first timer, anyone want to join

avatar for besmitty
I will be going to TJ for the first time and staying at Cascadas on July 5/6 Monday and Tuesday ... Will any of y'all be down there? If so would you like to meet up, maybe show me the ropes?


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avatar for ATACdawg
4 years ago
Well, first thing is most of the bar girls don't like ropes....😉
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Free game

You can easily fuck drunk American College girls in tj for free.

You can fuck the tj hoe types for free anywhere in Cali
avatar for TJ Walker
TJ Walker
4 years ago
Have fun. First time is the best.
avatar for Cristobal
4 years ago
Unfortunately i will not be in TJ to show you the ropes but I humbly offer a few pointers from my mongering time in TJ:

1. If a Bargirl (BG) turns down your ficha offer and just offer arriba, no matter how hot see is, move on.

The ficha is a great investment to find out if she is worth taking arriba.

2. If you see a BG you have to meet, go up to her or ask a waiter to bring her over, do not wait and think you will see her later, odds are you will not and then you will be left wondering, what if...

3. Avoid the BGs who hang out in the middle of the main room, they are usually amongst the hottest BGs but usually are the most expensive and underwhelming experiences.

Mis dos centavos.
avatar for whodey
4 years ago
What would they be arrested for? I thought brothels were perfectly legal in TJ?

Asking people to meet up at Cascadas is no different than asking people to meet up at any strip club in the US, if anything it is less likely to be a police sting because even if you do talk about paying the girls to fuck you it is not illegal.
avatar for Greanbeans
4 years ago
@Cristobal .... say it isn’t so!!! 😔. I was hoping to get a drink or 4 with you 😢. Not crying 😭. Allergies!

@bestmitty i will be partying @ HK/ TJ this sun-wed. I’d be happy to share the little knowledge i do have, but who you be? Where from? Age? PM me some info about YOU. Most of us are happy to share, but also protect our private lives, secret persona, if you will. Some don’t care, others do care cuz family, work, etc.. I have gone to TJ alone, most of the time actually and have a blast, almost every time. So hit me up...
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
Brothels are free in Zona Norte.

That said, I'd never go there with a complete stranger.
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
Brand new profile and 1st ever post - wants to meet in TJ. Yeah, okay. I was just thinking how fun it would be to meet up with some dude I never heard of before, and get jumped by 6 Mexicans with switchblades.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
Yeah, apparently I had a low-grade stroke and wrote "free" when I meant "legal". Sorry.

OP ... If you want to go to TJ, but don't want to go alone, then what you need to do is find that one friend of yours who will be neither offended or surprised that you want to visit brothels in Mexico. Go with that guy. But, even if this isn't an elaborate setup for an organ-harvesting scheme, none of the experienced TJ guys here are going to want to take a stranger and complete newbie to TJ just to help out. Most of the guys here who go to regular strip clubs don't love taking good friends who are newbies to the clubs, so what you're looking for isn't realistic.

I don't know ... maybe there's lucrative niche gig out there for "TJ Brothel Consultant", if you're willing to pay someone.

As to "the ropes", you can get all the ropes you need from the roughly 1 million posts here on TUSCL about successfully navigating Mexican brothels.
avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
Hey, lighten up on OP. It’s hard learning how to give away your money to hookers in a Mexican whorehouse.
avatar for goodyman
4 years ago
My advice, don't be afraid to check out places other than HK. But also don't wonder around outside just get to where you're going. Buy one drink then nicely tell the dudes hounding you to buy more drinks to fuck off.
Above all remember that the chicas are professional whores, be nice but remember they don't actually like you.
avatar for besmitty
4 years ago
@2ICEE --- yeah you can fuck drunk girls for free...but it's the experience... You can drink at home but lots like to go to the bar for the experience. You could walk to your destination, but most people drive... get the idea? lol

@Cristobal - Thx for the tips. I've read prob 100 posts on TUSCL doing research including a lot of your threads and comments which should be very helpful, thanks again!

