Say yes to the sex industry!
Comments by CC99 (page 42)
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6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
I used to have 30 on the other account but I lost all my trusts :(
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6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
I'm kind of frustrated because yesterday, I blurted out "yes!" to something when that was literally the opposite of what I was thinking. And I'm worried that even though I corrected myself, that the guy is thinking that the "yes" is what I was actually thinking. I don't know why it even came out that way though.
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6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
Unfortunately that reminds me of my own childhood. I didn't go on my first playdate until I was 7 and I didn't have anybody I could really call a friend until I was 10. I got through those years okay though by playing an obscene amount of video games lol. For a long time I was pretty much satisfied just using all of my free time to play video games and watch TV until I started getting interested in girls which motivated me to be more social. I always got along pretty well with my cousin who's further on the spectrum than I am but still pretty high functioning, I didn't really see him all that often though. His stepdad didn't like him playing video games at my house because he thought it made him hyper but my mom felt bad for my cousin and told me it was okay to let him play but to keep it secret lol.
I think another thing is that you could see social interaction as kind of being like this iceberg...
For normal people, what they say is what you see on the surface, while what they think is the part that's underneath the water. Normal people get used to interacting with people based on that and intimately understand the thought process involved with that. So when a normal people says something socially insensitive, people assume there is much much more rudeness going on underneath. Autistic individuals have their iceberg completely flipped. What people on the spectrum say is the big part of what they are thinking, and the small part of the iceberg is what is left unsaid. So when a person on the spectrum says something rude, what you heard is pretty much everything they are thinking, and that's it. There's not much more more underneath to worry about. For this reason, I actually think people should give autistic people a chance because of that reason, they are so much easier to be friends with and get along with when you realize that. I've never had a hard time being friends with other people on the spectrum, my friendships with them have always formed very easily. I think normal people with high EQs can also have an easy time forming bonds with autistic people. I think that a lot of autistic guys subconsciously search for nurturing girlfriends with a high EQ because they believe that nobody else really seems to understand them. I know that I personally, become very attracted to any girl who shows a nurturing instinct towards people and animals who are vulnerable and I really seek out girls who have a cute look to them. A lot of the other friends I've made who were on the spectrum also talk about liking gothic, alternative girls.
It took me a really long time though to figure out the part about the iceberg. Part of me is still not entirely sure its accurate but its what it looks like to me. This knowledge, however, just made me more anxious around a lot of people because I felt like I could never understand how they were really feeling.
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6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
^Really? That's actually really good. Where can you get that cause some friends of mine might be interested?
discussion comment
6 years ago
I wouldn't really go for it. They might be sexy and all but a lot of those girls will take major offense if you insinuate that you think she is a prostitute.
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6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
I've met with male friends who just drank wine at that occasion. It's not as common cause wine is more expensive but I've done it a couple times.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
I notice that so many of these analysts say stuff like "its not a need for sex, its a need for love" or "its not a need for sex, its a need for control/power."
Sex and affection were never really meant to be separated. At its core, sex is supposed to be a strong expression of affection. Love is just a powerful feeling of affection. If you have sex without affection, it won't feel right or it will feel like an upgraded version of masturbation, in which case you might as well have just stayed home and jerked off. Even if you don't necessarily have a deep connection or are in love, you can still like somebody enough to have sex with them, but you should try to like them at least on some level. If you have sex with someone you don't respect or like, its not going to be the same. So when they say "its not really sex, they just find sex as a mask for a deeper desire for love" or whatever, I'm like, they're one and the same. You're basically saying, "I want sex with feelings." That doesn't mean it isn't really about sex though. As for the "power/control" thing. Why are people trying so hard to come up with a reason to say its not really about sex when incels are saying "yes its about sex."
One problem is that we're just so hyper-competitive about sex. Sex in a lot of Western countries has essentially become a marker of your social status. I like us being public about sex and not being afraid to discuss it or make jokes about it or whatever but one problem that making sex so public has brought on is that a lot of people have turned it into a sport. We need to remember that sex is fundamentally about enjoying yourself, its about what you enjoy most. That's all it is, having sex should be done for the pleasure it brings you and your partner. Not everybody's sex life falls into the conventional image of an active sex life. If it does, good for them, but if a guy gets more enjoyment out of hugging/cuddling a girl for an hour than he would out of a blowjob, who is anybody to call him pathetic or a loser because he wants a girl to cuddle him instead of give him a blowjob? He shouldn't feel pressured to go for the "cooler thing" when he wouldn't enjoy that as much. If a guy asks you if the girl on his daki pillow is pretty or whatever, don't say something like "its a fucking pillow." Just tell him she's gorgeous.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
I do think girls usually crave attention and affection more than men typically do but men are much more starved of it and have a much harder time finding it.
