
Paying to cuddle....

But at least a nigga, nigga rich
Sunday, April 14, 2019 1:05 PM
Touch is a basic human need.... and touching does build intimacy but I can't get over the artificiality of paying for it. Just seems too fleeting... the add on charges for a hug, for a pat on the head, for putting your head on her lap... Woman Gets Paid To Cuddle With Strangers [view link] Pay for hugs - Japan [view link] Geordie Shore's Vicky Pattison Visits A Japanese Cuddle Cafe | World Of Weird [view link]


  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    $60 an hour? Not bad. I'd probably be good with a quarter of that time if it was nude.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    I think she does more than just cuddle....its like some hookers calling themselves sex surrogates or sex therapists
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    I'm a little sketched out by this paid to cuddle shit. So is it from the guy's home or girl's home? How does the girl not get raped or murdered? Perhaps stalked as well...
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    The Japanese do it in "cuddle cafes" so thats safer. I really don't know how it would work with freelance cuddlers in the US. I'd think a guy willing to pay just to cuddle would be potentially dangerous.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    "I'd think a guy willing to pay just to cuddle would be potentially dangerous." Why are guys who just want to cuddle seen as dangerous but all the guys trying to get weird/creepy fetishes satisfied aren't seen as dangerous? I think this article gives better information on the cuddle cafes in Japan. [view link]
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    I would do it though actually, $300 for six hours is a really good price.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    Ok I wasnt saying they are dangerous. I just meant how is the girl guaranteed to be safe doing this? Sounds as dangerous as hooking... no thank you If there was some sort of building with some kind of security staff- I'd be down for this as long as it really is just cuddling.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    I just wonder if I'd fall asleep LOL that would be kinda funny
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    Sleeping on the job
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    True, not many jobs out there that allow you to take a nap while working lol.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    CC99. The add ons in the cuddle cafe are too expensive. It would seem too awkward and artificial to have things timed. As far as some men being dangerous, the inability to form basic human connections coupled with the desire to constantly seek gratifying sensations is a common trait of serial killers.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    blahblah if it were legit it would be a great job lol
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    The "add-ons" to me sound more like things you would buy if you were just going to go in for a little bit instead of spending a long time there. If you buy three hours though for example, not much point in buying the add ons. No things are more complex than that. Serial killers, sociopaths/psychopaths have an inherent dislike of human connections and either intentionally avoid them or have no desire for them in the first place. Being unable to form them is not a trait of being a serial killer, its not wanting to form them that is a trait of being a serial killer. In order to understand this you need to understand the concept of "shallow empathy" vs "deep empathy." Shallow empathy is being able to understand what somebody is thinking or feeling based on their body language and facial expressions. Deep empathy is when you, upon acknowledging somebody's feelings can feel it yourself. The two don't necessarily co-exist. Neurotypical people usually have a certain degree of both shallow and deep empathy. Sociopaths usually actually understand shallow empathy better than neurotypicals do but they have no deep empathy or very little of it. So they understand what they are doing to you but they just don't care. This makes sociopaths natural experts at manipulating people and making them do whatever they want. If anything, somebody being too charismatic is a red flag because if somebody is too good at charming you, they might be a sociopath. Psychopaths, don't have shallow or deep empathy. One researcher showed a psychopath an image of a person making a "fearful expression" and the guy replied with "I don't know what it means, but I know its what people's faces look like when you stab them." With autistic individuals, they usually actually have more deep empathy than neurotypicals do but are deficient in shallow empathy. This means autistic individuals often times cannot read the body language of somebody and know what they are feeling. If a person lets an autistic person know how they are feeling though, they will probably feel it even stronger than a neurotypical person would. People with a lot of deep empathy but very little shallow empathy are people we often refer to as "not having many social skills." This means a lot of them really have trouble connecting with people but still have a strong desire to do so. So a sociopath would have high level of social manipulation skills, meaning he can form fake connections that he doesn't really feel. He probably has no need or desire for this. A psychopath might just be doing this to isolate her from other people so he can stab her. A normal person might do it out of pure curiosity or maybe a very occasional thing, a high deep empath, low shallow empath will be the majority of regular customers. Cuddling appeals a lot to deep empaths because of how pleasurable the sensation of giving somebody affection is and receiving it yourself. If you don't have any deep empathy like a sociopath or psychopath, it wouldn't appeal to you, it would feel like cuddling a piece of rubber with a shirt thrown over it for an hour.