
Tijuana Street Girls Redeemed

avatar for PutaTester
He who dies with the most memories wins.

It started the night before. I had an excellent time with a 7 in Gold Palace. She said she had the next day off, so we arranged to have dinner and an extended session in my room that night. (She quoted the bar fines to take her out before her 4:00 am shift was over and they were outrageous.) Of course typical puta, no call, no show, so I did a lap around the clubs looking for a replacement. I ended up again in Gold Palace thinking that she wouldn’t be there and lightning might strike twice. Found a potential girl who offered BBBJCIM, so I bought her a drink to get to know her and work out the details. The girl I had arranged dinner with shows up and sits with us uninvited. Turns out they are friends, and they start rattling away in Spanish.

I couldn’t follow, but my new target said that they were talking about the good time my original girl (M) had the night before (which was true). They then encouraged me to take both of them arriba. I was pissed that I had been stood up by M. And now she is talking about doing me again in the bar on the day she said she had off? I said screw it, I am out. Too many other options and I didn’t want to encourage the bad behavior.

Another lap around the clubs. In Bar Tropical I met a 9 that was very frisky, but didn’t speak any English. Bought her a few drinks and she was all smiles and laughter, and we chatted a bit with my limited Spanish. Just didn’t feel right, so I tipped her extra and continued my quest. Usually I can easily blow the transgressions of others out of my head, but our session in Gold Palace was so good and M is so pretty I was considering her for ATF status.

When I had exited Hotel Cascadas on the south (alley) side, a street girl standing next to the entrance was giving me the eye and motioning me to take her to the hotel. My first and only experience with a street girl was not much fun. Street girls by reputation are wham-bam, all about the upsell, and my first girl was all that; couldn’t make a move without her asking for more money. Total mood killer. At that point I decided to stick to bar girls.

A few more clubs explored with no real success, and I thought a little wham-bam before I sleep would be OK. I think she said her name was Maria or Mariana. She was older and barely a 6, but her attitude was encouraging, so I approached her. Worst, I would get some info and can always say, "no thank you." We chatted and her opening offer was an hour for $80, everything included. I thought that was refreshing. A good price, a relaxed time, and no upsells. I made sure that “everything” included everything I wanted and sealed the deal.

She checked in at the desk and we went up. We stripped down and I started by sucking on her natural B-cups. She responded “favorably.” I thought that it was just good puta acting. Then I reached down to check her oil. She was soaking wet, so I guess that it wasn’t acting; she was enjoying the activity. We moved to a CBJ which was excellent. We went through a few positions, and I was impressed by her perfect ass when in doggie. She isn’t thin and shows a little baby damage, but she is in shape and looks good riding cowgirl. I was close and she finished me with a BJ (no condom change) at about the 55-minute mark.

There were a few wet spots on the bed and her responses indicated that she had enjoyed the session as much as I did. Lots of kisses (no dfk, but that doesn’t do anything for me anyway). It was a GFE. Time was up, but I asked her for the massage she offed on the street and she agreed. The massage was the biggest disappointment of the session; she doesn’t have a lot of skills in this area. However, her puta skills were top drawer and that is what counts, exceeding expectations. We cleaned up and she returned to the street. I went to sleep quite satisfied.

A few hours later I get a text from M, apologizing for missing our cita. She said she had a lot of beer to drink during our time together (which is true, as I bought her about 10+ myself and she probably had many more) and forgot about it. It was good of her to apologize and somewhat understandable, but I didn’t reply and resolved to stay out of Gold Palace for the time being. Not sure if I want to give M a second chance.

It is unlikely that I will repeat with street girl Maria, but I didn’t think I would ever do another street girl either. Maria was there on Sunday encouraging me to repeat. I think she works just Saturdays and Sundays, because I haven’t seen her on weekdays. So much potential in Tijuana.


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avatar for Og12345
3 yrs ago

Makeup sex with M.

avatar for booji boy
booji boy
3 yrs ago

You're a braver man than I, young sir... though I do wonder if the recent influx of Central/South American girls includes the traffic on the street.

And I still envy you your luck in BT... it gives me a sad every time you mention it. :-)

avatar for Cristobal
3 yrs ago

@tahoecruz I believe this is much more about BG M or repeating with SG Maria, the great thing about this adventure is the continuing evolution and progress a Monger should strive for.

