
Comments by SirLapdancealot (page 57)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The Power of the Suit
    ^^^ made one *again*
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The Power of the Suit
    @icee your logic is once again flawed. Those who reminisce about the 1970s are also posting about recent strip club visits and writing current reviews. Once again I highly suggest that you learn what it means to make a strawman argument. Coz you just made one, dumbass. 🤭🤡
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    *After 3 minutes of fucking* "I need you to cum for me now"
    Sounds a lot like she's trying to get the whole ordeal over with ASAP.
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    3 years ago
    The Power of the Suit
    "In a strip club girls are always suspect about guys being jobless and socially dysfunctional. I do not go along with this, but they do. So a suit is good." ^^^ @san_jose_creep so what you're saying is wearing a suit is good if you want to hide the fact that you're jobless and socially dysfunctional?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    TUSCL’s role in the metaverse
    This is the Twitter site of one of my favorite clubs and just about every single stripper posting also has an onlyfans account: https://mobile.twitter.com/dv8pdx?lang=en And of course they often have an Amazon wishlist, Venmo, and linktr.ee links posted in their accounts too. In the metaverse there will be a place where whenever a stripper drops a new video it will instantly appear in front of her simps, his remote controlled Fleshlight of her will automatically start vibrating, and $100 worth of cryptocurrency will instantly transfer from the simp's bank account to hers. Call it SimpLandia.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    @san_jose_creep you shouldn't use an article from Gallery Magazine to confirm that you've learned about strippers or sex workers. You should put what you've learned into actual practice. Besides, if you don't put learnings into practice, what good are they? Who cares? If I were to use an analogy, let's say you learned to fly a plane. But instead of using an actual plane, you used a video game. Then you go online about it and post ad nauseam that you know how to fly a plane. But in reality you don't have a plane and you don't actually fly a real plane in real life. Given this, do you really know how to fly a plane? 🤔🤯
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    "So what I learned, if you are not going for P4P, not offering money or acting like she can be bought, and are open and honest, the girls was likely to be just putty in your hands. Now I did not see her again, I was not really prepared to finish what I had started, but I did most certainly learn from it." ^^^ @san_jose_creep you really didn't learn anything here with Cathy. Everything you posted in your first post is complete speculation on your part. You never actually went out with her and you never actually talked to her about what she really wanted with you, so you really don't know anything about her true intentions. Again you only SPECULATE about what you THINK she wanted. And without actually ever going out with her you will NEVER know the truth. When she left that message that she wanted to see you it could have easily meant that you should just go back to the club. You said she was at the club when she left that message, right? Therefore it stands to reason that she simply wanted you to come back to the club as her CUSTOMER. She never said she wanted to see you on an OTC date and you never actually went out on one and you never actually talked about it specifically. Again you drew a conclusion about her based on pure SPECULATION. And just because she saw a black hooker rubbing up on you ITC might have easily been because you weren't simply being her customer. Strippers are always trying to keep customers that are potential regulars. She left that message to come see her ITC so she might have been glaring and snappy with you because she thought you'd be tipping her exclusively. Again she was counting on you to be her CUSTOMER. Sorry, but your first post doesn't prove anything that you learned about a woman. It just proves that there could be alternate reasons for why she did what she did. Without you actually dating her we will never know which reasons are correct.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    "Now, this thread has gotten badly derailed, so I am pulling it back on track." ^^^ @san_jose_creep I'm so glad that you want to get this thread back on track. As per the thread topic I made a post in reply to your post about Cathy to which you responded that I was a zombie. Since you now want to participate in your own thread rather than make ad hominem attacks, in my next post I'm going to go back to a post in reply to your story about Cathy that you never addressed. Again, you are stating that you want this thread back on track. So prove it!