
SB Budget

Cleveland, Ohio
Monday, June 4, 2018 2:11 PM
The first month I was seeing my atf/sb I think I spent about 3K....then we didn't see each other until the beginning of may....in May I spent over 7K.....at least 2K of that was, I owe you one later (LOL).... that's why i just call her my SB now instead of an atf p4p.... I told her no way am I going to spend that much in June...I'm going to be more of a dick and insist on FS for pay....She usually takes 300 for FS though I have spend as little as 150 and as much as 400 sometimes...It is often need based on her part..I'm thinking 1K per week should be my budget now... comments? suggestions? Want to yell at me because I'm stupid and spent that much? Go.


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    You do what you want. Strip clubs offer the power trip of See - Want -Get. But you can only have that with a given girl once. Outside arrangements have their other advantages. In the organization I am building, you would be getting drained dry by stripper grade hotties 365 days per year, and no charge above the existing membership dues. SJG
  • joc13
    6 years ago
    1K total budget, or 1K on her? I mean are you just meeting for sex, or are you going on dates? Are you also paying for hotels?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Where do you want things to go with her? SJG
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Do people just come here and make shit up? So you’re saying you plan on spending $52k on a stripper in a year? Side note - Juice there’s 52 weeks in a year that’s how I got that number.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ people have spent that and more. Max, what it is that you want to see happen? SJG
  • Darkblue999
    6 years ago
    I spent $1400.00 on ATF in MAY. That is the max amount I have spent in a month in a Strip club.This month I would be spending $0.00 ,
  • DrunkPraetorian
    6 years ago
    Damn, 1k a week? I wish I could do that
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ Same question to you Dark, $1400 per month in perpetuity is a lot of money. $1400 once is fine. But where do you want things to go with this girl? SJG SEX WORKERS & COMMUNITY PROTEST TO OPPOSE FOSTA/SESTA Harmful legislation does nothing to support sex workers or survivors of trafficking [view link]
  • Darkblue999
    6 years ago
    Haha..That $1400 would be for 4 months of visits...I had a blast like never before..it was my dream come true. This won't go any where..stays in the club .It's just a fantacy. I have a yearly budget set aside ..it won't go beyond that limit.
  • scgato
    6 years ago
    Sometimes the p**sy is so good, you lose count of how much you spend. I’ve blown 3k in a week a few times. Not smart but YOLO. Budget goes out the door with that girl.
  • Titus23
    6 years ago
    Highest weekend for me was 2800 spread across 4 days. Highest single trip was 1500. I average about a grand every week, though I'm about to have an extended absence due to work.
  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    OP: Hey, if you are in the top 1% of earners or are a multi-multi millionaire than go for it. Otherwise, you will probably soon find out its not worth it. If you are just entering the bowl, it is very easy to overspend. At least for me that "owe you later" rarely materializes. If you are comfortable spending 50+ a year on a SB, consider setting one up in an apartment having her available 24/7. Might have to search for one open to the that but I bet they are out there. Envious man, I wish I had that kind of cash to burn for a SB.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    If you are questioning your spend and cant sustain it then you are spending too much.
  • houjack
    6 years ago
    Only you know how much is too much. If you can afford it, whatever "afford it" means to you, then enjoy. If you're wondering if you're getting your money's worth. Again, that's up to you, you'll drive yourself insane trying to compare your pussy per dollar with others.
  • joc13
    6 years ago
    there are plenty of SB wannabe girls out there that want 1k per week for just 1 or 2 meets per week. one girl I talked to wanted 2k per month to cover the 1st meet and another 500ppm for any more after that.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Holy crap ! It would be cheaper to get another wife ! I thought SA was the cheaper way to go ????
