
Comments by Cristobal (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    City of Industry club non alcohol age
    Yes, the nonalcohol clubs (Synn, Paradise, Bliss, and Spearmint Rhino) nude clubs allow PLs who are 18.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Have fun or go home
    Hit or miss at HK
    "hk is far from perfect... but show me a better club to the west coast... (or even the east coast...)" completely agree with @jascoi While the COI clubs are lots of fun (and good value) in the LA área they are minor leagues when compared to HK. HK is open 24 hours (include the HK after hours club), hundred of willing latin women of all ages, body types, and looks and the value (no cover charge, $4 beers, and $100 arribas) makes it amongst the best mongering spots period. And while there is the occasional underwhelming experience, for me the hits certainly far, far outnumber the misses.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Weekends vs Weekdays?
    During my mongering time, I felt HK was always a good time, I had great times on Saturday at 10pm and Monday at 8am and all times in between. It is a great party spot. Are there more and hotter girls on Friday and Saturday? Yes, but there is also so many more customers and there is a Super business vibe amongst the Bargirls (BGs). One of favorites told me she had time for only one drink on Friday or Saturday and that vibe resonates with so many BGs declining drink offers and pushing for arriba too quickly. Also, that business like vibe can manifest in the arriba experience, as she works too quickly to satisfy your needs. The majority of my disappointing and underwhelming experiences were on Friday and Saturday night. Everyone mongers differently and expectations factor too. I feel though there are less BGs, with less quanity the quality goes down too, there are still plenty of great BGs available in the off peak times at HK. The advantage of the off peak times are you will probably save money (less hotel, BGs willing to negotiate, slower consumption of fichas, etc), probably spend more get to know you time with a BG, and she will probably not be rushed. Mis dos centavos.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Venmo Me
    Why does anyone's supposed lifestyle have to with sending them your money? It is your money spend it however you want. I never saw a reason to send a dancer/BG/social media persona money just because but plenty of guys do, to each their own. As to whether an IG profile lifestyle is real or fake I coukd care less, all I care are photos/videos hot. Mis dos centavos.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    first timer, anyone want to join
    @orangelover thanks for kind words but I am not worth y to be mentioned with TJ Mongering legends like @tahoecruz @jascoi @mongo1964 and up and comer @greanbeans My career was cut short by falling and pursuing a relationship (which is going well). Though I am on Mongering hiatus I have been to TJ and found myself in the Zona Norte and found out I can have plenty of fun with my clothes on.
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
    Tijuana Street Girls Redeemed
    @tahoecruz I believe this is much more about BG M or repeating with SG Maria, the great thing about this adventure is the continuing evolution and progress a Monger should strive for. Rather than allow a no call, no show to ruin your evening, you made the best of situation. Though Appointment BGs (ABGs) are fun, they can be unreliable, so you have to be ready to move on. What I take most from this article is the willingness to try the SG even though you had a disappointing first experience. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    first timer, anyone want to join
    Unfortunately i will not be in TJ to show you the ropes but I humbly offer a few pointers from my mongering time in TJ: 1. If a Bargirl (BG) turns down your ficha offer and just offer arriba, no matter how hot see is, move on. The ficha is a great investment to find out if she is worth taking arriba. 2. If you see a BG you have to meet, go up to her or ask a waiter to bring her over, do not wait and think you will see her later, odds are you will not and then you will be left wondering, what if... 3. Avoid the BGs who hang out in the middle of the main room, they are usually amongst the hottest BGs but usually are the most expensive and underwhelming experiences. Mis dos centavos.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Everyone who loves Sky and Perla raise your hands ✋✋
    I follow Vikki on social media and for the past year she has been preparing for her exit from dancing. Every so often on her posts she hints about leaving and moving on. I would put money on her not dancing in 2022.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Welcome to adelitas Colombia
    It is interesting a few other TUSCLers have mentioned a few Colombians, Venezuelans, etc in the Zona Notre. I am latin and I have trouble telling the difference in Latins until I hear them speak, I can tell different accents. So how do you know there are more than Mexican BGs in the Zona Norte? "These girls are going to give Mexicans Chicas some tough competition eventually" how so? Are they going to undercut pricing, offer bareback service at great prices, etc? The competition I see for the average Monger is attraction and price, is she hot and how much for what arriba? You offer a very interesting discussion point.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    tale of two pairs of titties.
