Say yes to the sex industry!
Comments by CC99 (page 18)
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Well, one thing that's worth noting is that US Muslims specifically have to go through a vetting process. And the vetting process weeds out the vast majority of people who could be dangerous. So its not a matter of a random sample of Muslims coming over to the US. Our immigration system is specifically bringing over people that are harmless.
Another thing worth mentioning, and I'm hearing a lot about this, is that the Middle East itself is changing. And fast. Saudi Arabia appears to be on the verge of a sexual/social revolution. They've done away with a lot of the gender segregation of the past. They are actually hosting concerts now with American musicians who can sing raunchy lyrics uncensored. It actually was on Twitter recently, a girl throwing her bra at a rapper and him holding it up to cheers from the audience. My friend has talked about seeing prostitutes getting into limousines. Stuff like this would've been unthinkable 5 years ago.
There's still some conservative backlash over these things because of how quickly the country is changing. Girls still have to wear modest clothing but they don't have to wear niqabs and burkas anymore. I wouldn't say Saudi Arabia is anywhere near a Western country yet but the ball is rolling and people are pushing it hard. I think Saudi Arabia is going to look unrecognizable by 2030.
I think that people in the Middle East saw what Islamic extremism has done to the region in the past 40-50 years and they are sick of it. They look at how people are living in Western countries and they want that too.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
@FLF you sure about that? Cause that's exactly what Trey Parker and Matt Stone do for their job.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I think that trying to have this middle ground where strip clubs are kind of prostitution but not exactly but also having a lot of full on prostitution causes a lot of people on both the stripper side and PL side to be inadequately prepared for it.
Given that prostitution is illegal and the US government is trying it's hardest to restrict people's access to it. It draws a lot of guys to strip clubs who really just want a prostitute.
I think a lot of these girls are already prone to risky behavior and drug use. I wouldn't say stripping is a catalyst for that.
discussion comment
5 years ago
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
I'm not arguing that it shouldn't be contained to the politics room if that's how the website is setup. You just expressed confusion about why people would talk politics if the forum wasn't created for that so I wished to clarify.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I never said it was constructive criticism. I said it shouldn't have any meaning beyond the punchline to a joke. Things just sound funnier if you use profane words. The same works for fuck. How many jokes wouldn't be nearly as funny if you censored the fuck out of it (see what I did there)?
discussion comment
5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I think he doesn't understand that peoples experiences of fun can differ. He thinks he is teaching you how to have the most fun and that by not doing that you are settling for less.
I don't go along with that myself, I'm just trying to explain what's going on in his head.
@FLF and @CMI
I don't really use it as an insult. I randomly interject those words into sentences for a humorous effect. Because if you use words in contexts where it doesn't make literal sense, the word loses power. I'm not interested in these words having any power unless to be funny. I don't want to use it in a way that gives it power, I want to use it in a way that shows the word is almost meaningless.
Think about the word "Fuck." in the 1940s it was so taboo even soldiers in WW2 used it very sparingly. Nowadays you hear Fuck in every other sentence people speak and nobody cares about it anymore. Nobody would be fired from their job because someone saw them say Fuck on social media or in passing. Because Fuck has lost almost all its power.
I know Fuck was never an insult to begin with. But the point is that we shouldn't let words have so much power over us.
discussion comment
5 years ago
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
People who adhere to different subcultures come to their political beliefs because of a different reason than other people do. A certain kind of people are drawn to different lifestyles and entertainment, that's why talking politics on a strip club forum is interesting. People argue differently depending on their lifestyle and have different beliefs. Its interesting to dissect patterns and see how different lifestyles associate with certain beliefs and behavioral patterns.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
How is any of this pretending to be ignorant?
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Libtard? I don't think you understand politics very well my friend.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I know it looks bad, but I honestly think he believes he is helping you. I think that's his only motive which is why it doesn't bother me. I think he is definitely misguided but I think he is still convinced 100% that it would work. I don't think he is doing any of this out of malice.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I've never heard anyone besides txtittyfag use the term "mongoloid." On the internet or in real life. He is literally the first. I didn't even know what it meant, I had to Google it.
As far as faggot and retard go. Its not about how "difficult" it is to not say it. Its about the fact that there's an increasing number of people out there who think somebody oughta be harshly punished if they do say it. Virtue signalers on Twitter and Facebook have become the new inquisitioners. I can guarantee you if these people had been born in Medieval Times that they would be among the crowd burning witches.
The reason why is because they're not actually concerned with making people's lives better or being a good person, they're concerned with using morality as a weapon against people they don't like and being able to hold it over your head. When anti-SJWs insist on saying faggot and retard and other "offensive" terms. It has nothing to do with wanting to insult gay people or people with intellectual disabilities, its about attacking the most effective weapon of cultural authoritarians.
