
How Often Do You Think About Sex?

They never tell you what you need to know.
I understand I'm wired different than the average man. I'd bet most of the guys on here are as well.

If I'm not thinking about work, exercising or in a deep sleep, I'm thinking about sex. It's almost a curse, as it sometimes impedes me from completing other things in my life in a timely matter. I've accepted I probably cannot spend the rest of my life fucking just one woman and someday it's going to bite me in the ass.

Maybe if I had a job where I was home every night, or not enough discretionary income to play with, it would be a different story, but neither of those are an issue and my world seems to revolve around sex. It's not all the time, like I just came back from a sex fueled weekend (last week) and I was good for about 5 days, but a week later I'm so horny I think a big gust of wind could give me an orgasm.

I don't think I'm so much of a sex addict but I'm sure my daily actions would certainly raise some analysts eyebrows.

Do you have the same issues? Has it ever impeded your life?


  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    How often do you think about anything else?
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I don't agree much with 25, but he's right on this time.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    All the time. Really hinders my independent language studies when Spanish just reminds of fine ass big booty boricuas
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    What you're describing is Freudian: just about everything you do in life is directly, indirectly, or sub-consciously, aimed at getting sex. It can be a positive force or destructive. Probably fair to say that the most successful men find a way to focus their sexual energy into their careers.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    ^^^ thats what I was afraid of!
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I thank of sex as much as I think about food LMFAO
  • motorhead
    8 years ago

    Wait til you get old. I don't think about sex that often anymore.

    1. Work
    2. Food
    3. Baseball
    4. Strippers, but not really sex per se
    5. Basketball
    6. Football
    7. Travel
    8. Sex

    It sucks to get old
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    How OFTEN do think about sex? Just once since my first time. Never quit after that .... ;-)
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Mo head getting technical wit it

    Since your broke it down I will a lil

    I agree sex sex as in vaginal to dick penetration isn't as important as it once was due to many factors such as pregnant shit, Aids and other sex shit, to much money shit and other similar shut has driven down the value of sex for me

    This is why I would rather chose money in my bank over these bitches to better care for other things that I do daily...unlike strippers witch is damn near bi monthly and monthly at best. I would rather have cash for daily pleasure such as food, lube for masturbation, masturbation toys, clothing, movies, video games, fat bitches I meet online that just give me Bill Clinton head for the price of a $20-$30 buffet. I would rather have a working g car than these bitches

    I agree with age comes wisdom and knowledge and it makes you say fuck these bitches

    But when I do pick a bitch to enjoy I value cuddling, cumming from dry fucking or hand job if it's cheap than vaginal sex.....from time to time I will buy the pussy...most often I look for $50 head....more often than this I save money and jerk off daily...witch I seem to enjoy more since I'm older
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Once my dick stops working I really might not take the meds but I want stop clubbing..I enjoy the conversation, the contact from snuggling, sucking on breast and smelling a bitch....just because my dick dies doesn't mean I did....I will fuck with these bitches until I die....it just seams as I get older I fuck with them less often and my life seems perfect
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I think of sex when I see an attractive woman, her look, her smell, her speech, the way she moves. Fortunately, it doesn't happen too often at home, but on the streets the temptation and urge is there.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Hmmm I like motorhead's list. Mine would be:

    1. Sex
    2. Sex
    3. Sex
    4. Work
    5. Sex
    6. Exercise
    7. Watching sports
    8. My hobbies

    I think a am learning there are 3 types of guys that are here:

    1. The ones that like to go to a strip club for the atmosphere and experience

    2. The ones that like the atmosphere AND extras

    3. The guys that just go to a strip club for sex

    Yeah I'm a number 3 type of guy
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I'm 46, so def my libido has slowed a bit, not too much, but enough to where thoughts of sex normally don't interfere w/ focusing on what I gotta do (although it def did when I was younger) - but I do think of women & women's bodies almost daily (I love to look-at & feel a woman's body) - also being single, no kids, & a good # of local clubs, means I can go get my fill whenever the mood strikes me rather than letting it build up over weeks.
  • TippingDollars
    8 years ago
    every day
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I'm a 1,2,3 kinda guy
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    Sounds like you got too much time on your hands shailynn.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ haha I wish. I work about 60 hours a week and have taken 1 vacation day this year so far.

