When a stripper buys you a drink

avatar for Muddy
This is happened last night. It’s an interesting hustle play, and it worked on my ass. Of course she was older (no 19 year old is doing that shit) but I was so caught off guard by it I was almost flattered. I can’t remember the last time that shit happened me. I took her for dances, I was leaning towards taking her anyway but that definitely sealed the deal. Is this something y’all seeing out there? I was thinking to myself it might be some next level reverse psychology ROB tactics. Be on guard fellas, they may be evolving.


last comment
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
And at a faster rate then we can possibly comprehend.
avatar for Evasparkling
6 years ago

Did you enjoy the dances?

Was it High Mileage OR do you feel Robbed?
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
===> "Is this something y’all seeing out there?"

Nope. Not in all the dancer interactions that I've had in all the clubs that I've ever visited around the country. But oddly enough, here in this strip club fantasy island, this unicorn is seen with moderate frequency. ;)
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
I have had that happen to me twice. Each time was following a FS dance and a swap of phone numbers. The most recent was when the dancer and I finished and she stated that our session was her first and last of the night, then offered to by me a drink. She proceeded to hang out with me for another hour until I had to leave. I told her she should go make money. She told me that she needs about 3 days off after our session before she can play that hard again. Lol. Stripper Shit, but fun to hear anyway.
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
I don't think I have had a dancer buy me a drink, but i have had waitresses and bar tenders give me drinks more times I can count. Usually it happens when someone orders something and changes their mind and they give it to me.

One time I told a manager a joke and he liked it so much he gave me a drink card for a free drink. Another manager gave me a ton of cards for free entry to the club.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
^^^^ that is more common I think.
avatar for clubdude
6 years ago
Don't recall that ever happening to me. Had bartenders give me free drinks though.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
I’ve had managers and bartenders buy me drinks numerous times, never a dancer, but I have had two different dancers make dinner at their homes for me.
avatar for codemonkey
6 years ago
I've never had one buy me a drink but one I used to regularly buy dances from got me a $40 Yeti thermos for my birthday.
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
Only one time, Dancer got me two beers.
Nude, BYOB club (XTC Austin) - I ran out of booze and was preparing to leave.
Perceptive dancer went over to nearby customer table and pulled out two beers from their cooler.
She was smiling and those guys did not seem to mind.
I got dances from her till I finished the two beers. It was a good deal.

In the nude clubs, some dancers, who I know, bring their own alcohol. I get offered but never taken up.

What you experienced "is a hustle" from the dancer. But really a nice one.
avatar for kingcripple
6 years ago
I had this happen to me once. Definitely not an older broad and it definitely wasn't a hustle. She was just drunk
avatar for Cowboy12
6 years ago
My CF bought me a drink for me for my b-day, and the bartender paid for a dance for me at the same time.
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago
Unusual if she is a newbie to you, otherwise, I haven't found it THAT uncommon.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Have had this happen a time or two - I read it as part of the hustle along the lines of "I'll give you a dance and if you don't like it you don't have to pay me" - or similar to the dancer-hustle "let me give you a tour of the club" - i.e. the hustle is to make it seem like they're doing you a solid but it's just part of the sales tactic - I usually turn it down bc I don't wanna feel committed or like I then owe her something - I'm not into faves and don't wanma feel committed to any one dancer.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
I had this happen once with a CF. My Spidey sense started tingling immediately because I sensed that I was about to be asked for a big/expensive favor. I was mostly right.
avatar for Dolfan
6 years ago
I don't find dancers buying a round to be terribly uncommon. I've seen it done as a gesture of appreciation, similar to the scenario 25 mentions with Managers/Bouncers/etc picking up a round. I've also seen it as a play, where she knows she hasn't closed the deal but wants an excuse to linger around to try and make a sale. I've never felt "ROB" tenancies with it though, but I guess I wouldn't be tempted to get dances with a girl because I thought she liked me. I'm getting them because I like her.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Managers and bartenders? Sure, though less now than I used to. But when they do this it doesn't real come out of their own pockets anyway, though I still greatly appreciate the gesture.

But strippers dipping into their own pockets? Sheesh, some of you guys know some much more generous strippers than I do. Never, not once have I ever seen it, nor would I ever expect it. A girl using a drink purchase as part of her hustle would be taking quite a risk, especially with so many cheap asses and defensive types often found in clubs.
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
Very rare, but it’s happened to me a few times over the years. It’s not surprising that Ricky D-bag has never had a dancer buy him a drink. I’m under no illusion that a drink offer means a dancer “is into me.” But you probably won’t get this if she actively detests you,
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@ rickdugan shut up cocksucker. Spend more time overpaying your ugly bitches and less time posting. Nobody give a fuck about what you say. There is a reason so many people hate you fuckhead
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
It is not georgemicrodongs fault he is an incestal product of ky. No excuse gor rick dugan
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I've had strippers hook me up with free drinks a lot. But not buy them at the club. Weird, you'd think she'd just ask the bartender or manager to give you a drink.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Super rare for a stripper to buy me a drink... hell, whether ITC or OTC, they never reach into their own pockets. I did have a fave for a while who would sometimes buy a round OTC, but never ITC.