That's why I will never say faggot to somebody who is actually gay. Now I've met gay people online who are fierce libertarians and anti-SJWs too and they insist on straight people being allowed to say faggot whenever they want. Around those gay people, I'll say faggot freely. But the reason why I wouldn't say faggot to someone who is actually gay is because that's not fighting against cultural authoritarians, its not resisting the speech police. If you say faggot to someone who is actually gay, then that's just mean. Same goes for someone who's retarded.
You should only say faggot to someone if they are straight, and only called somebody retarded, if they clearly are not retarded, and in both cases it is clearly just meant to be humorous. Because the point isn't to be mean, its to resist cultural authoritarians who think that people who use certain words should be harshly punished no matter what the context is.
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5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I struggle to think of a single instance in which he wasn't responding to another person. At worst, it may be people he's known to have a long running feud with and who regularly trade insults back and forth. However, I've yet to see him randomly go after somebody the way IceyLoco did when he was still posting.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
There's a difference between expecting someone to ignore direct insults to their character as opposed to telling someone to just ignore off-topic and uninteresting material. SJG really doesn't come at people unless they go after him first.
Autism doesn't usually result in someone being unable to take care of themselves. That's a particularly severe case. Usually autism relates to sensory issues (either particularly intense or very dulled), repetitive behavior, intense focus on a few topics of interest, a highly systematized brain, and it also means it's difficult for you to feel what other people are feeling on an instinctive level. I rarely am able to instinctively tell what someone feels. I'm usually pretty clueless. I can only logically deduce what they probably felt.
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5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
That really baffles me as well. I find it incredibly difficult to understand why our politicians are so anti-marijuana. 95% of Americans think medical marijuana should be legal and there is absolutely no reason to promote opoids over marijuana. I struggle to think of another political issue where 95% of Americans agree on something that isn't being done. Why isn't it legal everywhere? Our politicians are unbelievably stupid.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I do the same thing as SJG does all the time. I spent over an hour writing four different replies until I realized in all four cases that I had gone completely off topic on a five paragraph explanation of something nobody cares about.
Look, you guys aren't obligated to listen to anything SJG posts. If you don't find anything he says interesting, just skip past it and find something you are interested in. Scrolling on the mouse-pad isn't that hard. There's no need to harass him like this. There's a shit ton of stuff I don't find interesting on here but I don't insult or harass people for not posting interesting things. I do butt in with what I find interesting a lot, but I don't insult people if they don't say something interesting back.
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5 years ago
Evil Lair
Stories like these send shivers down my penis.
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5 years ago
Older than dirt
I like your avatar. It always looked cool.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Believing autism doesn't exist is a sign of autism. We are more inclined towards radical and strange opinions.
I'm not sure what led you to believe that its an abusive myth. But the fact that its recognized I'd say is much more of a help than not. Yeah there's people who say it like its a bad thing but since when did certain people's opinions of something make it reality?
If its not recognized as a real thing then how are people who need help because of it going to find support? My therapist diagnosed me with unspecified autism. So she said I have the symptoms of it but that they are mild. So I specifically don't need help to function, but someone who has severe autism may be incapable of independently functioning. If autism wasn't recognized as a thing, those people would be homeless and possibly die.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I don't think autistic people lack a sense of humor, I'm just a lot more likely to not realize something was a joke to begin with. Sarcasm I especially did not understand as a kid. I couldn't understand it at all until I was 15, and just started assuming everything that sounded outrageous was sarcasm. I still have a tendency to take things too literally though.
I assumed the drones part was a joke but I didn't realize the rest of this thread was a joke actually.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I've never met a stripper that did heroin. Not saying they don't exist, just never met one.
I've definitely met strippers who've done cocaine though. I've always seen heroin as something an incredibly tiny minority of people actually do. Cocaine on the other hand, I've met a lot of people who've tried cocaine. Very few regular users though.
discussion comment
5 years ago
DFW, Texas
"For example, I used bots to practice in Counter Strike, and I genuinely enjoyed bots in Battlefield 2 because it was always too hard to gather large number of people. Continuing your analogy, I guess I'd use the robots for practice and group fantasies š"
That makes sense, I think robots are especially good if you're low on experience.
Have you seen "Futari Ecchi?" Its pretty good and funny too. Basically two virgins get married and have to figure out how to have sex. There's a manga, an anime OVA, and a live action film depending on which one you feel like doing.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
My mom has hinted that my brother and I should look overseas for a wife. At one point she said "and maybe the girls you end up marrying won't be from this country."
The mail order bride concept does sound like a good idea. Maybe I'll make it my plan if I don't have a wife by the time I'm 30.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
I'm not really sure where the children thing comes into this. I can assure you the people I know aren't lying though. I've known them for years now. One of them graduated and got a job working for the government (the US government).
discussion comment
5 years ago
DFW, Texas
@PaulDrake I think I just don't take his insults all that seriously. I've fallen into plenty of the categories of people he has insulted but I always just kind of think to myself "well that's SJG" and move on. I don't believe that SJG has any malice. I think he's a genuinely good natured guy. And I tend to have a lot of sympathy for people I think are misunderstood.