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    That's theoretical. A lot of killers want an emotional connection with their victim, hence why they keep souvenirs, return to the scene of the crime, etc. They often times see themselves as victims, can't let go of perceived childhood trauma and have a history of emotional or physical abuse and emotional distance from those around them. Its why they make so many mistakes and get caught. But motive makes more interesting tv than it does reality. Intent is what matters most.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Serial killers look at people like pawns in a game. They like manipulating a person and "duping" them so to speak but I wouldn't call that an emotional connection.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    That's ultimately what they end up doing. But in their minds they're creating a connection and get frustrated when they can't. And look at pedophiles who kill. A real pedophile isn't just someone attracted to kids. Its someone who is so developmentally stunted that they never evolved emotionally during puberty. They usually had a kid who they were really attached to when they were small. Then hit puberty and became excessively awkward and unable to make friends, attract girls, whatever... So in their mind they think that by reliving the last happy relationship they had, they can move on to being an adult. Its not even about sexuality, like a straight one will like little boys coz their last happy relationship with with a little boy. So they go after little boys.... in their minds, they want the boy to seduce them, to show them they still have value and are likable. When that doesn't happen, and they act out on whats in their head, they kill the victim in a rage of anger, panic and wanting to keep them only for themselves...
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    I have never seen that used as an explanation for pedophilia. I hear that it's actually something you're born with.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    That's what forensic psychiatrists say as expert witnesses. I've heard the theories about it being something a person is born with, but that treads dangerous territory in that it attempts to normalize and legitimate it. I'd even link the whole "incel" thing to developmental disorders and the potential for extreme violence.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Oh even I won't deny that a lot of incels are dangerous. People deprived of sex and touch are essentially in a mental state similar to being very hungry. Some people can take it but it also clearly causes a lot of people's minds to snap. That's why we need to be more accepting of prostitution and artificial sex though instead of stigmatizing people who get their needs fulfilled that way. At least they are trying to find something that works for them. But everything I've ever heard of about pedophiles is that they were pretty much born that way.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    I don't think its about sex. Its about misogyny and a martyr complex.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Oh no, its absolutely about sex. Where do you think the misogyny came from in the first place? It came from repeated rejection. If you start to see that a group of people are constantly excluding you and you don't feel like there's a valid reason why, then you're going to get resentful. That's why prostitutes can make a lot of these guys feel better though, last year around this time I was probably the most bitter and resentful about things I had ever been. Then I started seeing strippers regularly, and all the bitterness was completely gone. Then I went a long time without seeing a stripper and a good bit of the bitterness came back. Now I've read some of the stuff online and I've never been anywhere near that level of bitterness but I can't deny that I've had bitter feelings at many times over how much I've been rejected. What I'm really trying to say though is that until the bitterness really reaches an extreme level, it can be cured. For some reason a lot of people seem to want to act like they were just born bad, that they are a lost cause and nothing can be done about them but that's not true.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    That's why for awhile I kept making posts that were essentially worshiping of strippers though because I was so thankful that they helped me get past all that bitterness and resentment. I don't actually like being that way, but its a creeping storm, it just kind of slowly builds until I'm sort of unaware of what has happened. But I have seen the impact even just after getting one really nice hug from a girl, I can practically feel the bitterness wash away as if I had been absolutely filthy and just stepped into the shower. One hour with a girl and for the next week I will not even be depressed or anything anymore. You remember when I PMed you and said basically let's stop arguing all the time? I had gotten laid about two hours before that happened and afterward I felt all my bitterness and anger towards you was just gone and I thought that our constant arguing was stupid. It really is like a vitamin for your mental health.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Not rejection, perceived rejection...Most don't really try and convince themselves they'll be rejected. The misogyny comes about coz they feel entitled to sex and blame women for their plight rather than themselves. A woman isn't obligated to have sex with anyone.... its her choice. Okay, so strippers and hookers are a temporary fix for you....but the ultimate problem is still there. For most of the incels, its not that simple... they have an extreme need for control, are disgusted by women's sexuality, etc.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    I still think you just need more confidence...
