
Re-emergence of cocaine as the stripper drug of choice

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When I first started clubbing in the northeast, weed and cocaine were definitely the stripper drugs of choice. But when I moved south of the Mason Dixon line, it seemed like opioids were far more prevalent. The nasty things about opioids are the powerful negative effects they have on immediate behavior, the ease at which one can overdose and the tremendous difficulty most people seem to have in kicking them. On the local USASG board, there are seemingly routine reports of overdose deaths of escorts and for a while they were not unheard of with the strippers as well.

Fast forward a few years and it seems as if cocaine is re-emerging as the drug of choice in the local club scene. I am seeing far fewer girls on H or pills and a lot more girls who are powdering their noses. Now obviously no drug is good and dependency should never be applauded, but it sure beats those fucking opioids.

Anyone else seeing something like this?


  • gawker
    5 years ago
    I’ve made mention of the same thing occurring at my favorite club. Ten years ago there was a group of heroin addicts (and a couple of regular customers dealing). True story: I was once in the Champagne room and at the end of an hour the dancer & I decided to do another hour. The waitress got us new drinks and asked if she could get us anything else. The dancer whispered in her ear and 15 minutes later the waitress returned with a $40 bag of dope. She said she had to run down the street to get it.
    On my recent visits I’ve seen little evidence of drug use. Weed is now legal, so I don’t include that. Two dancers said they hate going outside to smoke weed so they are using edibles.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    I'm starting to think that the newest generation of strippers saw what happened to the last generation and were scared shitless of getting anywhere near heroin. No doubt they consider cocaine a safer option and it has the added benefit of interacting much better with alcohol than opioids.
  • DenimChicken
    5 years ago
    I don't know about the why - but yeah, coke is what seems popular today aside from alcohol and weed.

    Girls can do whatever they want - I have no interest in that though, so don't expect me to join in.
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    While we, anecdotally, describe a decrease, keep in mind that the latest surveys indicate a slight decrease, there are still more than 190 overdose deaths per day in the USA.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    we all die eventually. some help the process be sooner. can you imagine if we DIDN’T die? the overpopulation would be twice as bad.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Why do they have to use drugs? Why does anyone need to use narcotics? Can't something else be introduced into their lives which gives them even more than what they think they get from drugs.

    Sex yes, lots of it, but not drugs.


    "The only time he is not shooting himself in the foot is when he's got to stop to reload."
    News Hour Commentator Mark Shields, speaking about our President

    Great Girl:

  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    I’ve never worked at any Oklahoma club, but I got a giant kick out of somebody’s commentary on that state once: “Oklahoma does not have exotic dancers. We have narcotic dancers.” 😂😂😂
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    My organization will be really cool!

    People say that Oklahoma has a real serious narcotics problem, and it is WHITE PEOPLE, not what the media has led people to believe.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Actually it will remain as low key as it can for as long as possible. Invitation only.

  • CC99
    5 years ago
    I've never met a stripper that did heroin. Not saying they don't exist, just never met one.

    I've definitely met strippers who've done cocaine though. I've always seen heroin as something an incredibly tiny minority of people actually do. Cocaine on the other hand, I've met a lot of people who've tried cocaine. Very few regular users though.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Unfortunately, I have met many who have done both. The method by which I met them is not the best circumstances. Both drugs are just damn deadly. Sucks that people can’t just get their high off having fun in life’s beauty. Seriously. A lot of very beautiful souls have been wiped from this Earth because of drugs.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "Why do they have to use drugs? Why does anyone need to use narcotics?"

    Why is water wet? Why is the sky blue?

    Knowing the answers doesn't change the reality or give us any more influence over it. All we can do as club hounds is to understand the reality and manage our own individual exposures the best we can. Some guys don't give a shit and will stick their dicks into anything moving, including a girl who is on the needle. I won't knowingly go beyond a girl who likes the sauce and maybe a little bit of coke. Some guys need to believe that the objects of their desires are stone cold sober. We each have out own tolerance levels and that's about all we really control.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Knowing the answers still might give us some way to respond to it.

