Comments by JimGassagain (page 47)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Does anyone notice.....
    The reason strippers look way better in the club is mostly because they're naked, and in dimly lit rooms that accentuate her curves. Outside you can focus on what flaws you find in her and there is no nudity to distract you from that focus.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    [OT] Favorite Nazi and WWII German General
    Of course SJG is psycho, but you can't have him admit that because he is always looking for scapegoats to his psychosis such as middle class America, whites people, those who have children, etc. You get the picture, as anyone who fits into the normal lifestyle of good hard working citizens with a family would be the scapegoat to SJG's psychotic weaponry. Can u imagine if he really was creating an organization? How would he have so much time on his hands pushing his propoganda in TUSCL? He wouldn't because he would find better avenues that work efficiently in sending his message of counter culture, yet here nobody but his TUSCL enemies respond to his tripe.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    [OT] Favorite Nazi and WWII German General
    Lloyd Schoene
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Political Crackpots on TUSCL
    ^^^ Hey SJG you e not made it clear if you're in favor of Athenian Democracy or against it, however if you're against it then you should be the biggest fan of Donald Trump as he is following through on his promise to drain the swamp and give the power back to the people. If you are in favor of Athenian style politics, then you yourself are the biggest hypocrite in stances supporting the poor and marginalized as that is how the socialistic elites keep their money and power. You should try to explain yourself a little better without contradicting yourself so much. You make nonsense, and you're alter ego San Jose Gay loves the butt plugs you make for yourself. Lmfao!!!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    That's just f-ing ritarded!
    Politics especially. Some pretty RIGHTEous dudes on here, and some from the left. I like reading Shadow's 2 am posts, because they epitomize stupidity.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Political Crackpots on TUSCL
    Is say SJG is the biggest example of personality damaged disorder, and his use of confirmation bias is as high as Rickyboy Dugan. SJG's system is to downplay anyone against his agenda and claim he is intelligent and superior, much like how Nazi Germany got its start. He really wishes he had a claque to rally around his comments, much like how Bill Maher has the cue card telling his audience to hoot and holler after every political punchline. I heard Howard Stern Today call Bill Maher a retard, shades of the same intellect as our very own SJG. Stern also went on to say Maher has no viewers, another thing that SJG has in common with Maher, besides being a raging hypocritical liberal mouthpiece who knows very little about common sense and the average American who works for a living. Bill Maher pays for prostitutes openly, and so does SJG. Neither of them can have a woman stand their presence for more than the time they've paid for their companionship. "Donna with the Purple Dress" even stated on TUSCL earlier this week that she can't stand SJG's gravy breath, and Bill Maher is so old that he is certain to have stank breath. The only thing different about SJG and Bill Maher, is that one of them has a little fame with his organization in the media, and SJG has nobody that knows of his organization. Sad face....
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: Sea Bass
    Kick his ass Sea Bass!!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Wife Not Sexualized Enough
    Hmmmm SJG that Donna seems like a dream girl. If I ever decide to cheat on my wife I shall go looking for an AAMP girlfriend like what you had. Sorry for your loss. Did you guys go through a bad break up, or was their an amicable split before her passing?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    OT: A young girl is hinting at being interested you, but is young? what do you d
    You should join Tinder. Then you'll have many more young girls interested in you mostly for sex and a quick bang!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Anyone Going to the Womens March on Washington Tomorrow?
    Why do u have gay homoerotic fantasies of plugging my butt SJG, and why do you have a tottie in texastittyfag.? You're tottie looks like VinceMichaels but does that mean he is as gay for men as you are SJG? You're super homo tendencies of plugging my ass has TUSCL wondering why you're even on a heterosexual site for males looking for women, faggit!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Wife Not Sexualized Enough
    I haven't been around long enough to know who Donna in the Purple dress is referring to. Is she a hooker that turned civilian date sessions with SJG?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Stripper Freaks ?
    SJG it's quite apparent you need my approval as you continue to lay at ends with ad hominem about people who go against you're political agenda, when this is a strip club website for men, not pussies like you! Post about you're latest freaky stripper incident in the club and maybe somebody would respect you on this board, TUSCL. Everybody makes fun of you in your discussions and you fail to get the hint that everybody hates you and wishes you'd leave....
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Giving the DS one more shot
    That's just knee slapping funny humor SJG! You should take over my career in comedy. I can set you up on stage at many venues across the US, even in the Bay Area if you wish. Let me know, as you are on a roll and are killing it. The thing that SJG and African genocide have in common is that each one keeps killing every year, yet nobody cares. He should focus his energy in Rowanda and sending support their, instead of some fantasy political game here in the USA.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Anyone Going to the Womens March on Washington Tomorrow?