    @jascoi nice review, it sounds like the second dancer was a Tale of her Kitty
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    A Whole Lot of Nothing
    California is just starting to open up again and the COI should e back on full swing in a few months. Synn posts a daily roll call which seems to be updated regularly, it is a good idea to check for the number of dancers as well as which ones are working. If in doubt, check it out.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
    A Blast from the Past
    @sapple BG = bargirl CC = Chicago Club
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Favorite TV Shows Growing Up
    Married With Childrrn Thundercats Robotech Miami Vice Also, there were two mini series, V and World War III
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
    A Blast from the Past
    @623 this a review from two visits, the first half is from May 2021, then I added the epilogue dating that part of review is from August 2019. I included the 2019 visit because it had what I believe was helpful information from Hotel Coahuila.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
    Hotel Coahuila (for Adelita's Bar)
    Sorry for the delay, I finally posted my review of this visit (plus a current visit to AB). My visit to AB was in August 2019 but I thought there is still some useful and relevent information.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    HK bad visit
    My experience at HK has great management that is interested in the customer returning often and so they do their best to take care of the customer. That being said, they are not perfect, it is a business and they are trying to make as much money as possible, but the maseros and staff are pretty good. In my short time mongering and in many visits to HK, I have not been overcharged for a drink, short changed, or had anything stolen.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
    PSA: Possible Shark Sighting
    @tbot1102 I had a few BGs decline fichas claiming it was the end of their shift and they were going to leave soon (one gave me her number so we could hook up the next day) and I have also had BGs work past their leaving times. On two occasions this happened, the BGs provided great overtime service, one had the potential to become a CFBG. To me that was the great thing about the Mongering in TJ experience, the variety of situations and the fun with the BGs.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    The hype is real. I believe, I believe!!!!!
    @japrufrock ". .. pulled back the curtains. I felt like I walked into heaven." Brother, your comment expressed it perfectly. It is difficult to describe the rush I felt every time I pulled back the curtains but the first time is the memory I will take to my grave (and occasionally has ne clamoring to return to mongering). The bevy of women dancing on the stage and bars makes you feel you are in a sexy latin music video and then you see more and more chicas, the sensory overload was almost crippling, I could not decide what I wanted to do. None of my strip club or porn experiences could even come close. Ahh the memories.....
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
    PSA: Possible Shark Sighting
    @tbot1102 I took it as a very bad sign if a BG declined to sit for a ficha, it took me a few "average" arriba experiences to decide if a BG declines a ficha better to pass and move onto to someone else. My best arriba experiences were almost always preceeded by a good ficha experience. Conversely, a few BGs definitely acted not interested during ficha time, I respect that plenty of BGs to spend my money on.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
    A Saturday Afternoon in Adult Disneyland
    "I believe most girls enjoy a good life with all the money they make...I guess most turn out to be "Peso Millionairesses". Don't you think so?" @tbot1102 I know plenty of BGs who left the business with a decent nest egg to start a business, buy a house and get an education but for every" success" story there are plenty of BGs struggling to provide for their families
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Tattoos and Tattoo Artists ... Another Perspective
    For someone without any tatoos I mostly dated women without ink;however, when I re-enteted the dating world after my divorce I found tatoos cool and some enhanced the beauty of women. Once I became involved with strippers and BGs I started liking tatoos on strippers and BGs. I like the artwork, some of my friends have their back completely done up and it looks great. In fact my GF has eight tatoos and we have great conversations about the inspiration and meaning behind each one.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
    A Saturday Afternoon in Adult Disneyland
    Good review. Watching her "birdbath" her pussy clean...lol..I have seen this done too a few times, mainly from the germaphobe type BGs, which is rather ironic, why don't they just jump in the shower? One of my early favorite BGs was a germaphobe and at first it is kind of a buzz kill, she actually had tissues and cut holes in them and then place the tissue over her pussy, plus she would spray and wipe her and me... It was a buzz kill for about a minute but when you are a horny bastard you get over it quick.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    have you / can you still visit one of (or) the very first SC you ever been to?
    @Call.Me.Ishmael, my first club was the Hollywood Tropicana too. I remember the oil wrestling and wanting to participate (except for the price). Sadly, the place is no longer there.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Bikini coffee shops
    @electronman since technocally nudity, contact, and allowing alcohol at these Coffee Shops are illegal (and this is an open forum), I avoided mentioning the name of the special Shops and extra special Shops.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Bikini coffee shops
    @electronman Yes, by getting in good with the owner and manager we would bring a bottle of Ciroc or Hennesy (for a small fee) and party with the waitresses. Not all the waitresses would participate, nor would it happen all the time but there was plenty of ITCS fun. Now there are two extra special Coffee Shops in the area but I would still advise going to a COI strip club or TJ instead.