    My point is sex dominates my thoughts most of the time. When I'm driving, waiting in line somewhere, flying on a plane, while I'm exercising, if I'm eating alone, it's constantly on my mind.

    I can multitask - I can read work emails and have sex going no in the back of my mind at the same time. When I'm in town I figure out what days I can fuck my wife, when I'm out of town I try to stay somewhere sex can come into play, even if it's out of my way.

    It's not that I have too much time it's just my life revolves around my dick. Some people's life revolves around food, or video games, drugs, their kids, gambling, exercising, a certain hobby they've taken up, etc. etc.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Suppose you had women around you at all times and could always have whatever you wanted. Would you still be thinking about it? And how many hours per week would you want to spend with women?

  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Shailynn, this is how I feel about food as the same way you feel about sex. Heck I don't think there is an animal I haven't eaten. My wife says that I'm an animal hater, and she's a lover because she's vegan. Ugh!

    Anyway I know your pain, everything revolves around my next exploits for a snack or meal. Don't get me started on the Food Channel, I could go on for days! Giada is smokin hot, but I still rather look at her roast beef lips as a tasty sandwich. Mmmmm...
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Meat Amen bro
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Food and Sex dominant my mind
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    I'm a member of PETA. People Eating Tasty Animals! :-)
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago

    All day I dream about sex
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I only think about sex during the day. And in the evening. And when I'm dreaming.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I such a Jew doh.....I jerk off daily just to save money lol....true doh
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Many times a day, but less than college. These days if I jerk off I'm good for at least half a day after, barring a very hot woman or something.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    I just had sex and my woman is making me dinner. She is the best cook ever, and I'm so glad I don't need the club to satisfy my urge. Jerking off is good, because you can fuck whoever you please!
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Every time I see a hot girl, whether in person or in the media my thoughts turn naughty. I thought that everybody was like that.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I turned on a Haunting in Connecticut and never thought about sex. A pizza commercial came on, looks good.

    Flipped the channel during commercial to some show I've never seen. Syfy shows seem to slack tonight. Saw some girls in bikinis. Not really thinking about sex. Thinking about how it seems amazing that a group of thinking atoms and molecules in the shape of a girl still attracts me even though in some of my dreams I left my body and have been traveling the universe without any sexual desires or other human emotions.

    Then in some dreams, it's like I'm in a harem and the girls are all over me.

    Then I can alter time, wipe out an alien species that ticked me off and watch time unfold different. Then I hope I'm not really in a coma and dreamed up this entire universe and reality because that would suck being stuck here with no super powers. However one dream where I was stuck as an all powerful entity sucked too because I was super bored.

    Then I read on Facebook how my sister got tired of the noise outside her 500k house in perfect shape that they fixed up for the past few years overlooking a highway with a view of mountains in the distance. They couldn't stand the noise. They looked,, bought a new house but wanted to gut the whole inside and renovate. They sold their current house in like 4 days and now are stuck living in two tents for a month while contractors renovate and they are getting tired of getting woke up at 5 am by birds chirping, airplanes flying overhead, dogs barking at sunrise. I got it made. i never moved. That is a lot easier. Except I hear too many birds too.

    Even in strip clubs I'm not thinking about sex. A couple weeks ago while staring at the stage, I visualized the solar system in miniature and was thinking wouldn't it be cool if holographic projections popped up in the club and you could interact with the projections and affect the solar system? Maybe not for life as we know it. In church I keep remembering a daydream I had of an alien ship hovering overhead and female aliens beaming down to find me. Nothing sexual at first. They need to inject me with nanobots to trigger my alien memories so that I can resume command for an assault against a planet, then for a victory celebration, maybe sex after the battle has been won.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Every time I ride the short bus!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I had read some stuff written by this Roosh V, a professional Pick Up Artist. I do not agree with him at all, but I find his views extremely entertaining. He said that when for a while he lived in the suburbs instead of the downtown of a large city, he started to lose his sex drive.

