My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Comments by Blksil
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5 years ago
Adventures of Assjobman
Yo! I’ll be there Thursday night and all day Friday til early Saturday!
I’ll buy ya a drink! PM you.
review comment
5 years ago
Goofed off for 45 minutes! So lucky she spoke good English. That’s the biggest set back in my HK experience —inability to have a real conversation. I’m really prepping my google translate game for my 2 day visit next week.
review comment
5 years ago
Love it! I’m going to use some of your tactics next week!!!
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5 years ago
mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
Not asking for naughty details, but legitimate questions.
What can you expect to experience in *only 5 minutes* of VIP???
I like the idea to really know what to expect from the girl in the room. But do they suddenly “open up” (“literally and non literally”) in the 5 minutes of VIP ?
I always assumed VIP was for a super quicky.
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5 years ago
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
^^^^ LOL ^^^^^
review comment
5 years ago
MF92... would love a separate report omit your experience directly at HK.
Good reporting
Did you entire per west or per east ?
Just curious at which one you got gypsied.
discussion comment
5 years ago
TJ Lee
The ultimate strip clubs goer.
Totally guessing, but this seems like a perfunctory “progrom” display of artificial authority. It gives the local police the appearance of control. Something they can “report” as having done. While, in realty, I imagine nothing happens without direct permission from the owners who pay to have it so.
I can’t imagine this happening often, so going anytime soon is probably the least likely to encounter such.
Dang, yeah, I’d would be freaked if this happened suddenly. Ugh.
More details from anyone please please please.
review comment
5 years ago
mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
Good Details to keep it all clear. $60 to $100 for 30 minutes, to be more exact. Not sure if there's a solid expectation for 1 hr. I think $100 to $120 would work unless the girl has GPS.
**I just published my 2 part review if you feel inclined to approve it.
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5 years ago
TJ Lee
The ultimate strip clubs goer.
Wow! Any more details on this ???
discussion comment
5 years ago
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
How the crowd funding to actually send SJG to HK so he can comment from experience ??? ???
The best thing about HK is that, on a busy night, there can be 100 BG and SG outside. Don’t waste anything on anyone who doesn’t really want it.
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5 years ago
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Follow up. On a Thursday night, I saw everything from sweats and ragged t-shirt ...all up to the Sport coat business man.
The in-between is definitely shorts or comfy pants and polo/ collared shirt.
As has been said, just look groomed and clean. That’s number 1. Keep it classy.
Loose pants will definitely increase the at table fun. Jeans may lessen that.
So if you’re the type who just wants a specific suggestion. Here you go:
Cargo Shorts + Polo + recent haircut. Fresh breath and some cologne.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Google translate. Download it. And pre-type your exact questions. Save the translation. That way it’s very quickly accessible.
I don’t think you’ll have a hard time getting two girls at once. But I’d ask before hand if they will lick and kiss each other beforehand.
Also, you will totally have to expect to switch condoms between each girl. No going back and forth.
Anal, you’ll just have to ask and ask until someone agrees. I had an escort in my room last time because her profile said she did anal for more. That total cost me $200 for an hour. Great GFE. But you’ll pay less **IF** you can find a BG.
Strange tip: try letting them know your dick is only average or even small. They all fear the Cucumber that would likely hurt them.
discussion comment
5 years ago
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
@TFP. you’re so likely right. I didn’t make it there, however, because I arrived after dark and didn’t feel that adventurous.
I ended buying two C’s From the bathroom merchant. And, honestly, I think the only effect was placebo. Maybe it was due to being in my 30’s and not actually needing it.
But also I barley felt any Congestion or side effect.
So maybe the potency is very low. Though, I swear the packaging actually said name brand Cialis.
Hard to say. I’m returning 19th and 20th of September (just a few weeks). Thinking I may try V.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Looks like I'll be a day late to the party :*(
I'll be there this Thursday evening --Friday.