    I will w the first to state it in case no one else will. ^^^^ The above post by SJG is one coming from a man who's TUSCL resume boasts of scalping white men, raping women in their sleep, and consistently promoting a counter cultural movement in which he claims his anonymity due to political reasons only. Not one shred of evidence has he proven of his progress on anything other than hatred towards the establishment. Homeland Sexurity has SJG under a tight watch, and I wouldn't doubt that our current president would be opposed to using an executive order to cease and desist further advance of SJG's propaganda agenda. We shouldn't be worried as most of TUSCL can direct the police to his home address. He has a very poor firewall, since his training is in physics and engineering.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Homeless People / Beggers
    Yes, the poor chose to be poor. They don't take the responsibility to plan ahead for success and always blame external events for their misfortunes. The poor are always looking for scapegoats to their problems, and never want to put any effort into bettering their lives.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Giving the DS one more shot
    ^^^ Hey SJG! You finally spelled my name correctly. What's up with that, after 7 months of incorrectly spelling my name, now you are finally right about something. Congrats!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Wife Not Sexualized Enough
    Well I'm married Donna so I can't go around cheating on her, but if I can recruit a star liberal from the Democratic Party named SJG, I will give you free room and board as long as you bed with him and let him grab your wrists and wake you up by entering coitus non-interruptus. With the contract in my organization of pussy saturation 24/7, my johns will all have to pay for heels, dresses, and the maintenance of those accessories. Let me get back to you when I have secured membership in my organization of one SJG. It seems like a good fit since he lives in your area.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Giving the DS one more shot
    Is this Larry Fisherman some sort of black knight? I remember his posts of making it rain $30k in one night. That desire to save strippers by dating them and throwing good money after bad to them is a pretty strong urge. SJG as his friend is the Red Knight!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Wife Not Sexualized Enough
    Where do you work ^^^ Purple Dress Donna? I may have a few connections for you in the organization I am building, so only the privileged few with the same political leanings as I have will benefit. I consider myself liberal, but of course being white, with a slender hot wife who bred 5 beautiful children and preaching the virtues of Christianity has me a little bit displaced. The liberals won't accept me for who I am, and some say I'm racist because of my standing in life. Oh, the first world problems we have to deal with, right? Stay away from Asia, we have good need for you in my organization.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Are you white? Then you're guilty!
    ^^^ You're right! My dad was a banker and it was his connections that catapulted me into fame and wealth in show business world and Hollywood. Never mind that I was one of 6 children, and I'm the only one who entered this world of comedy and entertainment. I consider myself liberal, but somehow the liberals don't want to identify as a big white pale man, with a healthy appetite for slender while women and breeding 5 children with her while preaching the virtues of Christianity. I guess the liberals won't accept me any more, so I'm forced to look for a new political identity.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    SW girls tell you the worst cities & states to dance in
    Oh, and what's up with all of those Seattle and Portland dancers always dressed up in hiking gear? The granola types are always dressed up like that, because you never know when you'll go to a Starbucks and a hike will break out! lol :-)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Wife Not Sexualized Enough
    So I forget the moral of this story, if you're wife is not sexualized enough for you, how does a guy like me get her to that point? Do you try to rape her in her sleep, so she has little self respect for either of you while you cheat on her by going to the local AMPs visiting Asian women? If that is how she gets less sexualized, then that's too much work for me, I'll just stay home and take a nap.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Are you white? Then you're guilty!
    ^^^ Well guys aparantly not only am I too white and presumed guilty, but I was out yesterday supporting my wife and three daughters for their Women's rights march, and it seems I'm too much of a man, too. I was told that I keep my wife in a civil bondage due to her having to raise 5 children without 3 nannies and an extra $5 million to assist financially. Someone even stated I'm setting a bad example for my daughters by marching with a bucket of chicken, while letting my wife hold their hands down the street. WTF! I didn't sign up to starve myself and get yelled at by a bunch of hairy arm pit dykes trying to create a maternal utopia of "The View"! I woke up this morning having nightmares of Joy Behar and Whoopie Goldberg yelling in my face "We should blow you up in The White House with that other fat white guy who knocks up model hot women!" Was I just asleep for 2 decades? When was it a sin to procreate with beautiful women and provide a high standard of living for your family from a successful career? It seems like only the weak and impoverished are deserving of nice things according to these so called "peaceful protesters" marching for equal rights. SMH!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Wife Not Sexualized Enough
    Well I can tell your from experience I would never get a divorce from my wife because I don't want to lose any money. It's the same when I go to Burger King and see that Whopper Jr.'s are only a $1/each. I order 80 whopper Jr.'s, and the register lady looks at me funny, and I say "What? I don't want to lose money!" Smh, some people are really on their high horse of righteousness.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    SW girls tell you the worst cities & states to dance in
    Well I never want to lose money so I only club in the areas where SW girls state to not dance. Always about value... It's like when I go to Burger King and see Whopper Jr.'s are only a $1, I will order 80 of them because, "I don't want to lose money!"