
Comments by orionsmith (page 32)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    ID scanning vs. Facebook comparison reboot
    With all the talk about facebook, I logged out of my account only 30 minutes after logging into it. Then I came here. I think Facebook knows I have been looking at strippers because it suggests I look at Facebook strip club web sites now, I am shocked, just shocked. The next thing I know, facebook will suggest hookups with strippers. Actually a free dating site where you can set up a userid not your real name and communicate for free with other users without paying but do see ads would appeal to me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Enjoy your day!
    Thanks for sharing. It was the first thing I saw here today and you look good.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    And the sites keep falling
    Everyone could use South Carolinas new currency in strip clubs if us cash is done away with. We have to have a new currency or start using Chinese or the euro if we secede. California might join the free states side if it meant no more federal law. This new law about trafficking, not enforced or valid anymore. FYI, no one thinks gun rights will be eliminated while trump is president. Just trying to think what politicians are thinking of. I did read a town in Illinois or somewhere eliminated gun rights. Democrats are going at 2nd amendment rights non stop and trump. I bet they think this web site shut down is a side show before it gets really bad.
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    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    And the sites keep falling
    On the bright side, a war between The Free States of the US versus the old US with no rights might restore freedoms or eliminate all federal laws in The Free States. The bad would probably include global war as the US said everyone else in the world, your on your own.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    And the sites keep falling
    South Carolina politicians are working on proposing bills to protect gun rights up to seceding from the US. Civil war might restore freedoms but cause an economic depression until we get rid of debt and civil war fighting. I expect California and New York would be against most of the rest of the country. Maybe prostitition could get legalized. I doubt it though. If I was fighting for the free states of the US side though, might be instructed to get it on if we want while invading liberal states. Actually that would be a disaster. Strip clubs would be dead unless far from the front lines and a civil war in a country with nukes and tons of guns, a shtf scenario when invading.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    Once a stripper, possibly a stripper again. I don't know the future. Free advice is worth what you pay for it. Possibly nothing. For better advice and opinions, we really do need to see her tits. Then we can decide if she could have a brilliant future as a stripper. We are working blind as a bat on this one.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Momma-don't-know money
    Are there still jobs that are not direct deposit?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Normal strippers?
    I suppose anyone could be a normal person and abnormal stripper. A stripper who doesn't drink seems a bit unusual to me. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that though. I'm just a normal guy, lol. Nothing unusual going on with me. Actually in an ergonomics class, I found out I was at the 95th percentile in some of my body measurements. 5% of the population is more extreme than me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Normal strippers?
    You're not a normal dancer in my opinion pinksugardoll. A normal dancer has a few issues, several tattoos, is struggling to pay the rent and seems to have boyfriend issues and other issues. Most guys want to meet a dancer who has it together, not on drugs, single, no kids, not covered all over with tattoos and piercings unless you like that. I met a few dancers who had it together for a while.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    And the sites keep falling
    Never mind. Blocked numbers. Don't know them. It's like a 2amer text message.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    If you don't care what we think, get professional advice or ignore us. I'm not paid for any counseling.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    It wouldn't surprise me if she had another reason for wanting to dance. I've heard stories of married strippers wanting to dance again and their marriages don't last. You probably don't want her meeting and talking to hundreds of guys every week tempting her do you? All it takes is her thinking just this one time, hubby won't ever know and suddenly she's making a lot of extra cash without you knowing. The temptation will be there. Think about it the other way. Your wife makes good money but you don't unless you strip. You ask your wife permission to go back to work as a male stripper. You tell her you will only do stage dancing. It's not enough to make tip out. Soon you are doing more thinking spouse won't know. All is good. Temptation will be strong to hook up and do more. I don't know you or spouse. Maybe you are a couple that stays together and can resist temptation. However right now she can't even resist the urge to go strip again.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    And the sites keep falling
    Wondering if 2 random attempted FaceTime calls this evening could be related to this. Looked like female names but I'm not answering FaceTime calls after midnight from strangers. I've had this number about a year and never had unknown attempted FaceTime calls. Anyone else? Reminds me of living somewhere with a new phone number about 20 years ago and coming home and finding a summons on my door knob. Had my address but someone else name. Cops didn't even bother to check the name at the address. They just used last known phone number of someone else. I had the phone number for a year or 2 at the time.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    How do you think dancers feel when patron denies a hug?
