Philly Club Visit for a Slightly Unconvential Couple

New York
My girlfriend is joining me on a business trip to Philly. We'll be there on a Monday and Tuesday.
We haven't previously gone to a stripclub together. She's been without me, and I have certainly been to many, including in Philly. But this is new for us.
I am old and unnoteworthy. She is almost 30 years younger than me, mid-20s, hot AF with fake boobs and piercing eyes and killer smile. She also has a hair-trigger temper and goes from 0 to 11 faster than I can put my drink on the counter. She is super-chill overall and a lot of fun, but everywhere we go she gets hit on, whether I am there or not (and I am 6'5" and 300lb, not usually a guy who takes a lot of shit.) Predictably it is always by the douchiest bros who are seemingly used to rejection or otherwise have nothing else to lose. It's not a thing really, but because of this, I wouldn't take her to the clubs I usually would visit in Philly.
With that said, I want to go somewhere that she can have tits in her face for less than my car payment, and not have to worry about it turning into a scene. I am thinking Delilah’s, which I have never been to. I went to Oasis once for a b-party, but normally I would go to Outer Space, Set-It-Off, Show-n-Tel, Venus Video (booths), otherwise places where the ambiance is not your primary concern. These are not places I want to bring her, so I am out of my element on this.
Would sincerely appreciate your advice!
We haven't previously gone to a stripclub together. She's been without me, and I have certainly been to many, including in Philly. But this is new for us.
I am old and unnoteworthy. She is almost 30 years younger than me, mid-20s, hot AF with fake boobs and piercing eyes and killer smile. She also has a hair-trigger temper and goes from 0 to 11 faster than I can put my drink on the counter. She is super-chill overall and a lot of fun, but everywhere we go she gets hit on, whether I am there or not (and I am 6'5" and 300lb, not usually a guy who takes a lot of shit.) Predictably it is always by the douchiest bros who are seemingly used to rejection or otherwise have nothing else to lose. It's not a thing really, but because of this, I wouldn't take her to the clubs I usually would visit in Philly.
With that said, I want to go somewhere that she can have tits in her face for less than my car payment, and not have to worry about it turning into a scene. I am thinking Delilah’s, which I have never been to. I went to Oasis once for a b-party, but normally I would go to Outer Space, Set-It-Off, Show-n-Tel, Venus Video (booths), otherwise places where the ambiance is not your primary concern. These are not places I want to bring her, so I am out of my element on this.
Would sincerely appreciate your advice!
dancewdcpa - thanks for the response, that's great info! I forget to reference smoking. That's a real issue as we both hate the smell of cigarette smoke (I am an ex-smoker, she has never smoked and *hates* it). Is there smoking at Deliahs? That would definitely point us to Oasis. 50% (or $50?) would be good. The great thing about millennials -- they insist on pay for half of everything (50% right down the middle) and I am a bargain hunter a clubs (hence a preference for places like Outer Space) so the more we can save (without looking cheap) the better.