
Comments by Rick999 (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Too Timid to Negotiate
    So you've been going for years without asking and you're worried about getting thrown out one time? They usually let you in on another night unless you ticked them off. You can ask lead in questions as well. I know that. One time I was a bit vague and the girl thought I wanted to date her. She was ok with dating. Told me she didn't have a boyfriend right now. I was thinking date? No one ever said they wanted to date. What is wrong with her?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Too Timid to Negotiate
    Depends on the club, you could get escorted out asking for a BJ in some clubs. The other alternative is that the dancer may tell all her friends you asked for a BJ and you won't get any dances the rest of the night. These are probably the stripper web lines of what happens. Depends on the club and what is ok to ask. In some clubs, the dancer might tell another dancer who can hook you up if she doesn't think you are undercover.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
    Police at follies
    Someone called in that they had free donuts. I'd investigate too if I were the police.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
    Untypical turn-ons
    Obviously I forgot the question by the time I finished my answer.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
    Untypical turn-ons
    Biting but not too hard and in just the right place. Vampire fangs but I haven't seen that in a strip club. I like the natural vampire teeth, not anything fake looking. Also with young very fit dancers, sometimes a cheerleader outfit with a very short skirt The color red on sexy bikinis. Blond hair. Not too short, not too long. Perfect tits with perfect nipples. I know them when I see them. I like several varieties though. Young perky butts as well, tight and fit, nothing saggy, too big, or bulky. Most dancers I see don't have this. Ps, biting my neck or noise does not turn me on. Oh, forgot one, sucking down below is a big turn on. Not allowed in my local area.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Which would you chose?
    If I can see her dance high up in the air on stage, the table dance on the table just sounds like more of the same for a much higher cost. I don't really care for either choice. I'd have to try both if I had money to kill and wanted to know. Now if the table wasn't stable and you liked the thought she could trip and fall, it might be more exciting to have her dance on the table. Then if you wanted to save the day, you could attempt to catch her to stop her from breaking bones.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Married and Miserable or Single and Lonely?
    I do have some happily married sisters and some others I know of who are happily married. They are the ones posting pics of their kids and vacation pics on Facebook all the time. I figure better to be single and happy and controlling your own destiny and what you are doing rather than married and miserable getting nagged to death every day being told what home project you need to work on next or how you have money problems because your wife is an idiot and doesn't know how to save a dime nor is she interested. Some of the married men at work would say, just agree with the wife with whatever if you want a happy marriage. I'm wondering is that the definition of pussy whipped? If they get divorced, they will have to pay big child support payments for life it sounds like plus give up lots of assets if the wife wasn't working. I think the court system is rigged against males from what I've heard. The child support payments awarded are a whole lot more than what the guy would have payed if he stayed married so they stay together.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Married and Miserable or Single and Lonely?
    I could not stand to live with my sisters in laws. They are controlling and I don't see how my brothers put up with them. I would be miserable if I had to spend a single night in one house, and not too happy about visiting my other sister in law. My own mother had a feud one time with one and the other, she doesn't want to see or talk to. It might be universal that females are taught to hate or put down mothers in laws. My younger brother once called his wife to ask permission to spend 20 dollars when he was with me alone at the store. My older brother couldn't believe it. He thought he had it better even though his wife drive him to bankruptcy and he maxed out his maximum social security taxes before he retired. Those examples of marriage made me be in no hurry to get married.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Married and Miserable or Single and Lonely?
    I might be willing to live with someone if we were compatible but I like the temperature around 71 or colder a lot. 60's in the winter. Lol, I remember one girl at work said her husband kept the thermostat at 54 degrees year round and she was hot in the office all the time. They kept the thermostat at work at 75 or 76. I was warm but not super hot. I could go out to the shop where they had no air, sweat like crazy and come back inside the "hot" office. I'm currently looking for a new job and one reason I haven't moved, a relative living nearby would want to move in. I have a lot of control though. If I can live with several sisters in the house growing up, I can live with just one relative in the house. Looking for a new job is a lot of work by itself. My younger brother was easier to settle differences with growing up. We'd settle it by fighting, then we'd be back to playing games or whatever we wanted to do like nothing happened. The other issue got settled. My younger brother always lost.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wife cheating survey
    I assumed several years ago this one dancer who was all over me was single but I forgot to ask. She had a way of distracting me. She never said anything about anyone else.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Married and Miserable or Single and Lonely?
    I'm single but I don't feel lonely. You need lots of free time with no one calling you to feel lonely. I have several people occasionally wanting to be friends. Now could things be better? Definitely. There are more occasions when I'm glad I'm single rather than visa versa. I try to be friendly without brushing people off too quickly. You never know when you might actually want to talk to someone. If I have a few minutes and have time, I will talk to different people who want to seem to want to talk. I seem to find a lot of married people are lonely. They are the ones who want to talk forever.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you stick your cock in this?
    I'd want to see the rest of her first and see if she was friendly. I ignore tattoos for the most part.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Dances on Credit?
    I once or twice had a dancer get called to the stage. She said it was ok if I paid her later. She would come back and see me. I usually carry more cash than I plan on spending and I don't spend a whole lot so no problems.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money is an addiction..... back to dancing.
