Got a girlfriend

avatar for KJ702
I slid into the dms of this black girl on tinder going on 2 weeks ago she's a escort she's been living with me at my parents. Very sweet girl


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So, do you hang out in the kitchen while she uses your basement bedroom as her incall location?
avatar for KJ702
7 years ago
Lol my parents don't know what she does. Even though they probably have a hunch they like her. It's pretty awkward tho I feel like I'm going to lose her to a customer she says she's with me cause I'm cute and nice plus I told her a bunch of stuff she'd like to hear.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Where was she living before? If she’s escorting, she should be making enough to have a place.
When she breaks up with you, come cry on my shoulder
avatar for KJ702
7 years ago
She was living in a "studio" type efficiency apartment that some older guy was paying for she left him because he couldn't "handle her lifestyle" and bj99 exactly that's what I'm hoping comes from this that we can get an apartment or something. She's 20 years old and I'm 28 btw but yeah and when I met her she got her phone stolen twice by her cousions
(long story ) so she had to spend around $900 last week dealing with that. But she does make money she made $700 last night. Most the time during the week she would drop me off at work and shed spend the day at her moms house and seeing people and spend the nights with me. She wouldn't make as much in the day at night she says. So she prefers "night shift"
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Is she a stripper too?
Damn I'm jealous. I wish I could share a bed with a 20 yr old after she just got home from fucking 2 or 3 other random guys.
avatar for KJ702
7 years ago
No she's not a stripper. She wants to be one she said but as of right now no. I've told her strippers can make the same amount and you wouldn't even have to go all the way. And hinted that you can probably make more OTC with strip club customers.
avatar for Corvus
7 years ago
That's a nice looking girl. I'd fuck her
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
Does she prefer Coke or Pepsi? Asking for a friend.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Pretty girl and nice legs. She prolly wouldn’t make as much dancing, even nights, but even half is plenty, and she wouldn’t have to do fs.
Im not authorized to view the tweet...
Nm. Saw it.
avatar for KJ702
7 years ago
Lol no kids. She got tested not long ago and she always uses protection and doesn't kiss her clients
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
Btw, is it considered stalking if you read her TER reviews? If they say that she is GFE and swallows every drop, do you let one or two reviews slide, but after she has several saying the same thing, do you casually bring it up while shooting heroin?
Does your father like her better than your mother?
"For some, 20 is kind of like the new 13"

avatar for KJ702
7 years ago
Lol @ ppwh
avatar for KJ702
7 years ago
Interesting responses thx y'all
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
You might want to read that article by the guy with a fs dancer as a girlfriend.
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