
Comments by TonyT2

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Please don't grope my stripper!
    Wow. That sucks.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Please don't grope my stripper!
    Cowboy, I've heard story after story of men that come into the club that the girls have to avoid. Some of them don't sign in to work if they see a particular abuser. This pisses me off because I like those girls. Seems to me that the managers at this place should have some decorum. I don't know but I see the problems with that. Who wants to be labeled as the strip club that doesn't let you touch the girls? I appreciate those that commented that consent, even if non verbal, is important before touching. I hate to think of the BS I've heard from my strippers who are now my friends at the club.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What kind of scams have you seen on S/A ?
    Yeah I’m a fucking sucker and hopeful rather than cautious. However, I’m now wise and if I get back to SA I will Subraman’s advice lessons.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Please don't grope my stripper!
    While hilarious comments... I can’t agree you can touch with out permission. Even if I come up to put my arm around a stripper I haven’t invited back for dances yet, I look for that confirmation of a look. It is so much better for me when I respect the women that bare all for me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What kind of scams have you seen on S/A ?
    SA was exciting at first but mostly frustrating after several attempts to meet someone. I just ended the last SA relationship I had yesterday, realizing it was going no where. I do have on other potential SA date, but she is away for the summer and we'll see after that if we want to continue. Here are the scams I've received. 1. asking for money ahead of meet and greet (to show your serious) and never meeting. 2. agreeing to traditional arrangement but surprised after a few meetings when you are trying to be more affectionate and flirty and they weren't into that and surprised you are suggesting it. 3. agreeing to an arrangement but once the money is received not fulfilling the time commitment. 4. there are those that are asking for money right off the bat for pictures or just to continue chatting, but I don't fall for those. But 1 2 and 3 I've foolishly been a part of. Now I'm wise, though and harder to dupe. All in all, strippers are far more trustworthy, hotter and more fun than any of my SA dates. I have yet though to find the balance of sweet woman I can care about and care for who will also sleep with me. There are strippers who will, but they aren't the ones I'd like to spend time with. I've suspended my SA account to focus on a stripper I met at the club and have been dating on the side. My stripper sugar baby, who doesn't sleep with me, is fully supportive of my efforts.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Locked down the dancer again
    1k to lock someone down. Well top 5% talent.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    PayPal, Venmo, cash, ApplePay, etc
    Cash is king. Anyone use those cash apps and come have it haunt you?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Drug dealers in the club.
    I’m sorry man. that is one of the most frustrating experiences.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I have entirely stopped going to strip clubs on Fri/Sat nights
    Some of the most amazing women I’ve met have been on a Friday night. Of course my favorite group works during the day.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    somewhere fun
    Positive SA experience
    I’ve received more ppm offers on SA than inquires about Sugar relationship. The offers for ppm seem like a different lot than those on backpage like sites. I think most Men in SA must expect sex on the first date and the women are just meeting expectations. However, I’m still a newbie and that is just my hypothesis. I’m not interested in PPM (anymore), but if I was at a strip club all night and had that offer I’d likely have made the same decision you did.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    I was going to lay off this discussion but Coffee girl just texted me. She says she totaled her car this morning and broke her phone and just got a new phone. I mean she could be telling the truth. They are young. They will be flakes. OK. On another note, one of the SA girls I chatted with is like best friends with my current SB. The SA girl outed me to my SB. My current SB, the sweetheart that she is, just laughed and we had a good time joking about what if I had accepted a meet. She's a keeper. I may be done with SA as long as she is in my life.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    LOL... I am not a troll and RandomMemeber, you give me way too much credit. I was going on the date and gave the wrong times by accident. I’m a bad typist on my iPhone X as I was used to the plus size. I’ll do better to proof read. I AM a newbie on this site and with SA. I have only had one “SB” and it started at a club. This relationship, which surprised me (after ten years of casual club visits), led me to seek the advice of this forum. So I really suck at SA! Two women I have been chatting with, blocked me today. I’m a nice guy but maybe that is the problem. I am going to do a new post about my current “SB.” But before then let me finish my post on these two first dates. The one that flaked this morning hasn’t texted me back. Last I heard she was getting her friend to “a meet” last night and I’m a little worried about her but from what y’all say flaking is normal, so I won’t worry too much. I also had a date with an SA woman this afternoon for drinks that she convinced (unfarely with some photos) to make it potential play. However she hasn’t responded texts since 10am. This world is difficult but thrilling. I may have to go back to OTC attempts because there are so few women meeting my criteria on SA was n my area. Thanks for all the feedback on this and sorry for my terrible typing and pathetic noviceness. I feel like I’ve found other like minded people on this forum and hope I haven’t offended anyone, because I need you guys!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    I am not frustrated. I am just way more and all part of this and the chase.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    Trolling? Are you saying I’m make Ng up my pathetic hopefulness? No. Me a little be drinking coffee
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    Had another date for drinks and now she wants to play on first date.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    Well here I am like a chump... 11 min late.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    She responded on third try and we agreed (again) on place to have coffee (not Starbucks).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    OK Rescheduled for coffee Wednesday maybe bring.... I see points about coffee, but she does mention how much she loves coffee in her profile. Texted twice to ask how she is feeling and to say I’m looking forward to tomorrow. No response. She may be flake. But I did spent 2 hours with my OTC friend today, in the club.... she is an unbeliavably good kisser. So I’m good if flaked on... on the the next one. Will keep you updated.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anyone ever stay in and jack off?
    not if I had the time and money.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    Undefined (I need to proof read.)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    I would be happy with a few months. Any longer and I woukd fall in Love ( not helpful). Nah I fall in love much earlier. I’m screwed really. Keep me honest guys like you did with my last post. With my current I defined arrangement (otc) I have come to good spot in my head. I’m still crazy about her but I get what she is after.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    Human not gonna
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    ALLnof this is helpful guys. Someday I’ll be able to help out. Going for a walk is a great idea for discretion as well as conversation encourager. I maybe counting my chickens but I don’t plan on seeing her again if she isn’t the sweet woman she’s been so far and is too far from her pictures. I am very gonna and personable to the women I meet in this industry. Almost too much sometimes. Respect is important and if you show it you get it (mostly).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    I am about mitigating risk like any good risk manager. I am hoping the risk is with the reward. She said she wanted to skype today, but me better in person so maybe just a call. I don’t know if I want to see her while she has koodies.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?