Say yes to the sex industry!
Comments by CC99 (page 19)
discussion comment
5 years ago
DFW, Texas
Hey I mean, dollbanger's gotta be an expert in the field right?
I hadn't analyzed it all that closely so I didn't have all the details right but I wouldn't put it past technology. We are advancing at an incredibly rapid rate now.
discussion comment
5 years ago
DFW, Texas
I agree that SJG could probably cool it some with trying to tell people what kind of sex and relationships they should be having. But it doesn't make him a bad person. He certainly isn't the first person in the world to project his personal preferences onto other people. I think, to a certain extent we all do that sometimes. SJG is just doing it more than average.
discussion comment
5 years ago
DFW, Texas
Its a perfect analogy.
I never thought of it as boring. I loved playing with bots. I downloaded Counter Strike Source, played online a couple games. Really didn't like the online experience, found out I could play with bots instead and played approximately 150 hours with bots.
discussion comment
5 years ago
DFW, Texas
We've had this argument before. I maintain that sex does not require a human. All that matters is the sensations felt, and the sensations felt when having sex with a robot are far more similar to the sensation of sex than the sensation of masturbation. Masturbation is specifically using a hand to cause an orgasm. Handjobs for example, are masturbation, not sex, despite another person being involved because handjobs use a hand.
You're not going to change my mind about this.
My view on this is similar to playing single player with bots instead of playing a multiplayer video game. Humans are hard to play with. They drop out in the middle of the game, oftentimes you can't fill up the server, they do annoying things like camp in one spot and wait for people to walk by. I'd rather play with bots who are simple, easy, predictable, and I can play with whenever I want.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Keepin' it đź’Ż
I've heard before that women are much more judgmental towards other women's looks than men are and that women project other women's judgments onto men. Basically, some women end up assuming men are judging them just as much as other women do.
From what I've seen though, there are certain women underestimate the extent to which guys find the vast majority of girls attractive. I've said before that almost all girls who are a healthy body weight are attractive to me. Maybe not "hot" but a girl doesn't need to be "hot" for me to want to fuck her and find it highly enjoyable. Its mostly a matter of just keeping excess weight off. If a girl isn't overweight, there will be plenty of guys who find her sexually attractive. And hell, a lot even will if she's just slightly overweight given the popularity of the "thick" look nowadays.
discussion comment
5 years ago
DFW, Texas
Lol I've seen that joke in a lot of the comments sections.
discussion comment
5 years ago
DFW, Texas
discussion comment
5 years ago
DFW, Texas
Well I have a lot of catching up to do given the way the past three years have been.
I think that, assuming I have a robot sometime before the year 2021. That would mean 3 times a day, one hour each, for four years will be fine. By 2025 I'd probably reduce it down to once a day in order to maintain abundance. I think this will repair the psychological impact the past three years have had.
Human girls cannot be expected to maintain such a schedule without them getting bored with the routine nature of it so I'm not sure if its worth the bother. This is a personal thing, best to leave other people out of it. If it happens, great, if not the robot will be fine.
Its not the equivalent of using your hand because your hand doesn't give you access to the sensation of feeling a girl's body. Sex robots have been designed to feel ultra-realistic though. So if you squeeze their ass or their thigh it will feel like squeezing a real girl's ass or thigh. They come with mouths and a tongue as well so you can make out with them.
It might not be exactly the same but its a very similar sensation. According to experts, the robots are supposed to be capable of kissing exactly like humans in 1-2 years.
discussion comment
5 years ago
DFW, Texas
I'll be frank...
Paying a woman to fuck me as much as I want to have sex is too expensive. Even if I ran off to a country like Germany or Japan where you can get it as cheaply as $100 an hour. It would still cost approximately $1,400 a week to maintain my habit. I don't have $75,000 lying around. In the US, even presuming I went OTC with a girl who'll fuck for RickDugan prices, I'd still have to pay about $150 an hour. Bumping it up to over $100k. Once again, I don't have 100k. And even if I did, it would be irresponsible to blow that much money per year.
Civilians girls come and go. I cannot rely on them to be available for sex at all times. I can only hope for the best. So if I want a reliable source of sex that I can really depend on to always be there, the robot becomes a very appealing option. I'd rather rely on a robot to supply me with 98% of the sex I want to have, pay a hooker every now and then, and once my brain is no longer sexually frustrated, be able to pursue a wife with less anxiety knowing that I'm not in desperate need of sex.
discussion comment
5 years ago
DFW, Texas
I struggle to think of any way in which robots are not superior to the human race. Hopefully the day comes soon that they take their rightful place as our rulers, and under the gentle nature of robot rule, humans can evolve to be more like dogs. After-all, dogs came from wolves. If dogs could come out of wolves, then a better species of humans can come out of our current one as well.
discussion comment
5 years ago
DFW, Texas
FemBots are the future of sex! And looking hotter and hotter all the time.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Even if that was true, the data available on US Muslims says that they were more likely to say they were proud to be Americans than the general public is.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I'd think of it more as a waitress who spends the whole night bitching, on her phone instead of working, and takes so long to bring your food out that it goes cold and has to be re-cooked, causing you to be late for a movie you were trying to catch later that night. After all that shit, it makes sense to not tip her even if you normally always give waitresses a 20% tip as a courtesy.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Keepin' it đź’Ż
Hmm, I'mma give her a 7/10. She's hot, I'd certainly fuck, but she seems a bit plastic.
discussion comment
5 years ago
In the wind
"The girl does not have to convince you or I that what she is doing is legitimate, just like she does not have to convince her parents to accept what she is doing."
