txtittyfag - perhaps more like Randy and his wife (I am married, she's not; we pretty rowdy, and she's down for anything)
dancewdcpa - thanks for the response, that's great info! I forget to reference smoking. That's a real issue as we both hate the smell of cigarette smoke (I am an ex-smoker, she has never smoked and *hates* it). Is there smoking at Deliahs? That would definitely point us to Oasis. 50% (or $50?) would be good. The great thing about millennials -- they insist on pay for half of everything (50% right down the middle) and I am a bargain hunter a clubs (hence a preference for places like Outer Space) so the more we can save (without looking cheap) the better.

New York
Comments by JimOsterberg
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Philly Club Visit for a Slightly Unconvential Couple6 years ago
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Dating Strippers from a club7 years ago
@PhatBoy -- I was fearful of that (hence my earlier comment about the "blast radius" when this implodes). As it turns out, the amicably split with an indefinite "hold" as she is on the other coast. This may have been a slightly different situation than most as on one hand she was European born/raised/educated. Yet on the other hand she was a fcking stripper living a stripper life that sounded as crazy as any of them. He was in that for a while (6 months?) and survived whole with no real scars. But it truly could have gone the other way. I have my own situation going with a similar highs and not yet lows, and not a stripper nor anyone in the biz, but fck yeah I read you loud and clear on every word you wrote in your last post. In the middle of it right now.
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Craziest Thing A Stripper Ever Asked You For?7 years ago
Stock tips. But specifically, because she blew every dollar she had saved (in the $10,000s) on the XM Radio IPO. Was pressuring me for a way to make it all back. Not a client I would like to advise (she would have had more luck if she hit me up before I came)
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Girlfriends (e.g., Goomars, Mistresses)7 years ago
PHatBoy99 -- missed your comment. Appreciate that. I tend to agree, although as hypocritical as this sounds, I have an absolute undying love for my wife, and this experience is making me appreciate how important our marriage is. I realize how hypocritical and bullshit that my sound it. It is true, but I can't really explain it, which is why I was hoping to a find a forum with others with similar experiences. Either to call bullshit on my feelings or discuss through their own. I am self-aware enough to realize I am going through some rationalization which is clouding my better judgement.
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Girlfriends (e.g., Goomars, Mistresses)7 years ago
Needless to say, not the conversation I was looking to have. I appreciate this may not be the forum for it. I will still keep looking. With the exception of Player11
But I will add a little more context. I have a girlfriend who is half my age, and for the first time not just a hook up or P4P. She is someone who has done this before (had flings with married men) but she is a professional (not a sex trade professional in any remote sense -- a young executive with a career in Marketing, has an MBA and makes about as much as I do).
This either is my mid-life crisis or she's saving me from one. It is the most exciting thing to happen to me in what has been a less than boring life journey so far. To have someone so hot and young (seriously I never had anyone remotely as hot as her when I was her age) tell me how hot I am, how excited I make her feel, there is nothing like it. It is like being addicted to some insane drug that makes you feel 10 feet tall and pumped full of swagger. The sex is off the charts amazing and redfines "Girl Friend Experience" (I never had a girlfriend like this nor any comparable even with the most skilled P4P). There is only one prior experience (P4P) which was similar, but there was no intellectual or emotional connection, and it never happened again. Not night after night like this. Each night better than the prior.
I notice other women treat me different as it has put me in complete Alpha mode. But obviously it will end. It will most likely end painfully. If I ended it now, I would be ahead of the game. No real risk, and just happy memories. But I like the self-discipline to end it now, and the longer it goes, it is naive to think I will be any better prepared to end it on my own terms. I am in uncharted waters here.
But I will add a little more context. I have a girlfriend who is half my age, and for the first time not just a hook up or P4P. She is someone who has done this before (had flings with married men) but she is a professional (not a sex trade professional in any remote sense -- a young executive with a career in Marketing, has an MBA and makes about as much as I do).
This either is my mid-life crisis or she's saving me from one. It is the most exciting thing to happen to me in what has been a less than boring life journey so far. To have someone so hot and young (seriously I never had anyone remotely as hot as her when I was her age) tell me how hot I am, how excited I make her feel, there is nothing like it. It is like being addicted to some insane drug that makes you feel 10 feet tall and pumped full of swagger. The sex is off the charts amazing and redfines "Girl Friend Experience" (I never had a girlfriend like this nor any comparable even with the most skilled P4P). There is only one prior experience (P4P) which was similar, but there was no intellectual or emotional connection, and it never happened again. Not night after night like this. Each night better than the prior.