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    @TFP amen. It's a shitty double standard and flat out ironic. san_jose_creep preaches about civil discourse and yet really does not contribute to any back and forth conversation regarding actual sharing of strip club experiences. As soon as you ask him about an actual, recent stripper experience, something he doesn't hesitate to ask himself, he either fires back in anger and/or claims violation of privacy. But yet he asks the same back? Hypocritical, ironic, and downright shitty. Look at what he did with his free VIP gift from founder. He immediately started posting in the VIP forum and getting information there. Ironically he used to call it a circle jerk room. And he still doesn't write any reviews. He takes information here, complains about being left out of forums, and then doesn't contribute himself in terms of reviews. And in this thread I've been having a civil discourse and simply participated in it, and what has he done in response? He's attacked me, insulted me, and appealed to all readers to ignore me. All for me trying to understand what he has learned from strippers and sharing what I've learned. So ultimately it's as I've said before: he's here to use TUSCL as a personal diary and an escape from his destitute life. It's his personal defense mechanism on everyone else's behalf. He fucked up his own mongering and life himself by cheating on his wife and spending all their money. Now he's homeless and broke and in a permanent state of PTSD. He posts to stay in denial about it all because he can't man up and improve his own situation through hard work and inner strength. 6 days a week. Year after year.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    "So why does SJG only post 6 days a week instead of all 7?" @JimG it's because the San Jose public library is closed on Sundays. He can't access the free internet then.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    "And they both were quite easily angered when I seemed to be unwilling to follow through with what I had started. So they were not seeing me as just a P4P offer." ^^^ @san_jose_creep I think you have clearly misunderstood the reason you pissed off these strippers. From what I read you were a creepy stalker customer that couldn't take a hint to leave them alone, so they had to angrily confront you over it. You really need to learn to understand women better. Until then you're going to keep ending your relationships with them pissed. This happened with your wife, Cathy, and Irma. And it has nothing to do with not being able to follow up and close the deal without P4P. Again it has everything to do with being a creep. No matter how you want to revise history and justify things in retrospect, women walk away from you angry and pissed. Notice a pattern here?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    "And Irma really opened up right off when it was clear to her that I was not offering money." ^^^ @san_jose_creep once again, this explanation is not consistent with what you posted. Irma never wanted you to have her number. When you gave her your work number she called you and you got into an argument in over it. Then you called her back and she and her sister were both even more pissed at you. Just like Cathy, things ended with Irma pissed off and wanting nothing to do with you. 🤭 Are you noticing a common pattern here?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    "Kathy only opened herself up to me when she realized that I was like 1 in 1000 of the guys she dealt with, I was not offering money." ^^^ @san_jose_creep actually she did not open herself up to you. Based on what you posted she called you back to the club to be her customer. Then when you returned you ended up pissing her off and she ended all relations with you angry. End result for you was an angry stripper that was creeped out by you and wanted no part of you. 🤭
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    ^^^ @san_jose_creep once again you have turned this thread into your personal diary. And you continue to insult me and make threats at me. In my last post, you could not quote nor cite anything that I stated that was out of line with the intent of this thread. As with most of your posts, you have shit on your thread yourself and this board. I have no doubt that that is your ultimate agenda here, as evidenced in this thread. 6 days a week. Year after year.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    So anyway, back to the thread topic. @san_jose_creep I want you to note this and recognize that I'm trying to have a civil discourse regarding the topic of the thread. So if you get all butthurt and vitriolic, that's completely on you. Over my 30+ years of clubbing in actual strip clubs, I've learned that all strippers are different and are as varied and different as regular civilian women. Some are lesbian, some are bi, some are straight. Some are too fat, some are too skinny. Some are hot, some are not so hot. Some are all natural, some are surgically enhanced. Some are bitchy, some are super sweet and nice. Some are honest, some are lying sacks of shit. I could go on and on, and the above is just to make a point rather than call out every difference from one stripper to another. And the point is that you cannot classify them into following any set formula or way of thinking. It's stupid and myopic to think that what you've learned from only the strippers that you've interacted with applies to all others. If this is how you feel, you haven't actually been with many strippers. For example with Cathy and Irma, san_jose_creep, this is only a data set of two strippers that you met in real life. In my experience you cannot possibly assume that what you learned with them is some formula that applies to other strippers. If you were to apply what you learned from them, in my experience there's no guarantee that the next stripper you apply that to is going to go along like you expected. Maybe. Maybe not. So better is to be adaptable when you interact with a one. Don't just go into it with your own formulas and system. Go with the flow with her if you like her. See how it plays out. And if you're not getting along, move on quickly. And most importantly, APPLY what you know. Go out and have fun with actual strippers. Don't just talk and talk and talk about them on a strip club website forum. Get out to your favorite local club and have a good time. So, what say you @san_jose_creep? Instead of posting to TUSCL for one afternoon are you going to go out to a club soon and try to actually have a good time with strippers? Head up to San Francisco one day. It has so many clubs compared to San Jose. Better mileage up there too. And if you can't, head to AJs since the Brass Rail is closed down. In my experience I always preferred AJs anyway. So how about it? Are you going to go to a club soon, @san_jose_creep?