  • joc13
    6 years ago
    not necessarily. there are lower cost options available but they are not common and you might spend a lot of time searching (just like the girls who want 5k per month have to spend lot of time searching)
  • HungryGiraffe
    6 years ago
    Started a former stripper SB at $1K/month, but soon settled on a consistent $600/month. Our meetups, which typically involved overnight PSE-level playtime and GFE dating, happened 2-3 times a month. Lasted almost 3 years, then we amicably moved on. Truly miss her.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    This is very much a YMMV type discussion. It also depends on what you like. If you like a regular reliable girl (which I do for a variety of reasons) then you can get better value. If you like varity then you are more likely to get more hustle wich costs more and you will strikeout with some. If you are just impulsive and "gotta have that girl" then thats gonna cost you too... You have to be willing to say no. Probably my favorite girl was a dancer I paid a couple of months with (for $3k, my highest ammount ever) and our schedules just could not mesh enough and we started blaming each other. I really really like her but there was some unnecessary drama and I just had to cut loose. That was stretching my self imposed budget to its limit. Since then I found actual college girls to be much more reliable and willing to take less for steady income. I have had a few and my present steady college girl is $1k per month with 6 to 8 visits, low drama and she would see me more if I had better availability. In any case I say patience and some measure of self control will carry you the long haul. But if you idolize Lamar Odom well...
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    "I'm stupid and spent that much?" Depends. Can you easily afford it? If so, and you're having fun, go for it. If not and you're dipping into savings / retirement, then cut it with that stupid shit. My personal opinion is that you're overpaying at 1k per week, but it's your budget.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    I have a somewhat arbitrary budgeting algorithm: <1% of net worth per year, without considering salary. Rationale is that corporate bonds are paying about 4% (safely) and I won't notice if that's 3%. There's no girl on earth who is worth $7K. Not even a supermodel. There's no reason to overpay because there's about a 20-to-1 ratio b/w "real" SDs and SBs. I target beautiful college girls who are experimenting with sugaring. I pay zero for hotels, shopping, traveling -- but tend to pay about 20% above what I think is fair market rate.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Post got cut off because of the dreaded (less than) sign
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    I have a somewhat arbitrary budgeting algorithm: (less than) 1% of net worth per year without any regard to salary. Rationale is that corporate bonds are paying about 4% (safely) and I won't notice if that's 3%. There's no girl on earth who is worth $7K/month. Not even a supermodel. There's no reason to overpay given the 20-to-1 ratio of "real" SDs to SBs. I target beautiful college girls who experimenting with sugaring. Pay zero for hotels, demeaning shopping trips, and travel, but do pay a little above what I think is fair market value.
  • Smalltowncpl
    6 years ago
    This is NOT ment to be trolling but.......... How big of a PL are you to spend 1k+ on a girl that ain't yours and that ain't never gonna be yours ? It's fun to go throw around some money in a club now and then but the money you guys are talking about is ridiculous. You got it all wrong. The goal is to go in pick out a girl throw some money at a little bit and then gradually get her to do all that stuff for free not keep payin her more.
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    thanks I needed a reality check, that's why I posted this here...$7,000 for the month included dinner, dates, sex (plenty of it), seeing her in the club. What is funny to note is...Seeing her in the club, which I did about once a week, was the most expensive activity. Fuck that....Typical club spend was $400-600 when you consider $10 drinks, dances, sometimes double dances, drinks for other CF lol.... Typical OTC date is 250-350 incl dinner, drinks, her, etc A few times I just hung out with her and gave her money ...but all of it damn expensive....I have the money it was all discretionary, but that isn't sustainable or reasonable in my book...Yes I have contemplated getting her a place, but she's actually staying with another SB who's daddy is footing the bill for the place...though the girls are supposed to pay "rent" that makes no sense because the other girls SD gives her the rent money and me likewise... Anyway....I'm glad I kept good records in excel or I wouldn't have even believed I spent that much....and I'm sure I might have missed a time or two...So the thing is she says she feels ashamed she spent that much and she has cut way back.....Yet we still talk and do dates, etc...The main problem is she's an addict...so really it will be whether she can get a grip on that or not....I think after 7-8k that 1K a week is a good next step, and maybe less after that...Because if I can't achieve that, then I'll have to move on. The problem is there are feelings and emotions involved so I have to be a hardass when it comes to the money I'm learning...