@greenbeans -- I'll pm you, but just to answer the general questions, I'm from Phoenix area (litchfield park). I'm 34 and live alone, so I want to have a couple vacay days. My mom and brother live in SD and my mom just moved so I'll be helping her move stuff around/ set up her bed, mount tvs, etc I figured while in SD a few days, I'd venture to Tijuana for my first trip to Mexico. I'd be glad to answer any questions about me for ya.

@Misterorange. I've actually posted a couple times this week asking a couple questions but this is the first "discussion" post I've done. I've done the verification on here already (post a selfie with the content you have to write down). I have nothing to hide and can video chat ahead of time. I dont mind going alone, but I'm a social person and would rather have someone to chat with, preferably someone who has a little knowledge of the area. Can't see how that can hurt.

@goodyman - the reason for me asking if anyone wants to meet is b/c they prob have insight and advice of what to do/ where to go, etc. I'm usually a great tipper so on a drink Id prob tip a few bucks, but reading a past post it said dont do that or they'll hound you, so just tip $1-2 but thats the kind of thing im talking about. General knowledge you gain from going. I dont have that yet, hence meeting someone who has that knowledge would be nice.

avatar for PutaTester
4 years ago
OP: Sounds like you are an OK dude. Those who say they wouldn't meet a nubie stranger to show him around are likely people who you don't want to meet with anyway. I have met with three nubies that I met on this board and showed them around. One spoke fluent Spanish and within an hour I had lost him to his first chica. I would be happy to meet and show you around if I were in TJ in the same timeframe. Indeed, I have met with three mongers from this board on this trip. All good guys.

Regarding safety, I have had only two slightly bad experiences in five years of coming here about every two months. On was a cop questioned me while on a balcony overlooking the alley. He was legitimate. I am guessing some protected cuantos guy pointed me out, because I was being entertained by the activity in the alley. The second was when I was just getting my morning coffee. As I walked by, some female vendor was backing up into me. I managed to avoid her, but while I had my back to her, she ran up and pulled hard on my hair (which was to the middle of my back at the time), blabbering something about my having touched her inappropriately. I said she was crazy and moved on. They are actually funny and minor, but caution is advised.

Yesterday evening I went to a chica's home, just to see how she lived. As a Gringo, it was in a neighborhood I would not be in during the day, much less after dark. I was prepared with a defense item and I have skills, but I was nervous. OTOH, her home was a humble studio, surprisingly simple for a girl that makes more in a week than most Mexicans make in a month.

The BS about being attacked or being cut up for your organs is exactly that, total BS. If I were out-of-bounds (as I was when I visited the chica's apartment), I would be worried about some random pandejo thinking that I am an easy target and a rich score. But as long as you stay in the Zona or Central and on the main streets, you will be fine. Leave any jewelry at home. Leave any attitude about being an entitled American at home.

Finally, most legitimate, long-term mongers are just regular guys out for a good time and/or want female attention without any strings, such as a girlfriend or wife. I must keep my distance to some degree, because there are those in my profession who would make my life difficult if they were aware of my hobby. Otherwise, everyone I have met has been great fun to chat with.

Enjoy your first time. Unlikely it will be your last.