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    "You make up nonsense and post it and some people might believe it. I don't care what people believe..." ^^^ @san_jose_creep if you don't care what people believe, then why are you concerned about people that might believe the nonsense that I post? Do you realize that this doesn't make any logical sense? Furthermore, if you don't care what people believe, then why do you care about what I believe is true about you? Now you're just not making logical sense anymore. It's clear that you care about what I post because you would react so emotionally and so violently over my posts to begin with. Face it dude, you are just throwing illogical temper tantrums at me. If I'm posting something illogical and wrong, please post it and quote it. Point out exactly the words that I'm posting that are incorrect. I just did it with you. I quoted exactly what you posted and pointed out exactly where you had a logical fallacy. Do the same with me rather than your uncivil and ad hominem attacks. Again, quote me and prove me wrong. I challenge you! Otherwise you're just demonstrating the same incivility that you decry. 🤷
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    @Tetra well said. 👏👏👏
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    @san_jose_creep might I remind you that you are in the top 3 most ignored members here. And you have zero reviews. You just use TUSCL as your personal diary. How many threads do you bump a day where nobody else is posting in them? You're not here to have a discussion unless it suits your own personal agenda. Oftentimes it has nothing to do with strip clubs. And here I am posting as per the thread topic, with civility, mind you, and you do nothing but attack me with strawman arguments. And violence. Reread the your comments and reread my comments in this thread and it's clear who's the one spewing vitriol and nonsense. (Spoiler alert: it's not me. 😁)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    LMFAO @twentyfive and san_jose_creep wears the polka dot jersey. 😂😂😂
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    @san_jose_creep I know everything about you because of you. Just stop posting yourself and then you won't have to worry about my comments. Funny how you talk about civility and then make comments as if I should die.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    The next TUSCL meetup featuring Mr Daddillac, RickiBoi, and Mr. OSU
    Juice is too busy in VIP. And he can't see or hear anything because a stripper is sitting on his face.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Blow me. 😙 Pronouns: hoe/heaux
    Customer Installed Tracking Device on SWer's Car and then Murdered Her
    BubbleYum is killing it. 👍👍 The only risks and dangers that come with stripping are greasy poles, rickety stages, and defective high heels. Thinking that getting stalked is part of it too sounds like something a creepy stalker would say.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: It is awesome to be a Patriots fan
    Not a fan and not a hater and can't argue here. Maybe the Lombardi era Packers? In my time watching football, a distant second place would be the DeBartolo/Walsh Niners.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strip Club Lessons About Women
    @san_jose_guy remember that it really doesn't matter that we all know you are homeless in San Jose. And everything we know is through your own posts. If you don't want us to know more about your privacy, then seriously you should stop posting about it completely. Otherwise you'll continue to leak out information regarding your own privacy. And then you'll get mad about others finding out something you never intended. But it's no fault other than your own for posting stuff about yourself to begin with. For example you should have never posted about Cathy and Irma. Like nothing. But you did so it invited others like me to comment on the posts. I would have never posted on either of them had you not made your own posts about them. And now it's too late. We know what we know which is more than intended. Same thing goes about you being homeless and broke and not going to strip clubs this millennium. But now we know, so you might as well stop the facade and the same lame excuses you keep posting about protecting your privacy. It doesn't work. Furthermore it doesn't matter either way. So just admit it, drop your lame excuses, and move on. Trust me in that not one TUSCLer cares that you are a broke and homeless bum. And you'll be OK and nothing will come of it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    LDQ's and You
    @gSteph I found a handful of great strippers through Xoticspot. And the thing about Portland is that the sheer volume of strippers guarantees there's a diamond in the rough out there. You just have to know how to navigate the scene here and it helps to have fellow local TUSCLers to exchange notes with.