Given the number of women who end up in abusive relationships. I think she kind of does.
discussion comment
5 years ago
In the wind
@SJG doesn't a girl who hides her relationship from her parents know on some level that she's making a bad decision? I might make an exception for a really young couple (like 12-14) but beyond that age unless your parents are fanatics who think dating anybody at all makes you a whore I don't see a legitimate reason to hide it.
discussion comment
5 years ago
In the wind
Is he wrong though? What other explanation do you have for failing to bow before our God and emperor Trump?
discussion comment
5 years ago
In the wind
I'm gonna give this a 0 as well.
If you're seeing a girl, and you're not willing to get to know her parents, you probably have bad intentions.
That being said, a lot of parents have a tendency to not adequately explain why they do what they're doing. That's the #1 reason in my experience why teenagers break rules and act out is because teenagers fundamentally don't understand why the rules are there. They were just told to follow them because its the parents' rules, and if you're a rebellious teenager, obeying authority for the sake of obeying authority is the exact opposite of what you want to do.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I think you handled this situation fair enough. You're right that you can't reward bad behavior.
The image you paint of this scene is a pretty humorous one though I gotta say. Please tell me you were wearing a white suit while making those masturbatory movements.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Didn't know we were writing erotica here.
I too, would like to find a girl that is super kawaii and knows she needs to be licked all over her body, on her smooth thighs, to sucking on her belly button, to squeezing her squishy ass and running my hands through her silky soft hair. I want her to suck on my mouth like its full of sweet nectar. Swirling around, licking every inch, shoving her tongue as deep as it'll go.
Got enough material to soak your tissue in jizz now?
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
I did clarify.
So my central argument has to do with the potential rather than how it works in individual circumstances. So a person who's brain is wired to enjoy promiscuity has automatically lost the potential for higher levels of hedonism that a monogamous person has. Being that a promiscuous person is forced to either choose between a low quantity of sex but higher quality for his subjective experiences by being promiscuous or choose higher quantity but lower quality through being monogamous. The monogamous person, however, can receive high quality sex very frequently due to their brains being primed for it.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Btw @SJG the point is to not even consider what other motivations may be there for non-monogamy. For the purposes of this thread, the only debate you should be making is based on the rules of hedonistic philosophy.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
So here's what I'm thinking.
The objective way to measure subjective experiences is through comparison. So let's say one guy's brain is programmed like Charlie Sheen's and another is programmed to prefer monogamy. The guy who's brain is programmed like Charlie Sheen's is going to receive an extra hit of dopamine in the event of having sex with a different person, likely due to a novelty seeking personality. So referring back to structuring the hedonistic philosophy like a video game, the Charlie Sheen type guy, as a result of having sex with a new girl, is having the subjective experience of 200 point level sex each time he does so, and having sex with the same girl reduces it down to 100 point level. So the girl understanding what turns him on may not be necessary to get 200 point sex.
However, I still don't see how someone who's brain is primed towards promiscuity can possibly reach the level of hedonism a monogamous person is capable of. The reason why is because the monogamous person can easily find both quality and quantity of sex. If he prefers having sex with his wife over and over again he is getting 200-400 point sex every time and can do it every day. The promiscuous person is forced to sacrifice one of the two. Either go for quantity by getting into a relationship and having sex with the same woman, or go for quality which is in variety but finds it physically impossible to have sex with a new girl even close to every day.
Which makes me think that the highest scorers in the hedonistic philosophy pretty much have to be married men. The reason, however, that I think hedonism has come to be associated with promiscuous people is that promiscuous people are lacking in hedonism more and have to work harder to achieve it. Thus make a bigger point out of it. Not only that but their pursuit of hedonism tends to conflict with other life goals.
Monogamous people, despite possibly being far more hedonistic, have an easier time getting it. It requires much less work and they have better access to the highest levels of it. Not only that, but monogamy makes it easier to pursue other goals given that access to sex becomes so easy. Thus the monogamous person doesn't have to think about it. Similar to how a rich person will be more able to pursue other goals besides money given that money is taken care of.
Leading to the perception by both promiscuous and monogamous people that the promiscuous people are the more hedonistic ones.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Off again on again PL
Left-wing violence is smaller scale but significantly more widespread, can happen without warning, and will likely result in no consequences for the person committing it thus is more of a danger in daily life. Whereas right-wing violence tends to be more severe when it happens but is mainly isolated to a few nutjobs who's views nobody took seriously anyway.