avatar for Greanbeans
4 years ago
avatar for besmitty
4 years ago
Thx Tahoe - I plan to have a good time but keep things simple. my nightlife will be spent at HK or near HK and I'm staying at Cascadas to make it simple and more safe, not that I'm worried about it being unsafe b/c I'm not as long as I'm not being dumb. I will have nothing valuable with me other than cash. Just bringing my basics (clothes, money, toiletries). Maybe my laptop but even my laptop is crap now (needs a new screen so im getting a new one when im back state-side). The plan is to have a good time, so much so, come back in a month for my bday with a few friends after they hear my stories lol.
avatar for tbot1102
4 years ago
Agree with Tahoecruz. Read the posts on here and you will be just fine. You will surely go this time, slow down, look around, observe and enjoy a little. If something feels odd, step back and correct your course. Clearly you will not have any bad experience if you behave like a gentleman, spend a little money (tip the employees well....and that doesn't include just the have $ which are worth a lot in Mexico) and you will be fine. Also, the people are really friendly...may be you will make some friends right there in the club and those folks will guide you.
avatar for besmitty
4 years ago
@desertscrub .... so you like to tell people what they can or cannot do internationally, yet you post reviews about clubs and how to get handjobs ,etc in the usa... pretty sure thats illegal buddy, LOOK UP THE LAWS ! or in another review of yours "regarding details of what happens during my dances will be reserved to PM's from trusted members on the site" ... stop trolling. go somewhere else and preach. you're telling someone not to do something in a different country that you're trying to do in this country. You're a joke.
avatar for booji boy
booji boy
4 years ago
@besmitty: desertscrub is one of the consistent trolls on this site... if you click on anyone's name in the comments you'll see a lovely little button labeled Ignore and if you click it, then you get blessed silence from that person from then on.

On the subject of safety, if you're respectful and have street smarts you will be just fine. Anything can happen, yes, but remember that TJ pre-covid had millions of tourist visitors a year. Right now, things are just starting to open up in general and there will be a lot of pressure to make sure that there will also be millions of visitors post-covid as well. I can count the number of trip reports here that mention getting robbed or attacked on the fingers of one hand.
avatar for EastCoaster
4 years ago
@besmitty: What mongo1964 said about desertscrub and the value of the ignore button is absolutely true. If you look at the top 40 lists on TUSCL, you will see that desertscrub is, with good reason, the most-ignored member here.
avatar for besmitty
4 years ago
@ Mongo - thanks for the "ignore" advice. Still getting used to this website but I found it! I wasn't and am not worried about my stay in TJ and didn't even take his "advice" with a grain of salt lol. I know how to act "not dumb" esp in a different country.

@eastcoast...not shocked lol
avatar for OrangeClown
4 years ago
@besmitty, you probably know this by now, but I will say it anyway.

Read what the following posters say; their word on TJ is gospel:
And a few others, too, that I'm sure you're familiar with from their reviews of TJ clubs.

Ignore everyone else who tries to give you advice on TJ. They've never been there but for some stupid reason like to impart their ignorance and fear-mongering in this section. I suspect it's because they're envious of all who go to clubs like Hong Kong and share our wonderful experiences on TUSCL, while they're stuck at home with their 250-pound wives, their laptop and a jar of Vaseline.
avatar for besmitty
4 years ago
@orangelover - Im good to go at this point. Meeting up with one of the TUSCL members on here who has written many reviews. I am not worried about anything so to speak, but I do like to engage in socializing and thought it'd be good to meet someone off here who could recommend stuff in person ("hey this is a good taco vender") or ("hey, you should have/should not have tipped that guy , it's expected)... reading do and donts is one thing, its another to live it. Anyway, Im psyched for Monday!
avatar for JAprufrock
4 years ago
^^Have fun, man. There's no place in America quite like Hong Kong. Made my first trip four years ago, driving from LA (where I was on business) and I'll never forget the feeling driving down the freeway approaching the border and seeing the lights in TJ, knowing what was in store for me. And then parting the curtains at HK for the first time and stepping inside is simply amazing.

Not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but it's best to take trolley from San Diego to San Ysidro and walking across the border. And if you're going to be there multiple days, I'd stay at Hotel Cascadas, making an online reservation, and buying the $60 VIP card when you get there (hotel discount, free drink per night, half-off lap dance per night, some other things).

I've never felt in danger there, but I don't wander from the main strip of clubs, don't engage with anyone on the street, don't look at any cops, don't meander and look like I know where I'm going and what I'm doing. Inside the club (HK is the only one I've been to), I've felt completely safe. The heavy security presence is comforting.
avatar for besmitty
4 years ago
@japrufrock - i love that line "no place in america like hong kong" but its in mexico ...just sounds funny lol

Im actually in Imperical Beach sunday at my buddy's place and keeping my car there. I am taking an uber to the border and crossing at pedeast. VIP card is already figured into the budget and already reserved room at cascadas.

