at Beat-Club - 1971 - Remastered
TJ Street
Lincoln Project
No one is expecting you to fund anyone, but you cannot unilaterally secede from the tax code. Taxation and spending is what keeps the mid sector of the economy humming, mostly likely this includes you and your income too. So without taxation and spending this country would divide into the very very poor and a very small very very rich.
You wouldn't want that would you?
We need more people working, like building sand castles, and contemplating their navels. These are the benefits of advanced industrial, information, and agricultural technology.
And we need one more thing, more people getting marshal arts training. Think about it Skibum, what will it be like when everyone you call names like Loser and Retard has got marshal arts training?
Whitesnake - Still of the Night
LOL, that we should have such a smart and such an honest person running for POTUS.
No one else is being real. They still take this middle-class parental view.
TJ Street
Leave the panties off of course:
Larsa Pippen
ELP | Emerson, Lake & Palmer - 40th Anniversary Reunion - Full Concert ᴴᴰ 2010
I am convinced that we all can learn more advanced math than we had previously thought.
Talking about how the Cold War victory has been squandered, and how we have ended up with Trump.
Steven Rattner blows up Trump claim about "his great" economic success.
Pleaser 10", enclosed heel
^^^^^ explains that capitalism works via an army of psychopathic androids.
Electric Blues
“Our Very Existence Is the Resistance”: An Hour w/ AOC, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib & Ilhan Omar
George McGovern was a visionary for his time.
President Trump is set to unveil his 2021 budget request today. The $4.8 trillion budget would increase military spending while cutting Medicare and Medicaid, seeks $2 billion for construction of Trump’s border wall and slashes EPA spending by 26%. Axios is reporting Trump will also request nearly $50 billion for nuclear weapons programs. Experts and Democratic lawmakers warn that increasing the nuclear stockpile will increase the likelihood of nuclear war and defy international agreements.
The Squad, One Hour!
“Our Very Existence Is the Resistance”: An Hour w/ AOC, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib & Ilhan Omar
George McGovern was a visionary for his time.
President Trump is set to unveil his 2021 budget request today. The $4.8 trillion budget would increase military spending while cutting Medicare and Medicaid, seeks $2 billion for construction of Trump’s border wall and slashes EPA spending by 26%. Axios is reporting Trump will also request nearly $50 billion for nuclear weapons programs. Experts and Democratic lawmakers warn that increasing the nuclear stockpile will increase the likelihood of nuclear war and defy international agreements.
I am sure we will be seeing more of him.
Rev. 2.0 Investigations, call going out TODAY!
Chuck Schumer Calls for Investigation into Trump’s Retaliation-Motivated Firings
Roger Stone backlash: Democrats demand Barr resign, call for investigation, hearings
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is calling on all 74 federal inspectors general to investigate retaliation-based firings of whistleblowers or witnesses who report presidential misconduct. Two days after his impeachment acquittal last week, Trump fired two key figures from the House’s impeachment proceedings: the National Security Council’s Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman and U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland.
TJ Street
Robin Trower - For Earth Below (1975)
Are Americans Ready To Embrace Socialism? (w/ Richard Wolff )
Think of the muscle control they must have to make this work hands off:
TJ Street
Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton - Dear Mr. Fantasy (HQ)(Crossroads Guitar Festival 2010)
Little Wing
Blues in 'A'
Donald Trump and the Politics of Decline: Doug Henwood
Bernie Sanders Explains Why Low Unemployment Doesn't Mean Americans Are Better Off - Breaking News
Black Panthers: Portraits From An Unfinished Revolution
Has Trump Taken Down Our Democratic Republic?
Trump Goes After Mayor Pete For Kissing Husband
Does Increasing The Minimum Wage Increase
Have Billionaires Bought Our Democracy? A very good account of our economic situation and trajectory!
Bolton Speaks Out And Calls Grow For Trump's AG Barr To Resign
The real story of Rudy Giuliani’s mission for Trump in Ukraine
PBS News Hour 2/18/2020
Feds Intensify Giuliani Probe As Barr’s DOJ Accepts Ukraine Dirt From Giuliani | MSNBC
ELP 1997
TJ Street
That much money could by 22 new Ford Class Carriers and their Aircraft. And there would still be the money left over to give Skibum, Meat, and some others, the Frontal Lobotomies which they need.
TJ Street
I don't think the Green New Deal includes UBI, but it should set the stage for it. I also think there should be more talk about Transit Villages, that is Public Housing Towers, on the main rail public transit, with all services on the lower floors. Intended to promote car free living, and to prevent rent inflation. Anyone can live there or use the lower floor services. Say cost is fixed at 1/2 of UBI. But build at least some of these before starting UBI. Good jobs in building and operating, long term jobs. Keep building them at a reasonable rate into perpetuity.
