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Say yes to the sex industry!

Comments by CC99 (page 20)

discussion comment
5 years ago
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slip a dollar in her g-string for me
There's no such thing as hate speech.
@TwentyFive You're a 65 year old man who has no connections to any of this stuff and this has all happened in very recent years. Of course you've never seen it. I'm at the center of where all this stuff goes on and have personally witnessed people get assaulted over political issues on two different occasions. And the university I go to is apparently considered right-leaning compared to the average university, not that my college is by any means right-leaning, just that it is more right-wing than the average university which means this issue is not as bad here as it is at other colleges. I can't even keep track anymore of the number of guys I've known who have become victims of false accusations of sexual harassment, most were lucky enough that at our jobs we have security cameras that proved nothing happened but the police were still called. I've seen guys become a fragmented shell of their former selves in the aftermath of a false sexual harassment rumors in which things were ambiguous but the girl only admitted to making it up months later. The brutal treatment those guys endure causes them to become unable to trust anyone, develop severe anxiety problems, and are unable to talk to girls without being terrified that they will accuse them of sexual harassment.
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5 years ago
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slip a dollar in her g-string for me
There's no such thing as hate speech.
Have you been keeping up with the news? That's what all this bullshit is about. People will tell you you're being offensive if you say that there's only two genders. If you say that the racism narrative has been exaggerated, people will say you're being offensive and shut you down. At my school I saw a Christian preacher get yelled at and spit on for having conservative views. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtQW1rl2-5s
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5 years ago
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slip a dollar in her g-string for me
There's no such thing as hate speech.
@TwentyFive And what happens when somebody says that facts and political opinions they disagree with are offensive? What happens when somebody uses the idea of such things being offensive to shut people down and have their lives ruined?
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5 years ago
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slip a dollar in her g-string for me
There's no such thing as hate speech.
Defining sexual harassment as any ugly man who talks to a woman? Bullshit that that's the way it should be. Victims can be full of shit and frequently use their so called victim status as a weapon against innocent people.
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5 years ago
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slip a dollar in her g-string for me
There's no such thing as hate speech.
@TwentyFive I'll bet Antifa are your heroes aren't they? Classic SJW, wants to punch anyone who offends him and that that should be legal but thinks hate speech should be illegal.
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5 years ago
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slip a dollar in her g-string for me
There's no such thing as hate speech.
It ain't about cucky little feelings. I'll stand toe to toe with anyone in an argument all day long. I've been on many forums where I was alone in battling like five-ten different people and pretty much everyone on TUSCL can attest to that. Its about the real risk that a mob will harm you in real life and the people you care about, its about the real risk of being fired from your job, its about the real risk of somebody sending death threats to your family. All because of a fucking joke, that was just meant to be funny. Everything is sexual harassment these days though. On my freshman dorm, the fucking RA sent us a text saying that writing profanity on the whiteboard qualified as sexual harassment. Even profanities that have nothing to do with sex. I was in one class where we could discuss the class topics anonymously through an app and have those messages show up on the projector. So of course one clown said "send nudes." Not to anyone specifically, just to be funny. The next day we were treated to a 30 minute lecture on sexual harassment and stopped using the app. Where is the line drawn? Can people have fun anymore without having the "badness" of their behavior exaggerated?
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5 years ago
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slip a dollar in her g-string for me
There's no such thing as hate speech.
Real fascists are never going to gain any power. They are an extremely fringe ideology. What I am concerned about, is the very real threat that SJWs pose to freedom of speech and the freedom of artists to express their work however they want without being censored. Sexualize the girls in your stories too much and the PC police will say your movie objectifies women, have a historical film set in fucking Medieval Europe and realistically portray everyone as white and they will say the film or video game is racist for not having enough diversity, make an off-color joke on social media and a mob will descend on you, harassing you, doxxing you, and demanding your employer fire you. This behavior is what creates those "deplorables" you attack.
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5 years ago
avatar for PaulDrake
Off again on again PL
Serious discussion about the state of the TUSCL community...
