
Comments by wiffle shwaffle (page 33)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Drugs In The Club?
    This is nothing new. I used to work with a girl at BT's Dearborn who would go to VIP immediately after review with her dealer. He'd give her stuff to sell and she would hide it under her furry legwarmers to sell to customers in VIP and other dancers all night. At one of the places I work at now, a guy will come in with cake boxes from a well known local bakery and bags of candy. He has his favorites, and they get to go to vip with him to do lines. He gives them coke to have for theirselves. I hang out because he brings me Reeses candies and I love them. Coke is extremely popular at the places I work at by customers, dancers, and also staff (bartenders, bar backs). I've never played with it myself because I have heart problems. I will say that coke is cheaper and easier to find than Adderall though. Those are the only two drugs I know of circulating in clubs locally.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I Am Going To Experiment After Hearing Everyone’s Opinions
    Come meet Nina and me at our clubs lol.
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    6 years ago
    GPS stories
    Well, one of the girls almost got fired for slapping a customer because he grabbed her pussy during a dance after she told him he couldn't touch there. So everyone was in an uproar because the club apologized to the guy for her doing that and didn't kick the guy out. Frankly, he should have been kicked out for doing that after knowing it wasn't allowed, but she also knows better. I never expect a club to side with dancers, so I was entertained with the bitchfest. But it was a lot bitching about guys touching during dances, etc.
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    6 years ago
    GPS stories
    So, I'm at my Deja Vu tonight for the first time in a long while and there is SO much GPS! I wish I could type out all of the shit I'm hearing in the locker room. Plus, there's a feature entertainer and everyone's talking shit about the feature.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dancer Question
    My club is large enough where I just literally walk away and go to one of the other floors. They're not going to find me again unless actively looking.
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    6 years ago
    Putting a Face to the Username
    Nina's looks closer to me if I had normal and natural looking hair.
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    6 years ago
    GPS stories
    Nina, you know exactly who I'm talking about! They'd all sit in the booth up by the dj and talk about random shit. Though, I was friendly with them, they always annoyed me with their better than everyone else working mentalities. I firmly believe, to be successful in this profession, you need to adapt to the changing times, customers, and overall demographics and theh never did.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    He's right - she's right - or there's blame on both sides ?
    I hate when other dancers don't tell the customer which # they're on or ask if they want another! I've always been questioned by other dancers about why I do that and that I should just rip customers off. I don't want to be in a situation like this. The dancer is an idiot because she put herself in that situation. The customer is a fuckin retard and definitely screwed her over out of their agreement. Frankly, I'm surprised the club offered to even help her. The advertised price is $10/song. Even if they'd agreed on $30/song, $10 per is the minimum he should pay. It's the fault of the dancer and bounce for neither keeping count. Honestly, everyone in that situation fucked up. Also, in a club that doesn't sell blocks of time, I offer to do so by setting a timer on my phone , so long as customers are okay with it. This dancer should have done that.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    GPS stories
    I used to work with a group of girls where Nina and I worked together who would tell me any night with leas than $800 take home in earnings was a waste of time to them. Dances were $20/song grind only & no extras. These girls earned a lot, but I always thought it was very superficial and uptight to have that mentality. I approach dancing differently and have monthly goals instead of nightly goals and try to get whatever I could and not turn down dances or be rude to customers (those girls would actually laugh at customers to their face and walk away from them).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Chicago, IL
    Ever Meet a Pornstar?
    Rachel Rocketts. I worked with her locally. I met Kendra Lust at Deja Vu back in April or May. She's really cool. Girls who do short clips or scenes don't count for me. Otherwise, I'd have a much more expansive list. Rachel and Kendra, to me, are porn stars. The girls who do a few scenes here and there are mere porn actresses and easily forgettable.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Effect of websites closing
    "At some point, we (providers and sponsors) will figure out how to use the darknet (the onion network, a/k/a TOR)" So, me being a tech nerd and having a degree in CS and knowing two programming languages, I just want to correct you. The TOR Network accesses the Deep Web. The Dark Web (not Dark Net), is only a small portion of the Deep Web. Also, there are forums on the Deep Web for these services already - you just need to know how to find them and the correct links. ;) And before anyone even dares, the Deep and Dark webs are not the same. Note: I am not link sharing. :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit Issues
    Oh, and further, here is Michigan's Compiled Law search site. If the City's Ordinance says MCL #_____, Ibuse this site to look up that MCL. http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(tdwnszm0y1onbi140t3aevrv))/mileg.aspx?page=chapterindex I'm quite versed when it comes to cabaret ordinances and laws. I got a ticket in 2013, when I was a baby stripper, and made it a point to learn all I could to not be "ignorant of the law" again. Plus, as independent contractors, the tickets are on us. We are our own business, and like any other business, laws are put in place for regulation. It is our own responsibility to know local and State cabaret ordinances/laws as independent contractors.
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    6 years ago
    Detroit Issues
    Also, I've posted this in the past, but here it is again. The City of Detroit's Sexually Orientated Business Ordinance: https://library.municode.com/mi/detroit/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PTIIICICO_CH5AM_ARTXVSEIEBU&showChanges
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    6 years ago
    Detroit Issues
    Umm.... this is should be extremely obvious. The laws are created for dancers and staff, but it goes both ways. If the dancers aren't supposed to touch, then the customers aren't either. It is literally the same here in Detroit. The ordinance says nothing about customers specifically, but the customer still gets a solicitation misdemeanor ticket if s/he touches the dancer. The dancer still gets a ticket (consent or not) for the touching taking place. Most states have a no touching clause somewhere in their cabaret laws. Also, you aren't "allowed" to touch them. Your phrasing is poor and consent to touch is appreciated.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    3 NOLA clubs raided.