I notice other women treat me different as it has put me in complete Alpha mode. But obviously it will end. It will most likely end painfully. If I ended it now, I would be ahead of the game. No real risk, and just happy memories. But I like the self-discipline to end it now, and the longer it goes, it is naive to think I will be any better prepared to end it on my own terms. I am in uncharted waters here.
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Legal "indoor Prostitution" in RI until 20097 years ago
That is not entirely true. In fact it is not true. Legal prostitution was decriminalized. Indeed, it wasn't as good as it could have been. If we had full blown legalization like in the sanctioned red light districts in Europe, that would have been something else. And indeed, the quality at places like Cheaters was so gross and so pricey, that it was a joke to what you could get in just about any major U.S. city from once Craigslist and then BackPage (now neither for the same nannystate forces that shut it down in RI). In lil' Rhody it may not have been as good as we romanticize a decade later, but it was better than it is now.
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Question time7 years ago
@Poledancer, to be honest I care about the answer to PaulDrake's question more, but I am curious about The Chaindog's too. Not the life choices and events which led them to that moment, but rather what is the process for becoming a dancer (the FIRST time). Is this through "amateur nights" or do they just go to the manager and audition? Is it a straightforward process? What if they have never taken their clothes off in front of a crowd? Are they recommended to be bar waitresses first? Should they start at small clubs before going for the big names? Do the large corporate chains handle things much differently than the independents? What advice would you give a young woman seeking to break into the business? What questions does she need to answer for herself?
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LDK in the making7 years ago
Is that Reddit thread a joke. "If it happens, tell the dancer to stop immediately" WTF??
If doesn't happen, ask for your money back.
If doesn't happen, ask for your money back.
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Do you tell them you are married ?7 years ago
Didn't read all the comments, TBH, just skipped ahead to the part of adding my $0.02
Strippers don't give a fuck! Morally conflicted? Please, if anyone runs into a stripper who is morally conflicted about taking money from a married man exchange for rubbing his dick, please post here.
I did tell the "I how I met my wife" story to one stripper recently, and she loved it and talked about her divorce. I can guarantee there was not moral conflict there.
Strippers don't give a fuck! Morally conflicted? Please, if anyone runs into a stripper who is morally conflicted about taking money from a married man exchange for rubbing his dick, please post here.
I did tell the "I how I met my wife" story to one stripper recently, and she loved it and talked about her divorce. I can guarantee there was not moral conflict there.
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Can I know best strip club in sfo7 years ago
Look at the reviews. Your question is the basis of this site's existence
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Can I know best strip club in sfo7 years ago
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Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?7 years ago
Sounds good Chairsky. My last bit of advice -- try the short game first. Do a session for smaller $$ and keep to an exotic interlude in the hotel room. If that works out, try the fancy stuff and/or overnight. If the first session is awkward, the more elaborate ones will be a nightmare. Otherwise, you can ratchet it up and have fun with a more date-like experience.
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Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?7 years ago
Agreed Max. (I knew someday I'd learn to regret tattooing "ATM" on my forehead!)
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Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?7 years ago
Sounds good. For those with OTC experience, I agree that sounds better than an escort, and I agree which you describe @Subraman and others, that would go for a heavy price with traditional P4P. That's not my thing any more. I am reformed. But I did see a lot of women who were relatively high-end caliber and I routinely paid < $100 for a suck-and-fuck (not specific time limit but ranged from 15 to 45 min). They would talk about getting $1500/night and doing dinner dates or extended stays. But that wasn't remotely what I wanted. But if I had rapport with a dancer and do things on a slow pace over more than an hour. Sure $300 doesn't sound unreasonable.
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Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?7 years ago
@Warrior15 -- I am not sure who is doing the laughing on that one. I have paid $150/hr in every region of the country, even Las Vegas. I have paid a lot less too. And not much more. I am not talking about chicks who have to put their dentures on the nightstand to get going. Anything above $150/hr is for agencies and well-established providers. And suckers.
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Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?7 years ago
And yes, while I again I am not OTC pro, if this is a "for the night" kinda gig, then the price is higher. If it is a BJ then she hits the road that is something else. As I wrote in my first post, good advice requires context. But I tend to disagree at there are "OTC prices" and "Escort prices" -- I think the local pay-for-play market sets the price, and then it is whatever is worked out. But bottom line, yes you are correct that I am applying escort economics to this, which I would be willing to concede maybe misaligned. But I have 'dated' a lot of escorts who also strip (or otherwise "stripped") and unless they have a good book of business, they will and should be held to escort prices.