Rather than allow a no call, no show to ruin your evening, you made the best of situation.

Though Appointment BGs (ABGs) are fun, they can be unreliable, so you have to be ready to move on.

What I take most from this article is the willingness to try the SG even though you had a disappointing first experience.

Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work.

avatar for Warrior15
3 yrs ago

There are SO many good options in Zona Norte. If a girl does something that you don't like, then just move onto the next one. Nice story bro.

avatar for JAprufrock
3 yrs ago

Good Stuff, @tahoe. Some of those street girls look amazing (do a YouTube search). I got quick HJs from three of them during my second trip there in 2018. I think it was $30 (including $5 for the room) for 15 minutes. I was sucked in by the value. Not sure if I feel comfortable enough yet to do FS, but if I do, you did it the right way, all-inclusive hour session, no rushing, no upselling. $80 for one hour is a great deal.

avatar for tbot1102
3 yrs ago

Great job @tahoe. I am sure the SG was was worthy of your $80 and all your loving attention. About BG M, I would say that she must gotten the message. I would revenge-fuck her. You say that she us pretty.....have fun.

avatar for bromo
3 yrs ago

Great Article @ Tahoe. Can't wait for my first trip this winter.

Any chance you (or anyone else) might have some advice on keeping luggage safe (or finding/using storage lockers in SD) when making the trip over to TJ/Hong Kong?

I'll be attending a conference in SD and will likely be carrying with me a backpack + carryon suitcase. My main valuables would just be my work computer and personal computer.

I know it's not ideal to bring many valuables when traveling .. especially for these types of trips - so just wondering if anyone has any tips for how to keep my luggage safe (mainly just worried about the work computer). Ideally I'd only bring over my backpack with clothes and essentials but I'm not sure if there's any reliable places to store belongings while I'm in TJ for a few days.


Conference is a Thursday -> Saturday thing. So afterwards my plan would be to spend 2-3 days in TJ (likely will be staying at Hotel Cascadas) and the remaining time in SD to work remotely/site see before I fly back out to the east coast.

avatar for PutaTester
3 yrs ago

bromo: Not clear on your plan, but if you are staying in Hotel Cascadas, know that it is reasonably safe. I have had expensive cameras and computers with me and never had an issue. I am NOT recommending that you take such things if it is unnecessary to do so, but we recognize sometimes it is inconvenient or unavoidable.

I always thought it would be a good business to have a 24/7 storage facility at the border, where you could leave valuables for a fee.

I have also left backpacks at the front entry of the club. Tipping a few dollars, I have never had any issues there either, but the storage space there is limited. A few times I have found them having taped the zippers of my backpack together, making it harder to get it open.

One thing of interest is that I am fairly well known and have a VIP card (that used to allow you to check in at 1:00, instead of 3:00). Now we are required to wait until the 3:00 check-in. So if you arrive before 3:00, they will ask you to leave your bags at the club desk until check-in time. If you have a big bag, this can be a pain dragging it up and down the stairs.

avatar for bromo
3 yrs ago

@tahoe. Thanks for the reply back man. I appreciate the feedback and tips. I'll definitely take your advice and try to plan the border cross around 3pm to avoid the wait at check in. And that's actually quite reassuring to know that the Hotel is somewhat safe - I'll likely just bring all my stuff if I don't figure out another alternative.

Thanks again!

avatar for Jascoi
3 yrs ago

The biggest risk in tijuana is the policea.

avatar for booji boy
booji boy
3 yrs ago

@bromo: like tahoecruz, I have never had my stuff molested while at Cascadas. I have also left extra luggage in the trunk of my rental car when parking at Border Station (the lot across from PedWest) after finding out that the lot is used by a lot of CBP folks. Again, no issues with that option. If you're in San Diego for a conference, a potential third option is to just check with the hotel you're staying at to see if they'd hang on to your extra bag(s) for an extra couple of days for a fee (or tip). Some do.

@tahoecruz: There's services like bagbnb in the city, but I'm guessing that the combination of the drug trade and 9/11 restrictions that are still around make it hard to make that a viable business in San Ysidro...

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