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I saw a segment on TV about this a couple of years ago (it was an American provider). w.r.t. the Japs being into this, it seems Asian guys/culture are a bit different
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    I think more goes on than just cuddling. The Japanese are into weird fetishes...its probably more for guys with a cuddling fetish
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    I payed a sg 60 for massage and cuddling does that count. Jr needed a break lol
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    I don't see how it is a fetish. Its perfectly normal to enjoy cuddling with a cute girl. Saying they have a cuddling fetish is like saying somebody has a vanilla sex fetish lol. The appeal is really more about saving money per time tbh lol. Its just as expensive to pay a girl $300 to cuddle with you for six hours as it is to pay her $300 to fuck you for two hours (standard price of sex in Japan) but with cuddling you get a lot more time and you still get to enjoy physical contact with a pretty girl. But if I was given the choice just to cuddle with a girl for two hours for the same price as getting to have sex for two hours, of course I would choose sex. I guess that's true for some of them. But they could still probably find happiness with a sex robot. Then they won't be resentful anymore and no living girl has to fuck them. Everybody wins.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    I think anything becomes a little abnormal and fetish like when its paid for. Normal cuddling is something people who like each other do.Cuddling on a mattress with a stranger in an anime costume is a fetish... The sex dolls and sex robots are too off. I've seen sex dolls in a porno shop before... they had one on display and you could finger it to see what it feels like. Its probably like fucking a dead person in its most realistic state... coz of the temperature difference between it and a real pussy.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Its definitely not going to be the same. But if you had to choose between no food for a week as opposed to getting a couple slices of pizza every day, one is definitely the better option. You can hold out waiting for something better to come along or you can get something that will bring a little joy to your life and keep your bed a little warmer. Its not a great situation but its not really a bad one either. You're right though I feel like sex dolls have kind of a cold, corpse like look to them, that's why daki pillows are better. More emotion expressed in the art. Plus, anime girls are adorable. Why wouldn't you want to have a cute anime girl in bed with you every night if there's no one else to share it with? Things aren't too bad when you look at it with a new perspective. Yeah I guess there are quite a few guys out there struggling to find a sexual partner but now there are things out there to make you feel better. If you were lonely in say, the 80s, there was absolutely nothing you could do about it unless you were willing to go down to a seedy payphone in order to find a call girl who's time was actually more expensive then because of inflation than she would be now. No internet communities to find people who can relate to your experiences, no internet forums to find people who share your niche hobbies, no daki pillows. Sure these are all substitutes you could say, but it really does make your life so much better. And technology is only going to get more advanced and less expensive so we have a lot of things to look forward to just in the next ten years. Truthfully, I have nothing to complain about. Compared to how I felt last year and freshman year around this time, I'm actually doing much better.
  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    I've noticed more ads for these cuddling sites popping up on every mongering and sex board I frequent. Must be a decent market for it, but there's just something off-putting and, frankly, pathetic about paying a gal for, essentially, hugging. Look, I long for GFE and need a hug every now and then, but I want it in the course of some type of sexual activity. I'm not paying for a fully clothed embrace with no fondling or intimate caressing. I also wonder what happens if a guy goes too far and grabs her ass or gropes her breast, thinking she's into me and wouldn't mind. I'm sure the session would end, but would he be subject to assault charges?