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Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?7 years ago
Fair enough. The only thing OTC that I can claim credit to is a stripper (quite hot) who said "my shifts up so meet me outside." And that was $80 for a very elaborate HJ (basically an abbreviated version of the best VIP room treatment I've had)
If she is a marque stripper whose 'next level' is OTC then I agree. If she's an OTR semi-pro who doesn't want to pay the house its cut, then I then $150 is generous. I don't know the context here.
If she is a marque stripper whose 'next level' is OTC then I agree. If she's an OTR semi-pro who doesn't want to pay the house its cut, then I then $150 is generous. I don't know the context here.
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Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?7 years ago
Impala has a pretty innovative strategy, but I am a free market guy. $300 is stratospheric for an escort in every city except may Las Vegas. If she is a semi-pro, with no agency, no risk, a vetted client, you should NOT be paying anything like that. If has is just a worn-out 30+ stripper, not a pornstar or feature dancer, anything above $150/hr is charity.
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Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?7 years ago
@Subraman -- sounds like you're overpaying
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Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?7 years ago
If you want to take the flake element out of it -- and if she's a semi-pro (which it sounds like) the flake risk is sky high -- then ask for an incall (her location).
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Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?7 years ago
Fuck San Jose Guy. I hit ignore on that motherfucker so I'm missing all his good posts.
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Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?7 years ago
AGREED WITH THE ABOVE -- yeah, but outcall hookers and strippers are notorious flakes (that's a euphemism). All my experiences have been on the road when the room is already paid for (the fuck if I am going to do this near my home!) so all my advice assumes you have the room.
I am giving advice on outcall service providers and just throwing out commonsense platitudes on pay-for-play. So I am overstepping on advice about OTC with a stripper -- never done except for fucked whores who said they stripped.
Don't get the room in advance. That's good advice. At the same time, based on your questions you seem pretty green (no offense) so my advise added the other advice isn't going to hurt.
I am giving advice on outcall service providers and just throwing out commonsense platitudes on pay-for-play. So I am overstepping on advice about OTC with a stripper -- never done except for fucked whores who said they stripped.
Don't get the room in advance. That's good advice. At the same time, based on your questions you seem pretty green (no offense) so my advise added the other advice isn't going to hurt.
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Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?7 years ago
*With an outcall off of the internet (i.e., when they come to do)
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Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?7 years ago
That extra-long comment was just for question #1.
> 2. Someone mentioned it is very dangerous to do OTC, and I remember one thing to do is to text the hotel room number to the dancer only 30 mins before appointment, is that true?
Need to know more of your setup, but mostly, no it is not. With an incall off of the internet and not through an agency, there is a reasonable chance of having it be a setup for a robbery. In this case there is practically zero chance of that.
In either case, what the hell is giving her the room number only 30 minutes prior going to do for you?? Don't do outcall off the internet. I have don't in years past in drunken moments of weakness. And they ranged from mundane to truly hot (with a young black masseuse who I fucked multiple times for the price of a massage and no tip -- it was a while ago, in fact so long ago I got her out of the Yellow Pages.) I was lucky every time. Times have changed and this is much more of a bad scene now.
If you're worried about it, first all have NOTHING but the agreed upon cash with you (and perhaps your car keys.) Leave you wallet, ID, wedding ring, Rolex, everything in your car. Leave your car keys with the front desk and tell them your going on a run (this is optional).
Discuss before if she is coming alone (that shouldn't be assumed and may not be likely) and make sure the peephole works. When she gets in lock the door behind her.
But if it was a setup for a robbery (which I seriously doubt, like 100% doubt) then whether you give her the room number 30 min or 30 hours before doesn't make a difference.
> 2. Someone mentioned it is very dangerous to do OTC, and I remember one thing to do is to text the hotel room number to the dancer only 30 mins before appointment, is that true?
Need to know more of your setup, but mostly, no it is not. With an incall off of the internet and not through an agency, there is a reasonable chance of having it be a setup for a robbery. In this case there is practically zero chance of that.
In either case, what the hell is giving her the room number only 30 minutes prior going to do for you?? Don't do outcall off the internet. I have don't in years past in drunken moments of weakness. And they ranged from mundane to truly hot (with a young black masseuse who I fucked multiple times for the price of a massage and no tip -- it was a while ago, in fact so long ago I got her out of the Yellow Pages.) I was lucky every time. Times have changed and this is much more of a bad scene now.