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    "The problem is there are feelings and emotions involved so I have to be a hardass when it comes to the money I'm learning..." ============ There's always another one around the corner, and it doesn't make any sense to get attached to your prostitute.
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    And yet another reason I'm with her...Due to time constraints...It is not easy for me to go out and meet sb's or other dancers....I have access to her nearly any time I want...I can call her, text her, go and pick her up nearly any time i want...She may have other guys, but I don't get the usual stripper delays or absences....Which means either I'm top dog or she's pretty exclusive...Yes it was an experiment in wasting cash for sure...But it was exciting and fun too.
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    Thanks @RandomMember.....Reality.
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    I do know any one of her co-workers would OTC with me now....maybe I do have some choices...They treat me differently than most of the customers....They'll sit and discuss the customers with me....One was telling me...yeah I don't give bachelor party guys good dances because they'll tip me anyway...and about how when a guy starts coming they try to maximize that in-club spending and avoid OTC....But with me, sure I'll come home and fuck you any time...They also tell me what guys names are, what they do...and some of its pretty interesting.....so be careful what you tell these girls....
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    I even know a lot about the sugar daddies...some are local politicians who house sb's and even take them on drug runs to get their stuff....so many stories.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    I’ve said it before, I got way to emotionally involved with a stripper years ago who lives 2 time zones away from me. The money spent was insane, and she was having sex with me for free! The flights, hotel rooms, and dining out in an expensive city added up quick. After that relationship ran it’s couse I vowed to never get that caught up again and so far it’s worked because it’s been almost a decade since then. Just pull back and keep your emotions in check, just go for sexual gratification. It’s a lot less expensive that way and nobody’s feelings get hurt.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    If you need an Excel spreadsheet to track your SB expenses, then you are definitely overpaying.
  • Smalltowncpl
    6 years ago
    Just to think I feel kinda bad for spending $300-$400 in the club......and that's including drinks for me and the wife.
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    LOL......I knew I was paying a lot....and she wasn't originally supposed to be a SB it just turned out that way....I write back and forth with Gawker.....at least i can say I haven't bought her a house or a car! And I think that by keeping track and looking at my budget I know I've spent to much so I can adjust now...This is better than recklessly spending all my money and self destructing...I've talked to a lot of girls and heard stories of guys who owned businesses who were wealthy and got hooked up with strippers and spent it all....sometimes on drugs, other times on girl's lifestyles and drugs... And yes I need the excel spreadsheet because its fucking shocking....and it even shocked her....she's been draining guys for a long time and says she feels bad...which she genuinely does, but she's an addict...So when she's trying not to get sick, feeling bad goes out the window... I've gotten thicker skin now too....If she says she didn't make enough money and is sick, I just say sorry that sucks....better luck tonight at work.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    Heck, yeah! Those Microsoft apps are hella expensive! ;-)
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @RandomMember - How are you paying zero for hotels? Meeting at her place?
  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    OP: If having a SB isn't impacting early retirement or your kids college fund than have a good time and don't drive yourself nuts. I see hints in your posts that the cash expenditure will become a problem. Nothing wrong with having a little fun though. Not sure I would lump in club visits with the overall cost of having a SB. They're kind of different. At a high level...just think of the number of actual hours a SB has to "work" to make that 50k. Probably just a couple of weeks worth of regular working hours. And, shit, most of those hours are spent being pampered. Not a bad gig.
