Say yes to the sex industry!
Comments by CC99 (page 40)
discussion comment
6 years ago
"I have noticed a lot of the early 30's stripper are in better shape than the early 20's strippers at a lot of clubs."
Yeah Idk about that.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
Great another thread about what to wear to a strip club lol.
I don't think strippers really care about what you wear as long as you smell clean.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Don't worry younger dancers are still aplenty at my club lol! I can confirm this thread to be false.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Actually when I was under 21, my ATF bought a glass of wine for "herself" but let me drink it instead. She's also bought water for me a couple times.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
Hoes up pimps down then?
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Gangs became involved after the rioting started.
So you basically just confirmed what I said in terms of them brainwashing entire neighborhoods into thinking their behavior is kind of normal and then lowkey occupying them as "turf?" At least a military occupation only lasts for a few months but street gangs continue poisoning the social fabric and daily lives of these neighborhoods for years and even decades. Yes let's be thankful to gangs for providing young men a group of people to be around that make a career out of shooting people, robbing stores, committing crimes, and then being proud of it and bragging about being a thug like its a good thing. Most people just join a club at their high school.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
I'm just saying that if an escort figures out how to accumulate enough regulars that she can consistently find work 7-10 hours per week and makes it her career for at least a year, then escorting is extremely lucrative as a job. So I find it difficult to sympathize with any complaints that she doesn't make enough money when she could easily reach six figures working the kind of hours everybody else in the world could only dream of. If she can't find enough of a work ethic to do a job that literally only requires her to work like 5-10 hours per week then what can she do? I really don't think that coming through on a job with such low expectations when it comes to work ethic requires a very disciplined and business oriented mind. Asking for enormous amounts of money per hour might be the very reason she can't find clients, if an escort can't find enough clients then she needs to lower her price.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I have not noticed this. At my club, strippers 18-22 were always the vast majority with a decent number in their mid 20s. I haven't even met a dancer there in her late 20s much less 30s.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
We didn't carpet bomb them, those bombings are coordinated strikes on specific targets. Afghanistan has been almost constantly dealing with war and terrorist activities since 1979, they were already in the stone age long before we got there.
Gangs absolutely do what essentially amounts to forcing children into warfare. In the Crips and Bloods documentary, many of the gangsters mentioned having been a part of the gang and having guns since they were 12 or 13 and being prepared to use them. Certain gangs have terrorized neighborhoods for decades by turning violence, criminal behavior, and murder into a lifestyle and sow that lifestyle into the very fabric of the neighborhoods they occupy so that they can recruit new members. They push hard drugs onto kids and then try to use those kids as pushers to avoid getting in trouble with LE.
And uh, as far as battling with police and military. Just wanna leave this here...
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
Yeah you're right, I don't know why I treat it with more importance than it ought to have. I guess I'm not really used to what a real locker room type environment is like. The kind of teasing my high school friends and I did was extremely tame. The most we really did was joke that certain people were gay and that certain people always brought the conversation back to sex, stuff like that. But we also never continued teasing somebody about something if they seemed to actually be bothered by it, which I think might be the reason I interpreted it differently than it was intended? Idk, but the internet is different. There is a certain level of thick skin you have to acquire to really exist on the internet peacefully.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Carpet bombing was literally only used in WW2 and Vietnam, don't act like its a part of normal warfare.
Street gangs are not nearly as violent now as they used to be. As I pointed out, in the past, deaths from gang wars were actually worse than the level of deaths occurring from insurgencies. Street gangs essentially occupied certain neighborhoods and waged turf wars on each other, and yes, commit plenty of rapes. Its actually worse because all this violence becomes sown into the very fabric of the neighborhood whereas military occupation is typically very temporary.
Gangs in the early 90s absolutely had what essentially amounted to foot soldiers that waged gun battles on the streets. The crips and bloods feud, waged primarily during the 80s and 90s, killed about 20,000 people according to "Crips and Bloods: Made in America" documentary. That's 1,000 people per year, worse than the CAR conflict and doesn't even count the other gangs in the area.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
And actually the point was that they are very comparable.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Not the Congo, the Central African Republic.
Well 18th century warfare is more violent than current gang conflicts and modern wars. But the point was that gang wars are actually in a lot of cases more violent than regular wars are now.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
Because young people in general tend to live like that.
Its actually fairly common in middle class neighborhoods to find out that a single woman living by herself or cohabiting with someone is a prostitute. When it does happen its a scandal but its not necessarily rare in neighborhoods where people are up in each other's business a lot for neighbors to find out that somebody is a prostitute.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
You don't do this, but there's a significant number of people on here who make fun of me all the time for being a college student who is not able to get sex on demand. Guys like Jester, Pistola, SirLDK, EvaSparkling, Shailynn, Flagooner, txtittyfag, iceyloco, and several others I can't remember have all, present or in the past ridiculed me for having a hard time seducing civie college girls. I've even mentioned that I have had sex with a few but that they were all one time hookups so in the long run it didn't really satisfy my goals but I'm still made fun of for, I guess not having hookups all the time or easily? That's really what gave me a kind of crusader like passion for this topic that eventually became annoying was because I thought that guys who visit strip clubs a lot would understand how hard it can be or at least commend me for figuring out a partial solution to the problem but instead, I felt bullied.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
Its nice to see an honest an detailed response on this forum. Lots of people here, despite paying for sex on a regular basis like to pretend they are also casanova types who can have sex whenever they want.
So in the incel community, you would be called an "escortcel." They call people that when they would be celibate if it weren't for prostitutes. Personally, I don't want to identify as a part of the incel community because of the terrible reputation they have built for themselves. Plus I don't fit into their standard anyway because I have had sex some without paying for it and by their standards you need to be a virgin, but the last time I could was awhile ago so I do identify as a guy who, at the present moment, rarely has sex through conventional means. I have a very active sex life now through unconventional means, but a practically non-existent conventional sex life.
