Effect of websites closing

avatar for docsavage
Will the shutting down of sites like backpage and craigslist lead to an increase in customers and dancers in strip clubs looking to engage in sexual activities and will this lead to an overall increase in strip club business or will it cause an exodus of strippers and customers who don't want to be around illegal activities and that will cause a future decline in strip club business? Will the crackdown on websites in the name of stopping sexual trafficking be followed by a government crackdown on strip clubs for the same ostensible reason and more of them being closed or will strip clubs successfully forestall that by stricter internal policing of who they hire and what they allow and by improving their overall image?


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avatar for pawnrob69
7 years ago
You do realize this is about the 10th time this topic has had a discussion started about it. Look below.
In my opinion all this is going to do is send sex workers back into the shadows to make a living.
I think that these laws which on the surface are intended to stop sex trafficking will be found by the courts to be in violation of the first amendment to the Constitution. Hopefully soon and by a federal court. One article which I read spoke of the owner of Backpage having made hundreds of millions. If so he’s got the means and the motivation to engage very good lawyers to fight this and take it as far as the Supremes if need be. Freedom of the press is one of our greatest liberties and should not be infringed upon by the whim of right wing wingnuts.
He might even be able to afford John Smith69 .
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
Probably a very bad bill. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Gawker, this nonsense is a product of extremists on both sides of the political aisle, including purported Feminists and Nanny State types on the left. CA and TX, two states on opposite ends of the political spectrum, have been among those parties pursuing BP the longest. SESTA passed in the Senate 97-2, no doubt with many moderates in both parties voting yes in order to avoid being labelled pro-prostitution and pissing off portions of their respective constituencies.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
The governmental law of unintended consequences. Every time one of our civil servants acts to “fix” a situation, it gets worse. Then, rather than repeal their failed fix, they take more action, which makes things even worse. Pretty soon, you’ve got 2,000,000 bureaucrats telling us how to live our lives.
@Dugan with all of your ranting about nanny state lefties and SJWs this shit is happening while your side is in the drivers seat, coincidence, my ass ! This is the real Right wing agenda, guns and regulations on anyone who opposes them.
^^^Only when your mother is there !
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
Also think those of us on a board like this should keep an open mind and welcome the discussion about how to reduce sex trafficking. Even if this bill does just the opposite.
@Random this shit ain’t about sex trafficking this is pure unadulterated politics by the power hungry idiots that want to tell us who’s really an American, McCarthyism is making a comeback with these fucking no idealoogy, fakes and frauds. First and foremost is Trump the biggest self dealer, followed by Ryan the man with no scruples, who I has become his chief enabler, along with those elected representatives who refuse to stand up and be counted on to do the people’s business.
By the time this administration leaves town you won’t recognize this country, they are so busy stealing from us and our children’s future, to line their own pockets.
You think Russia is the only place with oligarches, check out Trumps inner circle.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
I'm pretty cynical too, @25. This bill is the least of our problems.
25 posted: --->"@Dugan with all of your ranting about nanny state lefties and SJWs this shit is happening while your side is in the drivers seat..."

True,but there is no shortage of left wingers eagerly jumping on board. Also, CA already had a separate criminal case open against BP and its Founder.

I am admittedly very disappointed in my party right now. At their core, most everyday Republicans are libertarian at heart and believe in as little government regulation as possible. Look at states like Florida (with the notable exception of the cancerous southeastern tip) and Texas, which are among the most free states in the nation in terms of personal liberties. Heck, even in things like traffic stops in my area, I'm more likely to get a warning than a ticket. It's also why those two states have, among other things, such vibrant strip club options.

But then other elements of the party get involved and start fucking things up. Since it's one of the few things that the fringe types on the other side of the aisle agree with, they build up enough of a coalition to force those in the middle to get on board.

