Avoid wearing any jewelry or else you will definitely be a target. I recommend wearing comfortable clothing. You don't need to look like a businessman to get attention. As long as you tip the waiters and the women, then you will get all the attention you desire.
I have found that it is always super hot in there, no matter what the temp is outside. Dress for comfort, not to impress. I always make sure I have plenty of pockets that I can easily get to, and make sure that at least one of them zips, or buttons. I keep the more important stuff in that one.
Wear something comfortable but confident but remember it’s tj. Don’t peacock. The truth is that at the end of the day the most important thing is greenbacks.
Just be clean and smell good. There’s no need for fancy attire. I do like multiple pockets...one for $1 tip money, one for $5-$10 drink / Ficha money, and one zipped one for the wallet.
In the us, I’m more concerned about pasta with light fabric so I can get my money’s worth on dances. Here, it’s whatever works.
last commentIn the us, I’m more concerned about pasta with light fabric so I can get my money’s worth on dances. Here, it’s whatever works.
The in-between is definitely shorts or comfy pants and polo/ collared shirt.
As has been said, just look groomed and clean. That’s number 1. Keep it classy.
Loose pants will definitely increase the at table fun. Jeans may lessen that.
So if you’re the type who just wants a specific suggestion. Here you go:
Cargo Shorts + Polo + recent haircut. Fresh breath and some cologne.