
Comments by KJ702

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Starting to like old bitches
    Next time I go to the club I will look for an older dancer 🤔
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Targeted individual
    It was a Facebook from some guy I know
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    5 years ago
    Should I go see her
    This ain’t no damn troll I came here for help. I just haven’t been on this site because i haven’t been doing much clubbing like I was before and the only reason why I came to this site back in 2017 was for advice.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should I go see her
    Ya she was drunk and throwing up in her bathroom sink it was full up throw up... no way I was going to fuck her in that condition. But I should have and she would of probably let me but didn’t want to take advantage of her. Damn i really should have though i mean I had all the signs too it’s my fault. This is not a trolling post either. I went to the club last night saw her car there go in don’t see her. Was there for an hr and half got a dance from another girl just to pass time drink and leave her cars not there anymore she left. I texted her this last night After all these attempts to contact you It’s obvious you don’t care about a relationship of any kind including friendship so I unfriended you on Snapchat and Facebook. I’m going to spare myself the heartache and respect your wishes and move on I’m not desperate or clingy just really wanted a relationship with you because you seemed cool af everything I would want in a future wife,thought we had a vibe. But strippers ghosting is more common than pick up trucks in Houston. I should of known I would be in for a rude awakening. 😞 have a nice life
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should I go see her
    At the bar finishing my second drink then off to center folds in Houston.ill let y’all know how it went. I mean I would love to date her is what it comes down too. But she ghosted me and I want answers.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should I go see her
    @bavarian I was just shooting a shot, like I said I had been out of town and I guess wanted some female company,,I should of have asked her out years ago but life gets in the way other girls etc. @pauldrake Last I saw her was last Wednesday when we woke up at her place we went out for pho around noon, then she took me to my car at top golf (she wanted me to drive her car home that night ) ok the next day Thursday she texts me saying I’m not gonna have time to hang out today. Friday night I text her hope you had a good night etc / no response Then I texted her last night saying I hope to hear from you Tomorrow (which is today ) and haven’t heard from her i also called her earlier today no pick up. But like the guy said above I want to see what the deal is and be mellow and move on gracefully. Btw when we were at Topgolf we had a nice make out session. I know I’m sprung on her but I mean shit wouldn’t you
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should I go see her
    That’s what I spent on the activities I’m otw back to the club right now. Btw any other advice like how long should I stay/spend
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    5 years ago
    Should I go see her
    Bavarian correct I must of met her before that then. 2011-12 , my bad, I would comment on her stories but never asked her out
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    5 years ago
    Should I go see her
    Anthony very nice input
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should I go see her
    Call me Ishmael thx I will go tonight, ask her what the deal is. And ya I would reply to her Snapchat stories if she was doing something fun but correct never asked her on a date. Muddy I had actually messaged her when she posted a cute selfie, let’s see at the club I spent maybe $150, on the date probably $200...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Just another PL
    This is sure a trying hobby...
    Better than gambling
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Got a girlfriend
    Interesting responses thx y'all
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    7 years ago
    Got a girlfriend
    Lol @ ppwh
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Got a girlfriend
    Lol no kids. She got tested not long ago and she always uses protection and doesn't kiss her clients
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    7 years ago
    Got a girlfriend
    https://twitter.com/mj_s0ulja/status/947552653344722945 This is her
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    7 years ago
    Got a girlfriend
    No she's not a stripper. She wants to be one she said but as of right now no. I've told her strippers can make the same amount and you wouldn't even have to go all the way. And hinted that you can probably make more OTC with strip club customers.
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    7 years ago
    Got a girlfriend
    She was living in a "studio" type efficiency apartment that some older guy was paying for she left him because he couldn't "handle her lifestyle" and bj99 exactly that's what I'm hoping comes from this that we can get an apartment or something. She's 20 years old and I'm 28 btw but yeah and when I met her she got her phone stolen twice by her cousions (long story ) so she had to spend around $900 last week dealing with that. But she does make money she made $700 last night. Most the time during the week she would drop me off at work and shed spend the day at her moms house and seeing people and spend the nights with me. She wouldn't make as much in the day at night she says. So she prefers "night shift"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Got a girlfriend
    Lol my parents don't know what she does. Even though they probably have a hunch they like her. It's pretty awkward tho I feel like I'm going to lose her to a customer she says she's with me cause I'm cute and nice plus I told her a bunch of stuff she'd like to hear.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Do dancers believe their own bullshit when call their Pimp their "Boyfriend"?
    Yeah what he said ^
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much should I be paying for outcall here in the commonwealth of mass?
    In Houston out calls range from $200-$600
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Another discussion about kissing
    I don't mind kissing especially a lfk
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tijuana - bring a guest to the real hotels
    I had that problem before I went to Honduras to Rotan an island but I had to stay inland the a day so I stayed at this hotel and went out got a bar girl to Come back and the damn owner of the hotel wouldn't let her in ! I was like she's not a whore she's just a friend still no he said he doesn't want that problems smh
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    What would you name your club?
    The Phoenix
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can I have $300
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can I have $300
    John smith lol I'm being for real though I need $300