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    Yeah they do have it very well.....plus a job that is virtually impossible to be fired from what I see.... I do count seeing her in the SC because....she would complain it is a slow night...I'll come up....she'll come and dance for me, high mileage as fuck yes but no extras..she gets yelled at as it is with taking of pasties and clothes and other things she's not supposed to do...and get drinks...I tell her don't be afraid to go hit up some guys and make money...but for the most part she'll just sit with me... So the spreadsheet for me represents my atf/sb expenditures.....I need an accurate figure to balance against incomes from a couple sources to ensure I'm not depleting my working capital for the one business, nor increasing my debt load either...I can see if you want to separate your club expenses from your sb expenses but to me they're one in the same for the time being. Certainly they have their life.....hard to get away from....high pay, little work....guys willing to drive them around, buy them drugs....take them shopping , whatever...I've talked with her about other options...None of them greatly appealing to her.
  • justaguy79
    6 years ago
    @RandomMember dittos to @PaulDrake's question: are you seeing your college girls in your home, or are they signing you in at the dorm security desk?
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    ^ chemistry lab. Seriously, my place
  • justaguy79
    6 years ago
    Not sure which is more risky...
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    I'm not advocating my behavior
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    @max_starr, it’s not my place to tell you how to live. To me, this would all be spending a disproportionate about of time and money on these women for perhaps not much to show for it. Also the whole “[needing] to be more of a dick and [insistent]” is foreign to me because I’ve had to do that (firm, assertive) with them since I was 15 else I would have gotten no where or been a doormat or something. Some of your visits, the dancers spending levels and their demands, makes it come across as being a doormat of a customer. I like being generous, too, but it needs to be my idea and not theirs. I tried to more emulate the guys on Tuscl and on SCJ in spending ca.$500 a SC visit. While, yes, they DO treat you better or different I came to the conclusion that I didn’t derive more satisfaction out of it than with lower spending limits. At $400 the magic, whatever it is that the 10% of customers who do 90% of the spending get, is still there. But at $240 (or less) (IMO and IME) the magic disappears. But I am STILL HAPPY just the same. But for me that level of spending was never sustainable beyond a few visits. I’m just as happy at my $60, $100, $140 levels. So I keep it there. To put things in perspective for my budget, $1400 would last me 2 years of visits, lol. And I’m perfectly fine with that. I do have a side question for you, @max_starr: how do you hide this amount of spending from the wife? Wouldn’t she notice something was up if that much $$ was missing or no longer available for other purposes? I’ve always wondered that. Not so much that she checks the accounts (mine doesn’t) but wouldn’t it impact your lifestyle negatively (even $200/mo would mine). So I’m genuinely curious.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Dominic77 I'm not being judgmental when I say if $ 200. impacts your lifestyle negatively, you need to find a cheaper hobby. This just ain't for you.
  • Darkblue999
    6 years ago
    Dominic, How many times a month you visit clubs?
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    @twentyfive, no offense taken! That's why I never really made this a hobby. I wait and only go until it is absolutely necessary for my and my wife's sanity, exhausting all other avenues and hobbies first. @Darkblue999, an integer that is either 0 or 1. Right now, it's about once a year. But ten $140 visits could easily hold me over for 2 or 3 years time. My last three visits were Apr 2018, Mar 2018, Sept 2016. 2017 was too lean for me to go, hence my budget and adulting thread. I'd love to have the disposable money that you guys have access to. I need to focus on building that first! SCing is something that I really enjoy and look forward to. It's just that I can't responsibly indulge in it much at the present. I enjoy it so much, I even joined a forum to discuss it.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Shit, I thought I spent a lot on my SB at @10K one year. But I’m a piker next to you. :)
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    I explained to Dominic I have a couple sources of income...my salary, and investment income from bitcoin which can vary wildly...I did spend way to much, I have cut back.....But it was an interesting experiment...I learned things I could have never dreamed of about people and about dancers....I'm really not a wealthy person at all, I just had a large chunk of extra money at a time when I could experiment. My atf/sb is now in jail detoxing, I may never see her again....I wish the best for her as I encouraged her to do this over the months and to start talking with her parents again...Hopefully she can recover from the horrible disease of addiction...
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