If you're worried about it, first all have NOTHING but the agreed upon cash with you (and perhaps your car keys.) Leave you wallet, ID, wedding ring, Rolex, everything in your car. Leave your car keys with the front desk and tell them your going on a run (this is optional).
Discuss before if she is coming alone (that shouldn't be assumed and may not be likely) and make sure the peephole works. When she gets in lock the door behind her.
But if it was a setup for a robbery (which I seriously doubt, like 100% doubt) then whether you give her the room number 30 min or 30 hours before doesn't make a difference.
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Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?7 years ago
$300 is a lot for 30+ and as a dancer she does not have the risk and overhead of an escort.
If this is a multi-hour thing with multiple shots, different positions then recover, then going again. Sure $300 is okay.
You are bringing her found money -- little to no risk. Is she hosting or are you? If you, then even more so.
This is business. Don't be scared and don't be weird. Tell her what you want to do and what you expect.
But for better advice, provide more info... Where (hotel, etc.?) and what do you want (quickie? multi-hour? dinner? BJ in the car?) How hot is she? What kind of club and dancer? I.e., does she strike you as a $500/hr escort or $80/quickie type?
The $300-$500/hr escorts are few and far between. Almost all are through agencies AND have names (pornstar, etc) otherwise a regular escort you would have found on BackPage before the seizure would be $200/hr tops for someone experienced and very good looking. The part-time, semi-pro, under-the-radar "30+" types would get $50-$100/hr for a quick (15 min bj and fuck) and maybe tops $200 (more likely $150) for a full hour, with 2 shots on goal.
This is a fantasy for you, but it is for her as well. Most dancers who put out ITC club will do gigs OTC and when they know you as a regular, where YOU are providing a safe location, and she has a comfort level with you, then you have already lowered the risk premium by a huge factor. Now it is just agreeing a price and you can feel free to offer less than $300 without being cheap.
Again, don't know what you want for a service. But telling her that you'd like to make this a regular thing around her schedule, and need to find a number you can afford, that is not going to be met with alarm.
I used to find these "under the radar" types. One was a hot millennial who was skinny with huge tits, would text her and meet in her car in the parking garage between our office, and would jerk me off for $60 but we never went beyond that (and she didn't in a million years think of herself as a whore)
Another was a neighborhood mom. Basically FWB and we'll text back and forth. She wouldn't have made it too far as a dancer, but she was cute enough, with killer tits, and every few weeks she'd give me the greatest BBBJ and lick up every drop. Was just a cool chick. Unfortunately she got outed socially and went underground (luckily wasn't in my clique)
These arrangements are great and not what the $300/hr pro can command.
If this is a multi-hour thing with multiple shots, different positions then recover, then going again. Sure $300 is okay.
You are bringing her found money -- little to no risk. Is she hosting or are you? If you, then even more so.
This is business. Don't be scared and don't be weird. Tell her what you want to do and what you expect.
But for better advice, provide more info... Where (hotel, etc.?) and what do you want (quickie? multi-hour? dinner? BJ in the car?) How hot is she? What kind of club and dancer? I.e., does she strike you as a $500/hr escort or $80/quickie type?
The $300-$500/hr escorts are few and far between. Almost all are through agencies AND have names (pornstar, etc) otherwise a regular escort you would have found on BackPage before the seizure would be $200/hr tops for someone experienced and very good looking. The part-time, semi-pro, under-the-radar "30+" types would get $50-$100/hr for a quick (15 min bj and fuck) and maybe tops $200 (more likely $150) for a full hour, with 2 shots on goal.
This is a fantasy for you, but it is for her as well. Most dancers who put out ITC club will do gigs OTC and when they know you as a regular, where YOU are providing a safe location, and she has a comfort level with you, then you have already lowered the risk premium by a huge factor. Now it is just agreeing a price and you can feel free to offer less than $300 without being cheap.
Again, don't know what you want for a service. But telling her that you'd like to make this a regular thing around her schedule, and need to find a number you can afford, that is not going to be met with alarm.
I used to find these "under the radar" types. One was a hot millennial who was skinny with huge tits, would text her and meet in her car in the parking garage between our office, and would jerk me off for $60 but we never went beyond that (and she didn't in a million years think of herself as a whore)
Another was a neighborhood mom. Basically FWB and we'll text back and forth. She wouldn't have made it too far as a dancer, but she was cute enough, with killer tits, and every few weeks she'd give me the greatest BBBJ and lick up every drop. Was just a cool chick. Unfortunately she got outed socially and went underground (luckily wasn't in my clique)
These arrangements are great and not what the $300/hr pro can command.