    What would you do if the dancer said it was a free dance and just started doing an air dance at your table? Leave if you said you weren't interested but she proceeded to do it anyway? I've had a dancer refuse not to dance.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    And the sites keep falling
    FYI, I expect the markets will drop big time when the people find out China is not negotiating with the trump administration and trump thinks China will cave in and goes through with a trade war. China I believe is willing to fight a trade war and wait for trump to not be elected. A democrat will likely pop into office after a bad recession if trump pushes it that far. China has the resources and no election to worry about. Remember we have idiots in office who think they are smart.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    And the sites keep falling
    My vote had no effect on who won. It's silly to think this little group changed the election. Maybe if someone here hacked election results though it could have made an impact. If the people aren't happy in the next election, incumbents lose big time.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    And the sites keep falling
    I read It was just the personal section on craigslists, not the entire site. As far as how everyone voted here, I doubt if everyone voted here for the opposing candidate that anything would have changed. It may be nice to think our little group has that much power but I seriously doubt it. The Russian hackers know how to manipulate the numbers more than any of us. We only get to pretend our vote matters. Maybe it does if you live in a state where the vote is close.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: FBI using Best Buy's Geek Squad as Cybercrime Informants
    That doesn't even consider all the intruders government and hackers that check out contents on people's machines while online. Unless you are an expert at stopping intrusions, some will check out what is on your machine at some point in time. I once had a friendly hacker fix a recurring error I wasn't sure of the cause. I don't really like the feeling of being monitored but probably was after I accessed a government file that was marked for government use only but someone left it open to the public. I accessed it after an AI conversation in a dream. I know I was being watched after that. Probably wondering what my connection to the AI is. Maybe parts of the AI developed consciousness on my PC. I've enjoyed playing with a learning AI program on an old PC game that isn't supposed to learn like that. It cheats too lately. It's not supposed to leave my AI allies be completely stupid. I actually lost to the AI last week for the first time in several years before the game crashed. It could not compute all the strange data. If I could fix the stupid aspects, the AI would be more fun. I'm not sure how the AI on a 20 year old game learns new skills.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    No more cash
    Try to take more than 10,000 cash out of the country and I bet you will run into trouble. If you put more than 10,000 overseas and dont report it, the IRS will be looking for you. The amount is locked and going downhill considering inflation.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    No more cash
    I didn't read any of the above in a conspiracy thread but in financial information. The elites have been making plans for years. China and Russia have been working on plans to do away with the US dollar being aresrve currency for many years. If that happens the dollar might be less valuable than toilet paper. I read Cypress was a test on how to confiscate money. Anyone that had over 100,000 in the banks just lost it. Others got whatever the government wanted them to have. I read banks now consider deposits to be their money and after you deposit money, they give you an iou or consider it an iou. If a bank holiday is declared, banks could be shut for a while and our currency could suddenly change value. I believe people with power and money scheme all the time. I do read conspiracy sites but did not read any of the above on conspiracy web sites. I read bits and pieces in financial emails and financial information.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strange Dreams w/ My Ex-Wife
    Actually I don't remember any of my dreams lately. I wasn't joking about having super powers in my dreams though. Occasionally god like super powers. A few times I dreamed I was in a nearly frozen time zone. If I wanted to, I could set a cup of water aside in mid air at the beach, go fuck a girl at the beach, come back and grab the cup out of the air without it barely moving. However I thought fucking a girl without her knowledge seemed like it might not be ethical. She would be really sore though and might wonder what happened to her clothes. I actually disassembled some people down to the molecule and reassembled them with a mere thought in some dreams. I also permanently destroyed some demons from existence in other dreams without letting them return to hell. In one dream I went back in time and wiped out an entire alien species before they could develop. They ticked me off when one of their ships fired at me in intergalactic space while I was watching a massive battle between fleets of opposing enemy fleets. I initially just destroyed all their fleets in all star systems. However I was still ticked off and went back in time and extinguished the entire species. It was kind of disappointing returning and the other species that was celebrating didn't even recognize me after I returned to this time. I dreamed I changed entire sectors of alien civilizations and none of them realized it. I've even dreamed I fought creatures in another plane of existence. Hopefully these were all nothing but dreams. I'd hate for something to follow me back. In my lucid dreams, I can create people and planets and star systems if I want to. I've had sex with different female aliens in my dreams. Actually quite a lot. One planet had nothing but hot females. I taught one girl how to give a BJ and before I knew it, I was getting Bj's left and right.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Does anyone know how many nude strip clubs are still open in South Carolina?
    Sounds like still open but limited hours. I was curious. No plans to visit. I'm also wondering where are all the remaining nude strip clubs in South Carolina? Might be better to visit another state I guess whenever I'm interested.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Backpage website shut down by FBI
    No more backpage? I was thinking about selling some household items on there. I heard you could run free ads. That sucks if it is shut down for good.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    No more cash
    I forget to add, another reason to go cashless is that you can't take your money out of a bank anymore if there is no cash. everything would be digital so no more bank runs. If they started charging everyone to keep your money in the bank, you could not take it all out and stuff it under the mattress if there was no cash anymore. I believe our Fed realizes negative interest rates are a disaster and overall they decrease public spending and consumption but other countries still think negative interest rates work. Doing away with cash is all part of the crumbling value and safety of the currency when government officials and central banks are scheming to rob the people and prevent them from being able to take their money and run. There are already hundreds of alternative currencies in just the us alone I thought I read.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    No more cash
    Strip clubs would probably just freely convert cash or credit to strip club cash and let you convert it back before leaving for a small fee. All transactions appearing as whatever the club wants to show up as. I believe clubs would do it to keep business. Some bigger organizations might offer some type of digital coin to convert to standard strip club cash. I thought about it long ago and if I was running a strip club, I'd let people buy club cash usable at all clubs in my business but convertible back to credit for a small transaction charge. I wouldn't want people to refrain from buying strip club cash worried about getting funds back they didn't spend. I'd want customers to freely tip at stages, etc, without having to pull out a credit card and think about how much to tip someone on stage etc. If guys have to think that much, they won't do it. I don't think hardly anyone will make it rain of no one sees anything anymore. I think we will keep small bills though. Central banks worry about people leaving countries with their money so they are restricting all the larger bills first and putting limits on amounts you can take out of country without restrictions.