Glad you had a great first experience and I tend to do the same. thanks for chiming in with suggestions!
avatar for Cristobal
4 years ago
@orangelover thanks for kind words but I am not worth y to be mentioned with TJ Mongering legends like @tahoecruz @jascoi @mongo1964 and up and comer @greanbeans

My career was cut short by falling and pursuing a relationship (which is going well).

Though I am on Mongering hiatus I have been to TJ and found myself in the Zona Norte and found out I can have plenty of fun with my clothes on.
avatar for booji boy
booji boy
4 years ago
@besmitty: Make sure you get your VIP card before you check in (there's a desk at the entrance of HK where you do this, just ask at the door). They won't give you the room discount unless you have it in hand.
avatar for besmitty
4 years ago
I understand and thanks
avatar for Phandy
4 years ago
Wish I was there this week. Unfortunately I’m scheduled for next week and quite possibly the Mon/Tue after. Always happy to meet up with folks though CF prefers OTC to hanging in HK so time lately is limited until she returns to MTY
avatar for 623
4 years ago
Mongo - an alternative is to tell them at check-in that you want the card. They will send a guy to get it for you and you will tip the runner a buck or two. This simplifies things if you have any bags since they will need to be screened by the HK doorman. This can be invasive or cursory depending on his mood, so save the hassle.
avatar for booji boy
booji boy
4 years ago
@623: Cool, didn't know this was an option... thx for that.
avatar for goodyman
4 years ago
So how is the trip going?
avatar for PutaTester
4 years ago
Indeed, on weekends there is a guy at the front desk pressuring guys to buy the VIP card.
avatar for besmitty
4 years ago
@goody … my first night was a success ! Got to meet up with cristobal and green beans. Green beans and I have been having a good time socializing and breaking apart when we need to haha . My internet is horrible here but once stateside I’ll share my experiences
avatar for silverton3
4 years ago
Besmitty, geez I wish I were there too! I’m in Litchfield Park also but have so far only enjoyed what our valley has to offer. I haven’t even applied for a passport yet, will an AZ photo ID get me into Mexico these days?

So far I’m enjoying what HL and BSC has to offer but will venture further soon. PM me if you ever want company to some valley clubs.