Like rick, I've had managers and bartenders do a round on them.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Subraman, welcome to strip club Fantasy Island, where dreams really DO come true. ;)
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
a dancer buying me a drink? happened once to me. the club giving me a drink? shit. i got drunk at hk’s tequila party last wednesday. free tequila if you were in right place at the right time. seven shots within an hour. (i did tip the ugly bartender a buck a shot). fun times!
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
Strip club fantasy land where dugan thinks he us relevant and not a bigot coward
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Next we're going to have a lengthy thread where the words "customer service" are thrown around several times. In that thread, strippers will be ever solicitous to the feelings and needs of sensitive PLs and club managers will welcome their complaints and be sure to act on them expeditiously. ☺
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
As to free drinks overall on a daily basis at a strip club... hardly. and i’ve visited MANY times.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I've gotten hookups for free bottles and heavily discounted VIP rooms in Vegas and SF before.

In my regular clubs, at one, a certain bartender always gives me a free round for each I buy and one waitress always hooks me up with double shots.

I have dancers I know hook me up with free drinks.

When it comes to them spending money on you.... they value their money and their time. If they like you they give you both. The dancers I've dated and hooked up with were always generous. I had one girl I used to see buy me a Louie Vuitton wallet for my birthday and she put Polaroid nudes of her in it....and Popeye's coupons lol
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
Nope on a dancer buying me a drink, and if she did I wouldn't turn it down though I'd substantially prefer increased mileage instead of a drink. Call.Me.Ishmael's spidey sense comment about his free dancer drink was funny.

Plenty of times have had manager or female bartender comp drinks - one of many reasons I think customer-management relations are underrated and shouldn't be ignored, though many here disagree.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Oh fuck, did anyone pick up tricky loco's statement about getting polaroids what a fucking liar and idiot, Polaroid has been defunct since at least 2008.
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
^You can get little photo printer machines that make Polaroid replica type shots of digital pics.

The likely bullshit part is getting "heavily discounted" VIP rooms in San Francisco if loco asserts it occurred in any of SF's DejaVu corporate clubs. The amount of money you'd have to spend in advance to achieve that perk would be insane.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
No Decline, he specifically said polaroids, millennials would call them nude selfies, or some other such nonsense, he's an aging fat fuck, definitely dougie, most likely a bedridden 500 pound old used up whore.
avatar for bullzeye
6 years ago
LOL 25.

But, I have been gifted, with desserts and clothes on multiple occasions.

Dinner at her place: new goal for me. Thx 25 for the idea.
avatar for Liwet
6 years ago
Never happened to me, but then again, I usually look like a cheap skate.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
WTF do you call pics made with a Polaroid? Polaroid nudes dumbass. She has a little Fuji Polaroid camera, idiot. They're sold everywhere.
avatar for DandyDan
6 years ago
I did by two different girls. One was my old juice bar favorite Olivia, who would do that once in a while with her regulars. The other was one of my favorites at the club I currently go. Considering she's the oldest dancer they got there, she's probably grateful for the attention.
avatar for -me
6 years ago
Kind of had this happen once. I took a baby stripper for her first vip, which they called a champagne room there. Apparently you can buy 2 glasses of champagne for $5 after you get a vip. She got all excited over the whole thing, told me she was going to buy them, and then brought them back for us. I took a couple sips and went back to my beer and shots.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Lol. Happened to my last night.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
I can't recall a stripper ever buying me a drink ITC but do remember the time my ATF gave me a bottle of Cuervo Gold as a present and it wasn't even a special occasion.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
She also gave me a bottle of Vino Viagro that she brought back from a visit to the Philippines with her mother. I am looking at the still unopened bottle right now and that was 15 years ago.
avatar for Daddillac
6 years ago
Does Viagrow make it harder and longer????? maybe you should open that bottle and share lol
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
It's 50 proof and is supposed to be an aphrodisiac but I don't drink alcohol anymore.
avatar for Daddillac
6 years ago
LOL I know what it is, I just got a kick out of the name
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
It’s happened to me a few times. I fondly remember stopping into a club just after lunch with no expectations. I was surprised to see a long departed favorite back and sitting at the bar. I had She hugged me and I said we were going to do a room but that I’d ordered a beer. She paid for the beer. She already had my business locked up, so it was just a nice $8 gesture. Small gesture but it helped with the illusion of the GFE. She’s gone again but I still get the occasional accidental Siri dial or how ya doin text.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I've had girls ask other guys to buy them drinks then they'd give me the drinks lol The guys would get pissed off
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
A few times in 40 some years of clubbing. Not very often at all.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
Actually when I was under 21, my ATF bought a glass of wine for "herself" but let me drink it instead. She's also bought water for me a couple times.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Strip club wine is usually nasty though
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
It was okay, I wouldn't say it tasted good. But I'm not going to turn down a free drink especially when I'm underage.
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
It happened once to me but I think it's pretty rare and I drink a relatively expensive bourbon. And the girl who bought for me said she didn't realize how much it was. She made the money back in tips.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I turned down free drinks before, this one bar had free vodka shots. But the vodka literally tasted like dirty socks.
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