I call this the Virginia effect on a national scale. VA is a weird state in that it has a healthy amount of both far left Nanny/Feminist types (mostly in the northern DC suburbs) and right wing religious nutjobs (mostly in the south). Coalitions built by these types have made strip clubs atrocious and, for that matter, one cannot even buy a bottle of booze in that state without going to some state controlled liquor store. Then there are the police crusiers infesting its highways - fuck.
@Dugan you are just making excuses and you know it, truth is this shit wouldn’t even come up for a vote without the leaders of your party allowing it and you know it. The left is just biding it’s time waiting for the midterm elections, believe it or not this is on your watch, and what you get for elections where con men get to make false statements unchallenged. And make no mistake about it Trump is nothing more than a grifter!
It will also drive more of us perverts to the clubs if they don't get targeted in the aftermath.
avatar for docsavage
7 years ago
I think this will cause an increase in arrangements being made for sexual activity at the strip clubs and the government will then use that as an excuse to start closing strip clubs. So, as a regular strip club customer, I don't see this as a good thing
avatar for madgracy
7 years ago
I suppose that effects will be that people will start using alternative classified sites (for example here are 10 alternatives to BP and CL: http://onenightstand1.com/crai… ) and we will live survive that CraigsList and BackPage closing personal ads sections :)
avatar for madgracy
7 years ago
Also, I forgot, locally printed (or online) classifieds can be helpful, depends on where are you living...
Strip clubs are not the favored market of the sex industry, there won't be a wholesale move to them. Instead, I think madgracy is right, one or more of the offshore-based alternatives will obtain critical mass. But it will remain in online media. In the meantime, "legit" media such as Tinder and SA have both seen big influxes
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
We must have wildly different search strategies, @Subra. Aug and Sept are the perfect time to pick up a pretty college girl on SA. Met a 20-yr-old yesterday who goes to private school nearby. Pre-pharmacy, one of her parents is MD, slender, gorgeous blonde.
avatar for madgracy
6 years ago
RandomMember, exactly like you said! :)
At some point, we (providers and sponsors) will figure out how to use the darknet (the onion network, a/k/a TOR) and it will just move there. I don't want that to happen but the cat and mouse game might force it. I'd rather that NOT happen because the regular prostitutes WILL be mixed in with all the trafficked girls, the runaways, other demented shit, etc. And all of the eye balls will just increase market for the real criminals if we end up mixing it together in order to evade LE.

That's the end game I see. It's not pretty.
You should blame the Trumpublicans, they aren’t really Republican or even conservative their leader is a draft dodger and their ideology is a dollar, the followers of this president are really just whores, but worse, at least a whore will generally give you what you paid for, these fuckers feel like a bunch of grifters and thieving con men.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
6 years ago
"At some point, we (providers and sponsors) will figure out how to use the darknet (the onion network, a/k/a TOR)"

So, me being a tech nerd and having a degree in CS and knowing two programming languages, I just want to correct you. The TOR Network accesses the Deep Web. The Dark Web (not Dark Net), is only a small portion of the Deep Web.

Also, there are forums on the Deep Web for these services already - you just need to know how to find them and the correct links. ;)

And before anyone even dares, the Deep and Dark webs are not the same.

Note: I am not link sharing. :)

Yeah... the Dark Web hole goes pretty deep and is pretty dark. I've explored a bit, but it's not really in my wheelhouse. Nor do I want it to be.

It's not really relevant to most strip clubs customers or dancers. Most dancers can't keep a cell phone paid up and unbroken, and most of the guys I see in a strip club don't look like that brand of nerd (there are exceptions, though).

I can possibly see a very high end or specialty escort agency hiring a tech guy to create a dark web footprint for them. But, again, the less I know about that, the better.
avatar for NJBalla
New York
6 years ago
NJ still has active sites like the one below. Im not the OTC type of guy, but perhaps it could help someone in need.

There will always be something else. I dabbled in SA before it blew up and it was sensational. Now it's overrun by pros or closet hookers. Haven't found the next thing, but as long as there is pussy and money somehow the two have found each other for years...
There are apps likes Bumble and Tinder. The youth will stick with those dating apps for quick hook ups. I honestly do not think the closing of the sites OP has mentioned will create that large effect that he predicts. In any real world situation it's never just black and white. Websites for sex tourism closing doesn't automatically mean more strip club attendees. There are hundreds of possible factors
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
Fuck websites. All I have to do is stay at home (no homo) and think about Vantablack's penis.
Backpage closing has made no difference. Escorts have just moved to other sites!
AdultSearch.com seems to be another site that is up.
avatar for madgracy
6 years ago
Also Fik.Me is not bad , at least for me...
No escort ads just moved to other sites
avatar for madgracy
6 years ago
http://Fik.Me that I mentioned in the previous post is not classified and there is no escorts, just ordinary people who are seeking casual sex, like popular hookup apps.
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