    I for one do not believe that things have to be the way that they are.

    And of course it is not just strippers, it is the entire population.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Religion and Recovery programs try to approach it from a moralist and idol worshipping position, though the Recovery programs will of course deny this.

    I know that this does as much harm as it does good.

    There must be other ways.

  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Yeah agree but then again club mostly in an around big cities. I’m not really out in rural America to see more of the meth stuff. Coke though damn. Dancers want that shit bad. I’m not the guy to ask but oh man do they ask.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I have a RX for Hydrocodone for pain. I do not use as much as my RX allows. I've been told that I could sell the excess at my favorite club but I don't need money that bad and the medication is too hard to come by. It's strange that the State of Georgia would rather that I take opioids than medical marijuana.
  • CC99
    5 years ago

    That really baffles me as well. I find it incredibly difficult to understand why our politicians are so anti-marijuana. 95% of Americans think medical marijuana should be legal and there is absolutely no reason to promote opoids over marijuana. I struggle to think of another political issue where 95% of Americans agree on something that isn't being done. Why isn't it legal everywhere? Our politicians are unbelievably stupid.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "Knowing the answers still might give us some way to respond to it. I for one do not believe that things have to be the way that they are. And of course it is not just strippers, it is the entire population."

    I don't know about you, but I'm not writing an academic treatise or trying formulate public policy. I'm simply a dude who enjoys strip clubs and, like everyone else here, has to deal with what military operations teams refer to as "facts on the ground."
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "Both drugs are just damn deadly"

    I hear this, but I don't think that coke accounts for nearly as many OD deaths as heroin. It also doesn't make a stripper damned useless the way that heroin does. I've known plenty of people who have kicked a coke habit, but I can count on one hand the number of people who stayed clean for any length of time once hooked on heroin.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ correct
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    @CC99: "I find it incredibly difficult to understand why our politicians are so anti-marijuana. 95% of Americans think medical marijuana should be legal and there is absolutely no reason to promote opoids over marijuana."

    It's cute that you think our government officials care about those things.

    It's about control; any resemblance to anything that might actually be beneficial to actual people is purely accidental.
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    I haven’t noticed a change back to cocaine. But, I’m becoming a day shift customer, and I’m not out during the night shift much. I’m guessing most hard drugs would be used during the prime time strip club hours.

    I have noticed more dancers being more open in their pot smoking. I’m not sure if it’s been legalized in the Garden State yet.
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    Rick Dugan - you’re welcome to feel disdain for heroin addicts, but for me that would be misplaced. My ATF of 10 years is a heroin addict. When I met her she was 22 and had been addicted for 5 years. She & her BF were addicts on methadone when she & I met. He was in state prison and she had a nice neat townhouse, was paying her bills and driving a nice car.
    She told me that the first time she had sex for money was at age 15. She says I was her first OTC customer at age 23.
    She bounced in and out of active addiction for all the time I’ve known her. She is not a worse person than you or I. We’re told that addiction is a sickness and needs treatment, not punishment. But I’ll be the first to admit that after spending a great deal of resources “treating” her “sickness”, it FEELS like she made a choice when she relapses. And I’m sure that there’s a portion of the responsibility which can be recognized as a choice, but who gains what if we can make that determination?
    She, when using heroin, got to be so good at dosing she could get by with a maintenance dose, not really getting high, but forestalling withdrawal. She grew to hate the drug, and determined that she had to stop using when the dope started coming through with fentanyl in that she couldn’t tell the strength until it was in her body. She said, if I don’t kick the drug I’ll be dead in a month.
    While I was writing this she called to tell me that she had a good day, just got out of work, gets paid on Wednesday and will deposit some of the money she owes me at that time.
    How long will she stay clean? She takes it one day at a time. Her Dad, an addict, has been sober more than 10 years. Her brother, an addict, was sober for 6 years and relapsed. She stopped using about 18 months ago and slipped and had a 2 week run about 10 months ago.
    I’ve been guilty of enabling her by being a source of funding, but as she used to say to me, “ If not you, it’ll be someone else”.
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