I did see desert scrub at HL last week. He is correct, he has no chin and attracts the girls to his table very well without ever buying a dance. Dresses pretty strangly also. I most certainly kept my distance. :)
avatar for PutaTester
4 years ago
silverton3 If you kept your distance from DS, how did you identify him?
avatar for TFP
4 years ago
Desertscrub isn't the one without a chin. He always makes fun of that guy who has no chin. No chin or strange clothes don't matter though when he always has dancers by his side. Money is the most important thing in the club and it sounds like he has a lot of it. Unless he all of a sudden one day never shows up again and you see him pedaling around the Phoenix streets on a huffy.
avatar for goodyman
4 years ago
@besmitty nice! Cool you met with some TJ vets. Are the crowds back? Interested to hear about some of these chicas
avatar for silverton3
4 years ago
Tahoecruz, I did keep my distance, I watched from a very safe distance! Desertscrub was using self deprecating humor, look it up. He LOVES poking fun at himself. Odd yes, surprising to any of you?
avatar for Phandy
4 years ago
I need to figure out how to find y’all when I’m there. Will be in TJ the next 2 weeks Mon to Wed
avatar for besmitty
4 years ago
Sorry I’m a little MIA on here. I left my laptop back in San Diego so it’ll be a few days before I post a detailed article but let me say this about my time…
It was awesome meeting cristobal and he gave me some good knowledge and we shared a few laughs and smiles. Would certainly recommend anyone to meet him or gain knowledge from. Greenbeans and I spent a lot of time together around TJ. We seemed to have a lot in common, even the type of girls we enjoy… body shapes movements and even down to things like tats were all in common. We enjoy a lot outside of the club alike too. I can see us planning another trip together.
Here’s a quick synopsis of TJ for me. I only had my drivers license. Told the TJ rep no passport but need dental work. Send me in a room with a guy behind a desk. Said I need dental work. He took my picture and said I’m good for 7 days. $20. Took five min. Coming home the line was only about 25 min getting inside the building and another 20 going through customs. Took only five or ten min longer than greenbeans who had his passport. Maybe I got lucky? Asked me a couple questions like why I was in Mexico, where I’m going now , very basic. Took my pic and on my way I went. So for those saying it couldn’t be done with a passport I guess you wouldn’t know bc it has proven to be done . Btw don’t answer “si” to yes or no questions when USA agent asking if you’re American citizen (whoops but lol) . Just got used to it I guess.
As far as clubs in USA, they’re ruined now lol. I will prob never go private again. I could spend $150-200 on 30 min VIP here and get some small touchy feely, even a bj… or I can goto TJ and spend $150 which will get me laid with a gorgeous chick and bottle service … that’s one big thing I’ll advise it look into bottle service. $40 US got us one liter of Bacardi anejo and some mixers. You can bring the bottle to hotel room if you don’t finish and bring back the next day.
I’ll post more once I get my laptop in couple days. Message me privately if you have a specific question til then and I can answer quickly, just don’t want a short answer for people on here and sound rude or abrupt.
avatar for goodyman
4 years ago
I got the same $20 dollar treatment when I forgot my passport and crossed only with ID. Came back at 4am with a buddy piss drunk and the US border guards let me in with no issue, answering their questions yes sir/ yes mam goes a long way for sure.
avatar for tbot1102
4 years ago
@besmitty, great to hear that you had a fun visit. Waiting to hear about your experience. It's always nice to get a fresh perspective. I know it's a little late...but another piece of advice I have is that one should make a budget and then increase it by 50%...or even better 100%. One shouldn't lose out on great experiences just because the budget is stretched. One can always make money....but one can't create the time that you get in that heavenly place called Hongkong.
avatar for MackTruck
4 years ago
you sound gay
avatar for MackTruck
4 years ago
asking dudes to join you in da TJ. Dey got donkey shows der
avatar for OrangeClown
4 years ago
@besmitty, excuse my boy, SackTruck. He's still traumatized from his days as an alter boy in the Church of Fr. Hugh Jardon.
avatar for OrangeClown
4 years ago
@besmitty, excuse my boy, cedrick69 -- a.k.a. SackTruck. How was he supposed to know transgenders were frowned upon at MAGA circle-jerks?
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
Looking forward to your write up. Gotta admit IMO that’s pretty brave rolling with just DL, I would have been worried coming back in to the USA!

avatar for besmitty
4 years ago
I wasn’t worried about getting back. Before hand I filled out info on state departments that I’d be in Mexico and returning on such date. Worse case I would have gone to the USA consulate office which I had programmed in my phone… it was a matter of how much hassle but ended up no hassle anyway
avatar for Estafador
4 years ago
is it too late to join? I just want to know the cost of flight and hotel.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
But if we ignore desertscrub we will never be able to tell club ads from honeat reviews! Who will guide us through the labyrinthine canyons of truth and trolls?! The horror.

How else are to be kept up-to-date on the latest advancements in power-washing technology?
avatar for OrangeClown
4 years ago
TJ Mongers, excuse my gal, @desertcum. She's just a bit salty because her 69 session with @skibum didn't live up to expectations.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
Good on the TUSCLers who were around and helped this guy besmitty find his way down in TJ.
avatar for Jascoi
4 years ago
The first time I went down to tijuana I went down with a experienced TJ monger. good times!
avatar for Cristobal
4 years ago
If you PLs want to read about @besmitty's visit, he wrote it as an article recollecting the complete adventure rather than writing a few club reviews.

His article is well detailed and some interesting insight from a new TUSCLer.
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