    Me: will I ever get to dance in NOLA? Universe: nope. Me: fuck. :(
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit Issues
    Every State government has its own cabaret laws. If you were to do a search, use "cabaret" or "sexually oriented business" instead of "strip club".
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit Issues
    Also, to add, a lot of clubs have added platforms in vips. In case of a raid and assuming those platforms are of code (three feet away and 18 inches tall or higher), no ticket should be issued so long as the customer stays seated and the entertainer is COMPLETELY on the platform - no feet on the floor. No tickets in this scenario, unless the guy's dick is out. Also, fun fact: the MLCC (liquor commission) website lists violations for previous years. If a strip clubs has any violations, they can be found there. Even more interesting (and scary), dancer's government names will be listed if they received a vice ticket while also stating their charge(s).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit Issues
    *you're sitting on him (Wowwww, I'm a fuck up.)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit Issues
    Yes and no. Let's say vice comes in and your dancing for a customer. Your sitting on him topless. That's immediately three tickets (four if is dick is out or in you). 1 ticket for touching a customer. 1 ticket for being topless while not on a stage. 1 ticket for having your butt exposed while not on a stage. (We have to wear robes, long skirts, or serongs that cover, at minimum, our gluteal folds while working the floor.) Each ticket is a $300-$400 fine depending on the charge and is a prostitution misdemeanor. However, the judge and prosecutor will work with first (and often) second time offenders with a plea deal. The deal is usually paying each fine in full and agreeing to zero police contact for x amount of months (lately it's been 9-12 months). Zero police contact hasn't really ever been defined to my knowledge, but basically means "stay out of trouble". The Detroit City SOB Ordinance says all entertainers have to be on a permanent fixed platform of 18 inches or taller to legally be topless. The ordinance also has a strict no touching guideline and says customers and entertainers are to remain a minimum of three feet distance at all times (I could not find the specific clause, but it is there somewhere). Anyway, to answer your question - yes, it is a waste of energy and time. However, the fines bring in so much money for the city.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit Issues
    1.) Josie's a good friend of mine and I used to work with her at my former club. Nina also knows her. 2.) I gave her that meme to use for the article lol 3.) Detroit City Council is trying to drives extras out of the city limits and "clean up" the clubs. A common misperception (paranoia with the pieces of shit who frequently posts on USA Sex Guide) is that vice will come after clubs outside of the city. Detroit Vice is comprised only of city police officers and they have zero jurisdiction outside of the city limits. There was a post a few weeks ago regarding how the extras came to be so rampant and popular. Former (corrupt af) Mayor Kwamye Kilpatrick basically had vice dismantled for a few years. In 2013, vice was put back together and began raiding again.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Stupid Shit PLs Say
    I think the millennial men (mid twenties) think or assume dancers get free or discounted drinks. It's always someone who's in that age range that asks me. All of the stadiums and concerts are downtown, so we get a long or ignorant suburbanites.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Stupid Shit PLs Say
    "Your boyfriend must be so lucky." - I actually get that the most and I always say I'm single (I'm not lying), but I'm never believed. "Do you what your tattoo means?" - I have an Ohm on my shoulder and Indian guys *always* literally grab me and basically molest me to ask about my tattoo. No, retard, I figured I'd get a religious/spiritual symbol on my back without any prior knowledge of it's meaning. (I always hate when they talk about my tattoo.) "I don't want to dance, but can I get your number?" - me: "why the fuck do you think I'd give you my number if you have zero intentions to spend money on me?" Them: "I want to take you out." Me: "to the McDonald's dollar menu or dumpster diving? Fuck off." (That scenario is always the same, but may be worded differently.) "I want bareback." - Good for you, bruh. Good luck and happy testing. "Does dancing for me make you wet?" "Can I write you a check for these dances?" - a girl at my club was accepting checks from a customer for a nice solid week until she got yelled at for it "Buy me a drink." - the downtown Detroit crowd is full of lovely gentlemen. "How can you have any fun up there?" - referring to the vips not having curtains. Me: "I make sure your time spent with me is still enjoyable (or you do realize not every customer comes in for extras, right?)" I give either or both responses based off of the potential customer's body language. "Hey, can I get (insert drink order)." - Me: "Do I look like a waitress?" "It's _____'s bachelor/birthday party!"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Where Dem Hoez at
    niggas here be acting like hoes
    "But can't be dropping N-bombs just willy nilly on this site" I'm white and had an issue with the word selection, but didn't want to speak up unless someone else did as well. Definitely not cool, bruh.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Top pimp
    Well, of Mamisan is hiring, I used to be certified for realsies in massage therapy and worked at a spa in Detroit (no HEs though lol - it was a legit therapeutic only spa). But Daddy already claimed me first. Maybe he's open to sharing his girls with Mamisan...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Stupid Shit Strippers Say
    These are ALL fucking amazing. As I internally think to myself (often), dancing is perfect for many (and those it's perfect for will probably never leave dancing either). Also, most of the dancers I'm referring to are probably millennials (I am a millennial, too (but hopefully not as stupid or naive as the examples above)). Most millennials are self entitled shithead dumbasses (my own personal observation). Please stay the fuck out of this thread if you're butt hurt over misogyny. Technically, this whole discussion forum and website is misogynistic, and the few dancers who post here with me are real and down to Earth and far beyond uptight. I wonder how many StripperWeb and Facebook Shenanigans dancers have screenshot and posted some of these and are whining and crying over it all. Keep them coming, guys. These are classic. :)