Hong Kong Gentlemen's Club
Calle Coahuila 2009
Zona Nte., Tijuana, B.C.
Questions before I go: Best attire options
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
The great thing about heaven on earth Hong Kong is that it’s a one of kind Masquerade where you get to be a rich king with unlimited concubines.
HK veterans, what’s your “costume” of choice and WHY ?
Does nicer attire get you respect ?
Or does it make you a gringo ATM target ?
Have you ever noticed the girls showing more interest in a professional looking guy vs Eminem Wanna Be Rapper ?
I think I know enough that it’s not a good idea to show up in a fitted suit ?
Sports jacket (and I don’t mean a NASCAR themed jacket)?
Button up shirt and chinos?
Cargo shorts, tank top and flip flops ?
Annnd the infamous sweat pants and wife beater ?
**I don’t even own a pair of sweat pants and don’t think I could tone it down that much.
But I’m more concerned with how your attire effects your treatment by the BGs and Staff ?
***popping my cherry this Thursday and Friday 8/15 and 16th.
HK veterans, what’s your “costume” of choice and WHY ?
Does nicer attire get you respect ?
Or does it make you a gringo ATM target ?
Have you ever noticed the girls showing more interest in a professional looking guy vs Eminem Wanna Be Rapper ?
I think I know enough that it’s not a good idea to show up in a fitted suit ?
Sports jacket (and I don’t mean a NASCAR themed jacket)?
Button up shirt and chinos?
Cargo shorts, tank top and flip flops ?
Annnd the infamous sweat pants and wife beater ?
**I don’t even own a pair of sweat pants and don’t think I could tone it down that much.
But I’m more concerned with how your attire effects your treatment by the BGs and Staff ?
***popping my cherry this Thursday and Friday 8/15 and 16th.
In the us, I’m more concerned about pasta with light fabric so I can get my money’s worth on dances. Here, it’s whatever works.
The in-between is definitely shorts or comfy pants and polo/ collared shirt.
As has been said, just look groomed and clean. That’s number 1. Keep it classy.
Loose pants will definitely increase the at table fun. Jeans may lessen that.
So if you’re the type who just wants a specific suggestion. Here you go:
Cargo Shorts + Polo + recent haircut. Fresh breath and some cologne.