The left exaggerates inequities and injustices in order to justify implementing authoritarian rules. SJG I don't have any white friends. These days, not even one. All of them agree that they've never experienced racism in their life. They say they're sure it still exists but that it doesn't effect them, and they never think about it. Rick only talked about economical issues but let's talk about speech issues... - It is the left, not the right, who think speech that offends them should be met with violence. And that being "triggered" is a rational reason to become violent. - It is the left, not the right, who refuses to hire conservative professors in colleges. 40% of colleges have no conservative professors. - It is the left, not the right, who demand that any movie or TV show that has messages which don't agree with their agenda should be banned. - It is the left, not the right, who is in charge of the media, of the education system, in charge of powerful tech companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Twitter, and controls at least half of the government. - It is the left, not the right, who can have your employment terminated for having views which disagree with their narrative. - It is the left, not the right, who think that making sex jokes at school or in the workplace should be regarded as sexual harassment.
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5 years ago
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slip a dollar in her g-string for me
There's no such thing as hate speech.
@TwentyFive People are deliberately becoming offensive because of the authoritarians in society trying to use "omg I'm offended" to shut down facts and opinions which deviate from what they're trying to shove down everyone's throats. So of course the natural response is that you've created a counter-culture of anti-SJWs like Matt Stone and Trey Parker who deliberately offend everyone to show that you are choosing to be offended. If you stop choosing to be offended then you will evolve into a more evolved human. You've also got alt-lite personalities like Steven Crowder and Milo Yiannopoulos on Youtube who intentionally offend people. Why? Because of people trying to say that speech should be shut down if it offends anyone. So now the alt-lite is pushing back against that and attacking the concept of political correctness, which was invented by the way by none other than Joseph Stalin.
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
What is the Hedonistic Value of Promiscuity?
I think those two categories should be separate as well. I'm thinking more towards the latter of those two categories. Its true that there's hedonistic value in variety. I guess the question becomes a matter of if we were to take Charlie Sheen and put him in a room with a devout Christian who's only had sex with one person. Common wisdom says Charlie Sheen is significantly more hedonistic. But upon talking to each other, they figure out that they both have sex the exact same amount of times per week. Upon learning such information. How does one determine who has led a more hedonistic life between Charlie Sheen and the Christian man? Charlie Sheen has had sex with 1,000 or so women, but the Christian man has had a higher quality of sex upon learning exactly what he and his wife enjoy in bed?
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5 years ago
avatar for PaulDrake
Off again on again PL
Serious discussion about the state of the TUSCL community...
The old right was. The new right is anti-moralist and speech control.
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5 years ago
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slip a dollar in her g-string for me
There's no such thing as hate speech.
"as wildly melodramatic and delicate as the left wingers who surround you on a daily basis." That may be true, but let's face it, being excessively dramatic is too much fun lol. Only if you are joking and dicking around though.
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5 years ago
avatar for PaulDrake
Off again on again PL
Serious discussion about the state of the TUSCL community...
@SkiBum Its not just California. I live in Virginia and most of the state is completely brainwashed on left-wing ideology. @SJG You have to understand that the left represents authoritarianism, speech policing, control, and conformity in my generation. So what people my age call normies do tend to be left-leaning people and outcast culture among people under 35 tend to be people with more centrist or right-leaning views.
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
What is the Hedonistic Value of Promiscuity?
@SJG This isn't based on advocating anything. This is more to understand the underlying principals of certain philosophies. @Jascoi Sorry for your loss. At least it was good while it lasted.
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5 years ago
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slip a dollar in her g-string for me
Discussion Posts: Blocking vs. Ignore
I love the feeling of a girl's tongue. But I can't decide if I would rather make out with a girl who has a larger tongue or a smaller tongue. On one hand, the girl with a larger tongue can feel around in your mouth more. On the other hand, however, small tongues are cute. Such difficult decisions.
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5 years ago
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slip a dollar in her g-string for me
There's no such thing as hate speech.
SJWs may think in real life women should be allowed to walk around topless but on TV shows and movies, they seem to think they should wear burkas.
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5 years ago
avatar for founder
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
There's no such thing as hate speech.
I don't give a shit about race, if I could go the rest of my life and never hear race mentioned again I'd be happy. I've heard enough bullshit about race in my life to fill up ten lifetimes. Which is exactly why political correctness and SJWism needs to be pushed back against. SJWs have no one to blame but themselves for the rise of identity politics and constantly harping on the race crap. I'd actually like for more Middle Eastern immigrants to come to the US. Because the Middle Easterners I've met overwhelmingly find the SJW movement to be stupid and insane. I feel far more comfortable talking about politics and making offensive jokes around with the Middle Eastern people I've known than with white Americans, many of whom think everything is offensive now. Quite frankly, the SJW crowd is more puritanical than Muslim fundamentalists are now. Look at how many SJWs online complain about literally any TV show, movie, or video game where a female character is sexualized? How many want to ban strip clubs and how many think any man who talks to a woman is guilty of sexual harassment?