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6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
You do realize that autism is a lot of different things right? If you want to call it a neurodiverse mind then that's fine but it means your brain literally takes in sensory information differently which results in the personality differences you see. It's way too complex to get into all the different ways that it can shape who you are but it's not a disorder or a disability it's just having a different kind of brain.
I know you're just trying to make people more accepting of people who are different but you don't really accomplish that by saying "we're basically all the same." You do that by saying "yeah we are different, and that's okay."
If people don't acknowledge the existence of autism and aspergers though then it will be harder for me to find people that I will be able to relate to on an emotional level. Not impossible but certainly harder than it needs to be.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Hey @DirkDiggler.
DC here, or, DC's new account.
I actually really like the name CC99 now though. Its got a bit of a robotic, futuristic sound to me. I think I like it better than DC9428.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
Oh I thought I had told you. Yeah I think I'm on the spectrum somewhere. I'm actually surprised to hear you say that but I guess I'm glad you're being understanding now.
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6 years ago
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
Lmao yes, front room makeout session in the workout area and then take her to the spa room when your own pants are ready to come down.
Sorry @SJG I couldn't resist.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
I think I used to be more attracted to the idea of instant sex. Its kind of easy to see why somebody would, you wanna get to the good part fast. I found though that instant, quick sex often results in low reward. Its hard to really become comfortable enough with somebody in an hour that you can have sex. I can easily makeout with a girl instantly but for sex I kind of want to get to know her a little bit. Doesn't have to be super long time but I would want to feel comfortable with the girl. Making out can make me feel comfortable with her a lot faster though.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Yeah I get that. I've used TUSCL before as a way to "blow off steam" but I find that "blowing off steam" can be a bit of an addictive feeling and eventually you just lose control of that need. Its good to have something around that can relieve stress and calm you down if you're feeling pissed off or anxious about something. As for using TUSCL for distraction. Holy hell I know that feeling lol. Anyway though, hope your day doesn't go too badly.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Somewhere in MO.
^That's true! Dancers love it when you smell good. I made a routine that if I went to a strip club I always put on cologne, always brushed my teeth, often put on deodorant, often took a shower beforehand with shampoo. I would get comments all the time about how good I smelled and the dancers would nuzzle my neck and take deep breathes. It felt really good lol.
discussion comment
6 years ago
He wasn't really saying you or dancers are stupid. He was just saying that he thinks when it comes to the way that a lot of dancers treat dance specials, that they are being short-sighted if they make it really obvious that they don't want to do it. Its not about strippers having a character flaw, its more just telling you what's its like from the PL side of things.
I've met GoVikings IRL, he's a really friendly guy, I don't see any reason why a dancer would have an issue with him.
discussion comment
6 years ago
My mom says me being born was the best gift I ever gave her.
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6 years ago
Somewhere in MO.
Sounds pretty accurate to me. I don't know why some guys go into strip clubs in "PUA" mode. Strippers don't respond to that stuff. They like a guy who makes their job easy or enjoyable.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
I don't understand why you guys care if somebody makes a long post about something you're not interested in. Its quite easy to just not read something and scroll right past.
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6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
I agree with that. Nicole honestly your titles are too long. You're supposed to put the main thought into the body of the thread instead of into the title. Instead it seems like you put almost all of the thought into your title and often put only a word or two into the body of your threads.
The title is supposed to kind of summarize the content of the thread while also enticing people to click on it. In almost all cases, the body of the thread should be longer than the title. It is pretty aberrational that this isn't the case.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
^Honestly one of the most understanding replies I feel I've gotten on this topic.
My mom actually told me she's going to sign me up for a dating site that is supposed to help autistic individuals. It has a "spectrum compatibility" test like it asks if you like numbers a lot or if you find social situations easy and stuff like that. It has 184 questions apparently so hopefully that will be enough that they can figure just wtf is going on with me before trying to match me up with someone.
Learning that girls want it too is actually surprisingly hard. Its like, consciously I know they like it too but my subconscious doesn't entirely understand that girls have sex for pleasure too and not just because they are getting paid or in love with someone. Furthermore, I don't really know what physical features are considered attractive to a typical girl. One time I asked my mom to rate a few guys I knew on the looks spectrum and I consistently would rank guys who she said were 8s as being like 6s. I also typically ranked guys she said were like 4s as 5s. Like every guy to me looks to be about on the same level unless they are truly hideous. If I was never told George Clooney or Ryan Gosling was attractive for example, I would've probably ranked them as a 6 because to me they just look kind of normal. Even now I don't know what exactly is attractive about them I just know that a lot of girls happen to like them.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
^Lol that would be really funny. Whenever you want that again you should tell her you want "the daki service," or "the daki pillow experience," DPE.