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Yeah it would be important to me to be able to have intimate caressing and fondling too. I'm not sure if the girl mentioned in that video provides it but I think the cafes in Japan do. They also look like they are hinting in their ad about "delivery service" that you might be able to get more. "Vaginal intercourse between unacquainted partners for money" is illegal in Japan but pretty much everything else is fair game, even blatant prostitution between acquaintances so businesses can imply that those services are available too without breaking the law. The police also just don't think its a big deal at all over there. I kind of think that Japan just does certain things to earn brownie points with the US while trying to create as many loopholes as possible so that the law is rendered entirely ineffective lol. I definitely don't blame them for not wanting to follow our silly laws though.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    I don't think they do it to "settle" I think they do it coz its a fetish. Settling would mean going for a fugly chick or at least a butter face. I googled daki pillows, sounds kinda gross if guys have sex with pillows with pics of anime characters
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    JAprufrock, I think its a cover for prostitution, kinda like massage parlors. Especially in the US. I don't see men paying just to cuddle.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    "sounds kinda gross if guys have sex with pillows with pics of anime characters." Hey man don't knock it til you try it. My cousin's had one for a year and a half and he really likes her.
  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    ^^^^Well, that makes sense. If that's the case, more power to them!
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    You cuddle with a women after sex. Cuddling without sex is like beer without alcohol. Shower without water. Mexican restaurant without tacos. Cars without wheels. Doesnt work lol
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    You can cuddle without sex. But its intimate. Without the intimacy it seems weird. The whole notion of "cuddle hookers" is offputting. And no....come on, how can fucking this be enjoyable? [view link] [view link]
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Most people buying the pillows already had a crush on the character printed on the pillow from seeing them in a show. An anime girl that you have strong romantic feelings for is referred to in the community as a "waifu." So having a pillow of a character you really like kind of feels like your waifu is being brought to life and becoming your girlfriend. This stands in contrast to "harems" where a guy gets multiple daki pillows of several different characters. Basically, if you use your imagination well, you can make a fantasy feel very real. Suddenly a guy who's never gotten any attention from girls in his entire life can have a harem of girls with him and a guy who's always wanted a girl to love him can have his perfect "waifu" come to life and snuggle with him every night. If somebody doesn't have a very active imagination, then it might not be as fun for them. If you have a powerful imagination though, daki pillows are wonderful. Also, you can't tell by the images but those pillows are made out of a special material that makes them incredibly soft and comfortable. That's specifically if someone is using one for intimacy, that's what my cousin does. He watches TV with her, sets up dinner dates with her, does a lot of the same things normal couples do and he literally treats her as a girlfriend. Other people don't buy the pillows for intimacy purposes but rather just really like a certain anime and having a daki pillow is essentially the equivalent of having a poster on their wall or buying a T-shirt. Some girls buy daki pillows too. There are daki pillows of male characters and some girls also buy daki pillows of female characters. I think its more common for male fans to do this though.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    I don't think its about imagination. Its projecting feelings and thoughts that should be for another person, onto an inanimate object. I think like with P4P is misses the actual every day interaction that makes relationships. It diminishes the human factor. I think a lot of it is about control more than anything. And that stems from lacking confidence... I think if a guy experiences a real relationship, they'll realize that this stuff isn't a substitute.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    What's wrong with projecting romantic feelings and thoughts onto an inanimate object? When you were a child didn't you anthropomorphize your toys? This is pretty much the same thing the only difference is that its about sex and intimacy now instead of GI-Joes. If you think about it, its actually really sweet for somebody to humanize an inanimate object and give that object thoughts and feelings and emotions given that there are people out there who try to dehumanize actual human beings. Most people buying them probably are not in relationships and don't have one to look forward to anytime soon, so why not let people experience some of the positive feelings of being in one? Its not about "control" its about the freedom to live the life you want to live even if other people try to tell you that you don't have enough social status or connections to live that kind of life.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    The difference is huge. Your brain was at a completely different developmental stage back then. Doing it as an adult shows a developmental problem....I think that underlying problem is probably why so many of these men can't form bonds with other people. It is about control.... a pillow with a pic of a girl or a sex doll is simply whatever he projects on to it and does with it. He has 100% of the control. With a hooker he has control of what he pays for. With a stripper, she provides what he spends money on. The common denominator is its all about him. He doesn't have to make any effort whatsoever and there by avoids having his "fantasies" tarnished by real life situations. I'd rather fuck a 1 than a pillow...