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5 years ago
HK BG 's are as good as any escorts...I SURE HOPE SO! Can't wait to find out.
I'm primarily booking a Cascades Incall because
1. I want an early morning fuck at 9 am on my last morning before heading back (keeps my schedule intact)
2. I think the "transaction" will "feel" different, taking out a lot of guess work and "dance" of choosing in the bar.
3. I have only one worry leading up to popping my HK cherry, ...that I'll have hard finding the kind of girls I "really" like ... petite, natural spinners. So the girl I booked is spot on (she's 4' 11" !!! and does anal!)
I can't wait to report back how it all goes.
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5 years ago
I can confirm as of a few minutes ago, will allow INCALL (they come to my room) at Cascades. They confirmed the girl has her "card" and will be allowed in to Cascades.
I'm only giving it a go since it's an incall situation. And I did do extensive research on the escort companies and what reviews I could find.
I'll be sure to let y'all know how it goes.
Hour session will cost me $150 + 30 for BBBJ (if she's willing).
discussion comment
5 years ago
I’ve not seen in any of the reports, “Offered $40 more to get BBBJ” with success.
I’m going this 8/15 -Friday 16th and planning on testing an Escort service that offers BBBJ on the menus (add($40) for a set additional price. (Same for Greek for some girls —but $100 extra!)
Though, I’ve used such escorts in Cancun and the girl still refused once in person. So it “might” be marketing hype sometimes. It really always depends on the girl, ultimately.
But, for BBBJ and Greek, I think an Escort would be the “easiest” approach with higher chance of follow through.
Here’s a link to a specific girl offering both.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
Is there a thread I’ve missed on Monger’s ideal dreams and plans of creating their own Monger Palace in the “mas o menos” real world???
Seems like many of you have prepared plans ;)
This would be a interesting place to crowd source or find partner investors.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
This is about the most hilarious and yet equally informational thread on here I’ve read! Love it.
So, to be clear, some BG’s are concerned about “Verga’s” being TOO big so as to cause discomfort (this makes a lot of sense all things considered).
Which is actually really encouraging to us “average guys” and should invoke a lot of confidence.
discussion comment
5 years ago
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
@anislee thanks for the details. I think I better test drive a single pill before buying a lot of them.
*** I think there needs to be one of those Mike marker signs at Follies that points West and says, “Tijuana 1,700 mi “
Thanks, Vishap, I’ll definit bring some Claritin as well.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I can barely remember people's names in real life. So, all the more, when someone takes the right measures to be remembered, it makes a HUGE impact.
I think all guys in SC's (many would never admit it) are looking for a human CONNECTION--even if it's imaginary. But a "pretend human connection" is still...technically...a type of connection.
So I think the NAME CAN BE very important to the patron on an emotional level and the Lady on a business level (*I highly respect the business/sales aspect of being a stripper).
That said, "traditional stripper names" like Diamond, Sparkles, Delilah, Star etc. are pointless. Not a problem, but it immediately shuts down the possibility of a top-rate connection.
An interesting "strategy" I feel I've encountered is the "my stage name is...__Rose__, but you can call me Rachel." When a girl does this, I still don't believe "Rachel" is her real name. And I don't care about knowing her real anyways (unless the friendship has grown and grown over dozens of encounters). Nonetheless, it's not much different than offering someone your "nick-name."
The ".... But you can call me ______, everyone does!" This is a very good approach.
An overly common name like Ashley may be better than Diamond, but easily forgotten (Though, again, "My name is Ashley, but you can call me Ash" half way through the encounter would make a difference.)
Another best approach would be a truly unique name like ... "Orchid" ... that is uncommon can stand out **IF** it comes with an explanation. Explaining one's name is always a great connection.
Lastly, sociologically, if a name isn't used regularly it loses its power. So "what's in a name" if it's only said once at the beginning and forgotten 15 seconds later.
Conclusion: use a name to connect, not as a mere title.
*I prefer only top notch professional beauties and establishments.