
Comments by max_starr (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    A budget needs to include money a hotel.
    Push the envelope...the worst they can say is no.....You'll be surprised at the results.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    How do you find a hooker in a casino?
    I found Vegas wonderful.....hang out in Caesar's at the bar and a steady stream will come and sit with you in the evening and you can take your pick. You can get away with paying $200 - 500....I've talked them into staying "all night" about 4-6 hours....Then, even walking around I've run into them at Margaritaville, Hard Rock Casino, The Wynn....Just about everywhere....Their standard line is..are you here alone? I had a couple play me really smooth too....act like interested single females and 15 minutes later she's talking about "are you gonna take care of me?" Yeah, if you can't find a hooker/escort in vegas you need serious help.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Whats the best way to travel with a decent amount of Cash ?
    I keep my cash in a business bank bag going through airports with my fincen mtr registration inside...never had a problem from TSA....with 20K
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    bonding atf/sb out of jail
    None of this imaginary....but I've managed to stay away thus far....I have informants keeping me posted on atf and friends....They aren't doing well. She has called me and her friends and I have declined to meet them out or go into the SC....I like hearing the stories though.....their game is truly weak.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Whats the best way to travel with a decent amount of Cash ?
    you can travel with what you like....I prefer to split it up and hide it well...No need to ever go into the SC with more than 1K in the wallet in my book....I often carry 20-30K for trading purposes but it is well hidden in the car and not on me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Sitting at someone else's tip at the stage
    wtf....put it in her strap or hand it to her....I'm not tipping anyway if she's not giving me her direct attention
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    bonding atf/sb out of jail
    Yeah life would be simpler if she was imaginary...unfortunately shes for real for real...I also never cheated for my entire life until after being married and only being able to enjoy porn most of the time...I didn't like cheaters, I didn't understand them at all. Once I got tired of jerking off for five years, and I experienced some really great sex with someone who really paid attention and then spent time with me, as much time as I had....(all day if I wanted)...it really changed something in me. I'm not a stud, nor am I totally ugly...I could find a civilian girl if I was single...It just happened that this girl got attached to me and undoubtedly my money and things happened from there. I certainly never planned it...It was insane, exciting, and dangerous...... If i was going to make up a story, I wouldn't have been so pathetic in it...and I'd have rode off into the sunset.....But I'm not making this up....I couldn't even....Yes gawker is a legend....but I don't quite have his budget and I'm still married...He is a widower......and a bit older than me...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    bonding atf/sb out of jail
    My mother did something similar when we were kids...And I remember her saying her mother did it as well...When she was really upset she'd threaten to leave and never come back.... My wife will still say similar things to my kids once in a great while too without realizing it...very hurtful statements that aren't necessary....and myself I have told my wife similar things when I'm in great pain...I want to leave and never come back.....I'm not sure we always realize the pain such statements can cause.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    bonding atf/sb out of jail
    I did want to post this here for those who were following it....obviously I'm an asshole for cheating instead of divorcing lesson learned....I was taking some bad advice to get laid so I wasn't worried about sex so much that it became a problem...If I had told her I wanted a divorce due to no sex, she would have probably finally realized it was important to me without me causing unnecessary pain and misery. I was fixated on the 5 years of her telling me she wanted a divorce in my mind it already happened.....another big mistake.....these women will tell you things like "I'm leaving", "you should leave", "We're done"....over and over to hurt you but not mean it...You can't always take them literally.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    bonding atf/sb out of jail
    Sorry for those that didn't know the beginning of the story...I met this dancer after my wife wasn't having sex with me for about five years and kept telling me she wanted a divorce for five years. My mistake was to go to a strip club....instead of getting the divorce. And get asked for OTC....and then dating, yes I'm an ass and wrong and all that. You got me there. After I did that, my wife decides she wants to bang me brains out every single day...I'm not too see the stripper any more and stay out of the club....This blurb was my last contact with her and an additional fuckup of paying her fine... now upright citizen the ex was pissed because she went behind his back and called me .... she was still trying to ditch him and come live with me...problem is I decided not to ditch my family I have to much invested and I do love them after all even if 5 years of little or no sex....They also put up with my shit as well....my wife actually found out about a lot of this coming directly from me...except the fine she found the receipt which was very bad because I wasn't supposed to do that and obviously I didn't tell her.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    bonding atf/sb out of jail
    someone just sent me this.... http://i.imgur.com/TQl95Ji.jpg
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Bitcoin is in a bear market now...headed down to 5K.....I only make money because I buy it from people who need to sell at a discount, and sell to those who want to buy at a markup.....I do this over and over again.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    more atf updates....
    and leave the needy stripper alone....
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    more atf updates....