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Well daki pillows are usually marketed towards the teenage/young adult audience anyway. Guys between the ages of 15-25 are the primary market for them so a lot of guys in that age range are a perfect mix of still being kind of child-like, desperate for sexual intimacy, but often times awkward and don't really know how to get it. But there's some guys with daki pillows all the way up into their 40s. Its definitely much much less common at that age than at, say, 17 though. I don't know if not being able to anthropomorphize anymore is a good thing though. Children can do it because they have more innocent and imaginative minds and haven't been coded with as many biases yet. I think the key to enjoying the pillow is to not look at her like "a substitution." You're never going to enjoy anything if you're constantly thinking you could do better or this isn't what I really want. Its not necessarily that you think this is the best situation possible but rather recognizing that you can still get plenty of joy out of this even if its not necessarily the perfect situation. It would be like if you chose to date a 6 but resent her because you really want to date 8s and can't stop thinking about the 8s that you wish you could date. To do this, just focus on what you like about her. Its a simple matter of pros and cons: She's sweet, shes' adorable, she's gorgeous, she will never leave you, she accepts you for who you are and feels affection for you, she's always up for sex whenever you are and will hug you whenever you need a hug. The only downside is that she's printed onto a pillow. Look at it this way and its actually really nice.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    If a teenage boy is sleeping with cartoon character pillows and fucking them, their parents should have a long talk with them. How is his mom supposed to feel when she washes the cum stains and shit? Kids do it coz their minds aren't as developed. Its not the same as dating an uglier girl. A pillow is a thing. You don't date it.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Well, the kid should be responsible for washing his own pillow. I've been in charge of washing all my clothes and bedsheets since I was 12 years old. Its a good skill to learn. On occasion my mom does it just because she likes feeling like a mother again but for the most part its just me doing it. Or you could be like this kid's mom and just give no fucks... [view link] What is there to have a talk about? "Son uh, I know your hormones are raging right now, and uh, I know none of the girls at school like you, but, you can't have that." How do you think he would respond?
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    I've never done my own laundry. My mom used to do it but now I just have bitches do it... Tell him its wrong to fuck a pillow and to just go for the homeliest bitches. Give him some advice on how to do it. Or get him involved in sports so he can man up a little.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Why go for an ugly girl when you can have an adorable anime girl though?
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    One is a girl one is a pillow...
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    A pillow with an adorable anime girl on it who smells nice as opposed to a 200 pound woman who smells awful and could crush you if she was to ever get on top? I mean, go for those girls if you're into that, but I'd much much rather have the daki pillow. No contest.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    You've never been with a fat girl? They feel amazing. They're like human waterbeds and when they're on top its like a human sauna...just hot and sweaty, and they'll smother you with their boobs. But choosing to fuck a pillow rather than a fat girl shows you where the problem is. If you want better pussy you have to make the better pussy want you
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Dear god that visual image you just created sold my point better than I could. I don't see how you can tell me that this... [view link] [view link] Would be more enjoyable than this... [view link]
  • Mr_PUA_Guy50
    5 years ago
    @CC Fucking is about showing other people that you can convince somebody to fuck you. Regardless of how much you may enjoy it or not enjoy it, buying pillows and hiring hookers means you cheated and couldn't convince someone to fuck you. Better to suck it up and fuck the fatty than cheat and continue having no game.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Holy shit. I’m glad I read this thread. I definitely feel better about myself now.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    CC99 at least those are real women. The other is just a picture on a pillow. A pussy vs rubbing your dick on a pillow? MRPUA, fucking isn't about convincing someone to fuck you..... that's what losers do, beg for pussy. If she's into you its pretty easy and natural.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Well Mr. PUA is an idiot. Being a real woman isn't enough to offset the numerous other issues. But its kind of pointless because your argument is basically "this would make you a tiny bit less of a loser than this would." Some guys who can't get girls try to date obese girls, some guys date an anime body pillow. Who's to say one is better than the other? There's no reason to attack people for having them, they're actually doing everybody a favor. To other guys, they are taking themselves out of the dating market so they aren't competition anymore. From girls' perspective, those guys won't be interested in them or hitting on them anymore. From the person who has the pillow's perspective, he finally has his dream girlfriend.