    I know that he means, cities have more young women dressed sexy, and out and about.

    Suburbs have young women, but less likely to be dressed sexy.

    So I guess this is why we have strip clubs and the Internet.

    Okay, you guys are talking about thinking about sex, but this is in life as you have known it, where sex is always experienced as being scarce. Suppose you were living something close to your own sexual ideal, where you had stripper grade dolled up hotties available to you at all times, so you were always operating at the level of pussy saturation. They were keeping you drained dry.

    So would you then always be thinking about sex, even when you know that your always being maxed out and that the next round won't be far away?

    Doesn't a guy need some balance, doesn't a guy need to think about other things and do other things and maintain and develop other skills?

    So with this in mind, in this ideal situation, how many hours per week would you want to spend with women, and what would it consist of?

    1. Quickies
    2. Extended sessions, like beyond just 2x, where you pretty much have to be entertaining the girl during the in between times?
    3. Overnighters, with as much as you want throughout the night?
    4. Other activities, like car keys and wallet dates?

    How many hours per week? How many nights sleeping with women? What kind of a break down would you want?

    I think a guy would have to set up some sort of a schedule in order to maintain balance, otherwise too much time being around women would drive a guy NUTS!

    How Many Hours Per Week Would You Want To Spend With Women?

    One Girl 3x, or Three Girls?


    Philip Glass - Glassworks
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    This SJG ^^^^ is something else with your imagination. Very fun to think about and almost utopia in your idealistic views. Please let us know how we can join your organization that entails a saturation of pussy where they drain you dry daily. You can sign me up!

    By the way Meat72, you crack me up! You would t be getting as much can sex from your woman if she had 5 kids to raise like my wife, however I appreciate the roast beef reference. They're delicious!
  • HungryGiraffe
    8 years ago
    Nothing wrong with a high sex drive. Just have to make sure it's not getting in the way of other important things in life.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Joe lol short bus lifestyles lol

    Right now I'm thinking about sex like a Mother Teresa thanks about JESUS
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    Guaranteed I think about sex every time I see a woman I'm attracted to. Other times are random when I dont have anything going on.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    I'm no longer with my ex wife, but I feel you with the 5 kids. That's how many I have.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    JimG, my group does not accept applications. It is invitation only.

    It is taking time, as the willingness of new people to be involved if often contingent on having a record of success. I would not call it utopian though, as usually that means someone figures something will work without conflict, opposition, or internal problems. I assume none of the above. Rather, I know things will be hard, and more, the whole plan is based on ongoing legal and political conflicts.

    As far as the sex, there are plenty of guys who live today in a condition of pussy saturation instead of pussy scarcity.


    A key event in shaping the life of Larry Flynt was when in the Navy and visiting Paris he stepped into a brothel. As most of us think about such things, his first reaction was to pick one. He looked them over, but then he decided that he wanted all of them. So as he instructed them, they removed their dresses, turned around, and bent over. There were 30 of them.

    He said that he spent a whole month's pay and he threw his back out. But it was worth it, because he never looked at sex and women the same way again.

    And then when he finally escaped the neurotic nightmare that was his marriage, he asked himself, who gets laid all the time? He figured it was athletes, musicians, and bar tenders. He picked the latter, as it was the most accessible of the three for him.

    Soon he was running GoGo Bars, for a total of 8, in Southern Ohio. He was doing another girl every 4 to 6 hours, around the clock and seven days a week.

    What does Flynt have going for him that you or I don't have?

    Really I think it is circumstantial, and that most of us have learned to accept that things have to be the way they are, when really they do not.

    So I'm just asking, if you could live in a condition of pussy saturation instead of pussy scarcity, how much would you want? And more specifically, how many hours per week would you want to spend with women, and what would it consist of?


    Joni Mitchell, Greatest Hits

    Patti Austin - Satin Doll (live, 2007)
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