    Welcome back. I didn't know you left. I guess it's hard to pass up easy money or easier money. Guys have a weakness for beautiful things and act irrational after seeing that. Pretty girls count. That explains why we're willing to spend 10, 20, or even 30 bucks for a two or three minute song while a dancer just gyrates around in front of us with no sex taking place. If you asked the same guy at work if he would be willing to work 2 or 3 hours on a job he doesn't like if you dance around for a few minutes, the answer probably would be no. It would be no if she wasn't pretty if the guy was rational. I think nude clubs have an advantage. The guys see the pussy and they start throwing money around. Of course strip club regulars get used to it and adjust somewhat. I know I spent a lot more in tips in nude clubs. The lap dances at nude clubs I visited were all hands off so I usually wasn't interested in very many lap dances.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Keeping the Receipt
    If I was a hacker, I wouldn't even let a strip club know I hacked their computers and just look around for pics of strippers, their drivers license and where they lived at if I was curious and anything else I wanted to in the computer and leave no evidence behind. I know some hackers like to leave behind evidence they were there snooping around. Some don't. I somehow doubt the strip club owner will want to reveal if their computers were hacked and what information got taken because he won't know for sure if anyone even told him something funny popped up on their computer system. Hackers can leave behind malware too so that they can get downloads if they want updates.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Keeping the Receipt
    This is one reason to pay all cash in strip clubs. You don't have to worry about receipts or something extra charged on credit cards. I've read stories about extra rip off charges on credit cards with some clubs. Plus I don't care for many clubs to have my financial information. You never know how secure a strip club will keep their financial records which would include your credit card data if you use it there. I'm just thinking who monitors a strip club credit card information? The door girl? A former stripper? Do you really want these people in charge of security for your financial data with your credit card or social security information? It makes me wonder. With millions of data leaks already in large retail chains, I suspect hackers can steal a strip club's information and the strip club will never report the hack.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off topic. How I believe most people feel about Trump now, hope is diminishing
    Trump being Trump, I doubt he will ignore the investigations but if I were his advisor, I would try to make it all sound irrelevant and a waste of time for anyone to focus on any criminal wrong doing by just saying he has pardon power and he will use it, now let's work on reducing American's health care premiums, costs, and tax cuts. I would advise him to no longer comment on any investigations or talk about comey. If asked he can say no comment, he's listening to a new advisor. His focus is on helping the American public, not helping liberal democrats trying to oppose tax cuts.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off topic. How I believe most people feel about Trump now, hope is diminishing
    I hope the President and congress succeed in passing good tax cuts that save us money and boost the economy. I hope Trump and congress succeed in making health care a lot less expensive. I still have hope but that hope is diminishing with each blunder, each big goof up. The republicans have control of congress and the White House. There is opposition but that is expected. If they fail now, they will lose power and their one shot. Congressional elections will be coming up next year, then 2020 will be here and things will likely be worse due to central banks tightening things because I do believe they are in with the established elites wanting control over most people. I read Trump's budget was going to spend more money on Medicaid then in the entire history of the US. What got reported? Trump's budget was going to be a massive budget cut to Medicaid. What's true? Both. Entitlement programs are growing so fast that our government can't afford to pay for everything. Where does the money come from? Taxpayers and taxes. With entitlement spending this nation will owe something like 100 trillion dollars and that is over a million dollars per family of 4 or higher. There is no way we can afford to pay that. I hope Trump and congress don't blow their chance at changing course. On the other hand I was ok with Hillary's plan to fix social security a bit by dropping the cap on wage income subject to the tax.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Approximately 300,000 Death and Injuries a Year Due to Drinking and Driving...
    Several people committed suicide because of Internet trolling. Over 1200 convicted in courts recently for trolling with 155 jailed. http://news.sky.com/story/internet-trolling-sees-150-people-jailed-10358328
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Approximately 300,000 Death and Injuries a Year Due to Drinking and Driving...
    Across the world the number is that high annually. I was curious. https://www.ncadd.org/blogs/in-the-news/2-5-million-alcohol-related-deaths-worldwide-annually In the US in 2014, the number was less than 10,000. It's still about 1/3 of traffic deaths.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    RIP Batman
    I saw some of the old tv shows when I was a little kid. RIP Batman.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Things strippers say
    I knew she was when I heard that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Things strippers say
    Are you new here?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I have no idea but did read some links SJG posted referring to Black magic or Satan or something. Maybe he has connections. I don't know the guy. If I was to start a church, I might use the goddess of love, not the opposite. We already have enough violence, hate, and evil in this world. Strip clubs should be more like a church service for the goddess of love without all the restrictions governments keep imposing. Classic rock and or heavy metal could be playing in the background while strippers are taking it all off and patrons are making donations. Meanwhile in a back room, some patrons and associate goddesses are worshiping Venus the best way they know.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    A visit while on vacation
    I also visited the club about 3 or 4 nights in a row and it was getting more and more crowded by the time Friday came around. I only posted one review. Friday evening was the busiest of the week. I did not visit Saturday.