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5 years ago
avatar for founder
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
There's no such thing as hate speech.
"If you think I'm 24 years old and living in my mom's basement you are stupid as fuck, hate speech is very real, denying it is just a tool used by alt.right wingers to justify any bullshit that they feel like saying. Deny all you want it won't make me wrong, it just makes you look stupid." And you are giving SJWs the tools they need to censor and shut down everyone who opposes them. The alt right is a reaction to SJW insanity. But all I'll say is that the more SJWs try to attack free speech and ban everything they don't like, the more votes Trump gains from those who desire to protect their rights.
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5 years ago
avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
Sugar Babies Be Like...
God bless female laziness though or else we'd have no hoes!
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5 years ago
avatar for founder
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
There's no such thing as hate speech.
"Hate speech" is bullshit. People who try to censor and shut down speech show their insecurity that they have no confidence in what they are saying. If you had confidence in what you are saying you wouldn't be so scared of what another person is saying, and you wouldn't try to "cancel" them. Cancel culture is the last resort of idiots who can no longer defend their ideas.
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5 years ago
avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
Sugar Babies Be Like...
Lol at all the based comments though. "I don't get it? You mad cause you in the situation you in, that you put YOURSELF in!? It's madness!!#HoeJustDoYoJob" "This how all women feel about u white men. Unsatisfied because of ur dull boring sex and non pleasures u come up to short but ur money they love just not u.😂😂😂😂 •Reply•Share › − Avatar GhostofQ Maurice Bull • 44 minutes ago Sounds like you got fucked by an old white man for money and you mad"
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5 years ago
avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
How Easy Is It For A Woman To Orgasm?
Bad smells are a major boner killer. That's one reason why I've always made a lot of effort to smell good myself before I went to a strip club, showering and applying shampoo everywhere, nobody wants to get intimate with someone who smells like shit. Well, maybe @Cashman wouldn't mind lol.
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5 years ago
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slip a dollar in her g-string for me
Discussion Posts: Blocking vs. Ignore
^Actually there isn't. You can't arrest somebody for hate speech unless they are actually threatening you. What exactly are you asking him to do? Ban people if you can't settle your fights by yourselves? Isn't that babysitting?
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
What is the Hedonistic Value of Promiscuity?
@RandomMember Lol no. @JustinToLook Well like I said, this isn't actually to be applied to the real world. As this argument fringes on the idea that pure hedonism is the sole motivation of one's life. In reality most people's motivations are based on a variety of philosophies with hedonism only being one of many. How about the serial monogamy + cohabitation argument? Can this compete with the potential of say, marrying a perpetually horny supermodel?
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
What is the Hedonistic Value of Promiscuity?
@JustinToLook I like your arguments so far. So your argument is basically that in the ideal world, it may be fantasized as one way but that in the real world it often does not end up that way. Libidos don't sync up, divorces happen, and it can lead to arguments. So my argument is actually related to the potential of it rather than how it works in the real world. Basically, if somebody was to live an ideal married life, they were happy the whole time and their libidos remained synced up with their partner, that the married person actually has the highest potential of every lifestyle to live an ultra-hedonistic life. @JAPrufrock So think of this as a video game. If the philosophy of hedonism was turned into a video game, sex earns you say, 100 points, good sex earning you 200 points, and extremely good sex earns you 400 points. Let's say that the work of picking up a girl subtracts points due to the pain of working to get someone into bed. Every time you try to go to a bar and pickup a girl and it fails you get -10 points subtracted. You can think of it as the players with the highest scores are probably married. And I'm not sure how someone can, in-fact, be one of the highest scoring players unless they were married. @Jascoi So I'm curious about what circumstances led to such a high quantity of sex. Did the two of you live together? I guess the basic part of my theory is that sexual partners living together have the highest potential. But this might expose a crack in the married life idea. Because of what @JustinToLook said about the potential problems that can occur from long term marriage, does this mean that serial monogamy which involves cohabitation for varying periods of life actually has the highest potential?