
Comments by SirLapdancealot (page 55)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Being Assholes
    @Ishmael well said. @founder I'm telling you, if you really want to stop asshole behavior on the boards, then a complete delete of folks on the most ignored list will help your cause much more than this thread. And I don't care if you delete my account in the process. I know I've been an asshole to anyone that's been a troll to me. It's why both icee and san_jose_creep just bitched about me in this thread. They are/were trolls to me and the board in general, hence I relentlessly trolled them back. Furthermore, by not doing much moderation of the boards yourself, it seems that you were fine with asshole behavior and trolling. It's all part of hosting an unmoderated forum. And it's honestly why I like this site. So, these threads are great and all, but I don't see them changing things. Over time, with the board being unmoderated, the trolling back and forth will come back until you create another cease and desist request. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. I lurked the boards for around a year before I started posting here and I'll say the trolling hasn't changed much from my observations. There's just newer trolls and some older ones move on. And again it's ultimately because you don't really moderate anything here. So again, I say start taking more control here and take bigger measures to stop the assholes. And deleting accounts of the most ignored members is going to help. Even if they just come back and create new accounts, some will come back with better behavior. They'll get the message and start behaving better. IMHO only.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Being Assholes
    @twentyfive AMEN, brother! That's what I'm saying too!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Being Assholes
    ^^^ the intent of the ignore
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Being Assholes
    "No, it is used when someone does not want to see the posts from a member. It does not necessarily mean that that member is annoying, disruptive, or not constructive. It does not mean that that member is an asshole." @san_jose_creep and @founder I completely understand the internet of the ignore, but I said it was my opinion and I disagree. If you look at the TUSCL members that are the most ignored, they roughly indicate the board's biggest trolls and thus the biggest assholes. Again, IMHO only. "SLD, you are being somewhat more reasonable in your posts, so I have also backed way down and have shown a greater willingness to talk to you on the level." @san_jose_creep only time will tell here. In my observation you only changed your behavior because founder called it out. You've done this before where you show elements of not being a troll, but in my experience you are quick to go back to being one. Again, IMHO only. I hope you're being sincere here but time will tell and you don't have a good track record.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Being Assholes
    ^^^ ignore is most used on the members that are the most annoying and disruptive and least constructive. IMHO only. It's not perfect but in my experience it does reflect this. It's an indication of the board's biggest assholes. And now @san_jose_creep you just changed your behavior because founder called it out. Go reread a few posts earlier where you were accusing me of being a circle jerker and making all kinds of accusations about me.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Being Assholes
    ^^^ and I'm just saying all your issues with me apply to you. You've conducted yourself the same way that you're accusing me of right now. You just can't see it or admit it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Being Assholes
    @san_jose_creep I'm just saying you're opinion of me and what you think is an issue pales in comparison to what a lot of folks think of icee and you. The only reasons both of you trolls have issue with me is because I troll those that troll me. So of course you feel that way. But you can only speak for yourselves, and you can't deny there are a lot of folks that don't want to read your posts, as evidenced by the # of ignores you have.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Being Assholes
    ^^^ so says #3 on TUSCL's most ignored list.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Being Assholes
    ^^^ so says #3 on TUSCL's most ignored list. @founder if you delete the top 10 most ignored accounts, this would help a lot!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Being Assholes
    @icee all your bitching about others is a bit rich given that you're #5 on the most ignored list. @founder how about deleting some of the most ignored accounts here? I don't mind if I'm included!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Gynecology student
    Most Gross
    Seriously, in one post, Cashman hit on the following: - used condoms and cum - rotten cum - barbequed used condoms and rotten cum - nasty smelly shit - vomit \\thread
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Being Assholes
    ^^^ personal *diary*
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Being Assholes
    @founder if one person is the only one realistically posting to their own thread, I say lock it (if not delete it). There's one person on this board that's using TUSCL as a personal library and he continues to bump his own threads and, barring others trolling them, he's the only one that's posting in them. 6 days a week. Year after year.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Handling bad news
    @Endless and @rickdugan FWIW I was a loyal regular to my ATF DS for at least three years straight. I saw her at least weekly, more on average. I was clearly her #1 regular. We talked and shared stories and had mostly good times together. And throughout that time I had hard times, clearly not as bad as having only a few months to live, but still I went through things that I'd rather not have had to. And throughout that time I made no mention of any of it to her. Even if I did have only months to live or my wife passed away, I highly doubt that I would have offered that info to her. If it came up in conversation, maybe. Point being, everyone handles there personal business differently, and everyone expects different things from their time in a strip club. It doesn't have to be viewed as "callous" either. It just means some, stripper or PL, would rather not bring personal issues into the club. Furthermore, where does one draw the line with empathy? Should nicespice give the guy a 4 hour free VIP for his last club visit? Maybe a set of 3 dances for free? Or just 1? She's already drawn her own line at extras, but why not a private OTC but no extras? My point to all this is that there's a grey area here. And a lot of variables. And every stripper-regular relationship is different.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Gynecology student
    Most Gross
    Ishmael was right. Cashman wins the thread. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    Bitcoin Bummer