Green New Deal full text, 14 pages
Daniel Castro - I'll Play The Blues For You
Slow Blues/ Blues Ballads 1 - A two hour long compilation
TJ Street
Old thread, valuable info, closed:
OT: Programmable Logic Devices
participate in the economy. If I could sit in my ass and have my needs met, I will work way less and try to find income under the table to escape as little capital back to the government. This is essentially a form of wealth distribution because the income earners will be taxed highly.
Richard Wolff Interview: How Do We Organize the Working Class?
Ask Prof Wolff: Lessons for the Left from the 20th Century
Bill Clinton really went after that and said that the US won.
But the issue of course was the high military expenditure the US had made, and maybe the neglect of civilian industries.
What we need is
1. Medicare for all with medical debt forgiveness
2. Free College, with college debt forgiveness
3. Vast Public Housing Offering
4. UBI
The money which was printed for Paycheck Protection and Stimulus was wasted, all now in the hands of landlords and mortgage lenders. To get it back we need a Wealth Tax. Talking about 2% per year on everything over the first $50 Meg.
Then, we have enough to do all of the above 4 items. Only need high income tax increase to get back that which fattens the fat.
The COVID Hysteria is to suppress calls for such a Universal Basic Needs Economic System.
I have no idea what is causing this, but it looks like our economy is going into total chaos.
What we need is 1. UBI, 2. Strong public housing offering, 3. Medicare for all, 4. Free college. These will make our economy work. And the net cost to the government is zero. You only have to raise taxes to the extent that the money is siphoning upwards, fattening the fat. And usually the fat are such because they have somehow been able to install themselves into our cash flows so that money accrues to them.
It is also true that since the 1870's our economic system is broken.
look at the models used for the various colors
Charmain Sinclair
Roy was going on and on saying, "There is no free lunch." He was campaigning against the Build Back Better. The guy is an idiot, but he is also very malicious. He thinks lower income Americans are people who need to be lectured to, who have values that are suspect. He fails to illuminate the truth, that no one is getting something for nothing like the rich are. They have got tap roots going deep into our economy and so that a big slice of the money which circulates accrues to them. These are the people getting a free lunch. And the very worst are the people who are promoting this system, bringing more money into it, the financializers.
Having paid employment for people wastes resources, it costs us far more than Universal Basic Income and a Strong Public Housing Offering would. But some insist on enforcing paid employment, the work ethic, because they see working people as immoral and as needing to be regulated. This idiocy is destroying our country.
We moved into gross labor excess in the 1870's. This was when our attitudes needed to change. But no, Spanish American War, Two World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, Two Persian Gulf Wars, and Afghanistan were used to soak up excess labor an personnel.
Its like Buck Minster Fuller said, "We have the industrial technology to take care of every single person better than even royalty had lived in past centuries. The only reason what we don't see this is that we expect everyone to prove that they can 'earn a living'."
extreme heels
Means tested programs only make the needy into targets.
And skibum609 I fully support political activism for the poor. And I mean the kind developed by the Irish Republican Army.
The Lords of Easy Money: How the Federal Reserve Broke the American Economy Hardcover – January 11, 2022
by Christopher Leonard
Stanley Clarke
Youtube Premiere today
Queen + Paul Rodgers: Live In Ukraine 2008. YouTube Special. Raising funds for Ukraine Relief.
X Portland
Girl In An Evening Suit
I like it. I like the braless looks. And here, it will be very easy to undress her while she is still standing up.
Maggie May w/ his Mandolin and Violin player
Nope, not fair to the hundred of thousands that worked hard, lived below their means, and paid off their debt.
What is needed is the ability to secure loans linked to the default rate of the program. Go for a STEM program where you can reasonably be expected to earn enough to service the loan, you get funded. Chose some esoteric program with poor employment opportunities and you're on your own for tuition. Problem solved.
More people we can get into college the better, keeps them out of the full time labor market.
There would be no colleges without thousands in the "full time labor market". Admin, teachers, janitors, grounds-keepers. Hey, should all the SJPL employees lock the doors and go home?
There is no STEM shortage
Trying to create STEM jobs way above and beyond market demand costs our society dearly in terms of tax policy and deficit.
Words to the effect.
We have the capacity to take care of every single person better than even royalty lived in past centuries. The only reason we don't see this is that we demand that every person prove that they can earn a living."
The labor force which goes way beyond market demands costs our entire society dearly.
R. Buckminster Fuller
Maggie May, original
People need far more breadth and depth in their educations.
As far as how much is conventional schooling with lectures, assignments, and exams, that would very. Most people eventually grow tired of that and want to run their own educations. But most people do benefit from some of it.
The more people who can get into lifelong education the better and there is no better use of public funds.
Ginger Baker's Air Force - 12 Gates of the City (1970)
You don't find well off people going into Striver Science, you find people who don't know what they are doing going into it, probably the fist person in their families to go to college.
And then these people end up a beauacrats.