    I need to remember why I originally hooked up.... I wasn't getting sex at home for the last five years...The wife yelled and screamed at me she wanted a divorce....I felt our arguments were affecting the children....Someone in recovery said, go take care of yourself sexually or else you'll go use again...(but not to leave) I go to the club...meet this girl....instead of just OTC she's all like "I'm in love with you" I don't believe her, but she's with me a lot....way too much in fact...She seems genuine and sincere, but I'm sure its the dope talking...and even if she is sincere, she's not emotionally mature enough to do what she says she'll do and try to get off dope. Unfortunately for me, the sex is phenomenal beyond my wildest expectations....Hanging out with her and her stripper friends, and other friends is giving me an adrenaline high.... So what am I doing? I'm using sex and using their lifestyle to get a high....I don't feel a need to wallow in her drama, but I probably fit the addictive personality piece. After finding out about this my wife no longer wants a divorce and wants to have sex all the time...Talk about some fucked up therapy...She never wanted to go to marriage counseling before, she just wanted to control me... So really I need to work on what I'm going to do with her possibly through counseling because we still have the argument issues and each of us has our own psych issues....
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    more atf updates....
    Thanks @rickdugan for what I need to hear...What I already know... How could I not possibly bond her out, easy... plus I already promised 2 people i wouldn't so I have an excuse.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    more atf updates....
    yeah its sad she won't even make an attempt to stay off them....I tried many times when I was younger until I was successful finally....If you don't try, you can't get clean imo.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    more atf updates....
    Last night....I get calls from her housemate and her ex? bf......begging me not to bond her out...apparently she's calling everyone trying to get out now...She tries to call me last night but I can't talk to her with my wife sitting next to me lol...I told her housemate/friend and her ex I won't be bonding her out...even though its only like $900 Today she calls me begging to bond her out...She says she'll come and live with me in an apartment...But she says she's going right back to using....Well, i am talking with an attorney about divorce and my wife and I will likely be splitting soon, but I'm not read to just up and walk out like that...I have kids and I have responsibilities etc. regardless of what I'd like to do... And as an ex addict...Do I really want to be exposed daily all day to someone using? I tell her no I'm not going to bond you out...She's trying to guilt trip me...She says she'll fuck me as soon as she's out...I tell her thats not going to work on me...I'm not a 15 year old boy. She threatens not to talk to me again...Man she's really desperate to get out and use again...So I tell her I'm at work, and I can't leave...and everyone would hate me, and I don't want to see her use...All the excuses....So then she says how about I have my friend come and get the money and he can bond me out then no one will blame you? Well, I talk to her friend and he and I decide its not going to happen....Hopefully she can't find anyone else....because like he said, she has many people she could tap, but luckily doesn't have the phone#'s available to her in jail. Anyway i tell her I'll think about it...she just responds angrily...and I tell her whats wrong with doing the time and getting time served? She says if you were in there I'd come and get you right out...hmm....with what money? Maybe I shouldn't have put that money on her phone and commissary....But I did...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Ignore feature
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    more atf updates....
    I have made quite a few club friends who treat me pretty well and don't even ask for money, so I've gained a bunch of crazy chicks I can talk to as well....
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    more atf updates....
    I thank everyone for their thoughts...I have let her know (via letter because she's in jail detoxing), that I'm on to her game....She was telling her bf and myself the same thing....that she wasn't with the other guy .... playing us against each other...obviously on my end for the money...Him she feels bad for and just likes his dick... This is why I chose to measure what I spent and made sure i didn't destroy myself financially...and why I'll post updates on my adventures so i can get feedback and not end up like gawker and some others... I do PM several members too about these things including gawker. I have learned a lot, hopefully I can spend 90-95% less in the future..while still enjoying SC's and possible an OTC or two.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    SB Budget
    I explained to Dominic I have a couple sources of income...my salary, and investment income from bitcoin which can vary wildly...I did spend way to much, I have cut back.....But it was an interesting experiment...I learned things I could have never dreamed of about people and about dancers....I'm really not a wealthy person at all, I just had a large chunk of extra money at a time when I could experiment. My atf/sb is now in jail detoxing, I may never see her again....I wish the best for her as I encouraged her to do this over the months and to start talking with her parents again...Hopefully she can recover from the horrible disease of addiction...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    more atf updates....
    I love it when a plan comes together
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    more atf updates....
    Sweet.... no I've actually talked to the boyfriend now and a housemate of hers now and I've discovered her whole entire plot...shes just looking for the BBD...when she gets out she'll have a choice to make. Though she wants anything for me anymore it'll be p4p.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    more atf updates....
    When she comes out of jail she's going to have a surprise. If she wants any money from me, itll be p4p only from now on.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    more atf updates....
    Well i found out tonight shes been playing me against the bf all along. She told him we werent having sex and me that he was only staying around until he found a better place. Shes holding out for the BBD.