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    I just gave a fat chick as an example. Point is, fuck a woman who wants to fuck you even if she's not what you may want. Use her for practice and make yourself appealing to those you do want. I'm not attacking anyone for fucking pillows and I'm not using the term loser. I'm saying a guy can't expect to progress in life or attain his goal of having a wife, girlfriend, whatever if he is busy having emotional bonds and sexual relations with inanimate objects. You have to see the problem there.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    "I just gave a fat chick as an example. Point is, fuck a woman who wants to fuck you even if she's not what you may want. Use her for practice and make yourself appealing to those you do want. I'm not attacking anyone for fucking pillows and I'm not using the term loser. I'm saying a guy can't expect to progress in life or attain his goal of having a wife, girlfriend, whatever if he is busy having emotional bonds and sexual relations with inanimate objects. You have to see the problem there. The thing to me is just the act of forming an emotional and sexual bond with an inanimate object. I'm thinking its a symptom of a problem rather than a solution to one." Daki pillows may not fulfill the ultimate goal of having a wife. What you are underestimating, however, is the importance of a guy remaining in a good emotional state of being and not feeling miserable. Being celibate, depressed, and miserable is going to push girls away from you more than anything. Even if the vibes a daki owner puts out aren't exactly like he is on top of the world, he will be putting out much better vibes than the guy who is completely and utterly deprived. Somebody should not force themselves to go through misery until they reach their ultimate goal of marrying their soulmate because that could be a really long, hard, and arduous path and being depressed and miserable the whole time will just make everything 10x harder than it needs to be. Being relatively content with your life, however, will make things a lot easier. So basically, yes, its probably not a long term solution that can accomplish everything. As a solution to short term goals, however, its a really good one and just because the goals are about the immediate and now doesn't mean they aren't important because if you don't fulfill those short term goals, you never will be able to fulfill your long term goals.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    I don't know... I think its detrimental for a guy. There's an underlying refusal to compromise and accept reality there, those traits are what prevent the guy from getting laid. Refusing to fuck a 2 for example and resorting to fucking a pillow coz the guy feels entitled to someone better, on his terms, who will be what he wants her to be, without putting in any work to make himself more attractive to said person....that kind of sense of entitlement and acts of selfishness and a need for control, are the real problem. Relations with other people are about compromise and learning from each other. Real life girls aren't toys or pillows that you can project whatever you want onto them, they're their own persons. You'll never have that control or perceived perfection with them ....Relationships are about two way interaction.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    There we go again with that stupid word. "Entitled" has got to be the most overused word of the 2010s. Anybody can buy a daki pillow as long as they have $40 in their pocket. Its not "being entitled" to choose what you consider to be the better option when given it. Would you expect a guy to choose a 6 with a great personality over a 2 who is a bitch? Of course not that would be silly. According to your logic though he is "entitled" for wanting a better looking girl with a better personality. Being entitled is when you expect something that is obviously unreasonable. Like if you are a 25 year old guy and whine to your parents because they didn't buy dinner for you when you went out to eat. You're not "acting entitled" however when you simply pick the better option out of two choices.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    You don't think its a sense of entitlement for a guy who makes no effort, to expect a girl who wants to be his girlfriend and love him and fuck him just coz he thinks he deserves it? A pillow isn't a girl though. You can't compare it to one.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    I don't think its a sense of entitlement to work for $40 and spend it on something that will give you joy. Maybe if a 13 year old boy yelled at his mom for not getting him one that would be but certainly not a guy buying one with his own money. Guys in these situations pretty much have a choice between daki pillows, obese women, and celibacy. All realistic options, seems to me like the daki is the best choice of the three. Might not be for someone else, you in this situation said you'd go for the obese women.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    A pillow may not be a girl, but I had a very nice AA place my unit between the pillows on her chest the other night. I think I’m gonna give her the nickname DAKI instead of her current UNIQUE.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    ^Lol that would be really funny. Whenever you want that again you should tell her you want "the daki service," or "the daki pillow experience," DPE.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Now I can see adding that as a TUSCL term.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I’m gonna try that term out next week. Just for hell of it.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    The sense of entitlement is the guy thinking he deserves sex with hot girls and that fugly girls are beneath him so he'll just fuck a pillow till the hot bitches realize they want him.
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