As SJG and I have discussed, we believe the sexual revolution is incomplete. People made it very acceptable to have sex however you want through conventional methods, but this revolution left out everybody who isn't capable of having sex through conventional methods, and unconventional methods of having sex are still very stigmatized and lots of people do not accept any sex that isn't acquired through conventional means as legitimate. Even some people on here still talk about conventional methods of having sex as a superior lifestyle. For the most part, we seem to stigmatize any sex that does not, by extension, serve as a means of solidifying your social status at the same time. Sex purely done for pleasure and enjoyment is not as accepted as we act like it is, because otherwise, people would have no problem with those who's sex lives are acquired through unconventional methods.
I'd say the sexual revolution is not truly complete until we destigmatize unconventional sex lives.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Sorry, its not that homicide rates in suburban areas today are exactly the same, but rather that the difference in homicide rates in suburban areas has been negligible as opposed to sharp decreases in homicide in inner cities.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
I'd say that extremely violent US cities now are becoming an anomaly though. Homicide rates in suburban areas now are almost exactly the same as they were in 1970-1998 but the difference is that gang related turf wars taking place in the largest cities are not anywhere near as severe as they used to be. Another thing that isn't accounted for though is that low level violent crime like simple assault for example has actually had an even bigger decrease than homicide. There are not anywhere close to as many simple assaults now as there were in 1990.
I've heard some anecdotal reports online saying that in NYC from 1970-1995, certain areas were so bad you could find dead bodies in trash cans or in alleyways. Not anywhere in NYC but in the worst parts of it. Now NYC has impressively turned into one of the safest cities in America despite having possibly been the biggest warzone in 1990. But yes its interesting how, the violence in cities rife with gang conflict are not interpreted as civil wars yet contain violence that is as extreme or worse than what is going on in actual warzones. Of course, what's going on in Mexico is a very good example of this, as the Mexican Drug War is actually listed under being one of the deadliest armed conflicts currently going on at this current moment, with a similar number of fatalities in 2018 as Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan and easily surpassing all the other armed conflicts on the list.
With Mexico though its only because the violence there is very steady. Although it does increase and decrease, it does it relatively slowly by year. Syria, on the other hand, had 50,000 fatalities in 2012, 130,000 fatalities in the year of 2013, 110,000 fatalities in 2014, and then in 2018, only had about 25,000-30,000 fatalities. Mexico does not have this kind of wild fluctuation but rather has been experiencing about 20,000-35,000 fatalities each year in connection with the drug war since 2010. Course this doesn't count forced disappearances though.
As far as the deadliness of typical civil wars go. That is actually what surprised me is that typical civil wars aren't usually that bad now. If you only focus on the major wars, they look awful. But in the example I gave of the conflict in CAR, with 800 fatalities in the past year, this is actually significantly less people killed over the course of an entire year than would happen in say, a single day battle in the 18th and 19th centuries when thousands of people were typically killed over the course of a single day. The Third Battle of Panipat, taking place in India circa 1761, killed an astonishing 150,000-200,000 people in 1 day of battle.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
I've read about this before and yes, its not quite going to make sense to the IRS but they are much more concerned with making sure people pay their taxes than they are with busting prostitutes. So unless you are heading some kind of drug cartel, the IRS doesn't try too hard to use your tax reports as a way to identify illegal activity. A prostitute is going to be very low on the IRS's list of priorities.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
Yes you can, because a model's income varies widely. Some models make lots of money and some models make basically nothing. Even so, if an escort makes $110,000 a year but only reports $80,000, it won't be suspicious if she just uses cash to buy a lot of things. She can still get a mortgage in her name with $80,000.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
They are employed, they are usually employed as something like "modeling" and many escorts do file taxes. Vanilla businesses are actually more guilty of tax fraud than escorts are.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
From what I've read online, if you pay an escort like $400 for an hour and she works for an agency. The assumption is that $80-100 of that will go towards booking the hotel , between $80-120 is the agency's cut, and the escort herself keeps like $200-240.
I think that's pretty reasonable. If an independent escort was to book a hotel room without an agency, if she charges you $300 and it cost her $80-100 then she'll get to keep $200-220 of that.
On a per hour basis, $220 per hour pays better than many of the best jobs in the country. Working 40 hours a week, and that would come out to $456,000 a year. Assuming more typical escort hours of 7-10 hours per week though, and it still comes out to $80,000-115,000 per year. That is really really good money for what is actually 2 hours or less per day of work with weekends off. In my area, this is enough to make a house at least this nice very affordable...
But someone could probably buy something more like this with that...
Part of me just feels uncomfortable with the idea of somebody making a six figure salary and not even having to work a 10 hour work week to get it. American prostitutes are already paid a pretty high income in comparison to European prostitutes so an American prostitute charging $500 an hour just feels obscene.
discussion comment
6 years ago
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
I like discovering the statistical minutiae of trivial things and then re-posting that statistical minutiae as a fun fact for the rest of the forum.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
I agree that escort pricing for whatever reason seems to have very little impact on the quality of the experience. An escort who has really strangely low prices is suspicious but for example there's no real reason to choose an expensive escort advertising at $500 an hour over a medium priced escort charging $300 an hour. The quality tends to be about the same. If anything I'd be suspicious of an escort asking for too much money because if you need an insane amount of money to have sex for an hour then there's a good chance you won't be very enthusiastic about it. Because of this I stay clear of escorts who charge more than $400 an hour because it is going beyond what is reasonable for the local market here.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Everything written by this member is a fact.
Am I a troll?
I have actually met a couple TUSCL members.