    That's a 'bit' of a bummer to say the least. Ok maybe a megabit.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Handling bad news
    I think you should keep it all business. But in a regular's sense. Saying what you did over text was fine but I wouldn't offer anything any more than you would to a good regular that you have a good rapport with. I'd work out something with him to come in and meet with him. And sure, give him the best time you can give him within the same limits as any other regular. Him telling you all that was too personal in my view. He's the one that went too far with information, not you. But for me I've always drawn clear personal business lines in a club and with strippers. I'm there for a physical experience first and second to be treated like I'm a stud on a superficial level. It's an indulgence in a fantasy, and I like the strippers that cater to that. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't want pity because I'm not going to bemoan my lot in life myself to strippers. That's what my friends and family are for. I think it's unfair to strippers, no different than I don't really want a stripper to bring up how she's hurting for money for some personal issue that has nothing to do with me.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    The Ways You've Been Busted or Suspected
    @drew I swear, strippers that wear glitter are at least partly doing it to get on PLs. I also think some put perfume on heavy for same reason. I guess the good side benefit is a lot of rubbing on me. šŸ¤· And you are lucky with a woman like that. Mrs. Lapdancealot is probably that way now as opposed to when we first got married. But ironically I'm just not as into clubbing now as before.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    *After 3 minutes of fucking* "I need you to cum for me now"
    @blah but it's a lot easier for you to fake it on camera. "Oh yeah baby, I'm cumming for you...oh...oh...ooooohhhhh!". LMAO.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    The Ways You've Been Busted or Suspected
    @nicespice this is my purge. My wife knows I'm posting to TUSCL right now, sitting on the couch together. She has known for months and I do it as often as I do which is daily. Does she know all these details? Nope. But I don't care, and I highly doubt she cares too. She'd rather not know at this point in our relationship. The old "ignorance is bliss" adage. And you know I don't do that weak sauce separate account shit. It's a lower form of trolling as far as I'm concerned. šŸ˜
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    The Ways You've Been Busted or Suspected
    @NatiNate I kept a change of clothes in my car. I golf shirt, underwear, and my "LDK" pants which were waterproof golf rain pants. Out here in Portland during the summer it gets dark late, like 9 pm at summer solstice. So during the summer I could always claim I was golfing after work. I did most of the time, but at least once a week I went to a club instead. I would also go play a few holes of golf after a club visit too, to air out the smell of stripper. By contrast during the winter I used the working late excuse but still kept the change of clothes. Throughout the whole time I had to clean those pants by hand after every LDK, in secret. And that's a lot of cleaning. Never got busted for that because I'd do it as part of washing up in a random bathroom. Looking back and writing it all out, it was too much work!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    An Extra Extra
    Fucking Spirit pisses you off with their pricing the first time you fly with them.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    The Ways You've Been Busted or Suspected
    @Cashman I hear you, brother. You reminded me of a time that I didn't get busted or suspected but came close. My wife once smelled lilac on our cat and could not figure it out. But he got into everything around the house. He chews on plants and flowers and gets his nose into anything. The reality was that I had massaged my ATF DS for a while earlier that evening and she was wearing lilac scented lotion. I forgot to wash it off my hands before I got home. And when I did I picked up my cat and held him for a while, thereby putting that scent all over him. Then later that evening that darn cat started rubbing up to my wife who has an extremely sensitive nose. She smelled it and since she never smelled it before she started wondering out loud what he had gotten into to smell like that. I was like, "Who knows with him?" and played it off. It wasn't until months later that she smelled the same thing on my pillow and put two and two together and busted me. I had to explain it then. But it lasted for a while.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Physics Texts
    Anyway my preferred physics book is "Physics for Scientists and Engineers" by Giancoli. I think I have the second edition. "I want to be able to go through such books as quickly and easily, and to be able to apply the material as easily as the people do who write such books." ^^^ @san_jose_creep to start, are you actually understanding the math when you read these books? And again you can't just read the books and assume you understand. If you really want to understand them like the writers, you better be able to do advanced calculus derivations by hand, on a good old pad of paper. Crunch some numbers and apply the formulas in a real life example too. Furthermore, like the authors of those books, you'll need to take all that math to a lab or real world scenario and perform an experiment with the right measurement tools to validate all the math you are using for said calculations. At this point all I see you doing is regurgitating a casual observation from what you are reading from the text of said books. You are giving a summary level of what you are reading but you're not getting into any of the math. I highly doubt that you really understand based on your posts. Sorry, but this isn't enough. Book learning from the library is good but also is very limited. The people that wrote those books are doing much much more than you are saying you are doing in this thread.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Physics Texts
    ^^^ oh so true with your last point. And at the masters and PhD level it gets even harder. The math gets extremely complicated where you have to get into calculus in three dimensions through the understanding of vector calculus and solving multi-variable differential equations. It's certainly beyond me outside of just a basic understanding at the PhD level. Look at the discovery of the Higgs field and Higgs Boson particle. It took years of mathematical derivation by very smart mathematicians and scientists to mathematically derive them from the math that defined the four basic forces of physics. Without the math there would never have been the experiments at CERN and the other particle accelerator (I forget the name) to prove the existence of that particle and field. Schools that don't emphasize the math are doing science students an injustice, IMHO.